July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

but sometimes the media has to say unnamed sources because they are getting info that isn't suppose to be given out by that person or either it isn't suppose to be given out at all. it's a 50/50 situation here, sometimes the journalist actually has good informants and other times that crap is made up like a damn Stephen King novel.
We all know the media ppl like TMZ pay the low ranking ppl in the police dept or hospitals to spill info..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Had every single person involved had said the word NO!, Michael Jackson would be alive and that's the truth. We can come up with all the theories in the world. Conrad Murray is going to loose his medical license and that's about it. I don't think he will get any prison time. Because you are accused of manslaughter doesn't mean you will be sent to prison. Let's see if all the other doctors from the past will loose their licenses


The man had far too many people around him enabling him. If everyone said 'no' to Michael, and got him attention when he needed it, he would eventually realize, "Oh shit, ya know, they're right, this has to stop." He'd be alive today. Yet the doctors who fed him these meds only cared about the mighty dollar.

I love Micheal like I'd never thought I could love a stranger...yet he was human and he did make mistakes as we all do at times. This nurse told him NOT to use this drug..yet he took a chance. My heart goes out to him b/c he was too niave & trusting to not heed the warning. But I do blame every doctor who played a role in this dear man's death. They knew he had a problem..yet they gave him what he wanted, jsut like letting a kid eat candy to give them rotten teeth...you still get your pay cheque.

I just can't believe all this....too sad...too unreal.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The question we need and answer to is:
"Who paid Dr. Death Conrad Murray to kill Michael Jackson?"
Answer: Always follow the money, and ask the question who has the
most to gain?
The Candidates are:
The Sony Corporation,
and Colony Capital.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Problem with that is you cannot say "no" to Michael Jackson. If you do, you get fired and he will take on people who say "yes". There's no such thing that every single person in this world would say "no" to him. Unfortunately for him he had the money to recruit all the enablers of this world.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

wow she said that? I have watched a few of her interviews but not all. Do you remember the video where she said this or link? I do know she said that michael wasn't looking to get high that he just wanted sleep. So far she seem to be the only sincere person right about now.
Btw I agreed with the rest of your post re: blaming michael.

here you go:


Nurse: Jackson lost 5 pounds a day
Michael Jackson’s strenuous rehearsal schedule was causing him to lose 5-6 pounds a day, according to his nurse Cherilyn Lee.

“He was concerned about his weight, he was losing so much. When he’s rehearsing he sweats a lot — he would tell me that he have to mop up the stage after songs he sweat so much,” Lee said. “He’d get so dehydrated he’d lose 5-6 pounds a day in water,” said Lee.

Even though water weight can be replaced, dehydration to such an extent is dangerous. Otherwise, Lee said Jackson had no underlying health problems when she first met him in January.

“Before any nutritional treatment I do comprehensive lab work. I did a complete blood panel and there were no red flags,” she said. “Because of his diet his blood sugar was a little low, but not to the point it would cause a problem; his vitamin D level was a little low. Folic acid — and that includes an anemia panel — fine. Every organ system was checked out. There were no indicators of heart disease. The C-reactive protein test? Nothing there (The test is a general marker of inflammation throughout the body, and can rule out things like coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease). His hemoglobin A1c, which would have indicated diabetes, fine. His liver functions, kidney functions, they were all fine. He was healthy.”
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

True. U know what tho? I think I keep forgetting he is a "doctor". When I use that word to describe him I always use it with the quotes because as far as I'm concerned he wasn't one. I have a few words to describe him but "doctor" surely isn't one of them...

For the price that he requested Mike pay him every month, $100,000 for travel expenses, hotel lodging etc...the man was a con artist from the start. If the authorities can't take that into question there's something wrong.

Plus, his office was in despare and said to have needed funding and upgrades. Of course he was going to get what ever $ he needed from Michael....and GIVE Michael whatever he wanted to save his office. The only thing is, in order to save what he had he ended up taking Michael's life.

This all just makes me sick....and why AEG wouldn't see the bells and whistles when this doctor came on board for that amount of money....*very heavy sigh*
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I can't believe he was paid so much. I mean wtf was wrong with this doctor, and with Michael who paid him so much?! This doctor should go to jail, he seems to be a big con artist. I guess he was broke, and needed to make money out of Michael, even if it meant costing his life. Exremely sad!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

the thing is michael jackson like most celebrities didnt like being told no. if you did he would ignore you and youd be cut out of his life until you stopped badgering him about his drug use according to people who have talked to the media since. and several family members tried interventions but he kept wanting drugs (again according to news sources). who's more guilty the person who adminsters it or the person who's asking. i think responsibility lays 50/50
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

and celebrities are surrounded by so many enablers. they dont get want they want from one doctor they just go to another. its been happening since as long as hollywood existed. marilyn monroe did the same. getting scripts and drugs from many different doctors. its just part of the underbelly of fame
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

