JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

did anybody watch Larry King Live and AC360 i did :yes:

but the inside of me is scary and upset what happen to my heao :cry:

but the outside of me i'm so angery :yes: :mat:
By now we KNOW that Murray killed Michael. What is not proven yet is whether this doctor was such an imbecile that it's amazing he could even manage to get himself dressed in the morning, OR, was he a hired assassin? It's one of those two scenarios. I hope the LAPD does NOT stop digging until the truth is revealed.
Propofol is an anesthetic and it's not something you'd use to treat insomnia!

What I found "interesting" was when I heard Nurse Lee supposedly staying a night "watching MJ while he slept". I can't remember if she said it in an interview or if I read it in an article...but she supposedly gave MJ "herbs" to make him sleep...and stayed in his room to "monitor him". If she gave him some harmless herbs...why would she need to stay there to watch him? That always kind of bothered me. And she's a nutritionist, isn't she? Not an "insomnia specialist".

Harmless herbs get monitored and yet Murray walks away with dangerous propofol! :doh: What kind of idiots did he have around him!
I agree with Chernoff, Murray's lawyer that they are conflicting reports, even within the warrant itself. Did he make calls, or did he go to relieve himself?? Make up your mind LAPD?

Thanks for the link to the court documents LiveonBoca.
That was a very, very interesting read. There are still some gaps to be filled in and there are obvious conjectures.

First of all, the cops and the coroners DID know about Diprivan before nurse Lee even mentioned it.

Question: When the coroner issued the prelim report, did he say that it was negative? Because the search warrants stated that propofol was determined to be the cause as it was found in lethal quantities.

Secondly, Murray KNEW MJ in 2006 because he sat up a meeting with MJ and another anesthesiologists. So MJ had been getting propofol administered to him via certified care in an assumed safe environment.

Thirdly, it is comforting to know that MJ's family, despite some accounts, were privy to some of MJ's medical situation to the point that they knew who was treating him.
Propofol is an anesthetic and it's not something you'd use to treat insomnia!

What I found "interesting" was when I heard Nurse Lee supposedly staying a night "watching MJ while he slept". I can't remember if she said it in an interview or if I read it in an article...but she supposedly gave MJ "herbs" to make him sleep...and stayed in his room to "monitor him". If she gave him some harmless herbs...why would she need to stay there to watch him? That always kind of bothered me. And she's a nutritionist, isn't she? Not an "insomnia specialist".

I remember reading that. I remember her claiming she monitored him and he jumps up and mentions how great he feels and said something like "See what it does for me!"

Do you remember that?
this is so sad, i cannot believe it :(
why isn't this stupid idiot "doctor" already arrested?? i dont understand this..
i really hope that justice will prevail in the end, i beg for justice, all those who are responsible for michael's death should be put forever in jail! i hate them, i hope they suffer eternally for what they did.

Now, my friend just called me and said that they had officially charged Murray with Homeside....I was watching Larry King and they didn't say it was official....even the L.A.P.D. hasn't issued a statement. Anyone hear any different?

I think they'll wait until the investigation is done and the final results from the autopsy are in. God, still can't believe this is Michael were talking about. Damn...
By now we KNOW that Murray killed Michael. What is not proven yet is whether this doctor was such an imbecile that it's amazing he could even manage to get himself dressed in the morning, OR, was he a hired assassin? It's one of those two scenarios. I hope the LAPD does NOT stop digging until the truth is revealed.

Completely agree and since NO ONE is as stupid as this doctor has come off as being in all this, tends to make me lean towards the foul play angle.
Propofol is an anesthetic and it's not something you'd use to treat insomnia!

What I found "interesting" was when I heard Nurse Lee supposedly staying a night "watching MJ while he slept". I can't remember if she said it in an interview or if I read it in an article...but she supposedly gave MJ "herbs" to make him sleep...and stayed in his room to "monitor him". If she gave him some harmless herbs...why would she need to stay there to watch him? That always kind of bothered me. And she's a nutritionist, isn't she? Not an "insomnia specialist".

Well, she claimed Michael wanted to prove to her that nothing worked for him in getting sleep. Her "watching" him was supposed to show how nothing worked...even the herbs she was to give him. He only slept for 3 hours, according to her, but she claimed she felt that was mainly becuz of the conditions in his room. He liked the light on, had music on and cartoons playing on a computer/dvd...which she felt was too much stimulation.
Even now he lies that MJ kept asking for 'more' to sleep...MJ is not alive to deny it. :(
why he had to give 'that' to MJ after 10 am?
Just looked, yeah that looks rather gloaty :(



The same Marty Bandier who once bid for the Beatles catalog when he had a company called 'Entertainment Co.' check it out on this link about the history of Michael and the catalog http://www.pophistorydig.com/?tag=paul-mccartney-michael-jackson
I remember reading that. I remember her claiming she monitored him and he jumps up and mentions how great he feels and said something like "See what it does for me!"

