JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Archangel, I agree MJ may have known of the risks and should have stayed away from it. But I am not so sure he knew how risky this all was. MJ has stayed away from other medications and drugs before because he knew the risks etc. But from all accounts MJ touted this drug as safe!! He thought as long as somebody monitored him he would be safe. Again he trusted someone who failed him.

As a dr. myself I have to admit that Conrad was the responsible party in this case. Conrad and all other docs who did not maintain how unsafe and dangerous it is to administer propofol outside of the hospital, and for insomnia, failed as gate-keepers in the medical community. They are like lax parents.

And no, I don't think this is just a celebrity thing. If you and I had money and desperately needed some meds to sleep, we would go and get something that we think will work for us (especially when you think it is relatively safe).

I find myself getting annoyed with MJ for being so stubborn, but it isn't something unique to him or anybody else. The difference is, someone out there was corrupt enough or renegade enough to do something so risky once the money was right. If all the docs were united in saying no, this wouldn't have happened at all!!
How come so few media sources are reporting the fact that it was confirmed as MURDER? Could it be that the media dont wanna admit that it was murder and wants their readers to still believe Michael was a druggie who was addicted to painkillers and died from Demerol? I keep reading old articles, where the hell are the big headlines when the truth is out and even the coroner has confirmed Mike was no druggie, it was propofol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKS SAKE MEDIA, STOP MAKING EVERYONE BELIEVE MIKE BROUGHT THIS ON HIMSELF. Tell people the truth!!!! If you want your freakin' headlines sold then give us a true story of who killed Michael Jackson!!!! This should be worldwide information, hello!!!!
say that again!!!!! they didn't even mentioned it here..unlike other days when they were so happy to quote "the sun" ...makes me sick
This report only means MJ died at the hands of another. Whether it was murder or not, remains to be seen by the authorities.

I thought the search warrant/affidavit was unsealed by the courts and was obtained through the courts.
thought the search warrant/affidavit was unsealed by the courts and was obtained through the courts.

i guess so thats what normally happens.they unseal them x amount of days after.same as some others
Nothing sounds right about all this. Did Murray give him such a cocktail of drugs before the propofol that was enough to kill a horse? Why give the propofol so late in the morning? And why wait so late to call 911? I'm honestly starting to believe this is murder. It's making me feel physically ill thinking that. What the hell is up with the American system, why isn't Murray being arrested on suspicion of murder?
According to a Sun exclusive (Hoefflin is speaking to them) Murray called Klein during that 47 min window! True maybe? Makes sense...

And last night Dr Steven Hoefflin - who treated Jackson for 25 years - said: "Murray definitely called Klein because Klein taught him how to administer propofol.
"There were two in-state calls then one out-of-state. He was calling an attorney - he had to because Michael was dead.
"He tried to cover it up by telling everyone Michael had a weak pulse, but Michael was dead."
here's the timeline perez put up. ALSO fried chicken is saying that debbiemay have been the person that called the DEA on klien and that she's pissed andblames him for mj's drug 'problem' also that him saying he was the children's father made her skin crawl.

une 25: At about 1:30 a.m., Murray again tried to get Jackson to sleep without propofol and gives the singer a 10-milligram tablet of Valium, but Jackson is unable to sleep.
• Around 2 a.m.: Murray injects Jackson with two milligrams of lorazepam, pushed slowly into the singer's IV. But again, Jackson can't sleep.
• Around 3 a.m.: Murray then gives two milligrams of midazolam to Jackson, also pushed slowly into the IV. Jackson remains awake.
• Around 5 a.m.: Murray gives the singer another two milligrams of lorazepam but Jackson still can't sleep.
• Around 7:30 a.m.: Murray administers another two milligrams of midazolam. Murray claims he is continuously at Jackson's bedside, monitoring the singer with a pulse oximeter [connected to Jackson's finger] and measuring his pulse and oxygen statistics. But Jackson remains awake.
• Around 10:40 a.m.: Murray gives Jackson 25 milligrams of propofol diluted with lidocaine to keep Jackson sedated after repeated demands for the drug by the singer. Jackson finally falls asleep, and Murray continues to monitor him.
• After 10 minutes: Murray states he left Jackson's bedside to use the restroom and is gone for no more than two minutes. Upon his return, Murray finds Jackson not breathing. Murray begins CPR, and gives Jackson 0.2 milligrams of flumazenil, an antidote for certain overdoses. Using his cell phone, Murray calls Jackson's personal assistant, Michael Amir Williams, and asks him to send security upstairs for an emergency.
Murray continues CPR – and before security arrives – he leaves Jackson and runs to the hallway and downstairs to the kitchen, where he asks the chef to send up Jackson's 12-year-old son, Prince Michael I. Murray continues CPR. The boy arrives upstairs and summons security.
At 12:21 p.m.: Jackson staff member Alberto Alvarez dials 911, and the Los Angeles Fire Department responds on the scene shortly thereafter. Murray waits for the ambulance while conducting CPR, and later accompanies Jackson to the hospital.
Good story.

