JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

I wanna curse and get mad and call names to Dr. Murray ..and those guilty...but unfortunately this won't bring Michael back. and i just want him back!!!
So, let's hope justice will prevail .
no pamarella , the aliases were different forms of his name and Omar Arnolds , but inside the files his name is mentioned as the patient , so nothing illegal at all

and "the all kinds of drugs "comment by me , i mean the other drugs according to the DETECTIVES THEMSELVES are to treat insomnia . again we don't know when each drug was prescribed . is not it interesting that Murray had no idea what mj was taking and who were the doctors treating him , but the police found beside his bed ALL the MEDS HE GOT FROM OTHER DOCTORS AND FROM MURRAY ,

certainly Murray was creating a scene of an overdose .
If the report is true then he took 1 hour 21 mins to call 911?!!! What the hell was he doing making all those other calls before 911 then? This is disturbing as hell. :( He should've called 911 right away, not arse about making phonecalls to his staff. He let our King of Pop die in his bed!!!!
I just wish I could get this horrible picture out of my head of poor Michael laying in his bed being pumped full of all these drugs and Murray standing over him :cry:
The coroner on LKL guessed that during the time he should have been calling 911 he was probably calling people to fond out what to do next b/c he had messed up royally. I forgot the coroners name-not the one handling MJ's case.
I just wish I could get this horrible picture out of my head of poor Michael laying in his bed being pumped full of all these drugs and Murray standing over him :cry:

This is the exact picture in my head too.

Murray over pumping our sweet Michael and waiting for him to pass on, all the while calling the 'others' and giving them updates(imo).
This is the exact picture in my head too.

Murray over pumping our sweet Michael and waiting for him to pass on, all the while calling the 'others' and giving them updates(imo).

That's just what I see in my head too. :no:
I've had a really bad sleep last night after hearing these news...this is bad, really bad

but I still don't understand why did Murray administer propofol at 10 in the morning? please...anyone know, I'm lost
mj was dead by 10 am , people what the hell is wrong with you , mj was dead when Murray made the phone calls to his assistants in Houston and that was at 9.22 am LA time .

he died because of lethal amount of propfol and murray injected him with all these meds after he found him dead to make it look like an overdose . mj used to wake up 9.30 in the morning , according to kai so no murray did not give him propofol at 10.40 n, he only gave this time to cover up what happened before that time regarding phone calls ...etc
the detectives were pointing out contradictions in his timeline enough to get them a search warrant , they did not talk about their OWN TIMELINE .
mj was dead by 10 am , people what the hell is wrong with you , mj was dead when Murray made the phone calls to his assistants in Houston and that was at 9.22 am LA time .

This is what I've been thinking too :(

he died because of lethal amount of propfol and murray injected him with all these meds after he found him dead to make it look like an overdose . mj used to wake up 9.30 in the morning , according to kai so no murray did not give him propofol at 10.40 n, he only gave this time to cover up what happened before that time regarding phone calls ...etc

But why would Murray need to cover up a death that may well have been accidental, or even natural (heart attack for instance), and therefore make things worse for himself? so many questions. I hope the police are on the ball with it all.
well with so many info and 60 pages thread I get confused...I always thought MJ might have been dead for hours...my god what did Murray do to him?
can you imagine Michael laying dead for hours with that creepy doctor in the room and his children in the same house? it breaks my heart....it makes me sick :cry: MJ didn't deserve this
why is the media still defending the doctor?
What ever said this is definitely a case of gross medical malpractice! The doctor can make all the excuses in the world, those around him can say all they want blame who they want but Propofol should only be given in a hosiptal setting under the supervision of 2 trained medical professionals which should include a trained anesthesiologist! No one can deny that and the doctors in question will for sure be in touble for that!
that is the question, i do'nt buy at all that he was hired to kill mj or anything close to that , but I do believe that Murray did something BEYOND HORRIBALE that his attorney thought what he made him admit to would prevent something more absurd from being discovered ,

did he leave mj hooked to propofol and went to see his girl friend ,remember his grilfriend lived only ten minutes away from mj home . saying he gave mj propofol at 10.20 am and not before or during the night cover a possible evidence of him not being present at the mansion at some point at night .

Murray did something horrible and he tried to cover up his crime by doing something horrible , he admitted to things that are horrible only to cover things that are much more horrible , does that make any sense ?
Reading everything, it seems to be that he wasnt exactly murdered but accidently killed!

I mean I think Dr Murray fucked up BIG time, and panicked and made all these phonecalls because he didnt know what to do, and time went on and on and MJ was just lying there dead! I mean what would you do if you had just 'killed' the most famous person on the planet! You would panic your ass off!
is not it interesting that Murray had no idea what mj was taking and who were the doctors treating him , but the police found beside his bed ALL the MEDS HE GOT FROM OTHER DOCTORS AND FROM MURRAY ,

certainly Murray was creating a scene of an overdose .
According to the statement of probable cause, while Murray stated in interview on June 27th that "he had repeatedly asked JACKSON what other physicians were treating him and what was being prescribed to him, but JACKSON would not tell him", Murray also said that "JACKSON did mention that Doctor ARNOLD KLEIN and Doctor ALAN METZGER had given him medicine" and that "JACKSON told MURRAY about two unknown doctors in Germany whom gave him the PROPOFOL", and "JACKSON stated that Doctor CHERILYN LEE had been giving him a "cocktail" to help him", and that "JACKSON called him in Las Vegas and asked him to call Doctor DAVID ADAMS and arrange for Doctor ADAMS to give JACKSON PROPOFOL".

