JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

But that's it. It's one of those two. I want to know WHO he called. Surely that can be retrieved from phone records? Did he happen to call Tohme? Don't know. How about someone from AEG? Don't know. Did he call Frank? Don't know. But SOMEONE does!
thats what will be intresting to see. the police will know.or at least know where the call was made to.the whole timing is crazy and makes no sense. why would murray even say he found him at 11am knowing he didnt call 911 till after 12. although murrays lawyer is denining that murray told the police this. tbh it would be easier if murray didnt say that because it makes it even more confusing. to me the old theory seems to stand. he found him way b4 11am made the phonecalls between appox 11 and midday then after he gets off the phone (to who is the million $ question) he puts on the act of calling for help. als do the police have records of him calling those women in houston thats another important peice
Great post Victoria83

He didn't do anything that would imply he wanted Michael to survive

Yep why did he refuse to sign the death certificate?
Who else was in that house? some say Tohme sacked all the staff right away... was he there? and why was he there if he was as he'd been sacked himself in May!

Thanks. And THAT is the point! "He didn't do ANYTHING that would imply he wanted Michael to survive." Nothing. No timely calls to 911. No "correct" CPR. No standing at the top of the stairs and yelling for someone, anyone, to help him. Essentially, he did NOTHING to really try to save Michael. And that, again, brings us to just two possibilities. Catastrophic stupidity and panic, or deliberate murder. And if he accidentally killed Michael? Those calls to clean out his storage unit don't sound like panic to ME! That sounds pretty rational, if one has killed someone and wants to cover tracks.

The thing is, if someone wanted to murder Michael with the least fallout, one would have a DOCTOR do it. Unlike a private citizen, the doctor would have the least in terms of "charges." Negligence. Involuntary manslaughter. He's gonna walk, with minimal damage to himself.

Who had motive? A LOT of people. ATV was an issue. Insurance. Even hatred. And Murray? He was "dead-broke." At least think about this, very, very carefully.
exactly. and if anyone, after ALL OF THAT, can say that this was not murder, they need to borrow a second brain.
Thanks. And THAT is the point! "He didn't do ANYTHING that would imply he wanted Michael to survive.
because imo mj was long gone when he found him
And one more thing. IF this was a deliberate murder, and not a crescendo of the stupidity of one man. . .IF there are others behind this. . . .then what they are worried about the MOST. . . . . . is US. Us, right here. . . the people who loved Michael the most, and had no "motives" other than his well-being and happiness.

Keep THINKING, people. Don't stop.
Thanks. And THAT is the point! "He didn't do ANYTHING that would imply he wanted Michael to survive."..............................................................................................

Who had motive? A LOT of people. ATV was an issue. Insurance. Even hatred. And Murray? He was "dead-broke." At least think about this, very, very carefully.

I believe Murray didnt do anything because Murray knew when he found Michael he not only was already DEAD but had been DEAD for awhile, so whoever he called is the PERSON who told this Idiot to NOT LET THEM MAKE THE TIME OF DEATH CALL IN THE HOME. So who is the person? ? ? Dr. Idiot gave up his entire LIFE in that moment instead of saying "Are You Crazy I know I WORK for YOU but I just found MICHAEL JACKSON DEAD and Im calling the Cops and reporting this MURDER" but he didnt so yes his azz is Grass for the Cutting just for not making the RIGHT call.
I know emotions are running high, but I still can't see this as a murder, but just moronic manslaughter??
I agree though that MJ was long gone before Murray found him. Then, he did his best to cover up.
because imo mj was long gone when he found him

IF he "found" him.. . . One does not "find" a person to whom one has given a general anesthesia! One is right THERE. Did Murray have a drinking problem? Did he sneak out to visit his girlfriend? Did he have a cup of tea and tuck himself in bed, while leaving Michael hooked up to an IV with medications in his body that, according to "Dr. Drew," could have "brought down an elephant?"

Two possibilities, and only TWO. Murray is such an idiot that it's almost inconceivable. OR, this was deliberate.

He didn't call 911 for HOURS. He said he didn't use his cell-phone because he didn't know the address? His cell-phone WAS working. There was a houseful of people who DID know the address.

He had no equipment there that really COULD have saved Michael.

He didn't know how to do effective CPR?

And on, and on. . . . . There is nothing he did RIGHT. Unless his real job was to assassinate Michael. If so, then he certainly did THAT.
This all is too uncomfortable to even think about :cry:

Edit: LINKS PLEASE!!!!! LKL AND AC 360!!!
I feel your Pain and all those who post and cry out like you; reading your post makes everything so real; just remember its not over yet for Michael for his Killers to be punished nor is your love and all those who truly Love Michael or any of our Love Ones we will all be together again; yes the sadness is the seperation in this Life but just know this Life is now full of People who are Deceitful, Killing, Stealing, Braking Others Hearts its really not alot left in this Life thats Good and Lovely except the People who choose to live it out in their Life Everyday like Michael Jackson did and so can we but like Michael there comes a time in this Life where we have to accept that those around us are "THE MOST EVIL" and once we even in our lives with family and friends we must make a choice right then because some of the people around us are also willing to Kill us at right for whatever reason and could even say we committed suicide; its sad but this is the REAL WORLD we ALL live in now. But just know GOOD always Win but this Life now caters to EVIL and it as many alias and disquises. But the Good in this Life even those Murdered are Guranteed an Eternal Life away from all those MOST EVIL. God Bless you until then.

