July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

About the part about the bedroom I think they revealed details about that as they did the same when heath ledger died from a drug overdose. They also did the same when marilyn (monroe) died. Her bedroom was messy also. In the world of reporting everything gets reported upon - whether its necessary or not. By the time the press is finished with Michael Jackson we will know him probably better than most people could ever imagine. Every little detail down to what he ate drank took will be reported enmasse but we live in a cable dominated world so its easy to reach saturation overload
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I think we should also have a national day where fans gather every year and throw bologna sandwiches, eggs, vegetables in pictures or dolls of the "doctor"! lol It would be so much better if it was the doctor in person there of course inside a cage! LOL
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I can't believe this idiot wasn't monitoring Michael the whole time, especially the fact that there wasn't an alarm system there.
How could anyone EVER be so casual and nonchalant about a thing like this? What the hell was he doing? If I hear he went for a nap during that time, I'm going to annihilate someone.
Whether Michael woke up or DIED depended on this guy. Isn't that a big enough responsibility for him to BE there and be fully aware? I just don't get it.

I can't see how this Murray could get out of going to jail...or is carelessness a good enough excuse now?

God, I have more diligence when getting ready to tape a TV show.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The nurse is defending him... here... http://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...nurse-coroner-told-me-michael-was-drug-addict
saying that the Coroner's office labelled Michael a drug addict, even though she *KNOWS* that is not the case.
I really hope the woman will be safe, because she seems to be honest, sincere, and speaking her mind. And an isolated voice in all that CHAOS!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I can't believe this idiot wasn't monitoring Michael the whole time, especially the fact that there wasn't an alarm system there.
How could anyone EVER be so casual and nonchalant about a thing like this? What the hell was he doing? If I hear he went for a nap during that time, I'm going to annihilate someone.
Whether Michael woke up or DIED depended on this guy. Isn't that a big enough responsibility for him to BE there and be fully aware? I just don't get it.

I can't see how this Murray could get out of going to jail...or is negligence a good enough excuse now?
I wonder about the same things.....if the life of anyone, but in this case even MICHAEL JACKSON depended on you....why the hell do you walk off, or dose off, or whatever the hell made him not pay attention? I mean, Jesus. If it were me I'd be sitting by Michael's side watching his EVERY breath making sure he was okay.

NO wait. If it were me, I wouldn't have given Michael the damn IV. :doh::doh::doh:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I wonder about the same things.....if the life of anyone, but in this case even MICHAEL JACKSON depended on you....why the hell do you walk off, or dose off, or whatever the hell made him not pay attention? I mean, Jesus. If it were me I'd be sitting by Michael's side watching his EVERY breath making sure he was okay.

NO wait. If it were me, I wouldn't have given Michael the damn IV. :doh::doh::doh:
I agree. Heck, even if it was 'just' my next-door neighbour, I'd be sitting by their side the entire time - in case something happened. We're talking about whether a person lives or dies for eff's sake. There is no excuse.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I agree. Heck, even if it was 'just' my next-door neighbour, I'd be sitting by their side the entire time - in case something happened. We're talking about whether a person lives or dies for eff's sake. There is no excuse.
Exactly. I'd like 5 minutes alone with Dr. Murray.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The official said Jackson regularly received propofol to sleep, relying on the drug like an alarm clock. A doctor would administer it when he went to sleep, then stop the intravenous drip when he wanted to wake up.

What kind of Dr is Murray? Anyone who is going through this kind of treatment is in no condition to do heavy rehearsal everday. They should stay in hospital! Gosh and how on earth do the doctor agree to do this kind of this to him and yet approve of him practicing for his performance the next day he wakes up. Anyone would knows this kind of sleeping method should be monitor in hospital! Gosh!!! Such an irresposible doctor who only aim for the patients money.
He should be punish!!! In the first place why did he used this method to make MJ sleep?? Extremely dangerous! There are soooooo many people who have sleeping problem outthere. They don't use intravenous drip!! Just have a healthy lifetyle and get a nutritionist. Ofcourse the truth is Dr Murray is the WRONG doctor. He should be charge!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Hey, shall we all find Dr Murray one day and unleash our anger to him! Tell him that he is the one who killed Michael and make him admit it! lol!!! I'm soooooooo ANGRY!!!! There needs to be justice!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Rainbow, he is, allegedly, a cardiologist.

