July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I just need 2 know what time I need to be at the courthouse when he goes to trial, cuz i want to throw a fried bologna sammich at his ass and egg salad and red kool aid to help set the stain in..
bastard, like someone said earlier i am no longer sad i am angry

:toofunny: bwahahaha!!! fried bologna at his ass....oh god, i just almost joined mj on the other side with that one
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

This makes no sense at all. What prescription pill junkie lets his doctor know where his "pill stash" is?

I couldn't think about anything else this morning and it was like I was itching to write something about the suspicious behavior of Conrad Murray (MJEOL Bullet #336).

And I hear all these reports about him pointing cops to the "pill stash" and I'm 'What the hell?? Does an alleged addict's doctor know where his stash would be??' That just doesn't sound normal to me at all.

They didn't find it in Mike's room, under his bed, in his bathroom, in his closet, etc. They apparently found these alleged medications in a guest room. A guest room where Murray was probably staying when he was there. WTF?

He can no longer claim he didn't know what else Jackson was taking. He knew where the meds were so he knew what Mike was allegedly taking... that is IF these meds were even Mike's to begin with.

Question: Does Murray's actions that night make you suspicious of whether he (Murray) was on something that night? My answer is yes.

The phrase "pill stash" could have been the media's spin on it...if that's what it was called. Whether or not Murray actually called it that, who knows? What his reasons were for having the stash, who knows? I wouldn't doubt he gave some harmless reason as to why that "stash", for lack of a better word, was necessary or located where it was. IF he did point it out, it could have been under duress. If the police used intimidating tactics to get him to spill at his own will or be found out, he may have opted for spilling. And I don't doubt there may have been some sort of "stash" for lack of a better word if Michael was planning to leave the country and wasn't sure how available he could get legitimately (or not) prescribed medications in London. I'm not sure what the laws are for London as I know in some countries you can't bring certain medications in and it will be considered illegal. But others may allow it, especially if the person is medical personnel. Just a theory, tho.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

The phrase "pill stash" could have been the media's spin on it...if that's what it was called. Whether or not Murray actually called it that, who knows? What his reasons were for having the stash, who knows? I wouldn't doubt he gave some harmless reason as to why it was that "stash", for lack of a better word, was necessary or located where it was. IF he did point it out, it could have been under duress. If the police used intimidating tactics to get him to spill at his own will or be found out, he may have opted for spilling. And I don't doubt there may have been some sort of "stash" for lack of a better word if Michael was planning to leave the country and wasn't sure how available he could get legitimately (or not) prescribed medications in London. I'm not sure what the laws are for London as I know in some countries you can't bring certain medications in and it will be considered illegal. But others may allow it, especially if the person is medical personnel. Just a theory, tho.

What you are saying is true as well. That is why I have held off commenting on anything much before now. Until we get all the info from official sources speculating just makes us pawns of the media. We should know that by now. And yeah, I just almost slipped off the wagon.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

He will get prosecuted but i hope they prosecute all the other doctors aswell.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Hi Everyone

I am new on this board. I love me some Michael Jackson. My aunts and I speculation that Dr. Murray killed Michael from day one the doctor story didn’t add up right to me. I hope a lot of people go to jail for killing King Of Pop.
i agree someone needs to go down for this
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

:toofunny: bwahahaha!!! fried bologna at his ass....oh god, i just almost joined mj on the other side with that one

i'm just saying, that way he will be stankin' up in court and shame
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I just need 2 know what time I need to be at the courthouse when he goes to trial, cuz i want to throw a fried bologna sammich at his ass and egg salad and red kool aid to help set the stain in..
bastard, like someone said earlier i am no longer sad i am angry

I'm steaming, too but your post made me laugh for a brief minute. lol You bring the red kool aid and I'll bring the purple!!

