JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show

The thing is Michael would have found an unscrupulous doctor to administer the drug anyway. What angers me is he found both an unscrupulous AND a stupid doctor. Lethal combination (pun intended)...

I think AEG found this pathetic idiotic SOB not Mike.
OHHHHHHH ThANK yOU God!!!!(not intended to offend any who worship's differently)!!!

Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it!!!!

Tears of joy and Sadness.

You are welcome and I feel the same way right now I'm more angry than anything, I've cried plenty now i just want all of the trash that conspired to murder Mike to get theirs in spades.
Summer so since you're a nurse and you say the mix of these drugs is not unusual in a safe environment, that also means that MJ was not an addict right? because this mix is not unusual? please I need to understand you can't trust the media with anything
so basically what Murray did wrong was he administered a dangerous drug without proper equipment and left MJ unmonitored

It's not really that simple...Using those drugs together is not unusual...in the OR. It IS unusual to be used in a home. No responsible person would ever in their right mind knock a person out with Propofol in someone's HOME. That's irresponsible. And I don't really know if you could call Michael an "addict" if he just wanted to use those drugs to sleep. It's true you can develop a tolerance...We have had kids who were very sick and had numerous operations and have gotten Propofol, etc. very often, so those kids sometimes need much higher doses before the drugs work. And I guess when you rely on any type of drug you can become "dependant"...even if it's just "psychological" and you just THINK you need them. I can't say if MJ was an addict, because I don't know his medical history and what drugs exactly he used, for how long, and why. If someone has a serious problem with insomnia, and needs drugs to be able to sleep, I wouldn't say they are an "addict", because they are using the drugs to treat a problem, and the drugs are prescribed for that very problem. However, I guess there are people who become dependant on sleeping pills too and can't get sleep without the pills anymore. I'm not an addiction specialist, so I can only tell you my opinion, nothing more. One thing I do know though, and that is that NO RESPONSIBLE DOCTOR would EVER use Propofol in a home. And that's a FACT.

watchin the news... they just gave a timeline of the events that evening... it said murray returned to the room 2 mins after he left but tmz is reportin that they have proof he spent 47 mins on the phone... if he really did that then it makes me so angry... if he was chit chattin with family and friends while michael was dying in the next room, abandoned by the doctor who was there to make sure he stays alive... plus that drug coctail he gave him... who can survive that?

2 minutes doesn't make sense really. If he was away just two minutes and MJ stopped breating for two minutes...and if he intubated him immediately and would have given him proper CPR (but maybe just intubating him and getting oxygen into his lungs would have done the trick) and called 911 immediately....he most likely would have been able to save him. There is no way he was away just 2 minutes. Or he was, but then he had no idea what to do to get MJ breathing...had no laryngoscope, no tube, no nothing there...
Why would you give him propafol at 11am? Thats basically daytime? a bit late to try that drug after a whole night and morning of trying

Do you know how long i have been waiting for someone to make this point. It was already the middle of day no need to sleep anymore.

The truth is MJ was dead in the wey early mornining of 6/25 i am thinking as early as 4 am and Murray was somewhere galavanting and came back noticed him dead and began his stupid cover up.
OMG I feel so sick now. WTF did Murray do?

So many contradictions about the timings in his version of events. There are too many gaps in the times in his version. It doesn't make any sense. He can't have been out of the room for just 2 mins, otherwise what did he do for the rest of the time?

I hope the police are building a more accurate timeline by looking into everything, not just his version.

-Why not just call 911 straight away and do proper CPR? Basic Stuff.
-Who was he on the phone to?
-When & IF he called Michael Williams wtf didn't he send anyone upstairs?
-Why administer a cocktail of Benzodiazepines? Diazepam, Lorazepam & Medazolam, they are all from the same class of drugs.

0130 - 10mg Oral Diazepam
0200 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0300 - 2mg IV Medazolam
0500 - 2mg IV Lorazepam
0730 - 2mg IV Medazolam

Then at approx. 1040 - 25mg Propofol.