Alot of these newstories I have read have already been reported ... as i said before, I think the newsdesk just like to keep it in the forefront of people's minds. The fact that Propofol was found was announced last week and the poss. of Murray administering it was also said last week.

What I cant understand is mixed reports of saying how long he had laid on his bed already passed away. Some say MJ was warm which would say, be about, 1-2 hours for a body to cool down? Some say he had already been gone for more hours....

Unfortunately u just cant fully rely on the media. Would I assume correctly that as soon as the true tragedy comes about, that Joe or one of the siblings will read out a statement to the World? Least that way we will know the truth.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael wanted the drug. The doctor could have said no. I don't know what more to say other than that. It's tragic.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

She's basically saying she told MJ that this drug was NOT a good idea for him to take and he insisted to her that he'd be okay. He knew the drug by name.. he was the one who told HER about the drug and when she looked it up and told him it was dangerous, he insisted he would be fine if he was monitored by a doctor. One of the panelists is saying that no matter what kind of insomnia he had no where in any book diprovan is considered a treatment for that.

So everyone thought the nurse was BS-ing in the beginning and now it turns out to be true? Jeez.

And yeah, Diprivan is never used for that, I really can't believe there weren't other pills powerful enough that he could take if it really was that serious of a sleeping problem.
Someone had to have come up with the IV idea, Mike wouldn't havethought about it on his own. And whoever came up with it in the past ( if it's true what the nurse says) then that's one of the ppl responsible and should be prosecuted.
And of course Murray has a big fault in all of this, especaially if he agreed to do this at the house without all the necessary equipment.

And about the "drug stash"... I don't know what they found but anyone could have put anything there in the time it took the police to go back and search the house. It wasn't sealed or anything so anything could have happened...:no:
I don't doubt that stuff could have been planted just to make Mike seem like an "addict" and put the blame on him.
Then agin I'm confused about what Karen said.... Dunno what to blieve, really....:doh:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Who the hell talked him into thinking this was a safe thing to do is what I wanna know!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Exactly! People forget that. Its not like someone said hey MJ you have got to take this against your will. People who knew Michael have repeatedly said if Michael was challenged or didnt get what he wanted he thew a hissy fit and just cut them out of his life. So whadya do? From reports his sister Janet and his Mother tried an intervention but it didnt work. Though its not 100% proven that again fits the behavior of an addict. They hate being challenged and most certainly deny they have a problem. Compounding the issue is tons of fans who refuse to believe Michael could be at least partly responsible because he's their idol and he's perfect in every way.

Michael wanted the drug. The doctor could have said no. I don't know what more to say other than that. It's tragic.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Hi, I've tried to find the video where Michael is drugged and slurring his words and you can see it at this link http://www.theinsider.com/videos (theres a Michael Jackson picture on the righthand side down the bottom - click on his face and it will play the video). Its gonna be on the next Insider tv program according to the video - also Tito is giving them an exclusive interview about his brother's problem with prescription drugs

what is the name of the video ?? so I can find it or what is the
picture on the video of ..I cant find any video of Michale sluring
what was the occasion ? THANKS

Oh I believe MJ may have had a problem with prescription drugs
but thet changes from day to day - becuase info is os confusing
I dont know to what extent_ He was introduced to them for valid
reasons and they do have a very comforting effect - physically
and mentally and are easy to get addicted to _ he was always
under a lot of scruteny and persecution _ and he was very sensitive
he felt everything to the core of his heart :( Im sure all the things
he faced were very painful to him .. and these eased the pain and
made his life tolerable _ and allowed him to do what he did best

I cant imagine how Michael dealt with it all .. Im sure over half
the people in the business use them .. but of course with Michael
it will be made into a MAJOR sin and just another thing to attack
him over -

There is a HUGE amount of respectable GOOD people in this world
who are dependent on pain killers and anti depressents ....

