JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

How come so few media sources are reporting the fact that it was confirmed as MURDER? Could it be that the media dont wanna admit that it was murder and wants their readers to still believe Michael was a druggie who was addicted to painkillers and died from Demerol? I keep reading old articles, where the hell are the big headlines when the truth is out and even the coroner has confirmed Mike was no druggie, it was propofol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKS SAKE MEDIA, STOP MAKING EVERYONE BELIEVE MIKE BROUGHT THIS ON HIMSELF. Tell people the truth!!!! If you want your freakin' headlines sold then give us a true story of who killed Michael Jackson!!!!

You are quite right! Media tried to float the idea of a Demerol overdose beginnng in the first days. That leaked report said NOTHING about narcotics. Yet the "drug-addict" trend just won't go away in the media. I have NO idea how a person could be addicted to "anesthesia." I, for one, believe NOTHING, necessarily. Michael is not here to refute anything. He "begged" for Propofol? I don't THINK so. It's possible that entire story was a plant. Very convenient. . . . . .

The types and amounts of drugs Michael was given were just incredible. Similar to bashing him over the head with a blunt object. There is NO way this is Michael's fault. He hired a doctor to take care of him. The doctor killed him. Either accidentally, or deliberately. We just don't know . . . yet.
Right this is something that is infuriating me personally.

Earlier I went downstairs and my brother had the news on they were reporting what Murray told the police in that warrant as 'fact' WHY?

This is what Murray said... its his version of events and the media is all like 'poor debt ridden doctor had to put up with druggie Michael's demands...' Right, whatever Michael's case with drugs was, yes he may have had a problem but... why report the doctor's testament as fact/the truth?? Why not question why some sources say(obviously I can't say its truth as none of us know the truth right now):

- he delayed the 911 call, some say due to no phone line but he made cellphone calls
- some say he didn't know the street address, he drove there everyday!
- he did bad CPR and left Michael to make calls
- he may have made the paramedics carry on CPR when Michael was already dead
- he wouldn't sign the death certificate at the hospital

Until the media cover those issues as well as Murray's versions of events I say scr*w the media! Their reporting on this is so biased towards the doctor. Whether or not Michael had drug problems or not is not the case now, its why the doctor did it and did not do all he could to save Michael's life that day.
there's just no way -- NO WAY -- Michael "begged for Propofol" at 10:30m in the morning. with his children in the house? with rehearsals looming in a few hours?

that doctor seriously needs to figure his shit out. he thinks we're all idiots.
Ah interesting due at rehearsals at 2pm. I couldnt imagine he would want to go without seeing his kids.....

Also it was stated that Michael was on propofol because basically you take it, go to sleep then wake up right as rain without side effects. If all these other medications were put into the mix, medications which do cause terrible side effects in dopiness etc then how could he have functioned up to that point. How could he have gone to rehearsals etc. Even when seen out and photographed,

THE FACT IS, there has never been a shot of the same like of say Lyndsey Lohan falling drunk out of a taxi or many of our UK stars who are often caught drunk falling in streets. Lets face it Michael had the paps practically living with him.

VERY good point. It's said that Murray was administering Propofol since May and everything was fine. Like you said if he had a rehearsal at 2 pm even just one valium taken before bedtime would've made him too groggy to rehearse. So why would he let the docs give him anything BUT Propofol?
there's just no way -- NO WAY -- Michael "begged for Propofol" at 10:30m in the morning. with his children in the house? with rehearsals looming in a few hours?

that doctor seriously needs to figure his shit out. he thinks we're all idiots.

mhmmm I completely agree, makes no sense whatsoever.
Don't blame Murray?! So you are saying we shouldn't blame a man who LEFT his patient to die, since he was to busy making phone calls? He saw MJ was not breathing, but he decides oh nope I am not going to call 911 till after I make my more "important" phone calls. Those "important" phone calls were so he can cover his ass.

All I am saying is that I do can understand your reaction but NOW we unfortunately cannot hear the both sides of an accident.. :-( There are too much unclear..! That's why I can't make my own picture of what exactly happened, you know! A lot of circumstances matters in this case..
I'm just sick of the media reporting Murray's testament in that warrant as fact/truth, this is the man that messed up and delayed the 911 call, spent 40mins on the phone away from Michael and gave bad CPR - why are they siding with him? Whether Michael had drug problems or not is not the point - the principle of the matter is the Doctor gave it to him and messed up that day and didn't seem to do much to save Michael's life at all.
You are quite right! Media tried to float the idea of a Demerol overdose beginnng in the first days. That leaked report said NOTHING about narcotics. Yet the "drug-addict" trend just won't go away in the media. I have NO idea how a person could be addicted to "anesthesia." I, for one, believe NOTHING, necessarily. Michael is not here to refute anything. He "begged" for Propofol? I don't THINK so. It's possible that entire story was a plant. Very convenient. . . . . .