also about the breaking news - the doctors lawyer has stated its garbage and just false rumor. i generally try not to believe news anymore unless its been 100% confirmed. even if its proven the doctor did administer the drug which killed michael, it could be hard to prove intent and he could easily get off on appeal. likewise the doctor could come out and say well i only gave it to him because he kept begging and it could become a very ugly court case with claims and counterclaims flying back and forth
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

the thing is michael jackson like most celebrities didnt like being told no. if you did he would ignore you and youd be cut out of his life until you stopped badgering him about his drug use according to people who have talked to the media since. and several family members tried interventions but he kept wanting drugs (again according to news sources). who's more guilty the person who adminsters it or the person who's asking. i think responsibility lays 50/50
I totally agree. It's 50/50 there is no other way.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

For the price that he requested Mike pay him every month, $100,000 for travel expenses, hotel lodging etc...the man was a con artist from the start. If the authorities can't take that into question there's something wrong.

Plus, his office was in despare and said to have needed funding and upgrades. Of course he was going to get what ever $ he needed from Michael....and GIVE Michael whatever he wanted to save his office. The only thing is, in order to save what he had he ended up taking Michael's life.

This all just makes me sick....and why AEG wouldn't see the bells and whistles when this doctor came on board for that amount of money....*very heavy sigh*

I agree! There are many questionable issues with this case, I am very sad for Michael he shouldn’t have died! :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

For those who think michael was this big base head you should listen to this the nurse lee. Who treated michael from jan to april. she has even work with ppl who has had depencency so I think she would spot a druggie a mile away. This is why I don't know why so many ppl who had like 3 nano seconds of contact with michael as of RECENT keep going on and on about michael being this big time addict. :smilerolleyes:

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Yeh mike wasnt like "oh i wanna get high"
i think he need those drugs for some pysical pain he may have had, and also sleeping problems

But defnately not to use drugs to get "high"
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

For those who think michael was this big base head you should listen to this the nurse lee. Who treated michael from jan to april. she has even work with ppl who has had depencency so I think she would spot a druggie a mile away. This is why I don't know why so many ppl who had like 3 nano seconds of contact with michael as of RECENT keep going on and on about michael being this big time addict. :smilerolleyes:


Michael might not have been a base head, but he was clearly addicted to something if he needed this type of drug for him to get some sleep. Like I had mention before again on the news all these doctors are saying that it is un heard of that Diprivan is given outside of a hospital. This is no joke people.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Its hard to get into the head of Michael Jackson but my understanding is that he was just desperate to sleep and constantly suffering insomnia in the lead up to the 50-date london concerts. Sadly, he was also interested in obtaining hospital-strength medications which should never have been adminstered in a home-environment but my understanding is that he just kept asking around until he found someone who would give him what he wanted.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Its hard to get into the head of Michael Jackson but my understanding is that he was just desperate to sleep and constantly suffering insomnia in the lead up to the 50-date london concerts. Sadly, he was also interested in obtaining hospital-strength medications which should never have been adminstered in a home-environment but my understanding is that he just kept asking around until he found someone who would give him what he wanted.

Well if this is the truth, Dr. Murray is going to tell the investigators all of the details of how and why Michael ended up taken Diprivan.

As Michael Jackson fans, we better be prepared to accept what every comes out.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Yes thats true. We had better be prepared to accept what ever comes out because theres so many ways this could explode and become a really nasty horrible courtcase if it gets that far because the doctor will likely detail everything Michael said or did or how he begged for drugs (which several people have already said he did). If anything, my one hope is that the business of doctors enabling their patients would stop but I think thats a faint hope because there are just so many enablers when youre famous and though they have a doctors licence many of them are clearly no better than drug pushers. Likewise I would like to know how Michael Jackson came to know of some of these drugs. Was it his own research and inquiry or did some Doctor mention they could help make him sleep? Its not like most people would know of these drugs. I'd never even heard of them until Michael died.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well the attorney general of California is involved and there may be laws that will prevent these so called celebrity doctors from writing prescription for drugs under fake names for celebrities which they are saying was done for Michael Jackson. Diprivan would be out of the question. So there are going to ge some legal changes i'm sure.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael got he paid for or most likely overpaid for:

Dr. Murray began working for him on May 01. His certification had expired, 5 tax liens had been filed against him and in 2008 three judgements worth more than $400 000 were filed against him for defaulting on loans.

