JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

no elusive the assistants removed the boxes at 9.22 am LA TIME he made the calls before that 9

So to be clear: Murray calls the assistants at 9:00 AM. Is this confirmed by phone records? They remove the stuff at 9:22 am. Didn't Mike's chef claims he usually wakes up at 9:30am and eats at 10am?

Then Murray knowing Mike's daily routine doesn't check on him at 9:30am or 10am, but only comes to discover him at 11am? Hmmm...ah,yeah. :no:
On the phone calls, that's a fact if the search warrant we've seen is accurate. The statement of probable cause states:

"Your affiant (Detective Orlando Martinez) obtained MURRAY's cellular telephone records for the early morning hours of June 25, 2009. In his statement, MURRAY estimated that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be at approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

We don't know who those three callers were (although Murray claimed in his interview he called Michael Amir Williams), or how long he spoke to each of them, just that the total time on the phone was approximately 47 minutes.

I wouldn't say that doesn't fit with panic though. I'd say it fitted with panic if MJ was already beyond help at that point. Not panic about how to save MJ, panic about the magnitude of the consequences of his negligence, and how to get himself out of that situation.

Ok so its not an 'honest' persons way to react but you think he was still in a state of panic? Even in a state of panic you'd try and save Michael more than make phone calls for 47mins! I want to know who the other people he called were, Tohme?
All these posts about times are confusing...

Can someone do a clear bullet point timeline please? From wherever you're getting the info from - the report is it? and perhaps compare to a timeline of other reports - form Murray or whoever?

On the phone calls, that's a fact if the search warrant we've seen is accurate. The statement of probable cause states:

"Your affiant (Detective Orlando Martinez) obtained MURRAY's cellular telephone records for the early morning hours of June 25, 2009. In his statement, MURRAY estimated that he noticed JACKSON was not breathing to be at approximately 1100 hours. MURRAY's cellular telephone records show MURRAY on the telephone with three separate callers for approximately 47 minutes starting at 1118 hours, until 1205 hours. MURRAY did not mention this to the interviewing detectives."

Very good point in bold. Another fishy claim by Murray: I had no idea what drugs he might have been taking, yet the cops found them at MJs bedside. Murray had to have seen them before.

The house was staged during the killing of Michael Jackson, thats why I appaulded the DEA and the LAPD because while most people thought they where just on Murray's trial I knew they where looking for the ones who brought all those pill bottles and other drug parafanellia or however you spell it into that Death House setup for Michael Jackson, because none of those bottles probably had Murray fingerprints on them, because he had never seen them before, why would Michael Jackson have pill bottles and IV equipment in his bedroom or in his home with 3 children running around that home all the time. Michael died a brutal death and just think how he was looking when they grabbed him and started sedating him, he knew they had him and was going to make it look like he OverDosed, I believe as long as he tried to fight because it took hours for him to die, I know they where MAD he didnt die withing the first hour but thats what HEALTHY ORGANS in A HEALTHY BODY will do for anyone allow them to fight off poisons in there bodies for a longtime, but with the LETHAL DOSE of POSION being pumped continuesly in his body and as he looked at his Killers Laughing and Talking about him, I believe he just closed his eyes and starting praying for himself, his children, his mom his dad, his sisters, brothers, his fans, this world, his KILLERS. Some of us know what you went through Michael because our Hearts where united in Love and I can still feel sometimes what you went through but now its about Justice for You and we must move forward for that.
One thing we'll never know, obviously, is whether MJ knew what he Murray was giving him that night.

In terms of his panic, he had to know that he'd be in far more trouble if Michael died than if Michael survived an overdose, which argues for Michael's being gone before those phone calls were made.

ETA: I haven't read this whole thread, and I'm sure I'm repeating what others have said. Still trying to get my mind around this.
This bit from Huffpo

"Murray remained with the sedated Jackson for about 10 minutes, then left for the bathroom, the affidavit said. Less than two minutes later, Murray returned – and found Jackson had stopped breathing.

