JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

The person to whom you would be referring to as a doc would be Murray correct??? He had the option as to weather or not to give Michael drugs and guess what??? He CHOSE to give Michael the drugs. Michael WAS NOT AN ADDICT... ..what happened to Michael was NOT HIS FAULT.

Dear Xthunderx2,
I NO WAY blame Michael for anything or say he was an addict (then I would never visit this forum).. I'm saying that as far as there were no real witnesses of this accident, only Murray (whom I don't believe) and Michael could tell us the truth of what really happened there.. I've got also a lot of similar questions to Murray like everybody here and, of course, there are too many VISUAL mistakes from his side as a doctor, and that now he's trying to save his ass, and, even he IS really guilty in Michael's death, he would naturally never admit it.

We dont know what level of insomnia Michael had and why it should have been treated by propofol or there were some other reasons for that which are hidden from us by his medical history.. Michael visited many clinics and he obviously knew the true pic of his health state not from one doctor and if he didnt trust Murray, I suppose, he wouldnt allow him to treat him..

Well, I dont know the American law but as Murray hasn't been arrested yet, seems the situation is not that obvious to the coroner or there is no enogh real evidence.. I've got an idea: why shouldnt they move Murray into hypnosis and maybe get to know some really important facts, his thoughts and behavior that the most terrible morning..?

Ooh, I'm afraid we will never know the very truth.. but at the same time I hope very much that I am mistaken..
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even the CD they seized from Murray's home in Las Vegas was in Omar Arnolds name , the other doctor Abrams also Arnolds name .
Murray continues CPR – and before security arrives – he leaves Jackson and runs to the hallway and downstairs .

actually once you have started doing CPR you cannot stop until paramedics arrive. unless somebody takes the turn and continues doing CPR. not calling 911 instantly is enough to charge this so called doctor with murder. i wont repeat what's been said already.

as for them not charging him yet, i rather approve it. if he's free, he can lead them to people who ordered this murder. though i think these people want the doctor to be dead now. and i wouldnt be surprised if he suddenly dies. an accident or so-called "suicide". he's hiding now not because of fans, but because of these people that were/ are behind his back. though i'd rather call them "creatures". they dont deserve to be called "people".
Just 1 lorazepam is enough to put the average person down for hours! What in the world was this man thinking?!
Seems to me like Murray had other things on his mind, and it was as if Michael was bothering him. So he just slew one Rx after the other. What a b*sterd!

actually thats not true lorazapam /Ativan is an anxiety med
where did you get that info from ???

I have taken it before _it doesnt put you out at all
it just helps ease anxiety which can cause insomnia
you are to worried and anxious to sleep ..

Im not defending Murry
just trying to keep the facts straight here
to may people are just making things up and
is doesnt help us to come to an informed conclusion

non the less _ he shouldnt have been mixing all those drugs
sound like MJ was so desperate to sleep :(and the doctor was
being negeligent in treating it _ he needs to go DOWN HARD
actually once you have started doing CPR you cannot stop until paramedics arrive. unless somebody takes the turn and continues doing CPR. not calling 911 instantly is enough to charge this so called doctor with murder. .

yep that is so true. there have been cases where ppl have gone to trial due to CPR neglect, the person that started it is not suppose to stop doing it until they get a pulse or the person breathing on their own, then they can go phone 911..
Well, this doc had a house full of people he could get to call 911 while he did CPR the correct way.
Nothing he did was correct procedure. And I am not buying the "panic" explanation for not behaving like a doctor. Trained medical professionals knows what to do, and how to do it. They know the limited time they have.
Doctors should also know that mixing medicine always makes a potential risk, and be more alert to how the patient react.
Murrays actions just do not add up to anything a medical professional would do.
The report says it was a LETHAL dose of propofol. He says 25mg? Bulls**t. He says he used 50mg prior. More BS Check out the new TMZ update on how much is needed to keep someone of Michaels size under for at least 8 hours.
The chest pain Michael was complaining of...where does that fit into this timeline of lethal drugs...it was said he called Dileo? Why if Murray was there the whole night with him.
I just hope that all this "leaked" info doesn't harm the police case against Murray.
I want that man to pay and I do not want him to commit suicide or be killed I want him to suffer and reflect on what he has done behind bars!
Law Enforcement Doesn't Believe Dr. Murray

Posted Aug 26th 2009 4:24AM by TMZ Staff

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the L.A. County Coroner and the LAPD are not buying Dr. Conrad Murray's story that he gave Michael Jackson a relatively low dosage of Propofol before he died.

Sources say the L.A. County Coroner has determined Michael Jackson died from a lethal level of Propofol. There were "traces" of other drugs in Jackson's system, but nothing that would have killed him.

According to the search warrant affidavit, during Dr. Murray's interview with LAPD detectives two days after Jackson died, he said he gave Jackson 25 milligrams of Propofol shortly before the singer stopped breathing. Dr. Murray also said he had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of Propofol for the prior six weeks so Jackson could sleep, but he felt the singer may have been forming an addiction so he cut back.