I totally AGREE with you on this, like I continue to say the FORENSICs in Michael Death must be a new even to Coroners and just Overwhelming; I believe they know its nothing but Murder because they also use MOTIVE and there is also ABUNDANCE of MOTIVE for Michael Jackson to be DEAD today, but after chasing all those drugs these Killers have gotten in Michael's Alias to stage his Death they know like La Toya said "THEY ARE MANY". They know this was an Elabort Murder Plot and really to the naked eye and careless investigation could go the way Michael's Killers wanted it to, but they could never get on the inside of Michael's Body to do the damage they needed and those Healthy Organs just messed up everything; Good thing Dick Gregory taught Michael how to do those 40 day Water Fast and Renew his Body and Mind.

Thank you for your post means alot there isnt any good in my life at all and well i want to say more but wont cause i know there r young people on here,but i feel so so lost :cry: just feels like i am living in a horrible world and i wont gone big hugs to you xxx--xxx
IF he "found him.. . . " One does not "find" a person who has been given a general anesthesia! One is right THERE. Did Murray have a drinking problem? Did he sneak out to visit his girlfriend? Did he have a cup of tea and tuck himself in bed, while leaving Michael hooked up to an IV with medications in his body that, according to "Dr. Drew," could have "brought down an elephant?"
yeah but we know he wasnt there. he went off made the phonecalls heck there were even reports of him leaving the house like u say. did he find mj b4 he made the phonecalls or did he find him afterwards. guess it could depend on whether he rang those ppl in houston early on to clear the lockup. until we get the offical TOD its hard to work out the fine details
And one more thing. IF this was a deliberate murder, and not a crescendo of the stupidity of one man. . .IF there are others behind this. . . .then what they are worried about the MOST. . . . . . is US. Us, right here. . . the people who loved Michael the most, and had no "motives" other than his well-being and happiness.

Keep THINKING, people. Don't stop.

Exactly, keep questioning anything in this that doesn't add up... from what we've been told there seems to be a lot! Michael deserves justice if foul play was involved, even if he did have a prescription drug problem do you want the media just writing him off as 'druggie' and not asking any questions about why Murray did what he did that day? More questions need to be asked like this article here below(on the link) - I'm not saying that this article is right but then the media seem to be giving a one sided story to all of this and seem to be buying the story that Murray was in a state of panic and Michael 'demanded' the drugs. How is right for them to report that, when that is only based on what Murray might have said(and he may have lied) and not on any real evidence, why can't they entertain more ideas of what happened that day, why are they not questioning who was at the house and where Murray went after the hospital - I mean TMZ seem to get info on everything else...

IF he "found" him.. . . One does not "find" a person to whom one has given a general anesthesia! One is right THERE. Did Murray have a drinking problem? Did he sneak out to visit his girlfriend? Did he have a cup of tea and tuck himself in bed, while leaving Michael hooked up to an IV with medications in his body that, according to "Dr. Drew," could have "brought down an elephant?"

I think Murray became complacent. He'd been doing a similar routine for weeks and everything (as far as we know) had been ok. So he took bigger risks, like going out of the room for longer, making extending phonecalls when he should have been monitoring his patient... afterall, how would Michael know he wasn't physically in the room?

Remember, if this timeline of Murray's is true, then he would have been at Michael's side from just after midnight with the sole purpose of trying to get Michael to sleep. No chance to sneak away because his (awake!) patient needs him. So as soon Michael is under the influence of propofol, what does Murray do? He takes the opportunity to get out of there, get a breather, do what he may have done on other nights when things went more smoothly... only this time he's taking a bigger risk and it all goes horribly wrong...

My opinion based on what we know at the moment, that's all.
IF he "found" him.. . . One does not "find" a person to whom one has given a general anesthesia! One is right THERE. Did Murray have a drinking problem? Did he sneak out to visit his girlfriend? Did he have a cup of tea and tuck himself in bed, while leaving Michael hooked up to an IV with medications in his body that, according to "Dr. Drew," could have "brought down an elephant?"

Two possibilities, and only TWO. Murray is such an idiot that it's almost inconceivable. OR, this was deliberate.

He didn't call 911 for HOURS. He said he didn't use his cell-phone because he didn't know the address? His cell-phone WAS working. There was a houseful of people who DID know the address.

He had no equipment there that really COULD have saved Michael.

He didn't know how to do effective CPR?

And on, and on. . . . . There is nothing he did RIGHT. Unless his real job was to assassinate Michael. If so, then he certainly did THAT.

Great points and exactly you don't 'find' someone you give that drug too, you should be right there all along. He had no equipment to monitor Michael, he did bad CPR, delayed 911 call but made his own calls on his cellphone... I agree with this Victoria83:

"Two possibilities, and only TWO. Murray is such an idiot that it's almost inconceivable. OR, this was deliberate.

