July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Conrad will be brought to trial...at least on the count of using Diprivan (Propofol) outside of a hospital...if there is evidence for this (guess what there is) LAPD will take action..

but the bucket shouldnt stop with Conrad...
I think there is one more person of interest here..."mismanagement"
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I think alot of people are puzzled about why there was a delay in calling 911. My understanding is that the mobile they were using was inoperable so they tried from another mobile but couldnt get a signal so they had to go look for a phone. But reportedly it was a 30-minute delay before making the call. You cant find a phone in 30 minutes? In a mansion you've been in several times already? What about running out into the street and using waving down a passerby or going to a neighbor for help? What about picking Michael up putting him in a vehicle and driving him yourself to the hospital? Then likely its someone panicked and they were utterly horrified by what happened and werent thinking clearly. Shock affects everyone differently and I'm pretty sure when they realised Michael wasn't breathing they would be panicked big time.

What Murray said was the landline wasn't working and he didn't use his cell to call because he didn't know the address, which I find amazing since he had to drive his car there and you'd think he'd at least know what STREET he was on. Not credible. As for panic, well, maybe his security and whatnot might panic, but Murray is a cardiologist. You would think a cardiologist would have plenty of experience in such situations and would be expected to at least respond with proper treatment out of habit. Makes no sense.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star


AP source: Michael Jackson's inner sanctum chaotic


LOS ANGELES — With towering ceilings and an elaborate facade, Michael Jackson's rented Beverly Hills mansion was the epitome of opulence.

Inside, on the top floor, the scene was less elegant, according to a law enforcement official.

Clothes and other items were strewn about and handwritten notes stuck on the walls. One read: "children are sweet and innocent." And no one working in the house was allowed upstairs to clean up the mess.

The description of Jackson's private sanctum provides a glimpse into how the pop star was living in the weeks before he died. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, also told The Associated Press on Monday that Jackson's personal doctor administered a powerful anesthetic to help him sleep, and authorities believe the drug killed the pop singer.

Authorities arrived at the singer's house after his death to find a chaotic scene. The temperature upstairs was stiflingly hot, with gas fireplaces and the heating system on high because Jackson always complained of feeling cold, the official said.

The singer's bedroom was a mess, with items seemingly thrown about and some 20 handwritten notes stuck on the walls.

A porcelain girl doll wearing a dress was found on top of the covers of the bed where he slept, the official said.

The official said Jackson regularly received propofol to sleep, relying on the drug like an alarm clock. A doctor would administer it when he went to sleep, then stop the intravenous drip when he wanted to wake up. On June 25, the day Jackson died, Dr. Conrad Murray gave him the drug through an IV sometime after midnight, the official said.

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, has said the doctor "didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Michael Jackson." When asked Monday about the law enforcement official's statements he said: "We will not be commenting on rumors, innuendo or unnamed sources."

In a more detailed statement posted online late Monday, Chernoff added that "things tend to shake out when all the facts are made known, and I'm sure that will happen here as well."

Toxicology reports are still pending, but investigators are working under the theory that propofol caused Jackson's heart to stop, the official said. Jackson is believed to have been using the drug for about two years and investigators are trying to determine how many other doctors administered it, the official said.

Murray, 51, has been identified in court papers as the subject of a manslaughter investigation, and authorities last week raided his office and a storage unit in Houston. Police say Murray is cooperating and have not labeled him a suspect.

Using propofol to sleep exceeds the drug's intended purpose. The drug can depress breathing and lower heart rates and blood pressure. Because of the risks, propofol is supposed to be administered only in medical settings by trained personnel.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That's true - there could have been a deadly side-effect from multiple drugs in Michael's system because while drugs might be safe when used seperately the combination could have proved fatal. That's why everyone's waiting for the toxicology report because everyone needs to know what was in Michael's body and what wasnt. Likewise did he drink any alcohol? As alcohol does influence how drugs react on the body, particularly prescription drugs.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Conrad will be brought to trial...at least on the count of using Diprivan (Propofol) outside of a hospital...if there is evidence for this (guess what there is) LAPD will take action..

but the bucket shouldnt stop with Conrad...
I think there is one more person of interest here..."mismanagement"

I agree. :yes:

I hope they rot in jail.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I don't understand people who say: "Hang this doctor." Is that the answer? Can it bring Michael back? Is hate something Michael wanted for people? No, he wanted love and he wanted people to forgive. He always forgave. So think about this.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

+1. given some of the death threats ive seen written about the doctor if this does end up in court security is going to need to be huge. i dont agree with the various threats of attack and violence that some fans are advocating and think it should not be tolerated but what do i know? im just a fan who comes here to talk with other fans.

