July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

what hurts the most is she went to investigate this drug and realizedhow bad it was. tried to tell mj and his response toher made me shake. his doctor said it was safe. i'll be ok. it' snot bad. i don't believe you when yuo say i could die.

wtf? he was lied to. that is not a medicine/drug to be playing w/ and not something u use to put someone to sleep. my god, trazadone or ambien or lunesta but not an anesthetic

those meds are good, but after a while they don't work or they give you really bad headaches..
I work nights and about 2yrs ago I went through a stage where I couldn't sleep for shit.. My doc gave me ambien and they worked for a while but when that stopped working all they did was give me a headache and make me act crazy..
if someone's insomnia is severe then nothing works, and i guess being put under worked for MJ..
I believe if MJ was allowed to live a stress free life he would've been able to get rest. If he could have avoided the vultures and lawsuits and lies about him and his kids then I think our MJ would not be where he is today because of some damn medicine that shouldn't have been give to him period.
Apparently the nurse was the only one brave enough and not star struck to tell him NO. He tried to coax her into giving it to him but she stood strong, now only if the others could have done that..
All these doctors knew MJ was "addicted" to these meds that can put him under, and we all know after a while "addicts" (i hate to use that words, but i can't think of another term right now) have no control over what their body may be craving, in his case he was craving REST. So now it is up to the doctor who is in control of this medicine, (hell MJ can't just write his own prescription to get) to get him this meds. So now the doctor has become the "legal" drug pusher. But on the bottle it clearly states that this med should be given in a hospital (or something to that nature)..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

What you know about that purple.. That stain damn sure won't come out.. especially if you put like 22 cups of sugar in it..
Wendy, Heartbreak, and Bad , you 3 have made me laugh... not I will go back to being mad..
I have already picked out the best pack of bologna, will have my aunt send it to me from the country.. That bad boy will stick to him like flies to shit...
I will bring extra if other doctors go to trial..

I can't believe our boy MJ died cuz of some stupid shit...

:dropdead: okay, you my friend, are a FOOL. i love you, ya know?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

What you know about that purple.. That stain damn sure won't come out.. especially if you put like 22 cups of sugar in it..
Wendy, Heartbreak, and Bad , you 3 have made me laugh... not I will go back to being mad..
I have already picked out the best pack of bologna, will have my aunt send it to me from the country.. That bad boy will stick to him like flies to shit...
I will bring extra if other doctors go to trial..

I can't believe our boy MJ died cuz of some stupid shit...

i really think someone should invest in some mustard ;) that will NOT come out and he WILL smell.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

the timeline is being questioned too... of when Michael actually died become something fishy happened at Conrad's storage location around 11a....the 911 call was after 12p
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

:dropdead: okay, you my friend, are a FOOL. i love you, ya know?

:lol: Bologna from the COUNTRY! Not that Oscar Mayer prepackaged BS! :lmao:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

i think he died way earlier and dr murray is a total idiot, any doc should know that they can tell when a body died and he is lying
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I do agree with you to a certain exent. However, Michael's choice was a choice based on lies. He was not aware of the dangers of taking this drug because he was lied to by doctor's. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Dr. Murray also lied to him and told him that this drug was fine which is why he answered the nurse the way he did.

MJ fans, we are in for one hell of a ride, I hope you got your seatbelts on!!!!!!!

Well a good doctor shares with the patient what risk are involved when taking certain drugs. I am not going to say that these doctors flat out lied to Michael just so that they can give him the drug that he wanted. Yes greed is involved on their part.

I had to have minor surgery and I was given a drug that puts you in a twilight sleep and the Doctors had me sign off that there is a chance that complications can happen. They do tell you that 9 times out of 10 you would be safe. But at least I was in a hospital if something would've happened.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This is a tough one.. would the paremedics have spent all that time at the house and in the ambulance and the doctors all that time in the ER trying to revive him if he was already gone? If he was gone at the house I'm pretty sure they would have called it then regardless of what Murray said. Or even if not then, once they got to the hosp the ER docs wouldn't have spent as much time on him as they did if he was already gone when he got to the hosp. Either that or once they realized it was MICHAEL JACKSON they pulled out all the stops and did things above above above and beyond to try to save him? Will the autopsy report show that? I am not sure. They can estimate time of death but if they had him on heart monitors and what not, things to keep the heart pumping and all that while they were working on him in the ER does that time count? I'm thinking yes... I dunno. My brain hurts. I'm upset now. :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

All doctors both past and present should loose their medical license if it is proven that Michael was given Diprivan which is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital. I'm sure Dr. Murray and the other doctors knew it was a risk to give that drug to someone in a private setting.