Here's the reality. It takes approximately 400 milligrams of Propofol for someone of Jackson's body size to sleep 8 hours -- that's 16 times the amount Dr. Murray says he gave Jackson the day he died.

Our law enforcement sources simply do not believe that 25 milligrams would have in any way compromised Michael Jackson, especially since he had developed a tolerance to a much higher level.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0PI52zFAh
i think 25 miligram is so stupid!the doctor think we are all kids,born yesterday!
actually thats not true lorazapam /Ativan is an anxiety med
where did you get that info from ???

I have taken it before _it doesnt put you out at all
it just helps ease anxiety which can cause insomnia
you are to worried and anxious to sleep ..

Im not defending Murry
just trying to keep the facts straight here
to may people are just making things up and
is doesnt help us to come to an informed conclusion

non the less _ he shouldnt have been mixing all those drugs
sound like MJ was so desperate to sleep :(and the doctor was
being negeligent in treating it _ he needs to go DOWN HARD

But I'm sorry to tell you, you do not have your facts straight also qbee.

Lorazepam, well known as Tavor in Germany is prescribed as anxiety med but also as sleeping aid.
It's especially then prescribed as sleeping aid when ppl do have a lot on their mind and are under some pressure of some kind, for example also for patients with depressions or dementia...
Let me add there's a high risk of getting addicted to it so usually it's not really a regular medication as a sleeping aid or something and I don't even like it personally for ppl with anxiety disorder and/or depression because of the risk of getting addicted to it.

And yes 1mg (usually 1 Tavor pill but there's also pills with higher dose as 4mg to get prescribed in germany or even more, the highest daily dose to my knowledge is 8mg)can knock an adult person completely out for some time... please note: I said can knock, certainly it doesn't have to and it's not always with everybody the case! Depends on weight, age and what a tolerance this person might has or not has... and Lorazepam is also known to work often different in different ppl, so yes 1mg of Lorazepam might knocks someone out but with someone else it might doesn't... it is a psychotropic drug... those are known to work different in different ppl at times.
Why do I know that... cuz I'm working with it on a daily basis.
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Can someone please tell me if the doese Murray says he gave Michael sound reasonable? What are the chances of Michael being coherent enough to 'demand' propfol?
Can someone please tell me if the doese Murray says he gave Michael sound reasonable? What are the chances of Michael being coherent enough to 'demand' propfol?

What he says he gave him, is a little bit high. It could put someone to sleep for maybe 2-3 hours. As for him being coherent enough....I have no idea, it may depend on the person. Going from what a lot of the fan who saw him in his last days said (from facebook) I don't think he would have been.
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s he had been giving him propofol for 6 weeks!!! that six weeks of NO REAL SLEEP? JUST UNCONCIOUSNESS???? that doesnt actually REST your body, the way sleep does

no WONDER mj was losing weight and so weak at rehearsals

hell, he was probably hallucinating and god knows what else

SIX WEEKS ... damn
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there's just no way -- NO WAY -- Michael "begged for Propofol" at 10:30m in the morning. with his children in the house? with rehearsals looming in a few hours?

that doctor seriously needs to figure his shit out. he thinks we're all idiots.

Too right, his chef said he had a routine of making sure he had lunch with his children at 12.30 everyday which he never missed no matter what, so why would he be demanding propofol at 10.40 when he usually had his breakfast at between 10 and 10.30.
actually once you have started doing CPR you cannot stop until paramedics arrive. unless somebody takes the turn and continues doing CPR. not calling 911 instantly is enough to charge this so called doctor with murder. i wont repeat what's been said already.

as for them not charging him yet, i rather approve it. if he's free, he can lead them to people who ordered this murder. though i think these people want the doctor to be dead now. and i wouldnt be surprised if he suddenly dies. an accident or so-called "suicide". he's hiding now not because of fans, but because of these people that were/ are behind his back. though i'd rather call them "creatures". they dont deserve to be called "people".

THAT'S what I was thinking also. For those of us who have read about the Illuminati we know that they have their evil hands into most multi-million dollar corporations. They are also very cocky because they can't be caught. Their m.o. is always the same, they give clues of what they'll do next because it's a game amongst them. That's why when someone here posted that Murray was on suicide watch, I thought, here we go I bet ya a beautiful dollar that Murray will be found "suicided" at some point or better yet one of their brainwashed minion will pass himself as a crazy MJ fan and kill him.
Place your bets now people.
s he had been giving him propofol for 6 weeks!!! that six weeks of NO REAL SLEEP? JUST UNCONCIOUSNESS???? that doesnt actually REST your body, the way sleep does

no WONDER mj was losing weight and so weak at rehearsals

hell, he was probably hallucinating and god knows what else

SEX WEEKS ... damn

Honestly, he seemed fine to me.
really??? were you at reearsals

cos from EVERY fan acount i've heard from June.. MJ was ILL.. DANGEROUSLY ILL

even Karen Faye has admitted it

You were at the rehearsals? I meant from the video of TDCAU.

What fan accounts? From everyone else I've heard, Michael seemed fine. Think about it. The man you saw in the TDCAU clips didn't look like he was on his deathbed.
all the meds are injected into the One IV catheter _ they are not seperatly injected into his skin _ one needle is in the arm with a tube - all you do is inject the meds into that _ Arm and hand veins are typically used for IV's although leg and foot veins are occasionally used.