"he didn't shop for doctors, the doctors shopped for him"

oh lord

Not surprised. Michael was a target in so many ways. :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

:lmao: Fried bologna! I can just see a piece of bologna hitting Murray right in the forehead on his way into the courthouse.

i would've said a rock but i don't believe in me going to jail,so bologna is safe
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

i agree someone needs to go down for this

Thank welcome me to the board. I am so sadden about Michael's death it really affected me.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Well if he gave the meds to MJ he is suppose to stay there and watch MJ throughout the night never leaving his side unless he had another medical person there.. even though he shouldln't have been giving MJ the medicine in the first place but that's water under the bridge.. He took MJ life into his own hands when he agreed to administer the meds and if he fell asleep or walked away from him while the medicine was being given to him through an IV well he will be charged with manslaughter

I agree
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Q/T Does anyone know where I can order MJ tribute t-shirt? I don't want to pay a lot of money for a shirt.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

If Conrad Murray administered drugs to Michael then he should prosecuted. That is against the law, it's no different then a person paying someone to shoot them in the face. That person with the gun is still going to be prosecuted because it's considered murder.


Nurse was subpoenaed because that was the only way they could get MJs medical records. They wanted her to FAX the records.... nurse wasn't comfortable with that and asked that she bring them over... a woman said she would come to pick them up... and a MAN showed up, NOT the woman she spoke to. Also, if she hadn't spoken up about diprovan they would have had even looked for it... so I guess we can thank her for stepping forward with her story.

I am honestly fearing for Miss Lee because she is possibly the one who will help to crack this case. People might want to shut her up.

they sure LOVE throwing out terms like "addict" don't they? god, the man wanted to sleep, there hasn't been a toxicology report to say that he was some junkie. they really stress that...gotta love the media

I know right? Michael wasn't an addict....he was a chronic insomniac who was taken advantage of by greedy drug peddling doctors.

I just need 2 know what time I need to be at the courthouse when he goes to trial, cuz i want to throw a fried bologna sammich at his ass and egg salad and red kool aid to help set the stain in..
bastard, like someone said earlier i am no longer sad i am angry

^^ BWAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa......thank you so much. I needed that. :D

"he didn't shop for doctors, the doctors shopped for him"

oh lord

Guys take a moment to think about the Michael that we know and love. Do you REALLY in your heart of hearts think this is a case of a man who was a strung out junkie who got that way purely for the joy of getting high??

Michael had too much to live for....his beautiful kids, his family and fans who he all loved so dearly.

I truly believe that Michael just wanted to sleep and could never shut his brain off so it could happen. Some quack doctor got him into the diprivan and in my heart I believe Michael got addicted to the REST and RELIEF that he perceived that he was getting.

I also believe he was convinced by a doctor that he TRUSTED that once he was monitored the diprivan was o.k.

I truly think that if Michael had had any knowledge of the serious dangers of taking the drug from the get go he wouldn't have gone near it.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm steaming, too but your post made me laugh for a brief minute. lol You bring the red kool aid and I'll bring the purple!!

Not surprised. Michael was a target in so many ways. :(

What you know about that purple.. That stain damn sure won't come out.. especially if you put like 22 cups of sugar in it..
Wendy, Heartbreak, and Bad , you 3 have made me laugh... not I will go back to being mad..
I have already picked out the best pack of bologna, will have my aunt send it to me from the country.. That bad boy will stick to him like flies to shit...
I will bring extra if other doctors go to trial..

I can't believe our boy MJ died cuz of some stupid shit...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Just saw this on skynews...

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation into Michael Jackson's death says the pop star's personal doctor administered the powerful drug that authorities believe killed him.

Jackson regularly received the anesthetic propofol (PROH'-puh-fahl) to go to sleep. The official, who requested anonymity because the probe is ongoing, told The Associated Press on Monday that Dr. Conrad Murray gave Jackson the drug the last night of his life.

Murray was with Jackson when he died June 25 and has been identified in court papers as the subject of a manslaughter investigation.

Murray's lawyer has said the doctor didn't prescribe or administer anything that should have killed Jackson.


