July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I feel the tears starting to come.. damn everybody that couldn't man up and say no to him

exactly. Mj knew what was going in his body. just a very sad situation.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael was responsible, of course, but if you have an addiction you cannot think clearly about it. There's hardly a way for anybody to come off addiction all alone. You need people around you to be supportive and not feeding your addiction.

Of course, Michael was responsible for gathering enablers instead of helpers around himself, but it's hard to see through what happened. The bottom line is the doctor should be punished for it if it gets proven! Michael already paid for his mistake - with his life. :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael was responsible, of course, but if you have an addiction you cannot think clearly about it. There's hardly a way for anybody to come off addiction all alone. You need people around you to be supportive and not feeding your addiction.

Of course, Michael was responsible for gathering enablers instead of helpers around himself, but it's hard to see through what happened. The bottom line is the doctor should be punished for it if it gets proven! Michael already paid for his mistake - with his life. :(

yep. i agree that if Mj did have an addiction, its hard to have a clear mind about it. and if you get away with something once, or wake up the morning, you think its ok to do it the next night, and the next, and the next, and so on. murray and Mj are both at fault. i dont know why this calms me, but i believe this was going to happen sooner than later anyway. its easier for me to accept that this could have been an ongoing problem that was gonna lead to a young death. especially with the enablers who surrounded him.

so unnecessary...not fair.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Of course, Michael was responsible for gathering enablers instead of helpers around himself, but it's hard to see through what happened. The bottom line is the doctor should be punished for it if it gets proven! Michael already paid for his mistake - with his life. :(

So sad
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

+1. given some of the death threats ive seen written about the doctor if this does end up in court security is going to need to be huge. i dont agree with the various threats of attack and violence that some fans are advocating and think it should not be tolerated but what do i know? im just a fan who comes here to talk with other fans.
It has been stated by admin that threats will not be tolerated. Report them if you see them to help the monitors. Board monitors can't catch everything.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

So now they are reporting here that Murray ADMITS that he gave MJ propofol and fell asleep and when the cardiac arrest started, he didn't notice...the whole story is on TMZ..and i know its TMZ, but it sounds very believeable.

Can you give us the link to that story that Murry admitted that
he fell asleep after giving MJ propofol ??
I want to ready it _thanks

Its probably another Unknown nameless source _
I dont really dont think Murry woud be saying anything
right now at the advice of his attorneys .
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

guys Michael took that drug at the advice of his doctor saying it was okay, as long as he was monitored. Michael wasnt a doctor, he didnt open a book one day and decide that was the solution to his sleep problems! He may have been an addict but to suggest he used propofol to satisfy a drug addiction is ridiculous.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Can you give us the link to that story that Murry admitted that
he fell asleep after giving MJ propofol ??
I want to ready it _thanks

Its probably another Unknown nameless source _
I dont really dont think Murry woud be saying anything
right now at the advice of his attorneys .

heres the link:

"Two days after Jackson's death, Dr. Murray told LAPD detectives he administered Propofol to the singer hours before he died ... this, according to multiple law enforcement sources."

hmm.. dont really know what too believe, weird if he told the police two days after..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

doesnt really say he definitely fell asleep1
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The news in one of our papers is saying that if it is proved Murray gave MJ the drug, then he will be done for manslaughter.

Such a shame... he will get such a piddly sentence and will be in a quarter of the time....

Saying that, he'll either get done over in prison or when he comes out. I should think theyd need to give him a new identity and everything. oooo hope Obama chucks him out of the US.

He'll do hardly any prison time, he'll leave jail, be protected, change his name - go abroad where enough for him to live on will be in a swiss bank a/c of his new name. Left for him by those who wanted him to kill Michael...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

He'll do hardly any prison time, he'll leave jail, be protected, change his name - go abroad where enough for him to live on will be in a swiss bank a/c of his new name. Left for him by those who wanted him to kill Michael...

but this will no doubt haunt murray forever.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

In hospital situations, a huge part of quality control is making sure that there are back-ups for human failure - the more critical something is, the more safeguards should be in place (double and triple checking dosages and patient identity, using checklists so as not to skip important steps, etc), and the more important it becomes not to have everything in the hands of one person, no matter how trained or skilled. Back-ups and safeguards are ideally built into the process - including timers/alarms that go off, etc, etc. Even the most experienced anesthesiologist in a hospital setting is not working alone, and that's part of the point. There's a team. Look at how an intensive care unit functions ... (I had recent experience with an elderly parent) ... the system is designed to compensate for human failings (being distracted, forgetting to check something ... falling asleep at the switch).

What was the role of the security people in the home? Was MJ's life seriously entrusted entirely into the hands of one person, with no back-up?

