JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

I was interested to read that Murray gave Michael's drugs 'because he demanded it'. Who was the Doctor and who was the patient?
Murray may be responsible for Michael's death, but last time I checked he didn't torture and murder 9 million jews and cause the deaths of countless millions of others. I don't see much of a similarity.

Chanya, it's a reference to Republicans here in the US painting Hitler mustaches on pictures of Obama.
Thank you so much :)
I don't have itunes tho but I will watch the cnn video and look for the others elsewhere now that I know who the guests were :) Thanks again!

yw. last I checked, the AC360 segment with Pinsky and Dhar is still nowhere to be found in video. will keep looking... if you find it, lemme know. I missed some of it last night and want to see the smackdown Dr. Dhar gave to Dr. Drew :p
Chanya, it's a reference to Republicans here in the US painting Hitler mustaches on pictures of Obama.

I know, I heard about it, but such republicans are so pathetic that I just can't take it seriously. I understand the comment though and I am not defending Murray, it's just I think such comparisons are so far out and far fetched that it doesn't do any good. It's like comparing the man who killed JFK to Stalin. Both are horrible people, but the dimensions of the crimes are so different that it takes away from the cruelty of the JFK murder, which should be the focus and not drown in millions of other lives. Maybe I'm hung up on details, that wasn't my intention. But I hope you get my point.
Yeah, it makes me sick to think of how Michael suffered under the pressure from these vultures who ran his life. Have you seen this clip about Dr. Thomme? VERY disturbing :(


yeah..I saw it yesterday when they aired it in the morning...I saw it before I went to work..It was on my mind all day. I dont trust Thome either. Michael surely had a fear of him and we heard it in his own words. Thome must of been threatening Michael with something. Not only that but in the video Thome was also quoted as telling someone that their would be blood shed if he didnt get his way on something. I believe that he also is a evil man. When he was in charge of Michael NOONE got near him....I believe that Thome is involved in this somehow.
What could be the possible motive for killing Michael? The royalties that were about to fall back into his hands?

And I hate to sound like a broken record, but I really need to see Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper from last night but I can't find the links anywhere on youtube! Can someone help out those of us who are too poor to have cable?:(

is this what you are looking for i'm not sure?

heres part 1 and the other parts are on the page to the right: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSgTtRcdKOI&feature=channel

On Topic, i read almost every single page in this thread and i still cant believe what happened in Michaels bedroom.
so many drugs in so little time, poor Michael probably didnt have a clue what was going on.
As people have mentioned before, there is NO WAY! Michael could have demanded Propofol, after what Murderer had given him, this whole thing is just so unreal:ranting:
this could have been prevented, so easily:angry:

i hope they arrest Conrad Murderer soon, i mean, what are they waiting for?
i can't bare this anymore, I want Michael Back !!:cry::cry::cry::cry:
is this what you are looking for i'm not sure?

heres part 1 and the other parts are on the page to the right: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSgTtRcdKOI&feature=channel

On Topic, i read almost every single page in this thread and i still cant believe what happened in Michaels bedroom.
so many drugs in so little time, poor Michael probably didnt have a clue what was going on.
As people have mentioned before, there is NO WAY! Michael could have demanded Propofol, after what Murderer had given him, this whole thing is just so unreal:ranting:
this could have been prevented, so easily:angry:

i hope they arrest Conrad Murderer soon, i mean, what are they waiting for?
i can't bare this anymore, I want Michael Back !!:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I wish they would just arrest him too......I want Michael back too... I dont however want him to be in the same situation that killed him. I want him to be able to live a life free from skanks who are trying to hurt him ...:cry::cry::cry:
The house was staged during the killing of Michael Jackson, thats why I appaulded the DEA and the LAPD because while most people thought they where just on Murray's trial I knew they where looking for the ones who brought all those pill bottles and other drug parafanellia or however you spell it into that Death House setup for Michael Jackson, because none of those bottles probably had Murray fingerprints on them, because he had never seen them before, why would Michael Jackson have pill bottles and IV equipment in his bedroom or in his home with 3 children running around that home all the time. Michael died a brutal death and just think how he was looking when they grabbed him and started sedating him, he knew they had him and was going to make it look like he OverDosed, I believe as long as he tried to fight because it took hours for him to die, I know they where MAD he didnt die withing the first hour but thats what HEALTHY ORGANS in A HEALTHY BODY will do for anyone allow them to fight off poisons in there bodies for a longtime, but with the LETHAL DOSE of POSION being pumped continuesly in his body and as he looked at his Killers Laughing and Talking about him, I believe he just closed his eyes and starting praying for himself, his children, his mom his dad, his sisters, brothers, his fans, this world, his KILLERS. Some of us know what you went through Michael because our Hearts where united in Love and I can still feel sometimes what you went through but now its about Justice for You and we must move forward for that.

I sense in my gut and in my heart that something like this is probably what happened. Poor MJ.
That is why we have to keep going for the truth to come out.
Dr. Murray isn't the only one will go down so the other doctors too.
It was murder. Murray is working for someone(the real killers).
Lucky AEG knew Michael would "die of a drug OD" this means a big £££ payday for them. How clever of them.
Conrad Murray will not do one day in Jail(you will see) hes only the strawman. MJ will get all the blame. This is why they waited to reveal this. So the Media could brainwash the sheep with the "drug addict" "never sleeps" propaganda.