Here we go again. "Law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation; source."
I know anything is possible, but I want to hear it from the coroner/patholgist, the person overseeing the autopsy and tests. Not somebody who does not have the authority nor having any business saying anything.
Just because all news is saying the same thing doesn't always make it so. Even if this is the case, the information should come from the proper authority, not an unnamed so and so.
I'm tired of people who want to say anything being able to make any kind of news whatsoever that seems feasible about MJ.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Words can not express how angry I am about all of this
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I truly believe that Michael just wanted to sleep and could never shut his brain off so it could happen. Some quack doctor got him into the diprivan and in my heart I believe Michael got addicted to the REST and RELIEF that he perceived that he was getting.

I also believe he was convinced by a doctor that he TRUSTED that once he was monitored the diprivan was o.k.

I truly think that if Michael had had any knowledge of the serious dangers of taking the drug from the get go he wouldn't have gone near it.

I agree. I've suffered with the same thing for years, I have memories of me in kindergarten while every other kid was enjoying naptime I was awake staring at the ceiling because I couldn't get my brain to shut down so I could get to sleep. 20 some-odd years later and I still deal with it. I think that's why I sympathize with MJ in this whole situation. But I still think that he knew the risks and was willing to take them anyway. I know how it feels to just want to sleep, just have some rest. It's a frustrating thing when you want to just get a minute and your brain denies you the ability to rest your body. Do I think Murray tried to placate him and convince him that everything would be okay? HELLS YEAH!!! Murray wanted to get PAID!!! If he told MJ he couldn't do it, MJ woulda fired him and maybe eventually found someone else who would.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm extra salty bcuz 2mrrw is when I was scheduled to see MJ.. July 28th, I will be putting on a concert in my damn room I guess.. First watch the Wiz then Moonwalker and anything else MJ related..

Any damn doctor know that when you are putting a patient under, you must give the patient oxygen and most likely put a tube in them to make sure that they are getting air, basically that tube becomes the artificial lungs. now why the doctor who is a f'n cardiologist is acting like he didn't know that beat the heck out of me.. I just hope the DA is making this case airtight so that his attorney won't have grounds to have it thrown out...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

it DOES matter if he fell asleep b/c on that drip, u need to monitor vitals and such. if he fell asleep and mj was crashing and he didn't know, he had no way to try and save him.

what it looks like is he left the room and found him dead.

a caller on hln asked y he would do cpr on someone who had a pulse. remember, that was a story or the story he gave initially. mj had a pulse and he did cpr.

what i want to know is, y was he being difficult w/ the emts? they're speaking to tmz and told them that he was acting funny and getting in teh way.

y did he wait so long to call? y did he lead lapd to the drugs that were in HIS closet? (allegd)

if he was cooperating w/ lapd et al, y did they do a suprise raid? y did the dea put propofol on their list of watchdog drugs?

this is something not supposed to be removed from a hospital. so whomever got him the drugs is in trouble and accessory to murder.

u don't need to be board cert. to practice medicine, though. i just wanted to get that out there.

also, stated on hln, that if deb were to go for the kids, she would go for all three b/c they are a unit. a family and wouldn't likely be split up. but what theyr'e doing is classy. kept out of courts, saying things to each other that wouldn't or shouldn't be said in court or in front of the world.

the expl. they gave was if deb said she didn't think the kids should live w/her, well that's no one's business to hear except katie and her lawyers. or if they bring up katies age etc...

if that's brought up in court, even if debbie declines the kids, then they may make that an issue for katherine trying to get custody. so bleh.

mcmillian handled himself great this morning. and complimented both sides on keeping it friendly and said they were doing this out of love for teh kids.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Whats the dif between propfol and diprivan???
it's the same thing. like demoral/morphine. flexorall/cyclobenzaprine.

there's the market name and the clinical name. ibuprofen/accenomenaphen
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star


I am honestly fearing for Miss Lee because she is possibly the one who will help to crack this case. People might want to shut her up.

I know right? Michael wasn't an addict....he was a chronic insomniac who was taken advantage of by greedy drug peddling doctors.

^^ BWAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa......thank you so much. I needed that. :D

Guys take a moment to think about the Michael that we know and love. Do you REALLY in your heart of hearts think this is a case of a man who was a strung out junkie who got that way purely for the joy of getting high??

Michael had too much to live for....his beautiful kids, his family and fans who he all loved so dearly.