Cell phone records show three separate calls from Murray's phone for between 11:18 a.m. and 12:05 p.m., the affidavit said. It's not clear who received the calls. Murray had told authorities he was administering CPR during that time.

In a statement posted late Monday on his firm's Web site, Murray's attorney Edward Chernoff questioned the timeline as depicted in the affidavit, calling it "police theory."

"Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 a.m. not breathing," Chernoff said. He declined to comment on the homicide ruling, saying, "We will be happy to address the coroner's report when it is officially released."

The coroner's office has withheld its autopsy findings, citing a request from police to wait until their investigation is complete.

It is no surprise that such a combination of medications could kill someone, said Dr. David Zvara, anesthesia chairman at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

"All those drugs act in synergy with each other," Zvara said. Adding propofol on top of the other sedatives could have "tipped the balance" by depressing Jackson's breathing and ultimately stopping his heart.

The 25 milligrams of propofol "is not a whopping amount," said Lee Cantrell, director of the San Diego division of the California Poison Control System. It was the cocktail of the other sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, that "may have been the trigger that pushed him over the edge," Cantrell said.

"This is horrible polypharmacy," he said, referring to the interaction among the various drugs. "No one will treat an insomniac like this."


"The line between safe and dangerous doses of propofol is thin, and according to the drug's guidelines a trained professional must always stay bedside. Home use of propofol is virtually unheard of – safe administration requires both a specially trained anesthesiologist and an array of lifesaving equipment. Murray was trained as a heart doctor, not a pain and sedation specialist.

Murray told investigators he didn't order or buy any propofol, but investigators served a search warrant Aug. 11 at a Las Vegas pharmacy and uncovered evidence showing Murray legally purchased from the store the propofol he gave Jackson on the day he died."

Ya' gotta' wonder about Dr. Murray's practices.. no matter how you look at this, MURRAY F*CKED UP!
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I was just reading an article now about MJ and food. They say that had he eaten something relatively heavy before sleep he would have no trouble sleeping! I'm wondering now if it's true... since it's proven MJ was a very-light eater and there are now reports saying that the only things found in his stomach were some half-dissolved pills (not sure if that's accurate though). Could MJ have this trouble sleeping from lack of food? I know I can't sleep a wink if I go to bed with an empty stomach! It's also a proven scientific fact.

Here's the article: http://www.phillyburbs.com/opinions...hael-jacksons-death-count-sheep-to-sleep.html
I would not say anything, but could not resist. I do not know why everyone is shocked. Since the beginning are saying that it was Dr. Murray that killed Michael, who was an overdose of propofol, which Michael took tons of remedies and many other things... That being said for centuries. And now after almost 2 months the police come with this news which is no longer any big news to anyone that was an overdose of propofol? The police discovered America. Well, he had enough time to resolve, but so far nothing and I'm not taking it seriously. I always wonder: are they investigating it? I do not believe the police are doing something much less in its efficiency.

I'm sure Michael was not addicted, was not manipulated by anyone and much less stupid. Michael would not let be manipulated by any doctor. I doubt that Michael would agree to take all these remedies without first mixed question the doctor. I do not believe this story of addiction. I'm sure he would not take and not mixed all these remedies. Michael would not run that risk because it is an intelligent person and before doing anything that might harm himself, I'm sure he would think of their children. Michael has always been a conscious person. There's something very strange and much more happening.

I hate when they say that Michael was weak, was not aware of anything, he knew what he was doing, he was lost and was manipulated by everyone around her. This is so ridiculous to think and is a great offense to think this way about Michael...

Therefore I prefer to keep quiet about it and just observe all these things. But sometimes it is impossible to keep quiet.
:mat: That man is going down... ugh. WHY did he have to give him all that shit in his body? I don't know if I can stand to watch any more of this unfold.
Yes, that's the point, he only thought of himself first. I bet his first thought would not be "Oh no, MJ is not breathing, I must do something quickly" BUT "Oh no, MJ is not breathing, I must do something quickly or the police will get involved, my career will be over and I'll go to jail".