The types and amounts of drugs Michael was given were just incredible. Similar to bashing him over the head with a blunt object. There is NO way this is Michael's fault. He hired a doctor to take care of him. The doctor killed him. Either accidentally, or deliberately. We just don't know . . . yet.

Exactly, its sickening that even after Michael is no longer with us, they try to twist one side of a story and stick to it as if the rent is due tomorrow. If they really want their headlines sold and make lots of money on shitty news, just for once why cant they be honest and give us something that is not only truthful but very necessary for people to hear? Why do they still want to continue making people believe it was Mikes so called 'addiction' or suspicion of pain medication that killed him? It wouldnt kill them to once write a different view on this... I wont name names, but Ive seen some papers dismiss that it has been confirmed murder totally. Not a single article. Not a single one. And it pisses me off. Its not that they are running with the ''addict'' story, they are just dismissing the ''murder'' story right now. Are they lacking staff at the moment, or did someone just ''forget'' to add such news? Such headlines? Pisses me off..
Victoria, what an awesome post. It all makes sense. Such a waste :(
Thing is also is that doctors are trained to deal with situations like that so that they don't panic when they deal with it for real. He's an experienced doctor, not someone just out of med school, he has years of staying calm behind him, so I don't buy the panic causing the mistakes.
Yes, doctors are trained, but one thing that is obvious is that Murray is not a good doctor. And situations like that? Like realising you've just killed your employer, the most famous man in the world, through your arrogant complacence and negligence? I don't think anyone's trained for that.
Well the BBC 10pm news, despite having a few inaccuracies basically showed a medical expert saying that Murrays defence will have a hard time finding any specialist who will support anything that Murray is claimed to have done, and that what he did was indefensible.

When eventually the full truth really comes out, the media wont be able to avoid it. Dont waste your time and energy worrying about them, it was inevitable that any chance to call Michael a druggie would be jumped upon. It will be forgotten soon and some other revelation will replace it. Just switch off.
Also why is the search warrant and affidavid made public when it shouldn't? The document finishes with the following words:


So why is it released? "to give the targets opportunity to hide, destroy and/or alter other material evidence"

Some individuals make things leak to make the investigation more difficult or impossible to solve and if it's not part of conspiracy or big money involved, I don't know what is.
These are all good points

Man this sick %$%^^%%% needs to be locked up and the key thrown away into the deepest pit!

Poor michael....

Look, I think my dad is medictated too much for all his health problems and I have seen him doped up with too much and there is NO WAY that Michael would have been begging for that stuff at 10:30 in the morning when he had rehearsals that afternoon and his kids were up and the day was going by and almost lunch....

thats bs
So why is it released?

That is what I asked few pages earlier. For those who don't want to read backwards, I will post my questions once again, maybe somebody will know the answers...:

1. From where have we those documents (Search Warrant)? Who got them? Who was the first to post it in the internet?
2. Are we sure those papers are real and not fabricated?
3. Coroner's office told that they didn't supply any of those information (about Michael's death caused by homicide). So - do we have any official coroner's statement? Or the last coroner's statement was that the toxicology will not be revealed for now?
4. Was this document supposed to be revealed to the public or it's just leaked and further documents will not be supplied for us?

Yeah,careful because it makes a huge difference if it's ml instead of mg. 25 ml of Propofol 1% would be 250 mg and 500mg if it's Propofol 2%.....so it would be a huge difference to 25 mg. Actually now that I think of it.... Since Dr. Murray was not an anesthesiologist and I can't think of him being too used to using Propofol....what if he got 1% and 2% mixed...and just concentrated on the ml, and didn't realize there are two different concentrations...one with 1% and one with 2 %...and gave twice the dose? If he didn't know the right amounts and someone just told him the amounts in milliliters instead of mg and he didn't bother checking. Or he had the 1% drug before and then for some reason got the 2% one and didn't pay attention and gave twice the dose. That could explain the lethal amount, now that I think about it. Then again, like I've kept saying...you don't even have to overdose on Propofol for it to be able to kill you. If you are not careful and you inject it too fast or you don't monitor the patient properly and, God forbid, leave the patient and they stop breathing...it can kill even when you use a dose that would be okay in a PROPER SETTING (because if the patient stops breathing in a hospital setting, it will rarely kill you because the staff will be prepared and will intubate you and breathe for you until the drug wears off and you start breathing on your own again).

summer, I presume you are a doctor. I just want to say thanks for all the info.

All the media scum think we're brain washed and stupid, but we are not! Hurray for us :clapping:
Well the BBC 10pm news, despite having a few inaccuracies basically showed a medical expert saying that Murrays defence will have a hard time finding any specialist who will support anything that Murray is claimed to have done, and that what he did was indefensible.