I don't understand people who say: "Hang this doctor." Is that the answer? Can it bring Michael back? Is hate something Michael wanted for people? No, he wanted love and he wanted people to forgive. He always forgave. So think about this.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

we still don't have proof that Michael was addicted to anything at all, so it looks like the media is pulling this info out of their a$$ and you are buying it
and Michael was told by a doctor that Propofol was safe to use so these doctors are to be blamed more than Michael, Michael was the patient here and he trusted his doctors
stop saying MJ gave Murray 150.000$ a month to keep his mouth shut, that's what celebrity doctors do all the time they ask for exorbitant amounts of money because they know they can it's not the first time Michael was being overcharged that was the story of his life
as for the delay to call 911, I think Michael was already dead and Murray tried to cover his tracks...as horrible as it sounds that might be the case
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I don't understand people who say: "Hang this doctor." Is that the answer? Can it bring Michael back? Is hate something Michael wanted for people? No, he wanted love and he wanted people to forgive. He always forgave. So think about this.

:no:I can't forgive a murderer. Especially Michael's murderer.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

That insider video is a load of shit. Its from the behind the scenes of Miss Castaway and of course his words are gonna sound slurred, they cut him off midword for EVERY damn word he was saying to make him sound like a lunatic. Jesus people!! Talk about audio editing! :(

And as for people wanting Murry to suffer.... yes Michael was about forgiveness and healing.. in life... however I doubt he would be saying right now "Ohhhh dont worry Dr Murray, its okay that you killed me, God bless you and Heal The World." Please, Michael learned a lesson from all this too and that lesson is that he was too trusting and too NICE, so no I dont think he wants us to smooth this over like all the other times. This is TOTALLY different, he didnt expect to be MURDERED and stolen from his family.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I don't understand people who say: "Hang this doctor." Is that the answer? Can it bring Michael back? Is hate something Michael wanted for people? No, he wanted love and he wanted people to forgive. He always forgave. So think about this.

Well I'm not saying we should hang the Dr., but the authorities need to get down to the bottom of what killed Michael. My position is that everyone including Michael is responsible. If Michael was at the point in his life where he would only allowed people who told him what he wanted to hear and who would give him drugs that was not properly administered, then he paid for it with his life. All the doctors should pay for being greedy and for not being responsible. I don't thing Dr. Murray should be the only one hanged out to dry. All the doctors should be. I don't care if Michael was given Diprivan in the past and he had not bad affects, it was wrong and in the end it caught up with him. That is tragic.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I feel the same way

I dont want any of these doctors behind bars..I just want the world to be told the truth
not only half of it
all of it
those who are in the know to come forward and admit mistakes made...even the ones from 20 or so years ago..yup 2 decades....that is all that I feel has to happen..

come forward and tell the world all of it...not just half of it..stop this passing the blame bucket and this speculation going on once and for all..just come forward and tell all of it..and let the family and the world move on.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

seems like what i wrote in my siggy, many weeks ago, about the press swarming like flies to paint MJ as a druggie, is correct.

That is what I think too. They talk about Michael as a druggie and they won't stop until they succeed in brainwashing everyone into thinking that he was that. All these people make me sick. They did not let Michael live in peace and they won't let him rest in peace either.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

he went for a nap...omfg! this is ridiulous...Murray will pay BIG TIME
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well I want to see him in prison...
How's that innocent people like MJ are tortured with all the trials..and people like this doctor should be free?

I'm not saying Michael never did anything wrong, he couldn't sleep, that's what he also said in 2003 because of the accusation...I do not want to blame him..he trusted his doctor...
And no matter what he wanted he shouldn't have got it from him.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

What Murray said was the landline wasn't working and he didn't use his cell to call because he didn't know the address, which I find amazing since he had to drive his car there and you'd think he'd at least know what STREET he was on. Not credible. As for panic, well, maybe his security and whatnot might panic, but Murray is a cardiologist. You would think a cardiologist would have plenty of experience in such situations and would be expected to at least respond with proper treatment out of habit. Makes no sense.
I agree, I mean...how can a cardiologist working with Michael Jackson not know the address and not be prepared of whatever could happen?!
Why would he panic? It's his job to NOT panic and instead help the patient. That is just really the prior thing of his job, so whether he killed him or not...he just DIDN'T do his job.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

MJ is not a drug addict. There is a different becoming a drug addict and drug dependant! Many iressposible doctors introduced him to those drug and since it helps him to feel better, he just become depedant from it.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Man, MJ knew al along that he was getting that medicine to sleep. But he wasn't aware of the dangers? That's the drug that is NOT allowed outside hospitals, right?