He shows that by making the phone calls. Instead of frantically working to bring MJ out of unconsciousness and then calling 911 or immediately calling 911, he places three phone calls totaling 47 mins. He was not rushing to save MJ.

I wouldn't say that doesn't fit with panic though. I'd say it fitted with panic if MJ was already beyond help at that point. Not panic about how to save MJ, panic about the magnitude of the consequences of his negligence, and how to get himself out of that situation.

All these posts about times are confusing...

Can someone do a clear bullet point timeline please? From wherever you're getting the info from - the report is it? and perhaps compare to a timeline of other reports - form Murray or whoever?

Yes, it's coming from the 'statement of probable cause' attached to the search warrant.

It's hard to do a clear timeline because we have a mix of information - some of it is Murray's estimates, given in interview on the 27th June, so not necessarily reliable, and some of it is from phone records so likely to be accurate.

But here's a timeline based on that statement - I'll indicate the source of the information in brackets, approximate times are indicated with an '~'.

Abbreviations: SW = Search Warrant, M=Murray, so 'SW, M' indicates the information comes from the search warrant and the original source was Murray.

  • early May to June 22 (SW, M): Administered 50mg of PROPOFOL diluted with LIDOCAINE every night via IV
  • June 22 (SW, M): Administered 25mg PROPOFOL along with LORAZEPAM and MIDAZOLAM.
  • June 23 (SW, M): Administered LORAZEPAM and MIDAZOLAM
  • June 25 ~0130 (SW, M): Gave 10mg tab of VALIUM
  • June 25 ~0200 (SW, M): Administered 2mg LORAZEPAM via IV
  • June 25 ~0300 (SW, M): Administered 2mg MIDAZOLAM via IV
  • June 25 ~0500 (SW, M): Administered 2mg LORAZEPAM via IV
  • June 25 ~0730 (SW, M): Administered 2mg MIDAZOLAM via IV
  • June 25 0922 (TMZ): Manager of storage facility in Houston says employees of Murray visited a Houston storage facility at this time and left with 3-5 boxes.
  • June 25 ~1040 (SW, M): Administered 25mg PROPOFOL diluted with LIDOCAINE via IV
  • June 25 ~1050 (SW, M): Murray goes to restroom
  • June 25 ~1052 (SW, M): Murray returns and notices that MJ was no longer breathing. Begins CPR, administers .2mg of FLUMANEZIL, calls Michael Amir Williams. Reaches him, requests he sends security upstairs.
  • June 25 1118-1205 (SW): Based on Murray's cellular telephone records, he was on the telephone with three callers for approximately 47 minutes.
  • June 25 ~? (SW, M): After 'a few minutes without the security detail's response' (see ~1052) Murray leaves MJ and runs to kitchen. Asks chef to send Prince up, returns to continue CPR. Prince responds and summons security, security calls 911.
  • June 25 ~1222 (SW): Ambulance responds to emergency call.

Thing is, we can't take Murray's estimates or information as entirely reliable, so basically what we do know to a reasonable degree of certainty is:

Murray gave MJ propofol at some point.
Murray was on the phone with three separate callers betwen 1118 and 1205
The ambulance responded to an emergency call at 1222

Everything else is questionable.
sorry but IF mj was awake at 1040 he'dbe w/ his kids. he would've eaten breakfast w/ them like he always did. he would've been walking around the house. he wasn't b/che was already dead.

murray's forgetting one thing. when you've been dead for awhile, the blood starts to pool in one area. presumeably if ur on ur back, it'll pool down to ur back. u can't keep blood flow, especially if ur on the damn phone calling people.

the fireplace would keep him a tad bit warm and maybe alter the tod but not by much. it's actually worse if u jack up the temp andmake it 60* or lower. he wanted him hot to the touch but didn't realize the opposite is what alters the tod and liver temp.

he's about to start rolling on people
Exactly, he might have called others on his cellphone yet he made security call 911... hmmm... I can't rule out in my mind that he didn't do this on the instructions of others. It does not look like he wanted Michael to survive at all.