Do you remember that?

She didn't say that at all. Read the article again.
Harmless herbs get monitored and yet Murray walks away with dangerous propofol! :doh: What kind of idiots did he have around him!

Not only idiots, people who only wanted one thing, $. Money is the only that kept people of this character around Michael. Sadly, in the end they took his life. You can't tell me some of those who worked for him didn't know that was taking place. If they really cared, they would have stopped the madness.
this is so sad, i cannot believe it :(
why isn't this stupid idiot "doctor" already arrested?? i dont understand this..
i really hope that justice will prevail in the end, i beg for justice, all those who are responsible for michael's death should be put forever in jail! i hate them, i hope they suffer eternally for what they did.

me neither....and I agree that they need to put all those evils in jail forever, and they need to suffer a million times of what Michael has suffered....damn....i am so sad and angry at the moment.....but I believe God will let the justice prevail and they will need to pay for what they have done!!!
The anesthesiologist on NG show said...
The 50 milligrams that Murray is claiming to have been giving Michael would only keep him asleep for approximately 10 minutes.

The anesthesiologist on LKL said...
2 of the drugs mentioned, propofol and the other I don't recall the name but it's one to calm patients before surgeries are iv only and should NEVER be given outside of a hospital.

The other one, the muscle relaxing one to calm patients is known in the UK as a "pre-med". Years ago they seemed to give pre-meds as a matter of course. They stopped doing it because of the risks involved which I THINK were in respect to the potential to overdose reasons. Now, they will only give patients who are exceptionally anxious about the pendng surgery a pre-med. Unless you're a nervous wreck just beforehand you don't get it.

A long time ago I was given a pre-med...and my God, the feeling from it once it took effect was so lovely I can well see why Michael liked them..thats assuming he did. However I can recall being in such a relaxed state of zonked out bliss when I had mine I can't believe just one dose of THAT wasn't enough to get Michael to sleep. I think he must have been in one hell of an acute state of distress and anxiety that night for some reason. He hasn't just had a particularly bad bout of insomnia.
........ New York Times reported that Sharpton and lawyer Johnnie Cochran's current initiative to help black musicians really originated with Jackson's dispute with Sony, which the Times says may erupt into a lawsuit.

Jackson has spent the last couple of months complaining that Sony didn't do enough to promote and market ''Invincible,'' released last November on Sony's Epic label, which sold 2 million copies in the U.S. and only a few million more in the rest of the world -- lackluster figures by Jackson's standards. Sony says it has done plenty, having spent $50 million producing and promoting the album, but it balked at Jackson's request earlier this year for $8 million to shoot a third video for the album, the Times reports. But the dispute over the handling of ''Invincible'' grew out of a larger struggle between Jackson and Sony over Jackson's effort this year to renegotiate his contract with the label, where he has spent his entire adult career, those involved in the negotiations tell the Times.

At issue are two sets of assets. One is Jackson's master recordings, which Sony is supposed to turn over to him in seven years, but which he wants in three. (Owning those will mean he no longer has to split royalties with Sony.) The other is Sony/ATV, the music publishing company that Jackson co-owns with Sony, which holds the copyrights to several hundred thousand songs, including the catalogs of the Beatles and such Sony artists as Bob Dylan. (Last week, Sony/ATV bought Nashville publisher Acuff-Rose, which holds the rights to 55,000 country songs.) Both Jackson and Sony want to buy out each other's stake in the publishing venture, the Times says.

The Times quotes two people close to Jackson as saying he plans to sue Sony. ''If you look ahead to what can happen, it's in the courtroom,'' one of them told the Times. ''Then it gets interesting.''

What makes me so angry is that this Murray character, apparently,
thinks that he should just walk away free, after admitting to having
killed Michael Jackson, the world's greatest entertainer.
Rot in Hell Murray you and the rest of your murderous band. :mat:

What I find interesting about this is he's saying their checkbook is always open regardless, YET they passed on the Rodgers and Hammerstein catalog that went up for sale. If I'm not mistaken, Michael was interested in it and Sony/ATV was in the running for it. Turns out, I recently found out, the winning company or whatever who ended up with the R&H catalog had JOHN BRANCA as their negotiator. :ermm: SO, in essence, he was bidding against Sony/ATV (Michael). And the cat sold for $200 million. Makes me wonder now did Bandier really bid vigorously FOR it at all if money was no object...or did John bid vigorously for it to make sure Sony/ATV (Michael) didn't get it? It's just weird how out of ALL the ppl who could have negotiated that catalog it turned out to be John, the man who got ATV for Michael. One of those funny coincidences? hmm...
After watching CNN and a run through of someone going under, I'm really amazed at the obvious lack of experience this doctor had.

Murray had no idea how to use Profopol. I want to know who taught him to use it. Who showed him how to use it for Michael?