I wanna see the coroner's report to find out what levels of what drugs were in his blood.

- But how could 25mg Propofol be lethal if he'd had 50mg before? Maybe it was at too high a rate of infusion? Was it even an infusion or a 'bolus dose'?

AstraZeneca's (the manufacturer of Diprivan) dosage recommendation states basically, a continuous infusion is needed if it's being used for general anaestheia or mac sedation, because it has such a short half life (time of action). (see http://www1.astrazeneca-us.com/pi/diprivan.pdf). So how Murray gave it to MJ is crucial IMO.

This is taken from AstraZeneca's PDF about Diprivan (Propofol):


Drug Interactions: The induction dose requirements of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion may be reduced in patients with intramuscular or intravenous
premedication, particularly with narcotics (e.g., morphine, meperidine, and fentanyl, etc.) and combinations of opioids and sedatives (e.g., benzodiazepines,
barbiturates, chloral hydrate, droperidol, etc.). These agents may increase the anesthetic or sedative effects of DIPRIVAN Injectable Emulsion and may also
result in more pronounced decreases in systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures and cardiac output.

Maybe all the benzos in his system interacted severely with propofol.

- Murray said he monitored MJ's oxygen sats and pulse with Oximeter. Wonder if the cops found proof of this?

Please, please, please let justice prevail for MJ and all his family. It's just all incredibly sad to know that this could and should have been avoided.

I've just Googled a random dosage and this link is the first I've looked at. It seems to be about sedating a highly anxious patient, with the final step if all else fails-to anaesthetise with Propofol. It does state to alternate between more than one type of sedatives, similar to what Murray states he did.... but going from this in the link those dosages Michael was given don't seem sufficient to be lethal. He's got to have been given far more than what Murrays admitting to.

ughhh I feel like I am going insane!! Who was Dr. Murray talking to on the phone? and why did he not say he talked on the phone to three different people the two times he talked to LAPD? He keeps changing his story! First their isn't a working phoneline in the house. But he can easily call people with his cell phone. Why did he wait soo long to call 911!!!! This shouldn't have happened Michael should still be here with us D; I don't trust anyone. And yes, I want to know also, how did Dr. Murray get to the hospital? and how did he leave? who came to pick him up? Sooo many questions...

and people keep saying MJ was a drug addict. I deff believe he wasn't. I think these people were controlling him. Dr. Murray was getting paid to do this to Michael. Murray is already over $400,000 in debt. So he needed the money. But I believe that the people controlling Michael were (Tohme Tohme, AEG, Frank Delio, and Sony)
Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."



and no matter how much Murray is at fault they're still trying to blame it on MJ "the addict"
I hate everyone.

I've noticed this, too. However, Michael didn't pop these pills on his own. He had a doctor there in his presence literally pumping it into him intraveneously. That's a big difference, imo. If this had happened to him inside a hospital there would be no way anyone would claim he was an addict who overdosed. Blame would automatically go to the person who administered it wrongfully.
Actually, I don't have a problem with Dr. Murray using Midazolam and Lorazepam together with Propofol. It's a common practise to use those together in the OR. Kids get those all the time right before they get Propofol, so you CAN use them together. It's not a problem. Also some muscle relaxants, etc. are okay too sometimes. It's not necessarily WHAT Dr. Murray used that is a problem...it's HOW he used them and WHERE. The drugs in itself aren't necessarily the problem...it's the fact that he used them in an enviroment that was NOT SAFE and he used them while alone with no one to assist him, and without proper equipment, that is not okay and that I have a problm with. All those drugs are quite safe when used correctly. We use Propofol all the time, WITH Midazolam, Fentanyl, Piritramide, Mivacron (muscle relaxant), etc. etc. and we have never had problems. But the patients also are either intubated or we have the equipment next to the patient, and their oxygen saturation and pulse are carefully monitored...blood pressure is monitored, etc. etc. And we are NEVER alone with a patient. There is always staff there to help. But NO RESPONSIBLE PERSON would EVER use Propofol in a home setting, and on top of that ALONE. That is just absolutely IRRESPONSIBLE and NOT SAFE. And we have not heard ANYTHING about Michael having been monitored even with just a Pulse Oximeter nor have we heard Dr. Murray INTUBATING him once he noticed he was not breathing (I really do hope he HAD an intubation gear there...)! And CPR on a BED??!!! And not calling 911 IMMEDIATELY??? It just creeps me out when ever I even think about it.