I agree. It doesn't seem like he wanted Michael to survive, at ALL. The statements on the search-warrant show an incredibly strange scenario. Murray's first story, that he "noticed" that Michael was not breathing, at 11 a.m., doesn't match the phone records. That's just one inconsistency.

Here is the point. Murray KNEW he'd given Michael dangerous medications, in combination, but without the equipment there to help him if something went terribly wrong. The warrant statement says that Murray "noticed" that Michael was not breathing. His job was to MONITOR him. If one is a medical professional monitoring someone under anesthesia, one does not "notice" that a person is not breathing. One KNOWS.

There are too many conflicting statements. Murray gave Michael the Propofol. Then left the room to go to the bathroom, for two minutes. Came back, and Michael wasn't breathing. A person has four to five minutes (and five is pushing it) of "not breathing" before brain-damage or death occur. TERRIBLE mistake. If that's what happened, Murray should have called 911 immediately, or yelled for someone else to do it. There was a houseful of people! We know from phone records that Murray's cell phone WAS working. OR, Murray was not in the room somehow, and "found" Michael not breathing (dead) at eleven in the morning. So, what? Murray was SLEEPING? Either way, he was not monitoring Michael after giving dangerous medication. Or, he WAS monitoring him, to see when he DIED?

The multiple phone calls and the lame excuse that he somehow couldn't call 911 on his cell-phone because he "didn't know the address" make NO sense. Neither does so much else about his behavior. His behavior doesn't look like a person trying to SAVE someone. It looks like a deliberate commotion and stalling tactics.

All that stuff on the warrrant don't point to a person in a panic at "finding" Michael dead, or "noticing." It points to a KILLING.

Either Murray is a total and complete MORON, or an assassin. If a moron, here are his moronic mistakes.

Left Michael alone while he was under a dangerous anesthesia. (Either Murray left to go to the bathroom, or simply LEFT and then came back to find Michael not breathing. (In a hospital, when a patient is under anesthesia there are always more than one person present, and the patient is NEVER left alone. Surely Murray knew this.)

He seemed to be incapable of using a telephone. Yet, he made numerous calls on his cell phone to everyone but paramedics.

He yelled down the stairs, but NOT for someone . . anyone . . . to call 911. Inexplicably, he yelled for a CHILD to come to the room where his father was dead or dying. (deliberate commotion?)

Seconds count if someone is not breathing. He left to make PHONE CALLS? He was either telling people, "I f xxxx d up," or, "mission accomplished." One of those two. He told people to clear out his STORAGE UNIT? BEFORE he called 911? That right there is an admission of some sort of guilt.

He did CPR on a BED. Guess he did that because he knew it wouldn't matter, anyway?

He prevented the paramedics from "calling time of death" at the scene. Made a big commotion about that. Statements leaked from paramedics say that they knew Michael had been long-gone by the time they even got there.

He refused to sign the death certificate at the hospital.

He vanished from the hospital (who picked him up? How did he leave?)

And on, and on.

I can understand a person making ONE mistake while in a panic. But not these multiple mistakes and giving multiple versions of an event that has only ONE version. The TRUTH. The thing about telling the truth is that you never have to remember the lies you said before, so your statements will be consistent. You just have to tell the truth about what really HAPPENED! Murray didn't.

I know I've been looking at all angles, "what about this?" "what about that?" I now have the chilling thought that this was deliberate, and planned. It's looking more and more like that. If so, I hope to GOD that Michael didn't KNOW. He was so precious to us, and so GOOD, I just hope he wasn't frightened, or hurt. We KNOW he was frightened of Tohme. Was he also frightened of Murray? Who ELSE was in the house? This is absolutely terrible.
This bit from Huffpo

"Murray remained with the sedated Jackson for about 10 minutes, then left for the bathroom, the affidavit said. Less than two minutes later, Murray returned – and found Jackson had stopped breathing.

