JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Can someone at least tell me WHO was on LARRY KING LIVE last night and ANDERSON COOPER so I can look for the videos myself?
Ah interesting due at rehearsals at 2pm. I couldnt imagine he would want to go without seeing his kids.....

Also it was stated that Michael was on propofol because basically you take it, go to sleep then wake up right as rain without side effects. If all these other medications were put into the mix, medications which do cause terrible side effects in dopiness etc then how could he have functioned up to that point. How could he have gone to rehearsals etc. Even when seen out and photographed,

THE FACT IS, there has never been a shot of the same like of say Lyndsey Lohan falling drunk out of a taxi or many of our UK stars who are often caught drunk falling in streets. Lets face it Michael had the paps practically living with him.
You guys are killing yourselves with these theories. Just let things solve themselves.

....lol, you're probs right!

I think its just questions, the answers given so far from those involved seem to be very detached from truth.
....lol, you're probs right!

I think its just questions, the answers given so far from those involved seem to be very detached from truth.
Yea I know, but eventually the truth will come out, it always does. The police is still investigating.
You guys are killing yourselves with these theories. Just let things solve themselves.
You're right. I know we're all looking for someone bigger than Murray to blame. (Perhaps because subconsciously we question how a stupid moron doc could simply kill Michael like that). But we should just let things unfold on their own, we just torture ourselves with all the conspiracy theories.
no! if we don't at least speculate, it doesn't keep the heat on them. we know people are reading this forum. they're reading this thread. excuse me while I sound paranoid but I've got reason. I do not trust LAPD when it comes to Michael.
Wow...I'm suprised they weren't blaming MJ anyway. Thanks for mentioning that.

Ridiculous. MJ to them is whatever they want him to be, as long as it fits their idea of him.

Re: him refusing to sign the death certificate, wasn't there some article about paramedics saying they saw signs of liver or rigor mortis already? But Murray out ranked them. Then he disappears... more strange behavior. Come on, media. Don't you see something strange w/ Murray's behavior? :doh: Still have to keep blaming MJ, huh? :no:

Ever since I read McMillan said Michael's insomnia dates back to during the trial, it's stuck in my head...So, I say, the most direct murderer is now officially Dr.Conrad Murray and...as we all know, there are so many other figurative murderers...The media don't mention them as often nowadays, but we know who they are.

The house was staged during the killing of Michael Jackson, thats why I appaulded the DEA and the LAPD because while most people thought they where just on Murray's trial I knew they where looking for the ones who brought all those pill bottles and other drug parafanellia or however you spell it into that Death House setup for Michael Jackson, because none of those bottles probably had Murray fingerprints on them, because he had never seen them before, why would Michael Jackson have pill bottles and IV equipment in his bedroom or in his home with 3 children running around that home all the time. Michael died a brutal death and just think how he was looking when they grabbed him and started sedating him, he knew they had him and was going to make it look like he OverDosed, I believe as long as he tried to fight because it took hours for him to die, I know they where MAD he didnt die withing the first hour but thats what HEALTHY ORGANS in A HEALTHY BODY will do for anyone allow them to fight off poisons in there bodies for a longtime, but with the LETHAL DOSE of POSION being pumped continuesly in his body and as he looked at his Killers Laughing and Talking about him, I believe he just closed his eyes and starting praying for himself, his children, his mom his dad, his sisters, brothers, his fans, this world, his KILLERS. Some of us know what you went through Michael because our Hearts where united in Love and I can still feel sometimes what you went through but now its about Justice for You and we must move forward for that.

It was murder. Murray is working for someone(the real killers).
Lucky AEG knew Michael would "die of a drug OD" this means a big £££ payday for them. How clever of them.
Conrad Murray will not do one day in Jail(you will see) hes only the strawman. MJ will get all the blame. This is why they waited to reveal this. So the Media could brainwash the sheep with the "drug addict" "never sleeps" propaganda.

There was a plan made long ago. It consist of every lie and every attack they made up against Michael Jackson. This like all conspiracies can not be carried out with out the "major media" .