If Michale was dependent _ I would only love him more
to know he suffered like that ..

I hope it is Tito who speaks about it if it is true
he will be very dignified and bring some grace to the situation
Jermain will not have the heart as he wanted to protect Mjs legacy :(
from all that and _ Latoya - would be catastopic _ I dont want her
to ever speak for or about Michael _ she is as bad as Joe with the
innapropriate and goofy things she says ..
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Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

hi, about the video, if you could wait it will be on tomorrow's program of the insider. what is on the website is only a tiny snippet of the report. there will also be an interview with tito who has talked about the prescription pill problem. again im sure many will be watching to see what he says.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This is all so tragically sad. :( I have to reality check myself sometimes and remind myself this is Michael we're talking about. :( It's just awful.
I hope this doctor has to pay hard for what he's done. He let our Michael slip away. :no:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This is all so tragically sad. :( I have to reality check myself sometimes and remind myself this is Michael we're talking about. :( It's just awful.
I hope this doctor has to pay hard for what he's done. He let our Michael slip away. :no:
Reality check- that's something I try not to do. When I think about the fact it's Michael we're talking about I go crazy. So I kinda have just put myself into zombie- mode.....
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

this is just really messed up. it really goes to show how quickly someone can lose their life.
"don't walk away"
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

i agree. theres such a fine line between life and death. in my line of work i try not to get too attached to a lot of the people i talk with because you just never know whos gonna be around and sometimes you get really attached to one person and then suddenly their no longer around but i try to think about death in these terms - we're all gonna die, and even if someone is dead it doesnt mean they arent still around. i lost my brother when i was young and ive always carried a piece of him in my heart so in some ways its like hes still around and i think as long as we remember somebody theyre never truly dead.

this is just really messed up. it really goes to show how quickly someone can lose their life.
"don't walk away"
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The news in one of our papers is saying that if it is proved Murray gave MJ the drug, then he will be done for manslaughter.

Such a shame... he will get such a piddly sentence and will be in a quarter of the time....

Saying that, he'll either get done over in prison or when he comes out. I should think theyd need to give him a new identity and everything. oooo hope Obama chucks him out of the US.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Man, MJ knew al along that he was getting that medicine to sleep. But he wasn't aware of the dangers? That's the drug that is NOT allowed outside hospitals, right?

I mean...of course we can blame Murray for this, cause he simply could have refused to Michael. But Michael IS to blame as well....how could he be so...foolish that actually take that stuff? Come on :(

i totally agree with you, murray is to blame but so is michael if he was not ignorant of the dangers, i dont think, this would be happening. but whats done is done... may MJ's soul rest in peace.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

But in the end...no matter that MJ even knew the dangers and risks..it's all VERY VERY sad. Very sad for that good man...words really cannot describe how sad and horrible it must have been for him.

He is NOT to blame...the world is. With that i mean...the media, the accusers (who should DIE right now, for real!!!!!!!!) the fake friends, people in general who listen to the pathetic tabloids WHO NEED A LIFE!!!! Screw all of them.

I said it to my friend recently...the more i hear about what MJ went through and the things we didnt really know before...the more i am happy that he
really is at full peace now!!!!!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I just wish Michael didn't trust another person with his life like that. Honestly.

Taking into account how he has been betrayed by so many in the past, and that he knew he was a HUGE target for many...
and most basic of all - that the doctor is merely human and may, for some reason, not get to him on time. How could he agree to this procedure and trust anyone that much with his life on the line?

Damn the trial. Damn everything.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

What a shame!

If he was using that stuff for two years to get to sleep someone should have made him go to a sleep clinic or something!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

So now they are reporting here that Murray ADMITS that he gave MJ propofol and fell asleep and when the cardiac arrest started, he didn't notice...the whole story is on TMZ..and i know its TMZ, but it sounds very believeable.