Cell phone records show three separate calls from Murray's phone for between 11:18 a.m. and 12:05 p.m., the affidavit said. It's not clear who received the calls. Murray had told authorities he was administering CPR during that time.

:bugeyed :doh: People, please take note of the bold. Absolutely disgusting.

The 25 milligrams of propofol "is not a whopping amount," said Lee Cantrell, director of the San Diego division of the California Poison Control System. It was the cocktail of the other sedatives, known as benzodiazepines, that "may have been the trigger that pushed him over the edge," Cantrell said.

"This is horrible polypharmacy," he said, referring to the interaction among the various drugs. "No one will treat an insomniac like this."

Couldn't Murray have forseen the potential danger of the interaction of the various drugs? Of course he did.

Still, remember the first article which claims that the cornoner's report says lethal levels of propofol were found in MJ's body. Thus, (based on Murray's version) more than 25 mg (hell, more than 50 mg) must have been put in MJ's body. 25 mg could not be considered a lethal level. Murray claims he had been giving MJ 50 mg before and he was fine! As the article says its possible that in combination, it killed him. We'd have to know what exactly is meant by lethal levels of propofol (ex. lethal as in > 50mg or lethal in combo with other drugs). IMO lethal levels means > 50mg. I mentioned this already. :no:

:timer: I'm waiting for Murray to be arrested. The delay is making me think they are collecting more evidence or Murray's lawyers are working on a plea deal.
vic it looks as if he had a complete meltdown. tried to alter this and that, tried to cover his tracks, but made it worse and worse.

a hired assassin, maybe not but maybe he didn't want mj alive to say what allhe'd given to him. thought it'd be out by then. a mistake, he passed, and it's over. but calling tod at the house would've prompted a mandatory autopsy.

he not only didn't call tod but he made it difficult and made commotions while the emt's were working on mike. wtf?
Please please please, can someone link me to Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper from last night? I really need to see it!!!
I agree. It doesn't seem like he wanted Michael to survive, at ALL. The statements on the search-warrant show an incredibly strange scenario. Murray's first story, that he "noticed" that Michael was not breathing, at 11 a.m., doesn't match the phone records. That's just one inconsistency.

Here is the point. Murray KNEW he'd given Michael dangerous medications, in combination, but without the equipment there to help him if something went terribly wrong. The warrant statement says that Murray "noticed" that Michael was not breathing. His job was to MONITOR him. If one is a medical professional monitoring someone under anesthesia, one does not "notice" that a person is not breathing. One KNOWS.

There are too many conflicting statements. Murray gave Michael the Propofol. Then left the room to go to the bathroom, for two minutes. Came back, and Michael wasn't breathing. A person has four to five minutes (and five is pushing it) of "not breathing" before brain-damage or death occur. TERRIBLE mistake. If that's what happened, Murray should have called 911 immediately, or yelled for someone else to do it. There was a houseful of people! We know from phone records that Murray's cell phone WAS working. OR, Murray was not in the room somehow, and "found" Michael not breathing (dead) at eleven in the morning. So, what? Murray was SLEEPING? Either way, he was not monitoring Michael after giving dangerous medication. Or, he WAS monitoring him, to see when he DIED?

The multiple phone calls and the lame excuse that he somehow couldn't call 911 on his cell-phone because he "didn't know the address" make NO sense. Neither does so much else about his behavior. His behavior doesn't look like a person trying to SAVE someone. It looks like a deliberate commotion and stalling tactics.

All that stuff on the warrrant don't point to a person in a panic at "finding" Michael dead, or "noticing." It points to a KILLING.

Either Murray is a total and complete MORON, or an assassin. If a moron, here are his moronic mistakes.

Left Michael alone while he was under a dangerous anesthesia. (Either Murray left to go to the bathroom, or simply LEFT and then came back to find Michael not breathing. (In a hospital, when a patient is under anesthesia there are always more than one person present, and the patient is NEVER left alone. Surely Murray knew this.)