I mean...of course we can blame Murray for this, cause he simply could have refused to Michael. But Michael IS to blame as well....how could he be so...foolish that actually take that stuff? Come on :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Hi, I've tried to find the video where Michael is drugged and slurring his words and you can see it at this link http://www.theinsider.com/videos (theres a Michael Jackson picture on the righthand side down the bottom - click on his face and it will play the video). Its gonna be on the next Insider tv program according to the video - also Tito is giving them an exclusive interview about his brother's problem with prescription drugs

Bryan Michael Stoller is becoming increasingly annoying... Selling all these extremely short outtakes to the tabloid shows so they can try to make a mountain out of nothing. Michael "slurring" his lines in the couple of seconds they actually aired was no different than any actor fumbling over their lines--only Michael had one of the absolute worst, most nonsensical film scripts in history to follow (Miss Castaway).

I've never been so disgusted to see all of these so-called longtime friends of Michael going on the most salacious shows ever (The Insider, ET, etc.) and running their mouths about a lot which they know little of. Enough!

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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Man, MJ knew al along that he was getting that medicine to sleep. But he wasn't aware of the dangers? That's the drug that is NOT allowed outside hospitals, right?

I mean...of course we can blame Murray for this, cause he simply could have refused to Michael. But Michael IS to blame as well....how could he be so...foolish that actually take that stuff? Come on :(

I agree. That is not responsible, no matter what everyone says here. It is not only the doctors fault, if he had taken this drug for 2 years im sure he knew everything about it.

I wish he had tried to get professional help instead of this B doctor.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This is a long thread, but I've seen people wondering about who had first introduced MJ to Diprivan. Wasn't it mentioned before in some reports that it was Arnold Klein? I clearly remember reading that.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Bryan Michael Stoller is becoming increasingly annoying... Selling all these extremely short outtakes to the tabloid shows so they can try to make a mountain out of nothing. Michael "slurring" his lines in the couple of seconds they actually aired was no different than any actor fumbling over their lines--only Michael had one of the absolute worst, most nonsensical film scripts in history to follow (Miss Castaway).

I've never been so disgusted to see all of these so-called longtime friends of Michael going on the most salacious shows ever (The Insider, ET, etc.) and running their mouths about a lot which they know little of. Enough!


I still can't find the video - by the sounds of it I shouldn't bother looking any more
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

What a sicko...how could he do something like that. I hope they arrest him.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

about the video on the insider website, use your mouse to highlight the videos section up near the top of the page. then there will be a picture of michael's face on the righthand side down near the bottom - click on that picture and it will take you to the page with the video. apparently its a preview of tomorrows show where they will be airing the video as well as an interview with tito jackson.

i actually havent watched the insider for ages as its just a sleazy spinoff from entertainment tonight and i try to avoid tabloid shows because theyre usually so depressing. i end up watching cnn and fox (which is sometimes no matter than the tabloid shows)
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

So why on EARTH was Michael not monitored with an EKG - that alarm system thing? Have they asked Murray about this?
And did Michael know it wasn't being used?

Jesus Christ, I wouldn't even trust my own brother with my life that way!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Sure Michael should not have taken that stuff. But not much can be done now can there?..he's gone. But guess who's not? Murray ran off like a chicken and hired a lawyer....yeah that wasn't suspicious at all! great move:clapping: .. see he knew it from the very beginning.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

theres so many questions and were all relying on the media for news and theres so many reports out there. it does my head in just trying to figure out whats true and isnt. baseline - im waitng for the toxicology report so we know definitively what was in his body and by the dea investigating and going backwards we can find out who prescribed what, for what reason and for how long. then everything should fall into place and we will know what did and didnt happen.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

about the video on the insider website, use your mouse to highlight the videos section up near the top of the page. then there will be a picture of michael's face on the righthand side down near the bottom - click on that picture and it will take you to the page with the video. apparently its a preview of tomorrows show where they will be airing the video as well as an interview with tito jackson.

i actually havent watched the insider for ages as its just a sleazy spinoff from entertainment tonight and i try to avoid tabloid shows because theyre usually so depressing. i end up watching cnn and fox (which is sometimes no matter than the tabloid shows)

thanks - got it! Oh dear, all I can say is that program is SOOOO fucked up. As somebody else pointed out, MJ was just trying to get his lines right for Miss Castaway for God's sake! I hate the media.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

So many mixed emotions!!
First of all, I hate it too when they try to make him out now to be a druggie. C'mon, another label, gosh, it makes me sick!!

Also, that whole part about how his bedroom loooked like, like wtf????!!!! it's his friggin' bedroom, he can throw stuff around and stick as many handwritten notes as he pleases! It's no one elses business, and that crap about writing about this after his death... no respect.

I am so confused and upset, I think I will fly from Dublin to LA just to stick that bologna sandwich up the doc's a*se!!!!