When eventually the full truth really comes out, the media wont be able to avoid it. Dont waste your time and energy worrying about them, it was inevitable that any chance to call Michael a druggie would be jumped upon. It will be forgotten soon and some other revelation will replace it. Just switch off.

They'll probably just conveniently forget about it for a bit, like they did with Michael's trial
Yes, doctors are trained, but one thing that is obvious is that Murray is not a good doctor. And situations like that? Like realising you've just killed your employer, the most famous man in the world, through your arrogant complacence and negligence? I don't think anyone's trained for that.

Alright fair enough :agree::D
Why was Michael asking for Propofol at 10.40 am if he was due at rehearsals soon after? Was he rehearsing that day?
Why was Michael asking for Propofol at 10.40 am if he was due at rehearsals soon after? Was he rehearsing that day?

Yup at 2pm he had rehearsal is what I hear. Remember that Murray claims he asked him:smilerolleyes:
There is no way he can tell anyone of us that after a valium Michael wasn't the least bit tired. It does not take 4 drugs and then Propofol to get someone to sleep. THATS NOT POSSIBLE. Michael weight about what 110 pounds one drug would have put him to sleep. He was killed but i still dont understand how he got the very first drug into Michael unless he lied about what it was. I heard he met Michael 6 weeks before he died is that a fact??

If you have a tolerance to valium it wouldn't necessarily make you tired.
I knew it was homicide LONG time before their " breaking news".

Here is the link to my very first post on forum on July 2009 in case if somebody is interested.


Yeah, I'm also mildly amused with the "breaking news". I wrote a post on my blog with title "Dr. Conrad Murray Killed Michael Jackson" on July 27.....

Apart from details about the type of drugs he was given and the amount, I don't see anything new here.
I really hate to say it...but if Conrad didn't give Michael the medication he wanted, he would have been fired, and another would have taken his place. Conrad was an enabler, but Michael basically killed himself. He knew what he was doing...and the risks.

Over time, I've just come to realize that Michael is just another person in a long list of celebrities who have fallen victim to the vices and power of their celebrity status.

You guys have got to give Michael more credit...he had an insane intelligence, genius in some parts on understanding himself, the world, and his music. He knew the risks of stardom...he saw it with Elvis, he knew the dangers.

So many of you are coddling him like a child...c'mon, give the man more than that. He was smart enough to know what was going on. He just couldn't help himself...like all of our lost loved ones. He just got way in over his head. It's hard to face the truth...but when you start making up conspiracies...that's just wrong. You're tainting his legend, and you're unwilling to face the harsh realities of life. That's how it works sometimes. People die...even Michael Jackson...die. I've read all of the same stuff that you guys have.

You're just looking for an answer...a reason why...when there really isn't one. Michael had a will of his own...he did what he wanted. He wasn't some little kid that needed his hand held to do stuff. He did what he wanted. He had the power to say no. He didn't use it.

First of all let me say that your post TOTALLY pissed me off. secondly it is our conspiracy theory's that help figure out what the hell happened to Michael those final hours. So please if you dont like the theories then dont read the posts.!!!!
I've also read almost all the posts in this really hot thread.. And I'd like to say that NOW, when Michael is not with us.., nobody would answer our questions for sure! Only Michael could tell us the truth.. As for me, I dunno whom and what to believe now already.. And inspite I love Michael so much and it's too hurting now, I would not blame Murray.. let's be upper! Our blamings wont return Michael.. psycologically (!) it's like a subject of euthanasia- patient demands and doc declains. Who is wrong and who is right..? Just think of it.. :-( I've got the only concern that Michael's insomnia was treated by propofol..!

The person to whom you would be referring to as a doc would be Murray correct??? He had the option as to weather or not to give Michael drugs and guess what??? He CHOSE to give Michael the drugs. Michael WAS NOT AN ADDICT. So please dont come up on this forum with your crap blaming Michael for anything..what happened to Michael was NOT HIS FAULT.
I agree. It doesn't seem like he wanted Michael to survive, at ALL. The statements on the search-warrant show an incredibly strange scenario. Murray's first story, that he "noticed" that Michael was not breathing, at 11 a.m., doesn't match the phone records. That's just one inconsistency.

Here is the point. Murray KNEW he'd given Michael dangerous medications, in combination, but without the equipment there to help him if something went terribly wrong. The warrant statement says that Murray "noticed" that Michael was not breathing. His job was to MONITOR him. If one is a medical professional monitoring someone under anesthesia, one does not "notice" that a person is not breathing. One KNOWS.

