JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show


The statement of probable cause starts on p. 16. Here's one bit that caught my attention (p. 19):

"JACKSON remained awake and at approximately 1040 hours, MURRAY finally administered 25mg of PROPOFOL (DIPRIVAN), diluted with LIDOCAINE (XYLOCAINE), via IV drip to keep JACKSON sedated after repeated demands/requests from JACKSON. JACKSON finally went to sleep and MURRAY stated that he remained monitoring him. After approximately 10 minutes, MURRAY stated he left JACKSON's side to go to the restroom and relieve himself. MURRAY stated that he was out of the room for about 2 minutes maximum. Upon his return, MURRAY noticed that JACKSON was no longer breathing. MURRAY began single man cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at once. MURRAY also administered .2mg of FLUMANEZIL (ANEXATE) to JACKSON and called JACKSON's personal assistant, MICHAEL AMIR WILLIAMS, with his cellular telephone for help. MURRAY reached WILLIAMS and requested that he send security upstairs for an emergency. MURRAY continued CPR and after a few minutes without the security detail's response, he left JACKSON and ran out to the hall and downstairs to the kitchen. MURRAY asked the chef to send up PRINCE JACKSON, the eldest son, and returned to continue CPR. P. JACKSON responded upstairs and summoned the security detail. ALBERTO ALVAREZ went to the aid of MURRAY and called 911 via his cellular telephone."

Let me just summarize that:

At 1040 Murray administers propofol. Approximately 12 minutes later (so @1052) MJ isn't breathing.

Murray administers CPR and calls Michael Amir Williams who he reaches, but who apparently doesn't do anything? What? Then, after a 'few minutes' he runs down to... tell the chef to send Prince upstairs? What? Then PRINCE is the one who gets security who finally calls 911? Huh?

And we know when the 911 call was received - 1222. So if we take Murray's times as accurate, that CPR and 'few minutes' apparently took an hour and a half.

Add to that (p. 20):

"In his statement, MURRAY estimated the time that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

It's crazy. Did Murray call Williams? If so, why didn't Williams do anything? And who were the other two people he called?

Exactly, who did he call? Why call the assistant at all? Why not call 911 on his cellphone... why did he make someone else make the 911 call and why did not sign the death certificate...
I'll tell you why , they were injected AFTER his death to make it look like mj overdosed himself . that's why

It wouldnt surprise me if that did happen. It was properly done like to make it look like mike was "suicidual" ( sorry 4 the spelling, but im sure u all know what i mean)
can't beilieve he left it so long to ring 911 :( why wouldn't he do that?

Exactly, he might have called others on his cellphone yet he made security call 911... hmmm... I can't rule out in my mind that he didn't do this on the instructions of others. It does not look like he wanted Michael to survive at all.
So he had a phone to ring his family or whatever.. but not to call 911? ..huh?
as for the reason why he took so long to call 911 would most plausibly be because he was panicking.

Despite the fact that anyone who has been trained with basic lifesupport/cpr knows (and Murray was a cardiologist apparently) that within 30 seconds of noticing that the patient is not responding or breathing is to call an ambulance and begin CPR, those steps were clearly not done. Instead Murray was frantically notifying people including Michael's own son (poor Prince)....

basically the guy lost it..he just had the worlds most famous man dead in his care...ofcourse he would panic. In fact Im surprised he came round to calling 911.

This is all just horrendous.
Lets not judge anyone before they are proven guilty.
If Michael tried to learn us anything, it would be just that.
Remember that prejudice is ignorance. Even if you don´t like the guy...
Thinking about it, shouldn't doctors be prepared to cope with 'panic'

I mean they must come across death etc every day
as for the reason why he took so long to call 911 would most plausibly be because he was panicking.

Despite the fact that anyone who has been trained with basic lifesupport/cpr knows (and Murray was a cardiologist apparently) that within 30 seconds of noticing that the patient is not responding or breathing is to call an ambulance and begin CPR, those steps were clearly not done. Instead Murray was frantically notifying people including Michael's own son (poor Prince)....

basically the guy lost it..he just had the worlds most famous man dead in his care...ofcourse he would panic. In fact Im surprised he came round to calling 911.

This is all just horrendous.