There was a plan made long ago. It consist of every lie and every attack they made up against Michael Jackson. This like all conspiracies can not be carried out with out the "major media" .

The Media is 100 % involved in this crime.


con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

pro·gram - to set, regulate, or modify so as to produce a specific response or reaction

Well done mate. This doc was sent to kill Michael.

I believe, we all know who control the media. I mean these people are very powerful, they control congress,media and the show biz. What happens after that?You controle the minds of every one who watch tv or read newspapapers.

Mj refused to bow down, that is why he was killed.
I wish they would just arrest him too......I want Michael back too... I dont however want him to be in the same situation that killed him. I want him to be able to live a life free from skanks who are trying to hurt him ...:cry::cry::cry:

yeah i understand that exactly, I never wanted or never would want Michael to be in a situation like this again, if Michael had, survived (god that word was difficult to type, i had to take a deep breath, i just cant take this) June 25th and so on.

And it really still baffles me how Easily! this SHOULD have been prevented.

Miss You More than anything Michael:heart:
is this what you are looking for i'm not sure?

heres part 1 and the other parts are on the page to the right: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSgTtRcdKOI&feature=channel

On Topic, i read almost every single page in this thread and i still cant believe what happened in Michaels bedroom.
so many drugs in so little time, poor Michael probably didnt have a clue what was going on.
As people have mentioned before, there is NO WAY! Michael could have demanded Propofol, after what Murderer had given him, this whole thing is just so unreal:ranting:
this could have been prevented, so easily:angry:

i hope they arrest Conrad Murderer soon, i mean, what are they waiting for?
i can't bare this anymore, I want Michael Back !!:cry::cry::cry::cry:

I don't want to know the details of what went on in that room.
I just want justice for my sweetheart.
I can't handle all the fine details.

I know all these details are ripping me apart...I mean literally....Poor Michael..:cry::cry:
I am SO mad right now! i cant even put it into words, i just hope all the bastards involved get what they deserve! :angry::mat:
I hope that justice is well and truly served this time - this is a clear case of gross medical misconduct and he should be charged with manslaughter at the very least - it should really be murder as he knew exactly what those drugs could cause, especially given as a cocktail outside of a hospital. BASTARD!!!! I am so very, very angry and so very, very sad. Poor Michael - i just truly hope that he did not know anything about it, and just went off to sleep feeling happy and looking forward to his upcoming tour. At least after all the years of abuse that he suffered, he knew how much all his fans still loved him, by the demand for the concert tickets. He died knowing that he was loved very, very much by lots and lots of people. Dr Murray took him away from not only his family and poor children, but millions of other people - for that he must be suitably punished.
I hope that justice is well and truly served this time - this is a clear case of gross medical misconduct and he should be charged with manslaughter at the very least - it should really be murder as he knew exactly what those drugs could cause, especially given as a cocktail outside of a hospital. BASTARD!!!! I am so very, very angry and so very, very sad. Poor Michael - i just truly hope that he did not know anything about it, and just went off to sleep feeling happy and looking forward to his upcoming tour. At least after all the years of abuse that he suffered, he knew how much all his fans still loved him, by the demand for the concert tickets. He died knowing that he was loved very, very much by lots and lots of people. Dr Murray took him away from not only his family and poor children, but millions of other people - for that he must be suitably punished.

ditto....well said!!!!
Well done mate. This doc was sent to kill Michael.

I believe, we all know who control the media. I mean these people are very powerful, they control congress,media and the show biz. What happens after that?You controle the minds of every one who watch tv or read newspapapers.

Mj refused to bow down, that is why he was killed.

Yep. Its odd really isn't it how the majority don't question who is behind the news and media they consume yet they question those in power... the media have just as much power if not more though.Its been said that Murdoch doesn't let certain headlines go to press purely down to the fact that he doesn't like it - he owns Fox News, Sky News, The Sun newspaper, The Times newspaper... and many others
On the other hand Aengil the way this has turned out makes the doctor look like the only one involved, he messed up, he might have been in a state of panic... Which means... no reason for people to think he was killed or to question others... perfect cover up??
Perfect cover up? How does calling three different people for a total of 47 minutes instead of calling 911 mean no reason to question others?

I just don't get this "he can't have been that stupid" angle. What he did is a mess however you look at it. It's not like it looks intelligent if you think it was deliberate - it looks even more stupid.
Yep. Its odd really isn't it how the majority don't question who is behind the news and media they consume. Its been said that Murdoch doesn't let certain headlines go to press purely down to the fact that he doesn't like it - he owns Fox News, Sky News, The Sun newspaper, The Times newspaper... and many others

Right on.. The list goes on, on and on. He even owns London lite. A free newspaper and you see on the street how people are busy reading those kind trash. sorry if my English is not perfect, as you can see i'm not a native speaker. I wish i was, so i could have said alot of more.

whether we like it or not, Michael will never get his justice. They just going to proof that he was a drug addicted. Michael was a kind man and didn't deserve this.
Perfect cover up? How does calling three different people for a total of 47 minutes instead of calling 911 mean no reason to question others?