One more thing:
On CNN last night (Anderson Cooper's show, iirc), they were saying that Murray was a not just MJ's doctor, he was a friend going several years back. Is this established fact?
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

it should not of mattered what Michael wanted for drugs to sleep
the Dr should not have administered this dangerous drug that is why Dr go to medical school for,,,,,,,,,to know what is dangerous and what is not,,,,,
i think he should of reportted the abuse if michael was getting it from other dr;s too

addictions arehard to fight when u have no real help

i would not want to ne Dr. Muarry.

what a shame,,,
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

they were saying that Murray was a not just MJ's doctor, he was a friend going several years back. Is this established fact?
no evidence to really say that. he claims he met in in 96 yet mj only came into the usa at the end of december and spent most of that time down at jb funeral. he then started working for mj only a couple of months b4.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Can you give us the link to that story that Murry admitted that
he fell asleep after giving MJ propofol ??
I want to ready it _thanks

Its probably another Unknown nameless source _
I dont really dont think Murry woud be saying anything
right now at the advice of his attorneys .
Please everybody, let's calm down!
We don't know what happened in Michael's room, nor do we know what killed Michael since all we have so far is speculations, rumors, hearsay swirling all over internet and the press. As Michael's fans, we should be more cautious about what the press say and about " a source close to.." says. We know better than that than accusing people without proof. We saw what happened to Michael in 2005, it was guilty in the public opinion before a trail occurs.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

There's a poll by the Sun today, they say 6 in 10 Britons believe MJ was murdered.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

He'll do hardly any prison time, he'll leave jail, be protected, change his name - go abroad where enough for him to live on will be in a swiss bank a/c of his new name. Left for him by those who wanted him to kill Michael...

So unfair....

Thing is Murray doesn't seem to be too quick off the mark... Dont get me wrong, he obviously knows his medical stuff to be a cardiologist but he doesnt seem to know about real life (or else he wouldn't have incriminated himself about the drugs in the cupboard).

Bottom line is that MJ was known and loved world wide. MJ has fans everywhere. Unless he changes his face, nothing can protect him.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

guys Michael took that drug at the advice of his doctor saying it was okay, as long as he was monitored. Michael wasnt a doctor, he didnt open a book one day and decide that was the solution to his sleep problems! He may have been an addict but to suggest he used propofol to satisfy a drug addiction is ridiculous.
Big DB,

I agree with you. As far as we know, Michael doesn't have a medical degree so I find it hard to believe that he would decide to treat his insomnia symptoms with an unusual medication like Propofol. So at one point in Michael's life, someone, a doctor I presume must have told Michael that propofol is the medication he can use for his insomnia.
So those stupid conclusions and allegations made by the press are completely ridiculous, to say that Michael wanted to use Propofol because he was a drug addict.
As we all know, propofol is not a drug one can get addicted to!
They are trying hard to make Michael look like a drug addict at all cost!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

It seems another person is entering the picture... It's from the Sun but this particular one I don't believe is fabricated, as MJ's surgeon is known to have been talking to them in the last few days. I've always maintained this was accidental but it starts looking a bit too shady lately for me.
(And a horror thought: who's to say another person didn't enter the room while Murray was away?)

Anyway, here's the quote:

Jackson took out a policy in 2002 to ensure a bumper payout on his death.
But cosmetic surgeon Dr Steven Hoefflin - the King of Pop's closest friend for decades - said: "The family have told me that, utterly unbelievably and horrifyingly, one of his aides did not keep up with payments in the last months of his life.
"They believe this person was pocketing the money."
Dr Hoefflin said insurers contacted the aide, but he went on: "This aide promised to send money - but never did."
He said the family have now been told they are entitled to just $2.5million instead of an expected $22.5million.
Dr Hoefflin said he had personally ensured Jackson was clean of drugs in 2002 to make sure he qualified for the maximum possible policy.
He told The Sun: "This was hugely important to him - it was money for his children.
"The family are furious and they are now seeking a lawsuit against the person believed responsible.
"It is incredible, and just stands as further proof of the levels of deception and incompetence of the sharks that surrounded Michael."
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yep. i agree that if Mj did have an addiction, its hard to have a clear mind about it. and if you get away with something once, or wake up the morning, you think its ok to do it the next night, and the next, and the next, and so on. murray and Mj are both at fault. i dont know why this calms me, but i believe this was going to happen sooner than later anyway. its easier for me to accept that this could have been an ongoing problem that was gonna lead to a young death. especially with the enablers who surrounded him.

so unnecessary...not fair.

Just to make it clear, MJ is also partly resposible for his own death, but it's not his fault. He barely knows anything much about the risk involve and he was confused with both people he should trust and the things he should do and should not do!
He doesn't know how the drugs works with the body system and so on. He was reliable to the doctors and he trusted the doctors, which I never does. I studied Phamaceuticals before so I always do my own research before I agree with the doctor's recomendations.

