July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Cherilynn is on and one of the panelists is saying that she as good for saying no because if other doctors had said no to MJ he would still be alive.

He's saying that there is a whole culture of doctors who are drug pushers, especially to celebrities because they want to be paid to be a celebrities personal doctor.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

No. We cannot Redridinghood, or at least I will speak for myself.

As a doctor, you take an oath to do no harm. You are licensed by the states, and certified by boards to uphold the damn law. If you are stupid, arrogant and greedy enough (and Murray was all three) to let someone else talk you into breaking the law, thus causing that person's death, that is manslaughter at the very least. When people are not well, they are desparate for anyone to give them anything.

That doesn't mean that they should get it if it will do more harm than good.

What if the doctor somehow thought it would do more good than harm? Why would Michael use it in the first place? Perhaps your term arrogant applies in that he may have thought he knew better than the rules lain down governing its use but maybe he was driven by misguided compassion. Since Michael wasn't inclined to broadcasting his medical conditions perhaps this doctor thought he was doing something necessary that Michael couldn't or wouldn't seek other help for.

He said Michael was his dear friend. I keep hearing how when you meet Michael you ended up caring for/loving him because he was so nice. Why then is it so hard to believe that this doctor may have truly cared too and now has lost a friend and has to live with the idea that he is in some way responsible.

Also, if the doctor administered it he will lose his license I imagine even if he did everything else right. The law and the system will take its due course.

Michael is no longer hurting. I do not believe it is for Michael's sake that people want to hate or be angry. It is to deal with their own hurt and I choose to not use hate and anger to deal with mine.

Should the doctor have done it? No. Did he step over the line? Yeah. But why did he do it?
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Thank you HeartbreakHotelMJJ :flowers:

No problem luv. I know it looks all crazy when I type it, hopefully someone is recording and it will be up on you tube in a few hours.. and of course you have the audio link.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'll put it this way: I could be addicted to money and I could go ask the federal government for a billion dollars. Doesn't mean they should give it to me. Their responsibility is different.

Mike gets diprivan from another doctor in the past and he lives. He gets it from Murray and he's dead. Coincidence, I'm sure.... :ph34r:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

If Conrad Murray administered drugs to Michael then he should prosecuted. That is against the law, it's no different then a person paying someone to shoot them in the face. That person with the gun is still going to be prosecuted because it's considered murder. I don't care if Michael was paying Murray to give him these drugs...the doctor knew it was wrong. I also believe Murray failed to watch Michael as good as he could of. Michael was probably dead hours before the 911 call was made. Something doesn't make sense for sure, I hope the autopsy results sort through all of this.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Nurse was subpoenaed because that was the only way they could get MJs medical records. They wanted her to FAX the records.... nurse wasn't comfortable with that and asked that she bring them over... a woman said she would come to pick them up... and a MAN showed up, NOT the woman she spoke to. Also, if she hadn't spoken up about diprovan they would have had even looked for it... so I guess we can thank her for stepping forward with her story.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

they sure LOVE throwing out terms like "addict" don't they? god, the man wanted to sleep, there hasn't been a toxicology report to say that he was some junkie. they really stress that...gotta love the media
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

No problem luv. I know it looks all crazy when I type it, hopefully someone is recording and it will be up on you tube in a few hours.. and of course you have the audio link.

i think there will be a transcript. i want to review whatever c. lee said.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star


I didn't mean it in a 'sympathetic' way, I just have no idea how the justice system works in the US. I'm wondering what the difference is between Murder and manslaughter in terms of sentancing?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That man is going down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

All the networks are still in full force Jackson mode. Larry King has been doing Jackson for over a month now. CNN is obsessed lol
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

She's basically saying she told MJ that this drug was NOT a good idea for him to take and he insisted to her that he'd be okay. He knew the drug by name.. he was the one who told HER about the drug and when she looked it up and told him it was dangerous, he insisted he would be fine if he was monitored by a doctor. One of the panelists is saying that no matter what kind of insomnia he had no where in any book diprovan is considered a treatment for that.

They were gonna play a clip from Morhphine but "allegedly" couldn't get it to work.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Oh no..........I don't know how to explain this but in some ways it would be better to have someone to blame, but in other ways it is just too awful to even go there :(

Hugs. You explained it very well. Having someone to blame is only a temporary fix for the pain anyway.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This makes no sense at all. What prescription pill junkie lets his doctor know where his "pill stash" is?

I couldn't think about anything else this morning and it was like I was itching to write something about the suspicious behavior of Conrad Murray (MJEOL Bullet #336).

And I hear all these reports about him pointing cops to the "pill stash" and I'm 'What the hell?? Does an alleged addict's doctor know where his stash would be??' That just doesn't sound normal to me at all.

They didn't find it in Mike's room, under his bed, in his bathroom, in his closet, etc. They apparently found these alleged medications in a guest room. A guest room where Murray was probably staying when he was there. WTF?

He can no longer claim he didn't know what else Jackson was taking. He knew where the meds were so he knew what Mike was allegedly taking... that is IF these meds were even Mike's to begin with.