But one must question why Michael Jackson would risk his life on taking a drug that is only used inside of a hospital. Unfortunately Michael in death must bare some responsibility for his own death. If Michael was insisting that he should have that drug, then that is an issue with me. All the drug experts who have been speaking about this matter regarding Diprivan said that this drug only puts you to sleep that's it. If you were tired before you took Diprivan, you would be tired after you take Diprivan because the drug does not cure why you can't sleep. You do not get rest with Diprivan.

I understand where you're coming from but I still believe no matter how much Michael may have asked someone to give him diprivan, as long as ppl were able to say NO, he lived. He couldn't give it to himself. It was when someone said YES that he lost his life. The person or persons who said YES and made this possible, need to pay. Michael has already paid with his life. Why should they get off without any consequences? No, it won't bring Michael back, but these ppl shouldn't be allowed to walk away from the situation with a "oops my bad". Aww hell naw.

As for the cure for sleep, the nurse said Michael claimed he felt rested afterwards...that he said it was the best sleep he's had in his life. And one of his security guards, can't source this as it was on some news show a week or 2 back, and he said Michael had trouble sleeping becuz he couldn't shut his mind off at night. His mind was constantly creating and sometimes he had a "constant beat" in his head (music). My guess is diprivan was his way of shutting off his mind...even if he wasn't getting real sleep. At most, his mind and body would be still and quiet for those hours he was out.

What's interesting is ppl keep saying there's no benefits to having diprivan becuz the body doesn't really rest, but in hospitals they give this to ppl to keep them in temporary comas while their bodies heal from traumatic injuries. By keeping them unconscious it gives the body the chance to heal without movement. So MAYBE, just MAYBE that was the effect Michael was going for altho short term. Perhaps he felt he was allowing his mind and body to rest...whether he actually felt rested or not? And when he woke up hours had passed without him agonizing over the fact that he couldn't sleep. Anyone who's had insomnia knows sometimes part of the insomnia is agonizing over the fact that you KNOW you need to be sleeping and can't fall asleep. You watch the time ticking away and get anxious over the fact that you're still awake with 5 hours before having to wake up...then 2 hours...one hour.... next thing you know it's time to go to school or work and you haven't slept at all. It's a vicious cycle.

Edit: And on second thought, don't waste any good fried bolongna on Murray. Toss some uncleaned chittlins at his head.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Either that or once they realized it was MICHAEL JACKSON they pulled out all the stops and did things above above above and beyond to try to save him? Will the autopsy report show that? I am not sure. They can estimate time of death but if they had him on heart monitors and what not, things to keep the heart pumping and all that while they were working on him in the ER does that time count? I'm thinking yes... I dunno. My brain hurts. I'm upset now. :(

I'm sure theyre obligated to do a gazillion things before they pronounce anyone dead, especially mj.

I don't understand why the 911 caller (who was that?) didn't say it was MJ either.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm sure theyre obligated to do a gazillion things before they pronounce anyone dead, especially mj.

I don't understand why the 911 caller (who was that?) didn't say it was MJ either.

Why would it be necessary for him to say it was MJ???
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

It shouldn't matter whos dying but that would be the first thing I would say
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm sure theyre obligated to do a gazillion things before they pronounce anyone dead, especially mj.

I don't understand why the 911 caller (who was that?) didn't say it was MJ either.

His bodyguard.


Murray performed CPR for about 30 minutes and tried to call 911, but could not call out on the landlines, which had been turned off for security reasons. He could not use his cell phone because, his attorneys have said, he did not know the exact address of the house. After performing CPR on Jackson, who lay on his bed, for approximately 30 minutes, and after yelling out for someone else in the home, he left the pop star to try to find someone who could call 911. He found a chef in another part of the house. The chef then found a bodyguard, Alberto Alvarez, and while Murray rushed back to Jackson’s room and continued CPR, Alvarez called 91
I read an article that said the reason he didn't give 911 MJ's name was out of loyalty.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

now the shoes are on the other foot, Conrad Murray has insomnia.....

yep i can just see it now, that will be his excuse.