but can't believe it is true.

The Fried Chicken guy is still working hard! He has been doing great to make up stories to bash MJ. He is amazing! What a professinal!

I'm waiting for the Fried Chicken guy's death,too(as well as the doctor's)
Can't wait!:smilerolleyes:

The cell phone records show that Murray made three phone calls between 11:18 am and 12:05 pm. The chef says Murray ran downstairs at about 12:05 or 12:10 pm. According to the affadavit, Murray claimed that he called Michael Amir Williams and asked him to send security upstairs for an emergency, then after a few minutes without response, he ran downstairs. But this article says Williams received a message at 12:13 pm, which would have been at or after Murray ran downstairs.

That means none of the three phone calls Murray made upstairs was to Williams. And three phone calls totalling 47 minutes made between 11:18 and 12:05 means Murray was on the phone that entire time he claimed to be doing CPR.
How many timelines will there be when this is over and done? How many different versions of this story will be told? There is only one truth about what happened...if you have to keep changing it up, that is cover up imo. There has been no official statement made by the coroner's office or LAPD, DEA and whoever else is supposed to be getting to the bottom of Michael's death. Only media bs speculation of addiction, which feed their ratings...Leak after leak of info, no definitive answers...lots of contradictions. Who's doing the leaking? Why? It just serves to confuse even more and everyone is trying to cover their asses when the names are dropped. I have to wonder what Michael thinks of all this...sad. It's been two months already. "The truth runs marathons"...I pray it does.
Nurse Lee says she never gave Michael Propofol
Jackson Nurse: I Did Not Give Michael Propofol

Posted Aug 26th 2009 1:45AM by TMZ Staff

One of Michael Jackson's nurses
is calling BS on Dr. Conrad Murray -- after a search warrant affidavit showed Murray told law enforcement he believed the nurse gave Michael a Propofol "cocktail."

Cherilyn Lee told us she never gave Michael Propofol or Diprivan. Lee said she gives people "nutritional cocktails" and Dr. Murray must have jumped to conclusions.

And this is interesting ... Lee also said she saw Michael back in April, and there were "no injection marks" on his body. Our law enforcement sources say Jackson was riddled with injection sites at the time of his death.

Lee said she did inject Michael with a "nutritional IV" of "basically vitamin C." She says, "Mr. Jackson had very small veins."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/26/jackson-nurse-i-did-not-give-michael-propofol/#ixzz0PGWW356f

They have a video on there, but I have no idea how to post it. Funny, how she had to give him Vitamin C through an IV???? I dunno about you, but...I CHEW my vitamin C!
^^^ Hahahahaha, looks like her little claim to fame is starting to bite her in the ass. :)
1- why he hooked mj to an IV at 1.30 am when all the meds he gave to him or was planning to give could be found as pills with the exception of propofol?

2- the meds he gave to mj through IV were only recovered after he told the police where to find them , they were found in Murray's bag and that is the detective's comment on them " non of the labeled bottels were prescribed to any patient " so they were not MJ's meds