The Media is 100 % involved in this crime.


con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

pro·gram - to set, regulate, or modify so as to produce a specific response or reaction
no! if we don't at least speculate, it doesn't keep the heat on them. we know people are reading this forum. they're reading this thread. excuse me while I sound paranoid but I've got reason. I do not trust LAPD when it comes to Michael.
Yes, of course. That's aboslutely fine. But some people present this as a FACT unfortunately. It's not a fact it's still a theory.
You guys are killing yourselves with these theories. Just let things solve themselves.

I understand that the speculations are upsetting to some. For others of us, trying to figure out what HAPPENED is the way we cope with this grief. Everyone is different in how they respond. Personally, I am a researcher, literally, and that is exactly what I'm doing. . . what I know how to do, very well. It's not for everyone, though.

I'd say that as some delve more deeply into speculation and theories, we might want to move to the Investigative Unit for more of that? If anyone goes there, please respect the intent of the I.U.? It is a place where speculation IS allowed, and even encouraged. Please take careful note of the description and guidelines of posting there, though. As follows:

MJJC Investigative Unit In this forum we question Michael's death, the latest news and stories surrounding his death and the conspiracy theories - contains heavy speculation so please if you aren't able to respect the atmosphere of this section do not enter.

"Respect" is the rule there, as elsewhere on the board. But specifically, it DOES contain "heavy speculation." So if this is not for you, please don't hinder those who post over there? Thanks.

Carry on,

I think most people know we're speculating. I'm like Vic. I cope this way.

I'm extremely emotional, extremely sensitive both mentally and physically. I almost died once when I took HALF a tablet of Lexapro.

the only way for me to cope with crisis or problems is to be stone cold logical. to rely on the rational, on the details. that's what I'm doing here.

plus, I think we owe it to ourselves to not let this go. at least, I owe it to myself. I will not rest until the perps -- whoever they are -- are brought to justice.
I don't have a problem with people speculating, I do so myself, but in the end the solution it's not in our hands. However some of the theories are interesting, and I keep an open mind.
well the solution should be *justice*. and I feel we should do what we have to do to hold TPTB's feet to the fire.
You guys are killing yourselves with these theories. Just let things solve themselves.

It is not killing ourselves with the conspiracy theories. It is just thinking OUTSIDE the box, ability to analyze details.
hi Chanya, check this:


then see the video list and find:

"LKL Jackson death latest"

last night, Dr. Drew Pinsky was on LKL. and Pinsky and Dr. Panchali Dhar (an anesthesiologist) were on Anderson Cooper 360.

you can also get both AC360 and LKL on itunes podcast.
It was murder. Murray is working for someone(the real killers).
Lucky AEG knew Michael would "die of a drug OD" this means a big £££ payday for them. How clever of them.
Conrad Murray will not do one day in Jail(you will see) hes only the strawman. MJ will get all the blame. This is why they waited to reveal this. So the Media could brainwash the sheep with the "drug addict" "never sleeps" propaganda.

There was a plan made long ago. It consist of every lie and every attack they made up against Michael Jackson. This like all conspiracies can not be carried out with out the "major media" .

The Media is 100 % involved in this crime.


con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

pro·gram - to set, regulate, or modify so as to produce a specific response or reaction

I LOVE you HemLockDevi ! ! ! You have stayed Consistent and Everything you have said is happening just like all your Post reads, are you related to The Jacksons? ? ? and You are KooL and Smooth.
its murray excuse to blame mj nothing more. no one would be in a state to ask for anything after been given what murray said he gave to mj through the night and mj was due at reharsals at 2pm. come 10am u would just get up. no one can really believe a word murray says. hes told to many lies

Thank you. Murray is full of BS. He's the mayor of excuses village. Mike hadn't eaten breakfast yet, hadn't seen his kids yet and was due at rehearsal at 2pm, yet at 10am he's telling you to give him something to put him to sleep. Come on, dude. If he was even coherent, knowing the time, Mike would know it would be too late for that junk.

And one more thing. IF this was a deliberate murder, and not a crescendo of the stupidity of one man. . .IF there are others behind this. . . .then what they are worried about the MOST. . . . . . is US. Us, right here. . . the people who loved Michael the most, and had no "motives" other than his well-being and happiness.