And on, and on. . . . . There is nothing he did RIGHT. Unless his real job was to assassinate Michael. If so, then he certainly did THAT."
Two possibilities, and only TWO. Murray is such an idiot that it's almost inconceivable. OR, this was deliberate.
If it was deliberate, he's an even bigger idiot.

If it was deliberate, he could easily have made it look like he called 911 as soon as he found MJ. If it was deliberate, calling other people on his personal cell-phone for 47 minutes would be just about the most stupid thing he could possibly have done. If it was deliberate, there'd still be no reason to not perform CPR properly - either way, whether he's trying to save MJ or just make it look like he's trying to save MJ, he'd still need to be doing CPR properly!

Basically, everything that points to him being a panicking moron applies doubly if he was actually executing a well-prepared plan.

The only way this was deliberate is if his plan was "appear to be a total moron" - and if he was doing that, he could have just "got the dose wrong" and "fallen asleep", there'd be no need for all this..
So what happened on the final date that just made Michael Jackson beg and beg and beg for sleep??????? When you look at the timeline he must have been begging for hours.

I have discussed this with someone who has slight insomnia and who has been given medication. She says that she trys to get to sleep on a night but then cant, she will toss and turn, take medication - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. BUT when it comes to 7am she then functions back to normal - after all she has family and a routine to keep - in fact she states she sometimes can go hyper. She then goes back into routine, she doesnt then continue throughout the morning to get back to sleep. She doesnt understand this at all. I dont know if this is just her, but it does seem odd to then continue to be begging to be put to sleep. Michael would have wanted breakfast, would have wanted to see the kids etc?????
how the hell can you have someone's life in your hands and just carelessly throw it away? it baffles me... do u think it was intentional? i dont know what to believe anymore... i used to believe it was an accident on murray's part, but now i just dont know... mj was about to be given his royalties back from sony and everything... i dont usually buy into conspirary theories but now i just dont know anymore...
its murray excuse to blame mj nothing more. no one would be in a state to ask for anything after been given what murray said he gave to mj through the night and mj was due at reharsals at 2pm. come 10am u would just get up. no one can really believe a word murray says. hes told to many lies
If it was deliberate, he's an even bigger idiot.

If it was deliberate, he could easily have made it look like he called 911 as soon as he found MJ. If it was deliberate, calling other people on his personal cell-phone for 47 minutes would be just about the most stupid thing he could possibly have done. If it was deliberate, there'd still be no reason to not perform CPR properly - either way, whether he's trying to save MJ or just make it look like he's trying to save MJ, he'd still need to be doing CPR properly!

Basically, everything that points to him being a panicking moron applies doubly if he was actually executing a well-prepared plan.

The only way this was deliberate is if his plan was "appear to be a total moron" - and if he was doing that, he could have just "got the dose wrong" and "fallen asleep", there'd be no need for all this..

On the other hand Aengil the way this has turned out makes the doctor look like the only one involved, he messed up, he might have been in a state of panic... Which means... no reason for people to think he was killed or to question others... perfect cover up??
So what happened on the final date that just made Michael Jackson beg and beg and beg for sleep??????? When you look at the timeline he must have been begging for hours.

I have discussed this with someone who has slight insomnia and who has been given medication. She says that she trys to get to sleep on a night but then cant, she will toss and turn, take medication - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. BUT when it comes to 7am she then functions back to normal - after all she has family and a routine to keep - in fact she states she sometimes can go hyper. She then goes back into routine, she doesnt then continue throughout the morning to get back to sleep. She doesnt understand this at all. I dont know if this is just her, but it does seem odd to then continue to be begging to be put to sleep. Michael would have wanted breakfast, would have wanted to see the kids etc?????

I agree, recently I've suffered bad with insomnia and it affects me the same as your friend. Perhaps Michael wanted some sleep before dancing... I mean I don't have to dance all day so I can just about pull through at work.
when the paramedics arrived they said about the heating being ridiculous upstairs......

Some speculated this was because Michael was so thin, but in my experience the people who are disorderly thin usually put layers and layers on.

Did Dr Murray think this would heat up Michael therefore not providing an accurate time of death?

He does come across as a bit stupid...
its murray excuse to blame mj nothing more. no one would be in a state to ask for anything after been given what murray said he gave to mj through the night and mj was due at reharsals at 2pm. come 10am u would just get up. no one can really believe a word murray says. hes told to many lies

Exactly I don't believe Michael was begging for more if he'd been sedated on all those drugs already. Murray has told too many lies.
I agree, recently I've suffered bad with insomnia and it affects me the same as your friend. Perhaps Michael wanted some sleep before dancing... I mean I don't have to dance all day so I can just about pull through at work.

She is an aerobics/fitness instructress....
when the paramedics arrived they said about the heating being ridiculous upstairs......

Some speculated this was because Michael was so thin, but in my experience the people who are disorderly thin usually put layers and layers on.

Did Dr Murray think this would heat up Michael therefore not providing an accurate time of death?

He does come across as a bit stupid...

Yep a lot of folk believe he put the heating on to affect the official TOD...