I just don't get this "he can't have been that stupid" angle. What he did is a mess however you look at it. It's not like it looks intelligent if you think it was deliberate - it looks even more stupid.

On that we can agree. In my opinion, Murray is a total imbecile, whichever scenario it was. I have no idea how he even managed to pass a driver's license test, much less get a medical degree. This is a man who says he didn't know the address of the place where he WORKED? Even a thirteen year-old baby-sitter knows to get the address of the house where she works! Even a Girl Scout knows not to do CPR on a bed. The stupidity of this man is truly unfathomable.

But if this is indeed a conspiracy, Murray was perfect for it. Unable to cover up the "evidence," or even think straight? Yelling down the stairs for a CHILD to come up and witness his dead father? Sure. Murray (in my opinion) was the perfect guy to take the fall.

I will continue to try to fit the pieces together. Michael Jackson, a man who was loved by literally millions of people, was totally alone when he died. That is simply intolerable. There were fans/followers standing just outside the gate, and they LOVED him, but were unable to save him. I DO believe that they tried. My heart hurts. . . . . . . Michael deserves for the truth to come out, whatever it is. He deserves justice, and so do his children.
I really hate to say it...but if Conrad didn't give Michael the medication he wanted, he would have been fired, and another would have taken his place. Conrad was an enabler, but Michael basically killed himself. He knew what he was doing...and the risks.

Over time, I've just come to realize that Michael is just another person in a long list of celebrities who have fallen victim to the vices and power of their celebrity status.

You guys have got to give Michael more credit...he had an insane intelligence, genius in some parts on understanding himself, the world, and his music. He knew the risks of stardom...he saw it with Elvis, he knew the dangers.

So many of you are coddling him like a child...c'mon, give the man more than that. He was smart enough to know what was going on. He just couldn't help himself...like all of our lost loved ones. He just got way in over his head. It's hard to face the truth...but when you start making up conspiracies...that's just wrong. You're tainting his legend, and you're unwilling to face the harsh realities of life. That's how it works sometimes. People die...even Michael Jackson...die. I've read all of the same stuff that you guys have.

You're just looking for an answer...a reason why...when there really isn't one. Michael had a will of his own...he did what he wanted. He wasn't some little kid that needed his hand held to do stuff. He did what he wanted. He had the power to say no. He didn't use it.
Someone has got some balls.
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Yep. Its odd really isn't it how the majority don't question who is behind the news and media they consume yet they question those in power... the media have just as much power if not more though.Its been said that Murdoch doesn't let certain headlines go to press purely down to the fact that he doesn't like it - he owns Fox News, Sky News, The Sun newspaper, The Times newspaper... and many others

Ownership Chart: The Big Six

The U.S. media landscape is dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read. In many cases, these giant companies are vertically integrated, controlling everything from initial production to final distribution. Here is information about the largest U.S. media firms.
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I really hate to say it...but if Conrad didn't give Michael the medication he wanted, he would have been fired, and another would have taken his place. Conrad was an enabler, but Michael basically killed himself. He knew what he was doing...and the risks.

Over time, I've just come to realize that Michael is just another person in a long list of celebrities who have fallen victim to the vices and power of their celebrity status.

You guys have got to give Michael more credit...he had an insane intelligence, genius in some parts on understanding himself, the world, and his music. He knew the risks of stardom...he saw it with Elvis, he knew the dangers.

So many of you are coddling him like a child...c'mon, give the man more than that. He was smart enough to know what was going on. He just couldn't help himself...like all of our lost loved ones. He just got way in over his head. It's hard to face the truth...but when you start making up conspiracies...that's just wrong. You're tainting his legend, and you're unwilling to face the harsh realities of life. That's how it works sometimes. People die...even Michael Jackson...die. I've read all of the same stuff that you guys have.

You're just looking for an answer...a reason why...when there really isn't one. Michael had a will of his own...he did what he wanted. He wasn't some little kid that needed his hand held to do stuff. He did what he wanted. He had the power to say no. He didn't use it.

I am diagree everything you says about MJ.

ArchangelX, I see what your saying but you are failing to understand the impact and affect drug use can have on ones state of mind. When your under the influence of heavy medication your not exactly in a position to have clear thought and make decisions. A news report I've just watched had a medical expert just confirm this, even after the first drug was administered, no matter how much Michael may have beged or pleaded, his clarity of thought is already affected therefore he is in no sound mind to make the call to ask for more.

Now if Murray was giving drugs daily, for 6 weeks, you think Michael really was able to function normally? And God knows what Klein was doing on a daily basis.

Yes Michael isnt without personal responsibility, but he sure as hell was a victim to a catalogue of major mistakes made by a supposed Doctor, a medical professional whos expertise, knowledge and experience should've done right by his patient. Instead, he treated Michael almost as a guinea pig, a lab experiment, administering drug after drug to see what would work. It should never have ended up this way.
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