He seemed to be incapable of using a telephone. Yet, he made numerous calls on his cell phone to everyone but paramedics.

He yelled down the stairs, but NOT for someone . . anyone . . . to call 911. Inexplicably, he yelled for a CHILD to come to the room where his father was dead or dying. (deliberate commotion?)

Seconds count if someone is not breathing. He left to make PHONE CALLS? He was either telling people, "I f xxxx d up," or, "mission accomplished." One of those two. He told people to clear out his STORAGE UNIT? BEFORE he called 911? That right there is an admission of some sort of guilt.

He did CPR on a BED. Guess he did that because he knew it wouldn't matter, anyway?

He prevented the paramedics from "calling time of death" at the scene. Made a big commotion about that. Statements leaked from paramedics say that they knew Michael had been long-gone by the time they even got there.

He refused to sign the death certificate at the hospital.

He vanished from the hospital (who picked him up? How did he leave?)

And on, and on.

I can understand a person making ONE mistake while in a panic. But not these multiple mistakes and giving multiple versions of an event that has only ONE version. The TRUTH. The thing about telling the truth is that you never have to remember the lies you said before, so your statements will be consistent. You just have to tell the truth about what really HAPPENED! Murray didn't.

I know I've been looking at all angles, "what about this?" "what about that?" I now have the chilling thought that this was deliberate, and planned. It's looking more and more like that. If so, I hope to GOD that Michael didn't KNOW. He was so precious to us, and so GOOD, I just hope he wasn't frightened, or hurt. We KNOW he was frightened of Tohme. Was he also frightened of Murray? Who ELSE was in the house? This is absolutely terrible.

Great post Victoria83

He didn't do anything that would imply he wanted Michael to survive

Yep why did he refuse to sign the death certificate?
Who else was in that house? some say Tohme sacked all the staff right away... was he there? and why was he there if he was as he'd been sacked himself in May!
:bugeyed :doh: People, please take note of the bold. Absolutely disgusting.

Couldn't Murray have forseen the potential danger of the interaction of the various drugs? Of course he did.

Still, remember the first article which claims that the cornoner's report says lethal levels of propofol were found in MJ's body. Thus, (based on Murray's version) more than 25 mg (hell, more than 50 mg) must have been put in MJ's body. 25 mg could not be considered a lethal level. Murray claims he had been giving MJ 50 mg before and he was fine! As the article says its possible that in combination, it killed him. We'd have to know what exactly is meant by lethal levels of propofol (ex. lethal as in > 50mg or lethal in combo with other drugs). IMO lethal levels means > 50mg. I mentioned this already. :no:
i think murray did no mistakes. from what it looks like he knew very well what he was doing.
Man this hurts.

As much as I was happy on Sunday with the tribute concert and thought the big pain has finally left.. then this comes out and I feel as bad as before, damn.

This is like an emotional horror rollercoaster, it's terrible, it's completely insane to go from happy to sad to depressed to empty to ok to happy so many times in 2 months...
Mental institute, here I come...

Michael, why did you need all of that, haven't you tried a massage, a cup of tea, milk and cookies....sex? Damn! I'm so upset, pissed, exausted!
vic it looks as if he had a complete meltdown. tried to alter this and that, tried to cover his tracks, but made it worse and worse.

a hired assassin, maybe not but maybe he didn't want mj alive to say what allhe'd given to him. thought it'd be out by then. a mistake, he passed, and it's over. but calling tod at the house would've prompted a mandatory autopsy.

he not only didn't call tod but he made it difficult and made commotions while the emt's were working on mike. wtf?

I can't imagine that Murray wouldn't have known that there would be an autopsy regardless. Michael was the most famous person on EARTH, was not known to have heart-disease, etc. Even if the cops didn't call for an autopsy, the family would have, for sure.