What I would also like to know....since Murray was "playing an anesthesiologist"....he should also have exact records of what he gave MJ and when and how much and also what MJ's vital signs were the whole time. When ever you use those drugs, you carefully document everything from when you began giving something and when you stopped, the drug name and dose and time, how much the patient got oxygen or if the patient was intubated, what their oxygen saturation, BP, and pulse was at all times. So Murray should have those documents too somewhere. IF he was being responsible.

What comes to the Propofol dose...Either they got the facts wrong about the dose, or Murray isn't telling the truth...or something just doesn't add up. 25 mg on an adult man doesn't do much. If he gave MJ just 25 mg, then the only way I can think it MAYBE could have been lethal is if he injected it REALLY fast (as in less than 5 seconds) and left MJ alone that SECOND. Because with only 25mg a grown up won't be unconscious for very long (if at all). We usually need more than that just to get a 5 year old unconscious. And we usually need around 100mg to keep a small kid unconscious for 20-30 minutes. So the dose doesn't make sense. Also 50 mg PER NIGHT is ridicilous. You can't keep even just a 110 pound man even sedated all night with just 50 mg of Propofol. The LEAST amount you'd need to keep someone who weighs 110 pounds (not saying MJ was that thin, but let's say he was) just SEDATED for an hour, would be 15 mg...to completely knock them out for an hour you'd need about 200 mg. So with 50 mg you could maybe keep a 110 pound person sedated for about 3 hours (but you'd still need an initial dose to get them unconscious first...so you wouldn't get far with 50 mg...certainly not the whole night). So the doses don't really make sense to me. We use 30 mg to sedate a 2-3 year old for around 30 minutes (who got Midazolam before Propofol), so 25mg would not do much for a 110 (or more) pound adult. It makes no sense. Unless they got it wrong and meant Murray used 25-50mg per hour to keep MJ sedated. That maybe could still work somehow...not sure, but it would make a bit more sense. 25-50mg as the WHOLE dose would not do much.

summer, thank you SO MUCH for writing this.

people, read this!! this doc is a liar through and through. I hope he burns in hell.
Actually, I don't have a problem with Dr. Murray using Midazolam and Lorazepam together with Propofol. It's a common practise to use those together in the OR...

Okay. Stop right there. I can't read anymore past these sentences. I don't possibly understand why you don't have a problem. Michael Jackson was not undergoing any operations here. This mess was done in his home in his room. I'm not trying to entertain the logic of correct drug combinations when it shouldn't have ever happened in the first place.
Mark Lester comments on the findings... yeah whatever...

Talking to U.S. news network MSNBC on Monday (24Aug09), Lester said, "I was very close to Michael... and I knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with Michael... I just find it absolutely horrendous.
"Questions obviously have to be asked - why would he (Dr. Murray) use these kinds of medications? It is just ridiculous when maybe a couple of sleeping tablets would have done the trick... This is like using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
"I know that Michael had problems with sleeping from time to time but I was never aware of his use of medication whatsoever."

Two words for this dude: Shut da fukk up...

Okay. That was 4 words, but I'm sayin'...
Bloody He**! Just Bloody He**!

I just woke up here in Melbourne...to hear this.

This is awful. But we always knew that Michael wouldn't just drop dead from a heart attack.

On the other hand, I am so so glad that they seem to be close to charging the responsible.