There are too many conflicting statements. Murray gave Michael the Propofol. Then left the room to go to the bathroom, for two minutes. Came back, and Michael wasn't breathing. A person has four to five minutes (and five is pushing it) of "not breathing" before brain-damage or death occur. TERRIBLE mistake. If that's what happened, Murray should have called 911 immediately, or yelled for someone else to do it. There was a houseful of people! We know from phone records that Murray's cell phone WAS working. OR, Murray was not in the room somehow, and "found" Michael not breathing (dead) at eleven in the morning. So, what? Murray was SLEEPING? Either way, he was not monitoring Michael after giving dangerous medication. Or, he WAS monitoring him, to see when he DIED?

The multiple phone calls and the lame excuse that he somehow couldn't call 911 on his cell-phone because he "didn't know the address" make NO sense. Neither does so much else about his behavior. His behavior doesn't look like a person trying to SAVE someone. It looks like a deliberate commotion and stalling tactics.

All that stuff on the warrrant don't point to a person in a panic at "finding" Michael dead, or "noticing." It points to a KILLING.

Either Murray is a total and complete MORON, or an assassin. If a moron, here are his moronic mistakes.

Left Michael alone while he was under a dangerous anesthesia. (Either Murray left to go to the bathroom, or simply LEFT and then came back to find Michael not breathing. (In a hospital, when a patient is under anesthesia there are always more than one person present, and the patient is NEVER left alone. Surely Murray knew this.)

He seemed to be incapable of using a telephone. Yet, he made numerous calls on his cell phone to everyone but paramedics.

He yelled down the stairs, but NOT for someone . . anyone . . . to call 911. Inexplicably, he yelled for a CHILD to come to the room where his father was dead or dying. (deliberate commotion?)

Seconds count if someone is not breathing. He left to make PHONE CALLS? He was either telling people, "I f xxxx d up," or, "mission accomplished." One of those two. He told people to clear out his STORAGE UNIT? BEFORE he called 911? That right there is an admission of some sort of guilt.

He did CPR on a BED. Guess he did that because he knew it wouldn't matter, anyway?

He prevented the paramedics from "calling time of death" at the scene. Made a big commotion about that. Statements leaked from paramedics say that they knew Michael had been long-gone by the time they even got there.

He refused to sign the death certificate at the hospital.

He vanished from the hospital (who picked him up? How did he leave?)

And on, and on.

I can understand a person making ONE mistake while in a panic. But not these multiple mistakes and giving multiple versions of an event that has only ONE version. The TRUTH. The thing about telling the truth is that you never have to remember the lies you said before, so your statements will be consistent. You just have to tell the truth about what really HAPPENED! Murray didn't.

I know I've been looking at all angles, "what about this?" "what about that?" I now have the chilling thought that this was deliberate, and planned. It's looking more and more like that. If so, I hope to GOD that Michael didn't KNOW. He was so precious to us, and so GOOD, I just hope he wasn't frightened, or hurt. We KNOW he was frightened of Tohme. Was he also frightened of Murray? Who ELSE was in the house? This is absolutely terrible.

Victoria I so agree with your post. In particular anyone can make a mistake when in a panic but multiple mistakes and giving multiple versions of an event, I'm not buying it!
Yup at 2pm he had rehearsal is what I hear. Remember that Murray claims he asked him:smilerolleyes:

Yip, I hardly forgot Murray claims MJ asked him! I wondered how much sleep he was hoping for before rehearsals that day.
How come so few media sources are reporting the fact that it was confirmed as MURDER? Could it be that the media dont wanna admit that it was murder and wants their readers to still believe Michael was a druggie who was addicted to painkillers and died from Demerol? I keep reading old articles, where the hell are the big headlines when the truth is out and even the coroner has confirmed Mike was no druggie, it was propofol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKS SAKE MEDIA, STOP MAKING EVERYONE BELIEVE MIKE BROUGHT THIS ON HIMSELF. Tell people the truth!!!! If you want your freakin' headlines sold then give us a true story of who killed Michael Jackson!!!! This should be worldwide information, hello!!!!

Thank you! :clapping: Some are even talking about Murray's timeline like it's has no error.
My heart is broken after reading this. Poor Michael must have been so desperate for sleep. Murray had a duty of care toward Michael afterall he was his doctor and he failed. I am so angry and upset over this I hope Murray is punished for what he has done.

I wish we could turn back time Michael I miss you so much.

ok look, he didnt have breakfast with his kids like he normally did. now if he was awake at that time, he would've been w/ his kids. he wasn't awake. he was already dead.

this man is playing games, he knows it. so was he truly inept? what does he get out of killing mj? i think he's a shoddy doctor who doesn't know how to practice. is in way over his head, and he made remedial mistakes that cost mj his life. he then left a dead man, let everyone assume he was sleeping, and tried to cover his tracks.

he has the affect of a guilty man. the demanor of a guilty man, and he ran like a guilty man