I truly believe that Michael just wanted to sleep and could never shut his brain off so it could happen. Some quack doctor got him into the diprivan and in my heart I believe Michael got addicted to the REST and RELIEF that he perceived that he was getting.

I also believe he was convinced by a doctor that he TRUSTED that once he was monitored the diprivan was o.k.

I truly think that if Michael had had any knowledge of the serious dangers of taking the drug from the get go he wouldn't have gone near it.

Agree. The thing is he was warned about the dangers BUT he was convinced that as long as a professional was around the risks were almost nil. sigh. Plus, if any past experience with diprivan during History tour came out okay for him, he had no reason to think it was all that risky. What's different here is that I remember it being said that during History tour, the room Michael was in looked like a real hospital room/clinic. There was real monitoring equipment with lights and whatnot. And a real anesthesiologist was on the job. Murray seems to have had only tanks of oxygen in the room. That just seems unacceptable to me. Where was all the other monitoring equipment? Whether it was Murray or whoever who was doing this, how could they think that was enuf? It's beyond reckless. Perhaps that was the best they could do, but for every shortcut taken, the risks of danger went up.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

what hurts the most is she went to investigate this drug and realizedhow bad it was. tried to tell mj and his response toher made me shake. his doctor said it was safe. i'll be ok. it' snot bad. i don't believe you when yuo say i could die.

wtf? he was lied to. that is not a medicine/drug to be playing w/ and not something u use to put someone to sleep. my god, trazadone or ambien or lunesta but not an anesthetic
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

So he HAD used this drug before on the History tour? I was unaware of that.. I asked that question in another thread.. was this the first time MJ had used the drug, or was this clearly the first time something went wrong.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

All doctors both past and present should loose their medical license if it is proven that Michael was given Diprivan which is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital. I'm sure Dr. Murray and the other doctors knew it was a risk to give that drug to someone in a private setting.

But one must question why Michael Jackson would risk his life on taking a drug that is only used inside of a hospital. Unfortunately Michael in death must bare some responsibility for his own death. If Michael was insisting that he should have that drug, then that is an issue with me. All the drug experts who have been speaking about this matter regarding Diprivan said that this drug only puts you to sleep that's it. If you were tired before you took Diprivan, you would be tired after you take Diprivan because the drug does not cure why you can't sleep. You do not get rest with Diprivan.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

But they are saying that he had used it in the past on the History tour. He must have felt that it made a difference then otherwise he wouldn't have asked Murray to use it now. Could it have just been a Jedi mind trick? Meaning could he have just THOUGHT he felt better and that it was because of the diprovan? Possibly... But if he'd used it before and felt like it worked then that would explain why he demanded Murray use it on him this time around.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm curious how long he was dead for.

So he was given the drip from the night before thru the morning? The doc is supposed to be there the whole time, he "stepped out of the room" and came back to him dead? How does this work?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

All doctors both past and present should loose their medical license if it is proven that Michael was given Diprivan which is not supposed to be used outside of a hospital. I'm sure Dr. Murray and the other doctors knew it was a risk to give that drug to someone in a private setting.

But one must question why Michael Jackson would risk his life on taking a drug that is only used inside of a hospital. Unfortunately Michael in death must bare some responsibility for his own death. If Michael was insisting that he should have that drug, then that is an issue with me. All the drug experts who have been speaking about this matter regarding Diprivan said that this drug only puts you to sleep that's it. If you were tired before you took Diprivan, you would be tired after you take Diprivan because the drug does not cure why you can't sleep. You do not get rest with Diprivan.

I do agree with you to a certain exent. However, Michael's choice was a choice based on lies. He was not aware of the dangers of taking this drug because he was lied to by doctor's. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Dr. Murray also lied to him and told him that this drug was fine which is why he answered the nurse the way he did.

MJ fans, we are in for one hell of a ride, I hope you got your seatbelts on!!!!!!!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I'm curious how long he was dead for.

So he was given the drip from the night before thru the morning? The doc is supposed to be there the whole time, he "stepped out of the room" and came back to him dead? How does this work?

I think auptosy will says what times Michael Jackson's passed away.