Murray better start eating gruel for his breakfast starting from now...or he will never get used to it when they send him to prison.
Allright, ENOUGH already! We ALL know Murray is an incompetent doctor and will be charged.
But let's stop barking up the wrong tree here.

Imgine the MLB would hire a little league umpire to work the World Series and he would make a bad call costing a team the pennant. Who would be to blame? The official that is put in a situation way over his head or MLB for hiring him?

WHO hired Murray knowing fully he was not qualified to care for a VERY complicated case like Michael Jackson?

After watching Larry King with all those experts saying Michael needed a medical team to care for his various ailments but yet Murray was left alone with an explosive situation and whaddo ya know? He failed. DUH!

Did AEG hired him? If yes, Imagine a multi-million dollar corporate who obviously are smart enough to buid their empire just decide to hire an unqualified doctor to care for MJ's very special needs. Now THAT don't add up IMO and that where the investigation should look into.
i;m so annoyed right now, seriously with so many Michael fans...if Murray gets away with this or is even in jail for a few year...he's a dead man. if i was him, i rather be in jail.
I think AEG found this pathetic idiotic SOB not Mike.

Ya know I was also wondering about that. I mean, they say that Michael met Murray in 2007...but still, you wonder if they met later and through AEG. Then again AEG did say that they already had a doctor that they could refer Mike too so....I don't know anymore. I just wish Michael had never met the man..or anyone else who he would endanger for a dollar.
Mello - Summer did indeed say she thought it was a problem with it in the home

Also, the information in this court document are statements from DR Murray. They may not all be true. We still need to wait for tox reports and what comes up in the trial
Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."


:blink: This attorney has GOT to be on some serious drugs himself. I'm sorry but if the information used in an affidavit to secure a search warrant is blatantly false, why isn't he challenging it legally. I know if I was an attorney and statements attributed to my client were patently false, made-up YET used to get a warrant, I wouldn't be sitting around waiting for a coroner's report. It would mean someone has perpetrated fraud on the court. :doh:
Bloody He**! Just Bloody He**!

I just woke up here in Melbourne...to hear this.

This is awful. But we always knew that Michael wouldn't just drop dead from a heart attack.

On the other hand, I am so so glad that they seem to be close to charging the responsible.

Murray better start eating gruel for his breakfast starting from now...or he will never get used to it when they send him to prison.

Hahaha you're a late sleeper! It's 11.45am here! lol
The report says lethal levels of Propofol as the main cause of daeth, so I'm getting confused now with the rest of the drug combos.
What would constitute a lethal dose?? :huh:

That's the thing. I think Murray is lying that he only gave him 25mg. A doctor on Nancy Grace said that 50 mg wouldn't have put Michael to sleep for more than 10 minutes.
I'm a pediatric RN and I also sometimes work as a nurse anesthetist. So I know a thing or two about Propofol. We use all those drugs mentioned in the article all the time. Never had any problems. I usually always work together with an anesthesiologist and we have other medical staff there too.

Summer, so Michael was basically quoting the truth (as it was put to him once) in that as long as someone monitors him, Propofol is safe.

ugh, I'm just so angry right now...
Dr. Conrad Murray's Attorney Issues Statement

Updated: Aug 25, 2009 2:06 AM GDT Monday, August 24, 2009 9:06 PM EST
The attorney representing Dr. Conrad Murray in the death investigation of singer Michael Jackson issued a response late Monday afternoon.
Attorney Edward Chernoff was responding to the affadavit that was released Monday. The affadavit was part of two search warrants that showed what investigators found in Murray's medical office and storage unit in Houston, Texas. Chernoff released this statement on his website.
"Much of what was in the search warrant affidavit is factual. However, unfortunately, much is police theory. Most egregiously, the timeline reported by law enforcement was not obtained through interviews with Dr. Murray, as was implied by the affidavit. Dr. Murray simply never told investigators that he found Michael Jackson at 11:00 am not breathing. He also never said that he waited a mere ten minutes before leaving to make several phone calls. In fact, Dr. Murray never said that he left Michael Jackson's room to make phone calls at all.
We will not comment on the "anonymous" law enforcement source that claims that Michael Jackson's death will be ruled a homicide. Most of the reports by "anonymous" sources have been proven wrong. We will be happy to address the Coroner's report when it is officially released."