What's even scarier is that the person CNN watched go under, stopped breathing almost as soon as they put him under. They had to incubate him and give him oxygen. Which, too me, explains why Murray was dragging cans of oxygen to Michaels room

My what if's: What IF MJ had stopped breathing before June 25....Meaning another day and Murray brought him back. (Possibly giving him false confidence that he could continue to be his doctor)

Maybe that's where that bloody shirt came from.... A past bad incident. Probably why it wasn't thrown away, it could have even been forgotten about. (If that shirt was true)

Maybe that's why the first call was not to 911, but to a group of people who helped him before in a similar incident?

Okay, let me stop and go to the speculation threads.
Another point I realize: The doses that MJ supposedly got were not given on a per hr. basis which makes me think that MJ was NOT getting an infusion, he was getting injections of propofol! So, as Summer said, was it just injected too fast??

And what about the O2 tanks?? Did these exist at all?

And see if y'all can follow me. Ok, propofol disappears out of the blood stream quite quickly but the coroner supposedly found a lethal amt in his blood which I can never understand. But one theory for this is, if the heart stopped pumping blood to the rest of the body, the propofol would be found in high concentrations in the peripheral blood. Which would mean MJ's heart stopped working seconds after, or even before he was given propofol. What do you think? Summer, anybody else??

Could it have been the benzodiazepines that did MJ in?? (which would explain why he got flumenazil, the anti-dote for benzos, from the doc). Was propofol injected after the passing, or literally seconds before?
I remember reading that. I remember her claiming she monitored him and he jumps up and mentions how great he feels and said something like "See what it does for me!"

Do you remember that?

hmm. I don't remember that. I remember she said that she gave him a holistic/herbal remedy for inducing sleep and that after 3 hours he woke up and said -- see? I can't sleep more than that. check the article again.

I don't think Lee gave Michael Propofol. I think Murray's covering his own ass there.
iwrite2, what concentration of propofol did that patient on CNN get?? it is important to know that. The media don't understand half of what they talk about, and the other half of their reports are based on drama.

There was no account of a bloody shirt. That shirt probably was dyed. Plus no one hangs up a bloody shirt.lol.
dr is trying to cover his ass..........bet you Michael died around 830a-9a on Jun25....the timeline is going to get him...

he murdered Michael Jackson.... how can you live with that
The same Marty Bandier who once bid for the Beatles catalog when he had a company called 'Entertainment Co.' check it out on this link about the history of Michael and the catalog http://www.pophistorydig.com/?tag=paul-mccartney-michael-jackson

If you believe Randy in that Magic & Madness book then there was more to it than what that article states. Bandier had actually beaten Michael and was getting the catalogue - his bid had been accepted...till Branca supposedly skuppered it by getting Bandier's financiers to pull out. Hence Michael, able to come up with the money quicker, got the catalogue after all.

Now years later up pops Bandier again... as Sony's CEO! If Bandier didn't and still doesn't harbour an almighty bitter resentment about what happened back then, then the man should be sainted because any ordinary person would never forget something like that. So, when I found out who exactly Bandier WAS, my immediate thought was that the feud with Sony was far from over; it was probably only really about to start.
What I find interesting about this is he's saying their checkbook is always open regardless, YET they passed on the Rodgers and Hammerstein catalog that went up for sale. If I'm not mistaken, Michael was interested in it and Sony/ATV was in the running for it. Turns out, I recently found out, the winning company or whatever who ended up with the R&H catalog had JOHN BRANCA as their negotiator. :ermm: SO, in essence, he was bidding against Sony/ATV (Michael). And the cat sold for $200 million. Makes me wonder now did Bandier really bid vigorously FOR it at all if money was no object...or did John bid vigorously for it to make sure Sony/ATV (Michael) didn't get it? It's just weird how out of ALL the ppl who could have negotiated that catalog it turned out to be John, the man who got ATV for Michael. One of those funny coincidences? hmm...

Not only do I believe JOHN BRANCA was EXTORTING MONEY FROM Michael on this deal you are talking about, there is a blog somewhere on the internet Ive read so much overload; but anyway that JOHN BRANCA and PAUL McCARTNEY where working TOGHETHER to BUY the BEATLES CATALOG out of HOCK. Paul already knew to not BID because JOHN and PAUL had a SAY SAY SAY DEAL to use MICHAEL JACKSON's MONEY TO BUY the CATALOG and MICHAEL wouldnt give it back as soon or as easy as they had planned, Im CONVINCED now John Branca has been EXTORTING and EMBLEZZLING Michael Jackson's MONEY for DECADES and this is why Michael FIRED BRANCA and NEVER HIRED HIM BACK so they had to say that he hired BRANCA back the week before he was found DEAD, this was one of the first things Katherine Jackson QUESTIONED in their first COurt Appearance after Michael's Death, John Branca is THE FIXER in the Murder Plot. Its been John Branca getting Michael in DEBT Trouble as Dick Gregory said "All these Debts are Crazy Lies".