And another rumour about Michael cutting off people from his life if they doesn't do what he says only shows how he don't trust people. I mean this guy had been betrayed so many times and used for his money, he hardly can tell between good or bad people. You become very confused in this kind of case. So all he can do is hire people that would listen to him and make sure they do what he says or he would fire them.

And about his addiction, it's normal. He used the drug before, becuase some doctors introduced the drug to him and he feels good after that. Then he used it again and agian and basically become dependant to it. You call it addiction, but really this kind of thing can be control and reduce or stop, such as smoking.

What he need is someone who truely love him. A caring and resposible doctor, who would know what is good for him, for sure. Who would do the research and make sure he only takes what he needs and slowly stop his addictions! Who would happily work for free and will give him very good explanation and tutor him in what happens in his body when he takes in a drug! Who would refuse his demands if it's bad for him, giving very detail explanation and will never leave him. Unfortunately, these kind of doctor would have to be his big fan!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Today is tuesday, on the morning news cnn, they said that Michael's personal nurse said that michael was taking a diet pill, he would lose up to 5 lbs a day between not eating properly and dancing rehearsal for the show. He was not taking in enough fluids or nutrition. Then they said that it was as though the diet pills were like taking an upper during the day and the diprivan was like taking a down at night. Both of these things together can be very detrimental to the heart and cause cardiac arrest. I just dont know about all this stuff. All these reports are driving me crazy. Again they are trying to paint the picture of Michael as a drug addict. I just cannot believe this I just wish they would release the toxicology report. I think we all need to know...poor Michael.....It makes me cry again.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

A diet pill? That dude was barely 100 pounds soaking wet and he was taking a diet pill??? Plus all the dancing and rehearsing and what not. What was he thinking? I don't wanna believe that, I just don't., No offense to you thunder, I'm just saying.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yes that is troubling _ that the doctor didnt have that In Mjs room
very negligent on his part _

he shoudl have also had a difibulator or other means to resusitate like they do in
a hospital setting Just in case there were any complications being a cardiolisgist
he should have taken these saftey procautions but in reality.

Yes,i totally agree with you.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I agree, both Michael and Dr Murray are responcible for his death. It was most likely Michaels wish and request to have this drug. Im not saying either that Michael is to blame.. Just a sad situation and the outcome of this all.. At the moment I cant find the strenght to blame anyone.. Not even Dr Murray.. Just so tired of this. What happened, happened.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well, a diet pill could be something with lots of nutrients in it... It doesn't mean you take it to lose weight. Maybe it was something necessary for people who don't eat much, like dieters, in order to help them keep up with their daily activities.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

A diet pill? That dude was barely 100 pounds soaking wet and he was taking a diet pill??? Plus all the dancing and rehearsing and what not. What was he thinking? I don't wanna believe that, I just don't., No offense to you thunder, I'm just saying.

Its ok friend..:) no offense taken :) I am just as sick as all of these stupid reports as you are. I also cannot believe he was taking a diet pill. It is just ridiculous. Maybe another lie, who knows anymore. just so so sad
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

They said today about another drug being involved. It was a pain killer to take away the pain the Profonal produced. In fact this was mentioned day 1 of the enquiry but since has been overlooked and not mentioned again. It was the first thing also that that lady (the nurse who he called when she was in Florida and he was in LA). She was the one who said taking the pain killer and the Propofol would be very dangerous.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

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EXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson Doctor Under Police SurveillanceEXCLUSIVE: Michael Jackson Doctor Under Police Surveillance
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Posted on Jul 28, 2009 @ 11:37AM
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Update: Police have had Dr. Conrad Murray’s Las Vegas residence under surveillance for 48 hours and now marked police cars are now openly showing themselves in front of the residence.

Dr. Conrad Murray is under 24/7 surveillance by police, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.

Los Angeles police and Las Vegas police have been outside Murray’s Las Vegas residence, watching it night and day.

A source familiar with the investigation told RadarOnline.com exclusively that Murray has been under surveillance for at least 48 hours.

Murray administered propofol to Jackson, the Associated Press reported last night. Propofol is a powerful anesthetic that is always administered with oxygen. Autopsy reports have not been released.

RadarOnline.com broke the story that Murray was seen lugging large oxygen tanks in Jackson’s house shortly before his death. The tanks were stored in a mobile security unit. All of that was witnessed by Douglas B. Jones, who worked in Jackson’s house as a chef.

Click here to watch Jones interview and hear his revelations about Murray.

A source close to the investigation into Jackson’s death told RadarOnline.com previously that Murray is being looked at hard and may face criminal charges. Murray has refused to say if he administered propofol to Jackson. On Monday night his attorney said, “I have no doubt they want to make a case -- for goodness sakes, it's Michael Jackson -- but things tend to shake out when all the facts are made known."

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

no way! that's a sin or something... you can't go wasting good food! not the sandwich :cry:
Just throw a rock.

We should throw sh*t.