And to bring into perspective WHY he'd panic to SUCH extend that he'd be almost horrified and "paralyzed" himself....Well, if he knew he was giving his patient drugs that he SHOULD NOT HAVE given in a home...and he knew that if anyone would EVER find out, he'd be going DOWN and lose his license at the very least (and let's not forget he was in a lot of debt, so losing his license would have already been a catastrophy for him...not to mention knowing he could possibly go to jail and would be tainted the rest of his life and would never be able to practise medicine again). He knew he was doing something wrong....and then he royally screwed up. No wonder he panicked. He was probably not able to think, first because he didn't have enough experience with all the drugs he was using and he was frantically trying to figure out what to do...and he definately didn't want anyone to find out he screwed up so he most likely did whatever he could to try to get MJ back all by himself so that no one would find out what happened. And then when he could not get MJ back and realized he was dead he was panicking even more...probably frantically trying to come up with a story about what happened and how he could get out of it. He probably spent that one last hour by trying to think what to do and probably called peopel to ask what he could do to get out of it. And someone probably then told him "Just pretend you 'happened' to find him not breathing just now and run downstairs to get security and pretend to give CPR"....Every time I think about what happened it turns my stomach. Michael did not have to die....it was not his time to go...but because of Dr. Murray, MJ is gone. :cry:

Thinking about it, shouldn't doctors be prepared to cope with 'panic'

I mean they must come across death etc every day

In normal circumstances yeah, but my guess is that he panicked because he KNEW he was doing something wrong and if anyone finds out, he'll be in DEEP trouble. So he panicked because he knew he had to try to cover it up but didn't know what to do. And he probably felt he can't call 911 because then it will come out what he did. But then when it was clear MJ was gone, he had no choice but to get someone.
Tom that's the thing you see....and Murray being a 'cardiologist' you'd think he sussed all this...about how sleep medication depresses the heart etc. The very fact that he panicked goes to show what quack doctors these people were.... this is why it's all so sad...is it better to have a doctor to get you out of your misery even if it is the wrong kind? at the end of the day Michael had surrounded himself with a bunch of downright shady mofos....it's no wonder this man is now dead.

(p.s - I have to get to kettering next tuesday for work!)

summer - exactly. It's sad...and my husband who's a doctor here is pissing me off. He just finds it ludicrous that Popofol is injected at home and reckons this doctor was 'just giving him what he wanted', and panicked...urgh...this can't be right.
Thinking about it, shouldn't doctors be prepared to cope with 'panic'

I mean they must come across death etc every day

Well, most doctors are not involved in illegal activity with their patients. Murray panicked because he knew there would be evidence tracing back to his criminal activities.
mj was dead by 10 am , people what the hell is wrong with you , mj was dead when Murray made the phone calls to his assistants in Houston and that was at 9.22 am LA time .

he died because of lethal amount of propfol and murray injected him with all these meds after he found him dead to make it look like an overdose . mj used to wake up 9.30 in the morning , according to kai so no murray did not give him propofol at 10.40 n, he only gave this time to cover up what happened before that time regarding phone calls ...etc

Somebody get's it.

This is what happened. There is no doubt in my mind. I have known this from the very begining.
I wished I had recorded a news report this morning via our Local KATU News, but they reported that PHONE RECORDS SHOW that Dr. Murray was on the PHONE for 45 MINUTES after he gave Propofol to Michael (that after he gave Michael this drug he also walked out of the room. Another dr on the news report said that was an absolute NO). And at this point, they do not know who he was on the phone with which remains a mystery at this time.
as for the reason why he took so long to call 911 would most plausibly be because he was panicking.

Despite the fact that anyone who has been trained with basic lifesupport/cpr knows (and Murray was a cardiologist apparently) that within 30 seconds of noticing that the patient is not responding or breathing is to call an ambulance and begin CPR, those steps were clearly not done. Instead Murray was frantically notifying people including Michael's own son (poor Prince)....

basically the guy lost it..he just had the worlds most famous man dead in his care...ofcourse he would panic. In fact Im surprised he came round to calling 911.

This is all just horrendous.

Why would a trained cardiologist even in a state of panic not do proper CPR or call 911 sooner... It was like he didn't want Michael to live. Why didn't he call 911 on his cellphone?? Instead he made security do it, he knew the address he drove there everyday! Also why did he refuse to sign the death certificate at the hosptial....? Some reports imply Michael was dead long before the ambulance came, why did Murray insist the paramedics carry on CPR instead of declaring him dead then... 'If' he did tell them that I don't think it was for Michael's benefit(as everything else he did wasn't) it was more than likely to make sure the house was not an immediate crime scene, that is why I have suspicions that this 'might' have been planned.
true...but more like he was just a complete farce...clearly not the trained/professional kind...quack doctor, in it for the money. I doubt he had much intent to 'kill' - he was negligent. at leats this is what I feel from what we've heard uptil now.
But that hasn't worked has it...the news is reporting it as Murray giving him all these other drugs and then giving him propofol. They are blaming Murray anyway.

I haven't heard any news station saying mj overdosed himself. The tests can see wich drugs were administered in which order can't they?- because of their 'half-lifes'....? Murray would know this being a doctor.