How the hell does someone of Michael's stature settle for someone like Murray? Michael usually goes for the best of the best (eg. plastic surgeon Dr. Steve Hoefflin, dermatolgist Dr. Arnold Klein)...unless he was looking for someone malleable that would be agreeable to some of his more extreme requests?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

first of all. Do you ppl honestly, and try and use you head on this one, do you think for a second that michael just up and pulled diprivan out of his head and then doctor shopped to get it. UMMMMM NO! The nurse didn't even know what it was. So surely michael wouldn't have known either. Think for a second folks. Someone with extensive medical schooling introducted diprivan to michael. :doh:

Now after you have processed that bit. Ask WHY was any good doctor recommend or even suggest this dangerous drug to michael when they are countless other safer alternatives for sleep then diprivan. :doh:

With that said. How can anyone blame michael for wanted this and believing it was safe to use when he used it before and everything went fine. of course he believed it was safe he was a witness that it was, plenty of times. And he was right, it was since he hadn't ran into any problems before hand. When diprivan is administered properly it is safe. I could take it right now and be fine if I have the right doctor do it.

And I have no problem accepting the truth but im not just going go blaming michael especially when I don't have all the facts, michael point of view, and when ppl are known for lying on michael.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Not necessarily. Its also injection. I heard that there were IV's in the room but they werent working...

What did they mean not working _ That doesnt make sense
its just a bag of water saline solution with the meds dripped into
to it no machinery necessary _ its just attched to an IV tube -

I dont know if you can inject propoful _ its is not a narcotic or pain killer
it has to be monitored _ and be turned off - immediatly as far as I know

It is an anesthetic to put one to sleep - used mainly for surgical procedures
Its adminsired by IV drip_ its meant to keep you asleep as long as the drip
is administered _ and you turned off you wake up -refreshed and no side effects ..

MJ could NOT sleep _He was desperate for sleep
not to get high .. as it doesnt have that effect

I know who is leaking this info
and although I believe this part may be true
I do not trust him, his motives or agenda ..
so I wont take everything he states as gospel
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

when using this iv diprovan it says your suppose to use heart monitor and also machine to monitor oxygen levels in the blood .with alarms to alert the doctor if any go below certain levels.
no machines were found.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

first of all. Do you ppl honestly, and try and use you head on this one, do you think for a second that michael just up and pulled diprivan out of his head and then doctor shopped to get it. UMMMMM NO! The nurse didn't even know what it was. So surely michael wouldn't have known either. Think for a second folks. Someone with extensive medical schooling introducted diprivan to michael.

This drug was most likley used on Michael before when he had surgical procedures.
So he very well may have know what it was and the effects that it put you to sleep
immediatly and wake up when its stopped _ Im sure that was appealing to Michael being
he has had sleep problems _ He told the nurse he has used it before when she warned him
It was rumored he used it while he was on tour to sleep .. but we dont that for a fact

What is wrong is that a Doctor or anisthegioligist would administer it for that purpose
That is unexceptable _ and basis for a crime _ even more so to do so on a regular basis upping
the odds for a mistake to be made_ there is NO protocal even set to use this as a sleeping aid_
I dont blame MJ at all .. he was DESPERATE for SLEEP and we have had several people come forward
and state Michael had Insomnia .. The physician should have refused to give MJ diprivan for tht purpose
and MJ would still be alive today - :(

I dont think MJ wanted sleeping pills or pain killers to kock him out
becuase they make you drowsey and are addictive_ he wanted propofol
(diprivan) becuase there were not after side effects for him once he wakes up

I am curious as to what drugs were found in Michael's system
if he did indeed use them on a regular basis and if he had a legiiment reason to do so _
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Just read through all 20 pages.......speechless :mello:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The fact that he gave him a drug never used outside a medical facility, for no good reason, and with none of the drugs, equipment or medical personnel to handle a known side effect in my mind is so reckless as to rise to implied malice second degree murder. What he did after Michael was in trouble is also suspect, he delayed calling EMT, did inefective CPR and tried to cover it up. Now we have stories about his staff moving documents out of his lock up. You could add conspiracy and perverting the course of justice to the mix.

I can't bear looking at that smirking face, the last thing Michael ever saw, the face of the man who killed Michael, and once again because Michael trusted the wrong person, who did him in for money.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Oh...blooy hell!
sorry to swear but this sends so many different emotions surging through me.

If it really was the doc, I hope that justice gives him what he needs...a lifetime in a jail cell.

I wonder when the tox reports are coming? we will probably get more info from them.
I'm waiting impatiently with you all.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael might not have been a base head, but he was clearly addicted to something if he needed this type of drug for him to get some sleep. Like I had mention before again on the news all these doctors are saying that it is un heard of that Diprivan is given outside of a hospital. This is no joke people.

it's not about addiction,it's about nightmares and not being able to sleep!do you think that horrible trial didn't leave any scrar?it was just terrible,this sleeping disorder was normal...but they should try to treat him,to make him feel better,not just administer a powerfull and riscy drug!stupid people!:doh:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

latoya also said that jewellery and other items were missing from his home.

its possible he was burgelled by his own staff.
michael had things worth a lot of money and people have done worse things for a lot less.

instead of moving files they could have been moving michaels belongings.

think about it..