is not it interesting that Murray had no idea what mj was taking and who were the doctors treating him , but the police found beside his bed ALL the MEDS HE GOT FROM OTHER DOCTORS AND FROM MURRAY ,
certainly Murray was creating a scene of an overdose .
According to the statement of probable cause, while Murray stated in interview on June 27th that "he had repeatedly asked JACKSON what other physicians were treating him and what was being prescribed to him, but JACKSON would not tell him", Murray
also said that "JACKSON did mention that Doctor ARNOLD KLEIN and Doctor ALAN METZGER had given him medicine" and that "JACKSON told MURRAY about two unknown doctors in Germany whom gave him the PROPOFOL", and "JACKSON stated that Doctor CHERILYN LEE had been giving him a "cocktail" to help him",
and that "JACKSON called him in Las Vegas and asked him to call Doctor DAVID ADAMS and arrange for Doctor ADAMS to give JACKSON PROPOFOL".
The drugs found by the bedside were (name in brackets is the prescriber):
Murray said he administered, that night, initially LORAZEPAM with MIDAZOLAM, then VALIUM, then LORAZEPAM, then MIDAZOLAM, then LORAZEPAM, then MIDAZOLAM, then finally PROPOFOL with LIDOCAINE. So there's a few by the bedside Murray didn't say he used - but note that Murray also said "he was continuously at JACKSON's bedside."
Basically, if Murray was trying to create the impression of an accidental overdose in that interview, he didn't do a good job of it. He
did say he knew that both Metzger and Klein had given MJ medicine,
and he said he was there continuously all night.