JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

Well Deepak was always shady. I don't see how anyone liked him. He had no problem telling the media Michael's business.
I can't get over the 90 minutes thing. He found MJ not breathing at 10:52 and 911 wasn't called until 12:22?

Know it is not. A jury will not believe a proven liar. He has no credibility now. He F*cked his self.

Good for your sorry ASS. Burn in hell MutherF*cker!!!

I think you misunderstood me. When I say his word about what happened in that room IS all we have to go on, I don't mean his lies won't be seen and he won't be convicted. I'm not saying he has any credibility at all. I agree with you there. I meant unless someone else comes out and says they were in the room, too and gives a credible account, all we have are the lies Murray throws out there. Sure, we my know they are lies and the jury may know they are lies but unless medical science can accurately give us some facts, we may not ever know what happened in that room...in truth. Did he stand there and watch Michael die or was he really a dumbarse doctor who recklessly administered drugs?
Well Deepak was always shady. I don't see how anyone liked him. He had no problem telling the media Michael's business.

I always liked deepak until he was the first person I heard on the press after MJ death and it made me suspicious, since then I've been looking into him and was really shocked to discover that his book publishers random house are owned by an elite illuminati german family, the Mohn family and he is in an elite illuminati club called the club of rome which is a really sinister global political think tank organisation, that is into population control. Seriously this not a whacky conspiracy theory it is the truth. You can check it out. The spiritual guru stuff no matter how good it sounds on the surface and I have liked his books as a spritual person myself is all a bloody mask. The world definitely is not what it seems.

Truth is stranger than fiction.
I feel sad but this news does not suprise me......

Whatever happened (and mayby we will never find out the full truth), we will always love him.
Ok so Murray had the nerve to say he wasn't the first to give MJ the Propofal, but damn Mofo you were the f'n LAST person to give it to him.. Stop making up f'n excuses...

for those of you in the US, turn to Headline News, Every person on here is saying Murray is responsible and that he is making excuses..

Wow...I'm suprised they weren't blaming MJ anyway. Thanks for mentioning that.

a media that always believed Michael to be cash strapped, now, all of a sudden, agree that Michael's money stash is never ending, when it comes to acquiring drugs.

Ridiculous. MJ to them is whatever they want him to be, as long as it fits their idea of him.

I've just been reading through the warrant...

"Murray REFUSED to sign the death certificate"

"Upon arrival at UCLA Medical Centre, neither the coroners investigator nor detectives could locate Murray to reinterview him. Repeated attempts at contacting and locating Murray were unsuccessful"

Re: him refusing to sign the death certificate, wasn't there some article about paramedics saying they saw signs of liver or rigor mortis already? But Murray out ranked them. Then he disappears... more strange behavior. Come on, media. Don't you see something strange w/ Murray's behavior? :doh: Still have to keep blaming MJ, huh? :no:
i want to know how will the doctor be charged???
go to jail????
I will always love you MJ
the pain will never go away :cry:
I hope that murray goes to jail
^ sorry mistake in my last post i meant mg not ml

Yeah,careful because it makes a huge difference if it's ml instead of mg. 25 ml of Propofol 1% would be 250 mg and 500mg if it's Propofol 2%.....so it would be a huge difference to 25 mg. Actually now that I think of it.... Since Dr. Murray was not an anesthesiologist and I can't think of him being too used to using Propofol....what if he got 1% and 2% mixed...and just concentrated on the ml, and didn't realize there are two different concentrations...one with 1% and one with 2 %...and gave twice the dose? If he didn't know the right amounts and someone just told him the amounts in milliliters instead of mg and he didn't bother checking. Or he had the 1% drug before and then for some reason got the 2% one and didn't pay attention and gave twice the dose. That could explain the lethal amount, now that I think about it. Then again, like I've kept saying...you don't even have to overdose on Propofol for it to be able to kill you. If you are not careful and you inject it too fast or you don't monitor the patient properly and, God forbid, leave the patient and they stop breathing...it can kill even when you use a dose that would be okay in a PROPER SETTING (because if the patient stops breathing in a hospital setting, it will rarely kill you because the staff will be prepared and will intubate you and breathe for you until the drug wears off and you start breathing on your own again).
Ever since I read McMillan said Michael's insomnia dates back to during the trial, it's stuck in my head...So, I say, the manslaughter is now officially Dr.Conrad Murray and...as we all know, there are so many figurative murderers...The media don't mention them as often nowadays, but we know who they are. I feel so much anger against the figurative murderers.
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Horrible end to the kindest man :( so sad and it's something that could have been so easily avoided with a different doctor :(
why didn,t they arrest anyone yet,i mean surely they have enough evidance to charge him,no,wait a minute they the media told the world that they were going to arrest murray within the next couple of weeks,what a stupid dum ass thing to do,
I feel so bad for Michael that he was having such a hard time sleeping, combined with the fact that despite his tiredness he was expected to rehearse everyday and in less than 3 weeks start performing every night. Such dreadful circumstances :(
From yahoo:

"Jackson went to sleep after Murray gave him the propofol, and Murray stayed by his side for about 10 minutes, then left "to go to the restroom and relieve himself," the search warrant said.
Murray was out of Jackson's room for about 2 minutes and when he returned, Jackson was no longer breathing, the warrant said."


Did they get it wrong, didn't the report say he was out making phone calls and stayed more than 2 mins? I'm so confused, when I went to bed everything was quiet and now there's 50+ pages of info...
:cry: too much.

That's a lot of medication. I'm so sad right now.:(

I can't believe it, 3 different sedatives and on top of that propofol....... this doctor is ...... god, I can't find an appropriate word for it........ every average guy without medical education and a healthy sense of comprehension would believe that such a mixture must be lethal.

This makes me feel so sick and outraged....... I can't believe we lost Michael because of this irresponsible bastard.
As a doctor he had sworn the hippocratic oath to save lifes. Even if MJ had demanded propofol in the morning he should have declined this wish in order to his responsibility...... this sucks.
This news doesn't have the shock value that it should. Intelligent and informed posters on this board and others came to the same conclusion weeks ago.
Is this really necessary? Can't see where this is helping anyone or anything? great, you get to vent, but really...........?

Yes, it is necessary. And he is a little B*tch hiding behind his fake a** body guard. Suicide watch please, in my book that is a b*tch move.

I am mad as h*ll. This man killed Michael. And the more I read this shit the more it pisses me off. I am pass angry.

Is that better?
Agent M, yes, you are right. It feels somehow different though to have seen it written there on that report.

Murray will have difficult times, because the whole world loathes him now, and i mean that literally. It is not only me who has a hard time forgiving him. Somehow I believe he is going to be safe in prison, but outside maybe not.
WHAT A F___KIN SCUM BAG!!!!!! i can't believe this bastard gave him all these drugs!!!! this just really pisses me off and makes me sad :( but justice is going to be served i hope they put this criminal in jail soon where he belongs!!!!!!
60 pages.. :( last time I saw a thread grow like this was when MJ had his curls back :cry:
Trying to wean him off the propofol, so he gave him three different sedatives, "various drugs" and then administered propofol on top of it? What?
Micheal was given different type of sedatives like every hour since 1:30 am till 10:40 am. How on earth a doctor can approve it even the patient is 'begging'.
Really ridiculous that Murray saying like he asked for it and I gave...is that simple.
This is not homicide it is a murder.
If Murray get arrested and in trial, verdict will be 'murder' obviously.
i think all the fans of the world we should stand up for are rights in this world what happen to are heao, are talent of the world he is are angel all the years we're there for him i think we should all go and street fight for are lives again and support are Jacksons Family in this world
i got to do this and i got to do this to fight are love one we love so much on you with me WE ALL SHOULD FIGHT WITH JACKSONS FAMILY :yes:

i can't take this anymore WE ALL SHOULD STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THIS :yes:
i'm so angry at dr.murry and that nuise too :mat:

i can't be here and or watch that news on this this i got to fight this :yes:

so who is with me

I feel stupid asking this, but I will ask anyway.
How can a search warrant tell what Michael did and did not have in his body?

Isn't a search warrant just to be able to go into someone's home and snoop around?
Brilliant point :)
All these reports are fake