But since Murray was injecting him for SIX weeks every night already, did Michael had the catheter taped to his arm or Murray was re-inserting it in a different spot every night. That would explain the first rumors out about him being riddle with needle marks.

Was Michael always wearing long sleeves at the rehearsal? Did anybody saw him change shirt or anything like that?
I believe multiple doctors started Michael Jackson on an unhealthy course of over medication for his insomnia. If so, he would not be the first person that had this happen to him or her.

However, in Michael Jackson's case in steps Sony, AEG, Colony Capital, and Dr. Murray. None of them giving a damn about our Angel, Michael Jackson. Conrad Murray began working together
with the corporatists. AEG, Sony, Colony Capital.

Lay people very rarely become addicted to Propofol, because it is a
medical professional induced addiction. Only health professionals
have access to it.

Dr. Murray and all the other corporatists were motivated by greed.
So, AEG, eventually, either set up or paid Dr. Murray to take the fall for Michael Jackson’s death.
In any case, after administering the final lethal dose of Propofol he called the
other murder conspirators on his handy cell phone and they plotted for
hours as to what to do next. I think Murray, himself, came up with the idea of keeping
the room warm so it would be difficult to determine the time of death.

I don't believe Nurse Cherilyn Lee. She could be in with the other conspirators.
I believe Nurse Cherilyn Lee was paid to go to the police and media and insert (plant)
the Propofol addiction story to cover herself, and farther indict Murray.

There is no honor among thieves. So, I pray that, now, Dr. Conrad Murray, in order to save himself, will start "singing like a bird", and bring his fellow conspirators down into Hell with him. Have you seen this video which captures the conspirators quite well; but it does not emphasize enough the roles of Colony Capital, Thomas Barrack and Dr. Tohme, Tohme?

Click on and Watch:



To quote Dick Gregory:
"Doctors make the best assassins."
Whatever the truth is, it makes sense to me that Michael took Murray on as a doctor specifically to 'take care' of him during the concerts and rehearsals. The propofol appears to have been part of this routine, in order to get the rest that he needed. The state of his health is questionable... various fans have said how worried they were about his weightloss etc and this seems to correspond to the Murray/propofol routine. In the rehearsal video, he looked ok to me, but very skinny. And I don't think any of us can know how his health really was just by looking at the rehearsal tapes, which are designed to make him look the best he could....

You could say that by allowing/encouraging Michael to sign up for this concerts, they (AEG and everyone else involved) were effectively signing his death warrant.

Sheer greed, that's what it was.
The fans who were around him in the weeks/days before his death. They posted on here.

No he didn't look on his deathbed in that short clip we've seen... but we don't know what Murray had injected him with before those rehearsals..

Not being able to sleep, and needing these sedatives n propofol - can come from being given opiate based drugs - eg. painkillers.

Painkillers obviously relieve pain, but because of their nature, and where they act on the brain - they are also 'uppers', therefore they can interfere with sleep which lead people to use a 'downer' - sedatives..and in MJs case propofol.

Being reliant on drugs (even just to sleep) is not 'fine'.
Michael was not 'fine'.
Michael is now dead.

You were at the rehearsals? I meant from the video of TDCAU.

What fan accounts? From everyone else I've heard, Michael seemed fine. Think about it. The man you saw in the TDCAU clips didn't look like he was on his deathbed.
You were at the rehearsals? I meant from the video of TDCAU.

What fan accounts? From everyone else I've heard, Michael seemed fine. Think about it. The man you saw in the TDCAU clips didn't look like he was on his deathbed.

According to a few fans Michael would talk to them then midsentence forget what he was talking about, they said he looked frail. He also told them that he was exhausted. If you go to Karen's facebook it's all there, it's just pages back. One lady emailed Karen because they were all worried about him being out of it all the time and they knew he was sick but Karen told them to keep quiet about it. Karen even said Kenny was literally feeding Michael. The people who said he was fine are those who were either on the payroll. Ask the people who really were there and NOT getting paid and they'll tell you a totally different story.
??? *Two staffers who worked for Michael Jackson and were with pop star at various points in the hours before his death want to tell police what they know about his death.* ????


Typical LAPD they DON'T really want to know what REALLY happened. They want Michael to be remember as a drug addict that oded himself.
LAPD tried to destroy MJ while he was alive and even though Michael was acquitted he was so distraught and ill from the trials that one can say the LAPD succeeded destroying him and now destroying his legacy is just the cherry on their sunday.
According to a few fans Michael would talk to them then midsentence forget what he was talking about, they said he looked frail. He also told them that he was exhausted. If you go to Karen's facebook it's all there, it's just pages back. One lady emailed Karen because they were all worried about him being out of it all the time and they knew he was sick but Karen told them to keep quiet about it. Karen even said Kenny was literally feeding Michael. The people who said he was fine are those who were either on the payroll. Ask the people who really were there and NOT getting paid and they'll tell you a totally different story.

I can't assume that everyone who's telling their side of the story is getting paid.