Lawyer: do u remember what happened the night that mr jackson died?"

Murray: I havent slept in days.....im suffering insomnia..cant remember anything..

I swear ya'll that will be his #1 excuse!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

thanks mera
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

It shouldn't matter whos dying but that would be the first thing I would say

Becuz MJ is a high profile person Security may have been cautious about saying MJ's name becuz they know papz and such sometimes monitor police dispatch for celebrity scoops. Once an ambulance was called, a police unit may have been dispatched as well becuz of the MJ factor. I'm not sure if it's standard procedure to automatically dispatch police, but you can imagine once that name went across the police radios, the word would have spread. And everything the 911 operator said to police would have been heard by those listening in.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

All doctors both past and present should loose their medical license if it is proven that Michael was given Diprivan which is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital. I'm sure Dr. Murray and the other doctors knew it was a risk to give that drug to someone in a private setting.

But one must question why Michael Jackson would risk his life on taking a drug that is only used inside of a hospital. Unfortunately Michael in death must bare some responsibility for his own death. If Michael was insisting that he should have that drug, then that is an issue with me. All the drug experts who have been speaking about this matter regarding Diprivan said that this drug only puts you to sleep that's it. If you were tired before you took Diprivan, you would be tired after you take Diprivan because the drug does not cure why you can't sleep. You do not get rest with Diprivan.

I don't get it, why did he use it then? Did a doctor tell it would relive his insomnia? so, therefore Michael accepted that answer...because otherwise there was really no purpose for it to be used. Geez, this is so stressful and heartbreaking. He was lied to. now he is gone and we have no more Michael. oh God.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This is a tough one.. would the paremedics have spent all that time at the house and in the ambulance and the doctors all that time in the ER trying to revive him if he was already gone? If he was gone at the house I'm pretty sure they would have called it then regardless of what Murray said. Or even if not then, once they got to the hosp the ER docs wouldn't have spent as much time on him as they did if he was already gone when he got to the hosp. Either that or once they realized it was MICHAEL JACKSON they pulled out all the stops and did things above above above and beyond to try to save him? Will the autopsy report show that? I am not sure. They can estimate time of death but if they had him on heart monitors and what not, things to keep the heart pumping and all that while they were working on him in the ER does that time count? I'm thinking yes... I dunno. My brain hurts. I'm upset now. :(

Well the EMTs have to listen to the doctor if one is rt there.. the doctor is basically their superior, so if says keep doing cpr, then they have to listen to him.. he was trying to cover his ass.

Dead@Wendy saying throw some uncleaned Chittlin's at him.. omg I am f'n floored....hmm not a bad idea, anyone on here live on a farm, that way they can be fresh and real shitty.. I don't eat bologna or chittlins but i will chuck them things at him like I am a Cy Young winner in baseball..
*to all my Color Purple fans* I will throw a lil Shug Avery pee at him 2..

Back to the topic.. I believe Coozie (I think that is his name) posted a chart as to how long it would take Diprivan to get out of someone's system if give p to 10hrs. And well from what I saw on the chart, the ME will be able to find traces of it in his system, and we all know that they test the hair for drugs, because that is the best source to find out what the person was taking.. Like Pamerella said, all the other doctors that have given Diprivan to MJ should go down or at least have their license revoked. They have those pictures from the 2003 raid at Neverland to prove that doctors were writing prescriptions to MJ using other names and that is a federal offense...I am sure the pharmacy has those records as well, cuz they don't want to go down so I am sure they will sing like a church choir on a Sunday morning..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Thanks for the article on Alvarez. Interesting that his neighbors didn't know what he did for a living. They must not have internet, or read tabloids, or watch shows like ET and Extra,etc.... cuz MJ's security detail gets photographed just as much as he does due to their proximity. If he lived next door to me, I would surely know without him having to say a word about it. haha

So he thinks he needs to get away to think about things and get a lawyer for himself, too? :unsure: Hmm......
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm afraid Michael was already dead - or that only his brain was still "alive", but at a point of no return to the rest of his body - a long time before the calling. Probabilly the medication was administered at night, before Michael went to rest, right? So why would he have a heart attack only at morning? I cannot understand this! It's so weird to me...