I think one thing is pretty certain in all of this. Murray KNEW Michael was dead and beyond help, and that's why he didn't call 911 immediately, and instead made "other" calls. If he KNEW Michael was already dead, there are only two possibilities that I can think of.

1. Murray did something incredibly stupid, like leaving Michael alone for an extended period of time and there was no hope of reviving him. He would have KNOWN that amount and combination of meds was risky.

2. Murray deliberately killed him and then staged a commotion. Did he KILL him deliberately and then panic at the enormity of what he'd done?

But that's it. It's one of those two. I want to know WHO he called. Surely that can be retrieved from phone records? Did he happen to call Tohme? Don't know. How about someone from AEG? Don't know. Did he call Frank? Don't know. But SOMEONE does!
I would not say anything, but could not resist. I do not know why everyone is shocked. Since the beginning are saying that it was Dr. Murray that killed Michael, who was an overdose of propofol, which Michael took tons of remedies and many other things... That being said for centuries.

I agree. When the doctor went missing immediately after Michael's death, I knew something was up...
What could be the possible motive for killing Michael? The royalties that were about to fall back into his hands?

And I hate to sound like a broken record, but I really need to see Larry King Live and Anderson Cooper from last night but I can't find the links anywhere on youtube! Can someone help out those of us who are too poor to have cable?:(
Great post by Vic83. I too heard somebody fired all the staff right away but not that it was Thome. They were told don't come back; like that somebody knew what would be the result or wanted them out of the way. If it was Thome, ugh... :puke: :(
Im sorry but this is just way to much :cry:,this pain is just getting so much stronger,its feels all so unreal,i just feel like i cant understand anything :cry:,huggles everyone xx--xx

I feel your Pain and all those who post and cry out like you; reading your post makes everything so real; just remember its not over yet for Michael for his Killers to be punished nor is your love and all those who truly Love Michael or any of our Love Ones we will all be together again; yes the sadness is the seperation in this Life but just know this Life is now full of People who are Deceitful, Killing, Stealing, Braking Others Hearts its really not alot left in this Life thats Good and Lovely except the People who choose to live it out in their Life Everyday like Michael Jackson did and so can we but like Michael there comes a time in this Life where we have to accept that those around us are "THE MOST EVIL" and once we even in our lives with family and friends we must make a choice right then because some of the people around us are also willing to Kill us at right for whatever reason and could even say we committed suicide; its sad but this is the REAL WORLD we ALL live in now. But just know GOOD always Win but this Life now caters to EVIL and it as many alias and disquises. But the Good in this Life even those Murdered are Guranteed an Eternal Life away from all those MOST EVIL. God Bless you until then.

sorry but IF mj was awake at 1040 he'dbe w/ his kids. he would've eaten breakfast w/ them like he always did. he would've been walking around the house. he wasn't b/che was already dead.

murray's forgetting one thing. when you've been dead for awhile, the blood starts to pool in one area. presumeably if ur on ur back, it'll pool down to ur back. u can't keep blood flow, especially if ur on the damn phone calling people.

the fireplace would keep him a tad bit warm and maybe alter the tod but not by much. it's actually worse if u jack up the temp andmake it 60* or lower. he wanted him hot to the touch but didn't realize the opposite is what alters the tod and liver temp.

he's about to start rolling on people

I totally AGREE with you on this, like I continue to say the FORENSICs in Michael Death must be a new even to Coroners and just Overwhelming; I believe they know its nothing but Murder because they also use MOTIVE and there is also ABUNDANCE of MOTIVE for Michael Jackson to be DEAD today, but after chasing all those drugs these Killers have gotten in Michael's Alias to stage his Death they know like La Toya said "THEY ARE MANY". They know this was an Elabort Murder Plot and really to the naked eye and careless investigation could go the way Michael's Killers wanted it to, but they could never get on the inside of Michael's Body to do the damage they needed and those Healthy Organs just messed up everything; Good thing Dick Gregory taught Michael how to do those 40 day Water Fast and Renew his Body and Mind.