So knowing the drugs present and the timeline of the drugs...no police person would think a person can inject themselves with all sorts of drugs when they are knocked out under propofol... thats obvious.


he died because of lethal amount of propfol and murray injected him with all these meds after he found him dead to make it look like an overdose . mj used to wake up 9.30 in the morning , according to kai so no murray did not give him propofol at 10.40 n, he only gave this time to cover up what happened before that time regarding phone calls ...etc
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Why would a trained cardiologist even in a state of panic not do proper CPR or call 911 sooner... It was like he didn't want Michael to live
Because he knew he was illegal. He panicked because he was breaking the law by giving all those drugs to MJ! He was just trying to cover his a$$! He delayed calling 911 in case he managed to resuscitate MJ on his own and the police would never find out. Of course he failed with both.
no pamarella , the aliases were different forms of his name and Omar Arnolds , but inside the files his name is mentioned as the patient , so nothing illegal at all

and "the all kinds of drugs "comment by me , i mean the other drugs according to the DETECTIVES THEMSELVES are to treat insomnia . again we don't know when each drug was prescribed . is not it interesting that Murray had no idea what mj was taking and who were the doctors treating him , but the police found beside his bed ALL the MEDS HE GOT FROM OTHER DOCTORS AND FROM MURRAY ,

certainly Murray was creating a scene of an overdose .

Very good point in bold. Another fishy claim by Murray: I had no idea what drugs he might have been taking, yet the cops found them at MJs bedside. Murray had to have seen them before.
Because he knew he was illegal. He panicked because he was breaking the law by giving all those drugs to MJ! He was just trying to cover his a$$! He delayed calling 911 in case he managed to resuscitate MJ on his own and the police would never find out. Of course he failed with both.

ok... but say the stories about Murray making the 40mins+ phone calls on his cellphone are true that backs up what I said he didn't do all he could to resuscitate Michael and that doesn't seem like panic... its seems more sinister... if it was panic he'd have done proper CPR earlier and not been on the phone so long(if those reports are true that is)
hi :waving: i hope this is o.k i found this news on insider website and ET website

here is link:http://www.theinsider.com/news/2758303_Jackson_Family_Responds_to_Reported_Homicide_Charge

Jackson Family Responds to Reported Homicide Charge

"The Insider" has obtained a statement from the Jackson family in response to reports that Michael Jackson's death has been ruled a homicide, according to a source. Read on for details…

The statement reads: "The Jackson family has full confidence in the legal process, and commends the ongoing efforts of the L.A. County Coroner, the L.A. District Attorney and the L.A. Police Department. The family looks forward to the day that justice can be served."
Katherine Jackson's attorney, L. Londell McMillan, also tells "The Insider," "This report reaffirms the very sad reality that there was a tragic and gross violation of duty and care for Michael Jackson. There is obvious legal culpability which has been the concern of Michael's mother, family and fans worldwide."
The Associated Press reports that a law enforcement official told them that the Los Angeles County Coroner said a fatal combination of drugs, including Propofol, was given to the King of Pop hours before he passed on June 25.
Stay tuned for the latest in this developing story…

here is link:http://www.etonline.com/news/2009/08/77866/index.html

Dr. Conrad Murray Responds to Jackson Homicide Claim

The attorney for Dr. Conrad Murray is responding to the Houston search warrant affidavit released today as well as the news that a source claimed that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide.
In a statement to ET, Murray's attorney, Edward Chernoff, says, "Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
"We will not comment on the 'anonymous' law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by 'anonymous' sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."
Stay tuned to ET for the latest on this developing story…
Argh, it says all over here in Norway on the newspaper out, Michael was murdered, Michael murdered.

I wanna murder this doc.
ok... but say story about making the 40mins+ phone calls on his cellphone are true that backs up what I said, he cared about himself more, doesn't look like panic and he didn't do all he could to resuscitate Michael.
Yes, that's the point, he only thought of himself first. I bet his first thought would not be "Oh no, MJ is not breathing, I must do something quickly" BUT "Oh no, MJ is not breathing, I must do something quickly or the police will get involved, my career will be over and I'll go to jail".
oh god,why the a doctor would give so many drugs in one night?was he crazy?
ok... but say the stories about Murray making the 40mins+ phone calls on his cellphone are true that backs up what I said he didn't do all he could to resuscitate Michael and that doesn't seem like panic... its seems more sinister... if it was panic he'd have done proper CPR earlier and not been on the phone so long(if those reports are true that is)
On the phone calls, that's a fact if the search warrant we've seen is accurate. The statement of probable cause states:

"Your affiant (Detective Orlando Martinez) obtained MURRAY's cellular telephone records for the early morning hours of June 25, 2009. In his statement, MURRAY estimated that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be at approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

We don't know who those three callers were (although Murray claimed in his interview he called Michael Amir Williams), or how long he spoke to each of them, just that the total time on the phone was approximately 47 minutes.

I wouldn't say that doesn't fit with panic though. I'd say it fitted with panic if MJ was already beyond help at that point. Not panic about how to save MJ, panic about the magnitude of the consequences of his negligence, and how to get himself out of that situation.
One of the calls could have been to Terry Harvey... it was reported (tabloid admitidly) that Murray called Harvey in the morning & told him Michael had died.