And why the heck nobody put Michael in a car and took him to the hospital istead of waiting for the ambulance at home???!!! Was that already explained?! They didn't have equipaments inside the bedroom that could save his life (what is a shit because a human being was taking a powerful and dangerous medication, what means he need to be cared for!), so why did the doctor wait for help arrive instead of RUUUNNNNN for it??!! Michael had a heart attack and was not breathing and nothing they tried was working, as it was told, and it seems that took a long time, right? Hellooooo, Mr dumb-ass Murray!!!

And as far as I know, after 4 minutos without oxygen in the brain it's almost a miracle if one doesn't get sequels. So what happened inside that bedrrom / house also could have made him unable to walk or even speak and things like these for the rest of his life, if he had survived! This is SAD! What the heck happened inside Murray's mind?!

There's something really wrong in this hole thing and this is too bad, too sad... It devasts my heart!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well the EMTs have to listen to the doctor if one is rt there.. the doctor is basically their superior, so if says keep doing cpr, then they have to listen to him.. he was trying to cover his ass.

True. U know what tho? I think I keep forgetting he is a "doctor". When I use that word to describe him I always use it with the quotes because as far as I'm concerned he wasn't one. I have a few words to describe him but "doctor" surely isn't one of them...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

@Heartbreak, he probably was a damn witch doctor.. His license should've been taken away July 1st, after the AMA (American Medical Association) heard about his CPR practice..
His ass got to go back to Houston to kill more ppl. I wouldn't let him try and give CPR to a damn plant let alone another human.. He is a damn CARDIOLOGIST and MJ somehow died of from a Cardiac Arrest.. Jesus please be a lightening bolt and pop Witch Doctor Murray in the forehead
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

from what I just read on the TMZ site, I am packing my 'logna sandwiches rt now..
This is just down right awful.. In my heart Dr. Murray will be singing like a Jay bird when they come to arrest him, I don't think he is going down alone..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

FURTHERMORE ....it must have been a doctor who suggested using that drug for sleep purposes in the first place!
Exactly! :clapping:

Lets not act like michael is to blame up in here. Its not like michael got up one sleepless night and google sleep solutions, came across diprivan, and then begged doctors to give it to him. Some JERK of a doctor who has medical knowlegde come up this this extremely stupid and unsafe idea for michael to get sleep. Once michael had it a few times he thought it was safe to keep usings. Also this wasn't michael trying get a fix. He just wanted sleep. I could slap the person who introduced this very illegal unsafe drug into michael life. UGH!:mat:

But what most burns me up inside it that michael could have got propofol every night (probably) for the next 20 years as long as he was properly monitors with the right equipment. That fool murry had ONE task to do which was monitor michael and he did NOT. so lets go beyond him NOT monitoring michael properly. Ok you fell asleep and find a weak pulse michael. WHY in the world didn't you call 911 as SOON as you found him. There still was a chance for michael and this JERK blew Every single one of those chances and THATS what angers me the most. It makes me think he did it on purpose. :mat:

Michael should be here! It might have been good for michael go into arrest so he could realize that diprivan wasn't safe and stop doing it. But michael never got that second chance.:cry:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Thanks for the article on Alvarez. Interesting that his neighbors didn't know what he did for a living. They must not have internet, or read tabloids, or watch shows like ET and Extra,etc.... cuz MJ's security detail gets photographed just as much as he does due to their proximity. If he lived next door to me, I would surely know without him having to say a word about it. haha

So he thinks he needs to get away to think about things and get a lawyer for himself, too? :unsure: Hmm......

No problem.

You're right about the paps having police scanners I have one too! lol

It does seem weird he needs a lawyer unless he's doing it to protect himself in case Murray tries to implicate him in this?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

But what most burns me up inside it that michael could have got propofol every night (probably) for the next 20 years as long as he was properly monitors with the right equipment.

Yes, thinking about it that way blows my mind
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This whole situation could have been avoided with a doctor who didn't have his head stuck up his ass.