Question: Does Murray's actions that night make you suspicious of whether he (Murray) was on something that night? My answer is yes.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That man is going down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sure hope so trenny, i hope so.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

o gosh, the part about the doctors "shopping" him :'( :'(

all the doctors are going down. i'm speculating but klein's going to get in trouble.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

someone here mentioned that the authorities must know something if they were going to do a raid of the doctor's office. well..the last time the authorities 'knew' something, and did a raid, concerning Michael, was at Michael's Neverland Ranch. We all know what the verdict turned out to be.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

explains why so many doctors have been speaking to the press (Klien, Murrary etc)

they're all trying to blame one another... shit scared that the hot potato is gonna land in their lap is what it all looks like
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That part when the nurse was relaying how she was trying to tell Michael that he can die from it, and he was saying (according to her) that as long as he was under the doctor's supervision, he was going to be ok...
Don't know if he really believed that or just said that as an excuse (if he said that at all...) - but this part is just as hearbreaking as the "shopping for him" part :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I remember reading that a person can be under diprovan for hours and the thing that appeals to many doctors and patients about the drug is that once it's turned off in the system it doesn't take long for the patient to regain lucidity and clarity as can happen with other anesthesia meds. This might explain the appeal of the drug to MJ.

that is too scary for me. I wouldn't have ever thought anyone would do something like this, especially Michael...I guess he felt rested afterwards, I just don't understand it...and that damn doctor F^&&&****(((
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That part when the nurse was relaying how she was trying to tell Michael that he can die from it, and he was saying (according to her) that as long as he was under the doctor's supervision, he was going to be ok...
Don't know if he really believed that or just said that as an excuse (if he said that at all...) - but this part is just as hearbreaking as the "shopping for him" part :(

Sounds like rationalizing to me. I know I've done it. Something I KNOW isn't good for me but damn if I don't rationalize my own behavior and act like what I wanna do is perfectly okay because it suit my needs and wants. I thought the same thing you did. Not accusing MJ of anything, I'm just saying...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Anderson Cooper is covering the story as we speak
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Nurse was subpoenaed because that was the only way they could get MJs medical records. They wanted her to FAX the records.... nurse wasn't comfortable with that and asked that she bring them over... a woman said she would come to pick them up... and a MAN showed up, NOT the woman she spoke to. Also, if she hadn't spoken up about diprovan they would have had even looked for it... so I guess we can thank her for stepping forward with her story.

Absolutely! For some reason ppl have a problem with her coming forward or sharing her story. It seems too convenient or something. Sometimes the truth isn't complicated. Now, do I believe other things surrounding MJ's death are complicated? Hell yes! But I think this woman coming forth and saying what she knew got the real ball rolling.

My opinion: The reason the Dr. and his lawyers are waiting for the tox reports is becuz they are hoping propofol doesn't show up. Before this nurse came forward they KNEW no one would even test for it and my guess is the doctor was putting all his cards on that. Someone mentioned MJ's guardian angel...well, I think that angel did what they could on Father's Day when Michael called this woman for help. Had he not done that just days before his death, even she may not have thought diprivan could be the culprit here. Seems like the only reason she came forward was becuz she had current knowledge of Michael being in trouble medically just days before his death. That was important. I said it then and I'll say it now, I'm glad she told the world first and the police second becuz if they wanted to dismiss her, like some fans and others have, they couldn't once she hit the airwaves. They HAD to deal with it.

And for those who believe there is this massive conspiracy to profit off of MJ's death via "overdose" then anyone wanting to shut this woman up didn't have a chance after she went public. The bell had been rung. I doubt Lloyds of London is going to pay out for propofol. Insurance companies look for reasons to deny claims. This nurse just gave them one, imo. So AEG won't be too happy if diprivan turns out to be the primary cause of death. That's $17 million dollars they were banking on profiting from down the drain for them. There's not a lot of ppl who may have had a motive here who can be too happy that this woman came forward... so I honestly don't understand why some ppl have an issue with her. Nothing she's said, imho, has been confusing, hard to understand, or conflicting if they've been paying attention to everything she's said.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

explains why so many doctors have been speaking to the press (Klien, Murrary etc)

they're all trying to blame one another... shit scared that the hot potato is gonna land in their lap is what it all looks like

Absolutely agree! Hoefflin, too.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This makes no sense at all. What prescription pill junkie lets his doctor know where his "pill stash" is?

I couldn't think about anything else this morning and it was like I was itching to write something about the suspicious behavior of Conrad Murray (MJEOL Bullet #336).

And I hear all these reports about him pointing cops to the "pill stash" and I'm 'What the hell?? Does an alleged addict's doctor know where his stash would be??' That just doesn't sound normal to me at all.

They didn't find it in Mike's room, under his bed, in his bathroom, in his closet, etc. They apparently found these alleged medications in a guest room. A guest room where Murray was probably staying when he was there. WTF?

He can no longer claim he didn't know what else Jackson was taking. He knew where the meds were so he knew what Mike was allegedly taking... that is IF these meds were even Mike's to begin with.

Question: Does Murray's actions that night make you suspicious of whether he (Murray) was on something that night? My answer is yes.

That is an interesting theory. Well I hope that the people investigating this will check that as well. In spite of what I have been saying so far, that would make me angry.

I will wait to hear what the investigators say but of all the theories I have seen floated that I wouldn't bother with yours is the first that I could imagine possible putting everything we know so far together.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I just need 2 know what time I need to be at the courthouse when he goes to trial, cuz i want to throw a fried bologna sammich at his ass and egg salad and red kool aid to help set the stain in..
bastard, like someone said earlier i am no longer sad i am angry
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Hi Everyone

I am new on this board. I love me some Michael Jackson. My aunts and I speculation that Dr. Murray killed Michael from day one the doctor story didn’t add up right to me. I hope a lot of people go to jail for killing King Of Pop.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

:lmao: Fried bologna! I can just see a piece of bologna hitting Murray right in the forehead on his way into the courthouse.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I just need 2 know what time I need to be at the courthouse when he goes to trial, cuz i want to throw a fried bologna sammich at his ass and egg salad and red kool aid to help set the stain in..
bastard, like someone said earlier i am no longer sad i am angry

I am angry and sad, and completely confused
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

"he didn't shop for doctors, the doctors shopped for him"

oh lord