The drugs found by the bedside were (name in brackets is the prescriber):


Murray said he administered, that night, initially LORAZEPAM with MIDAZOLAM, then VALIUM, then LORAZEPAM, then MIDAZOLAM, then LORAZEPAM, then MIDAZOLAM, then finally PROPOFOL with LIDOCAINE. So there's a few by the bedside Murray didn't say he used - but note that Murray also said "he was continuously at JACKSON's bedside."

Basically, if Murray was trying to create the impression of an accidental overdose in that interview, he didn't do a good job of it. He did say he knew that both Metzger and Klein had given MJ medicine, and he said he was there continuously all night.
Eeerrg its horrible his life should of been taken from us! I hope he gos down! x
Murray did something horrible and he tried to cover up his crime by doing something horrible , he admitted to things that are horrible only to cover things that are much more horrible , does that make any sense ?

Ok, I understand... and it beggars belief if this is the case :(. There have been reports of Murray leaving Michael alone while he visited his girlfriend, as you say, or the bag on the IV drip running dry. Whatever happened it's clear he panicked and the timeline still needs a lot of investigation. I'm sure the police know a lot more than this released document is stating, and we have to remember that we are only seeing Murray's version (huh) of events. Time will tell. I'm praying for justice.
Reading everything, it seems to be that he wasnt exactly murdered but accidently killed!

I mean I think Dr Murray fucked up BIG time, and panicked and made all these phonecalls because he didnt know what to do, and time went on and on and MJ was just lying there dead! I mean what would you do if you had just 'killed' the most famous person on the planet! You would panic your ass off!

I can picture the scene in my head unfortunatly, I can see Dr Murray sitting on a chair shaking in fear waiting for the phone to ring with michael lying there motionless on the bed.

surreal shit man.
no not in that interview , he tried to create an overdose scene when he left the meds beside mj's bed , when he hide the drugs he administred to mj in his bag , the drugs that were not prescriped to any patient according to the search warranet .

something happened between him and his lawyer that made him come and say i was the one who administred the drugs .
Not sure if this was posted, but if you want you car hear Geller's reaction to the news...
yay! :rolleyes:

I wonder why the media keep raking out uri geller for comments when he hadn't spoke to MJ since 2003 and I know for a fact and I'bve seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, that Uri lies. Hearing Uri in the media makes me suspicious cos it won't be the truth. Uri Implied in 2003 ITN news in that Michael was guilty of those crimes , it is on youtube despite what he said in his recent documentary on his friend michael
something made him abandon his initial plan to make it look like an overdose on mj''s side .

you don't plan to give propfol , why the IV then at 1.30 , valuim can be given as pills , the same for the other meds . mj was was hooked to an iv from 1,30 am till 10.40 am and murray injecting a med after med while mj was awake all the time ...etc why not give him the drugs as pills ?
according to an expert on CNN the amount of drugs given to him would have killed a horse , and without even using propofol .

but the cause of death is lethal amount of propofol , not combination of the drugs murray mentioned , why ?
I'll tell you why , they were injected AFTER his death to make it look like mj overdosed himself . that's why
Reading everything, it seems to be that he wasnt exactly murdered but accidently killed!

I mean I think Dr Murray fucked up BIG time, and panicked and made all these phonecalls because he didnt know what to do, and time went on and on and MJ was just lying there dead! I mean what would you do if you had just 'killed' the most famous person on the planet! You would panic your ass off!

As I said before, no menatally healthy being with common sense would have given MJ a mixture of these drugs and bring himself in such a situation.

The hippocratic oath is sworn to promise and give everything to save life, not distroy it. PERIOD this doctor is to blame for this shit whether you like it or not. This doc should have left MJ's home rather than bringing himself in such a dreadful situation, if he really loved MJ and was a true friend, there is no question about it.

this is my opinion.
something made him abandon his initial plan to make it look like an overdose on mj''s side .
We're getting rather into speculation here.

But if he was hoping to be able to deny having administered propofol, that would have relied on no autopsy taking place, and being able to retrieve his bag from MJ's house.
I wonder why the media keep raking out uri geller for comments when he hadn't spoke to MJ since 2003 and I know for a fact and I'bve seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, that Uri lies. Hearing Uri in the media makes me suspicious cos it won't be the truth. Uri Implied in 2003 ITN news in that Michael was guilty of those crimes , it is on youtube despite what he said in his recent documentary on his friend michael

It's only a matter of time untill Matt Fidds raises his ugly head once more as well