Keep THINKING, people. Don't stop.

I agree 100%. :clapping:
I don't have a problem with people speculating, I do so myself, but in the end the solution it's not in our hands. However some of the theories are interesting, and I keep an open mind.

You are quite right. The solution is not in our hands. But yet, myself, I feel that I CAN make a difference, no matter how small. I feel that way about almost everything. If I have the capability, then I have to TRY.

I know that for some, the idea that Michael might have been murdered is totally intolerable. I DO understand that, and the pain that causes. (That's why I suggested the Investigative Unit for the more heavy speculation.)

And "lovelymj?" Sadly, the truth doesn't "always come out." Often, it doesn't. I don't know whether to trust the LAPD, or not. They collaborated with Sneddon on the 1993 investigation, and they have a history of instances of corruption, soooooo?

We are the ONLY ones who have no motives about Michael other than good-will. The TV "talking heads" get PAID to keep ratings up. There are those in Michael's family who have motives to profit from his death and advance careers (NOT going there here, though). AEG has possible motives, as does SONY. We are raising questions, and trying to keep those who DO have motives. . . visible. Journos troll here, and probably so do the police. If I thought we couldn't make a difference, I'd be more depressed. So personally, I have to keep digging. I HAVE TO!

carry on,

You are quite right. The solution is not in our hands. But yet, myself, I feel that I CAN make a difference, no matter how small. I feel that way about almost everything. If I have the capability, then I have to TRY.

I know that for some, the idea that Michael might have been murdered is totally intolerable. I DO understand that, and the pain that causes. (That's why I suggested the Investigative Unit for the more heavy speculation.)

And "lovelymj?" Sadly, the truth doesn't "always come out." Often, it doesn't. I don't know whether to trust the LAPD, or not. They collaborated with Sneddon on the 1993 investigation, and they have a history of instances of corruption, soooooo?

We are the ONLY ones who have no motives about Michael other than good-will. The TV "talking heads" get PAID to keep ratings up. There are those in Michael's family who have motives to profit from his death and advance careers (NOT going there here, though). AEG has possible motives, as does SONY. We are raising questions, and trying to keep those who DO have motives. . . visible. Journos troll here, and probably so do the police. If I thought we couldn't make a difference, I'd be more depressed. So personally, I have to keep digging. I HAVE TO!

carry on,


Yea, I understand, the feeling of not knowing what has happened is very irritating and sad. Also, I don't like people when people swear that they know Michael was an addict, and all kinds of craziness. But, yea, there could be journalists and other important figures in this forum, we do have a prominent number of guests lol.
I've been writing in the investigative forum for a while along with others, I believe its important to keep pointing out things as some of what we've predicted or pointed out has been proven true already.

As Victoria83 said we have no motive other than to see justice for Michael.

I'm open minded to anything, if it doesn't add up thats when I analyse. I'm already seeing lots of fans who before didn't listen to any other theories on this now get on board and take an interest for the sake of Michael. That is why its important to keep on asking questions.

Our voice should be loud together(even if at times we have to agree to disagree lol) we should have a common aim of getting the real truth whatever it is and justice for Michael.
Murray is a liar.

He is lying about everything. Specifically Michael's time of death.

How do I know this?

Okay, call me crazy but there is no other explanation.

We all know what today marks. You know how some people have a favorite number well I have a number that I hate and that number is 25.

Guys just bear with me here.

I'm at work thinking about Michael of course, but I not really upset but not happy either.

Just out of now where I start ballin, I mean uncontrollably I had to get up from my desk an go outside. You think that would help but know it gets worse. I have cried just about every day since he passed but it has been I while since I just broke down.

So I get to thinking why am I crying like this I mean it's been 2 months I should be getting better. Then I realize the time. I am on the east coast. The time now is 12:54 pm 9:54 Pacific Time. This episode started around 11:45 am my time which would be 8:45 am pacific time. I was not even thinking of the time difference and what time it was in LA right at that moment I just started crying. Something in me at this particular time just broke down. I believe this is the time Michael passed. Between 8:30 am & 9:30 am pacific time 11:30 pm & 12:30 pm my time.