3- The meds found beside MJ were all THE PILLS PRESCRIBED TO MJ BY ALL THE DOCTORS HE HAD, did anyone ask him/herself why? why mj would put everything beside him when he was not taking these meds ? and why Murray did not move them? he claimed he had no idea what mj was taking but all the meds were beside mj's bed and he had every opportunity to see them , again the drugs listed were all the drugs found in mj's bedroom , my point is he could have put them in a closet and said he had no idead about them , but he deliberately put ALL THE PILLS MJ HAD beside his bed to make it look like an overdose , again they were all PILLS, only PILLS , something led the detectives to believe MJ overdosed himself taking them and that why they released the home to the family , they thought it was a simple overdose case from the scene , notice from the affidavit they tell you we find these drugs , but no one told us they found an IV , nobody told us about oxygen tanks , nobody told us about finding anything related to propofol . someone said before that Murray is a doctor and he would have known the coroner would find out what happened if indeed murray injected mj with the drugs after his death . well , he was panicked he may not even thought that mj was completely dead by that moment , he tried to cover himself , injecting him with all the drugs and waiting for propofol to disappear from his body . But after two days and after hiring an attorney he realised what he did was ahuge mistake . that's why he admitted in the interview with the police two days after the death he was the one injecting the meds not mj and all the meds could be found in his bag , something obvioulsy was not the initial plan , since everything in mj's bedroom gave the impression mj overdosed himself . It was a damage control strategy by the lawyer .

4-the records of the storage where Murray kept his things showed that two assistants of him came and removed boxes at 9.22 am LA time . the last visit to the facility by someone associated with Murray was more than a month before 25th of June.

5- they removed them @ 9.22 la time, BUT WHEN DID THEY GET THE CALL FROM MURRAY .

6- the publicist to Murray's attorney confirmed that Murray did leave MJ to make personal phone calls to his family members and ASSISTANTS . she said that since MJ used to take propofol before and suffered no complications Dr. Murray felt there was no propblem leaving mj to do phone calls to members of his family and to his assistants .

7- Uncle of the two assistants told TMZ the girls received the phone at 9 am Houston time which was 7 am LA TIME . ok this is the only "fact"not confirmed till now .

as for the two security staff i bet they will tell the police Murray left the house during night , but isnt it horrible to think that after 2 months they police did not interview them , unbelievable indeed .
All this talk of IV to give him this and that...geez I'd be black and blue and sore as hell with all the needles being injected in me...just a thought. Surely someone would notice that.
"And three phone calls totalling 47 minutes made between 11:18 and 12:05 means Murray was on the phone that entire time he claimed to be doing CPR."

éxactly Juli , another indication mj was dead by that time and needed no CPR . but again the police were pointing the contradiction in his timeline , not the ACTUAL TIMELINE .

they wanted to get a search warrant by telling the judge he was lying about this detail , and the judge approved it .
All this talk of IV to give him this and that...geez I'd be black and blue and sore as hell with all the needles being injected in me...just a thought. Surely someone would notice that.

all the meds are injected into the One IV catheter _ they are not seperatly injected into his skin _ one needle is in the arm with a tube - all you do is inject the meds into that _ Arm and hand veins are typically used for IV's although leg and foot veins are occasionally used.
Jackson Time of Death a Mystery

Posted Aug 26th 2009 2:00AM by TMZ Staff

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the L.A. County Coroner cannot pinpoint the time of Michael Jackson's death ... but paramedics say when they arrived they believed he was dead for at least an hour and maybe longer.

Dr. Conrad Murray's statement to LAPD detectives lays out a timeline in which Dr. Murray administered Propofol at 10:40 AM and then ten minutes later (10:50) he walked out of the room, went to the bathroom and returned two minutes later (10:52) to find Jackson was not breathing. He did not have anyone call 911 until 12:21 PM ... approximately an hour-and-a-half later.

Sources say cops are suspicious of Dr. Murray's account. They say when Dr. Murray was interviewed by them two days after Jackson died -- his lawyer by his side -- the doctor's account seemed "scripted."

So when did Jackson really die? Rigor mortis typically doesn't set in for at least 3 hours, and often longer. If rigor mortis has not set in, the only way to approximate time of death is by body temperature. Once a person dies, their temperature eventually rises or falls to the temperature of the environment. For example, if Jackson were in a 70 degree room, his body temp would drop to 70. The body temperature typically drops a degree to a degree and a half per hour, but it's dependent on the ambient temperature.

Here's the problem -- when paramedics arrived the room was sweltering. So Jackson's body temperature could register in the 90 degree range, even if he were dead for a long time. But we're told paramedics did not get a read on his body temp because they were busy performing CPR.

Bottom line -- it's possible Jackson could have been dead much longer than Dr. Murray said. There's no scientific way of knowing.

"And three phone calls totalling 47 minutes made between 11:18 and 12:05 means Murray was on the phone that entire time he claimed to be doing CPR."