If they can prove he was on the phone though, they have a pretty good case against him. You don't have to leave the room, but you can be doing something else and not pay attention. And yeah, anesthesiologist sometimes talk on the phone too while the patient is knocked out. But they are never lengthy phone calls, 2-3 minutes MAX (at least what I've witnessed) while they keep watching the patient. Besides, an anesthesiologist is rarely completely alone with a patient. There is ALWAYS help near by...at a shouting distance at the very least.
Me too - I am 25 and following MJ has shown me a very dark and corrupt side of this world.

Completely agree - I have issues with the exact same things. It's clearly a BS excuse about not knowing the address. Emergency services can trace where a call is made from anyway, even if someone doesn't know the exact address. EPECIALLY from a cell phone!

Besides, it's not like the house was in the woods or a shack, it was a huge residence and on a very travelled street/district. And, if you were someone's personal physician in a sense that you weren't hired for anyone else, you'd think that you would have all of your patient's information, including their address & phone number.

Doesn't make sense.
I hope everyone knows that if you want to say Dr. Murray killed Michael Jackson, where was AEG and Sony, Tohme, Branca whom he had just hired last week, where where all these people with all this equipment in their house, this house was not rented in Michael's name but AEG, did they just past by all this equipment and say wonder whats that for? Michael must be speedballing again oh its ok he be on stage next week? We have to be careful what we are agreeing to because in this case if we are agreeing to one thing we are calling something else or someone else a lie including Michael Jackson, if we are going to believe all these reports before Offcial reports are finalized then someone more than Dr. Murray was Responsible for Michaels death, Randy Phillips has said he was with Michael all night unitl June 25, 2009, he has said he escorted Michael to his car to leave after rehearsal how do we know he didnt go to this house of horrors with Michael and all the Lethal Drugs and Doctors waiting on Michael to put him to Sleep because he needed to sleep so bad. Dr. Murray DID NOT kill Michael Jackson alone, to many other people had monetary intrest and contracts with Michael Jackson than to just let him run off with Dr. Feelgood, Michael Jackson immediate family dont even fit in this equation for the simple fact Sony and AEG was running this show and whomever they selected to have backstage passes into Michael's Life and Rented Home as all the news blasted when he died, this was AEG's House of Horrors and I want to know what the Hell really went on that morning.
Mello - Summer did indeed say she thought it was a problem with it in the home

Also, the information in this court document are statements from DR Murray. They may not all be true. We still need to wait for tox reports and what comes up in the trial
Yes, I saw that later, but that was an unfortunate opening to her sentence. And I do know that this is based on what Dr. Murray stated.
Ya know I was also wondering about that. I mean, they say that Michael met Murray in 2007...but still, you wonder if they met later and through AEG. Then again AEG did say that they already had a doctor that they could refer Mike too so....I don't know anymore. I just wish Michael had never met the man..or anyone else who he would endanger for a dollar.

See I think Randy Phillips screwed up early on when he kept insisting that Mike wanted Doc Murderer, then the BS story was served up that Doc Murderer treated one of Mike's kids, now it comes out tonight that Mike only met this asswipe 6 weeks before he died. So I think that AEG is in on it because Michael probably told them after the 50 tour dates he didn't wanna do anymore and they were p'od, probably thought if he cancels shows that costs us money, a deceased MJ with owning the rehearsal footage and they can sell that for YEARS to come rather than chance him not fulfilling all the dates, SONY for obvious reasons the catalog, and everyone because of the love of money and being purely evil where Michael is concerned especially every disgusting doctor who over medicated him the months leading up to the TII engagement.