This is not a coincidence. Michael is trying to tell me something.

I don't know maybe I'm crazy but this can't just be a coincidence. Murray is lying and Michael wants me to know this.
Last edited:
hi Chanya, check this:


then see the video list and find:

"LKL Jackson death latest"

last night, Dr. Drew Pinsky was on LKL. and Pinsky and Dr. Panchali Dhar (an anesthesiologist) were on Anderson Cooper 360.

you can also get both AC360 and LKL on itunes podcast.

Thank you so much :)
I don't have itunes tho but I will watch the cnn video and look for the others elsewhere now that I know who the guests were :) Thanks again!
Murray is a liar.

He is lying about everything. Specifically Michael's time of death.

How do I know this?

Okay, call me crazy but there is no other explanation.

We all know what today marks. You know how some people have a favorite number well I have a number that I hate and that number is 25.

Guys just bear with me here.

I'm at work thinking about Michael of course, but I not really upset but not happy either.

Just out of now where I start ballin, I mean uncontrollably I had to get up from my desk an go outside. You think that would help but know it gets worse. I have cried just about every day since he passed but it has been I while since I just broke down.

So I get to thinking why am I crying like this I mean it's been 2 months I should be getting better. Then I realize the time. I am on the east coast. The time now is 12:54 pm 9:54 Pacific Time. This episode started around 11:45 am my time which would be 8:45 am pacific time. I was not even thinking of the time difference and what time it was in LA right at that moment I just started crying. Something in me at this particular time just broke down. I believe this is the time Michael passed. Between 8:30 am & 9:30 am pacific time 11:30 pm & 12:30 pm my time.

This is not a coincidence. Michael is trying to tell me something.

I don't know maybe I'm crazy but this can't just be a coincidence. Murray is lying and Michael wants me to know this.

I don't think you're crazy! People have different beliefs about what happens to the soul or spirit after death. I, too, have bad associations with the number 25. My mother died on the 25th of February. . . . . . Some people believe that if a person has been murdered or "taken" before his/her time, that the soul does not really rest until the truth is known. And of course, other people believe nothing LIKE that, and that's ok, too.

If it helps you to "feel" Michael's presence, then it is what it is. I happen to think intuition is important, as is logic. And the spiritual aspect? There remain unanswered questions about that. It's mysterious.
In random news ---

Bill Maher said in his new rules on Friday .. 'If people want to draw Hitler moustaches on a black man -

they should start with this guy, Dr. Conrad Murray'
In random news ---

Bill Maher said in his new rules on Friday .. 'If people want to draw Hitler moustaches on a black man -

they should start with this guy, Dr. Conrad Murray'

Murray may be responsible for Michael's death, but last time I checked he didn't torture and murder 9 million jews and cause the deaths of countless millions of others. I don't see much of a similarity.
how the hell can you have someone's life in your hands and just carelessly throw it away? it baffles me... do u think it was intentional? i dont know what to believe anymore... i used to believe it was an accident on murray's part, but now i just dont know... mj was about to be given his royalties back from sony and everything... i dont usually buy into conspirary theories but now i just dont know anymore...

I agree...Murray was very careless...I usually dont do conspiracy theories either..however in this case....I fully believe that Murray Intended to kill Michael. Like you stated..... just when he was getting ready to get his royalties back from Sony. This is just one big tangled web of lies on the part of all the docs and all of the other's involved. I am just so sickened that poor Michael was at the other end of all this.
wheni heard this i just had an ovrwhelming sadness...................such a trajedy,,,such a loss.. God is the only One who truly knows what happened that day

pray for michaels family...
I agree...Murray was very careless...I usually dont do conspiracy theories either..however in this case....I fully believe that Murray Intended to kill Michael. Like you stated..... just when he was getting ready to get his royalties back from Sony. This is just one big tangled web of lies on the part of all the docs and all of the other's involved. I am just so sickened that poor Michael was at the other end of all this.

Yeah, it makes me sick to think of how Michael suffered under the pressure from these vultures who ran his life. Have you seen this clip about Dr. Thomme? VERY disturbing :(