Yes he was busy trying to cover his tracks
He freaked when he seen what his negligence caused, but he was too stupid to cover his mistake
and just gave loads of evidence to charge him .. thats why I dont believe this was premeditated
becuase all that would have been taken care of before the deed was done _ not scurrying around
trying to cover like he was afterward. There was no planning just panick on his part ... He just made
it worse for himself and easier to find suspicion by his actions

If they dont charge him :evil:_ there are going to be a lot of Angry people
up in arms questioning the integrity and competence of the LAPD
Yes he was busy trying to cover his tracks
He freaked when he seen what his negligence caused, but he was too stupid to cover his mistake
and just gave loads of evidence to charge him .. thats why I dont believe this was premeditated
becuase all that would have been taken care of before the deed was done _ not scurrying around
trying to cover like he was afterward. There was no planning just panick on his part ... He just made
it worse for himself and easier to find suspicion by his actions

If they dont charge him :evil:_ there are going to be a lot of Angry people
up in arms questioning the integrity and competence of the LAPD

Yes ma'am@Qbee.. this is just down right sad... He made the situation worse when he decided to run his mouth on the phone instead of performing CPR from the jump..

Ok here is the thing that bothers me:
He says he gave MJ the Propofal and then waited 10mins to go to the bathroom.. So my thing is that he has left Michael alone b4 when giving him that medication and that all those other times he had just been lucky and this time his luck as well as MJ's life ran out. This goes to show you that he didn't know what he was doing when it came to administering that drug..Every Anesthesiologist that has been interviewed has said that they would never leave a patient unattended while this medicine is being given. (trying to calm down cuz I can just feel my BP skyrocketing). Michael may have been hooked up to a pulse ox machine but that just reads how much O2 you have in your body, it doesn't administer O2 to the person if he/she stops breathing.
How much more of a smoking gun do you need to arrest this man??!!
two months and the police investigators did not talk with the man wo made the 911 call ? man , do they think people are that stupid . they released the crime scene immediately , they only came back when murray told them where his bag was hidden , which means they intially did not even search the home . what the hell is wrong with them ?

and people always say stick to facts , you're speculating when i said he probably left the house at night , no wonder we have never heard about him leaving the house at night , the employees were not being interviewed and they are probably afraid to s[eak to the media so there words won't be admissible at trial . GOOD FOR THEM .

someone said they were enablers , NO THEY WERE NOT . the drugs prescribed to mj were in his name , I've read the search warrant for the raid on the murray's home in Las Vegas , they listed the names of everyone close to mj including his son and said that HE MAY HAVE USED THEM AS ALIASES , not that he HAD USED THEM .

people you should learn to read , may have had , and had are really REALLY different .
all the meds are injected into the One IV catheter _ they are not seperatly injected into his skin _ one needle is in the arm with a tube - all you do is inject the meds into that _ Arm and hand veins are typically used for IV's although leg and foot veins are occasionally used.

Yes I realize meds would be given all at once in the same IV in one given moment...but if he would be doing this on a regular basis for this and that as some would believe...that is still lots of needle poking.
the meds found in mj's bed room and they were listed in the affidavit were all prescribed in his name , no aliases . again the aliases mj used were different forms of his own name and Omar Arnolds , but inside the files he was mentioned as the patient . Nothing illegal at all . keep that in your minds please , when talking about mj's so called addcition .
Just a few quick points:

1) It's not unusual for medication, especially for medication used for insomnia, to be kept next to bed. Even if it's old or not being currently used. Finding medication there does not mean Murray planted it.
2) Murray did say that MJ had refused to tell him who his doctors were and what medication he'd been prescribed, but he also said that MJ had told him about Metzger and Klein, and Lee, and that he'd been present when Adams had administered propofol. Metzger and Klein were the doctors who prescribed the medicine found next to the bed.
3) The LAPD did interview Michael Amir Williams, and Alberto Alvarez, on June 25th - come on, they're not that useless. The issue here is not that they haven't been interviewed at all, but that those two feel they have more information they can provide.

Given the timing, it seems likely this is in relation to the information attached to the search warrant. In particular, Murray cast Michael Amir in a bad light, saying he called him, got a response, asked for the security detail to be sent upstairs, and they never arrived. So Michael Amir is going to want to make sure everyone knows his side of the story on that I should think - and indeed, we've got his attorney saying "Amir received a frantic four-second message from Murray at 12:13 p.m. with words to the effect of "come quick."".