July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Please explain the terms. I do not know what 'infusion' is. My freind spoke about a drip of minute quanities. What I understood from her was that if it was given as an injection rather than a drip he would have had to have someone there breathing for him. The drip (administered properly) would have just slowed his heartbeat down as you would in sleep. I thought the part about having to breath for him sounded odd but I didn't ask her to elaborate.

A recent article said that there was an empty IV bag in his room that he was hooked up to. That would say it was given intravenous which is what I thought 'drip' refers too.

It's basically receiving something thru the veins, i.e. IV.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

They are all saying basically the same thing.. that they would file charges.. is it second degree murder or involuntary manslaughter. They are also saying that diprovan CANNOT be given outside of a hospital.

They are saying that part of his (Murrays) defense would be "I'm the last man standing" and he might say that he wasn't the one that gave MJ the drug or other drugs that may have been found in his home or in his body. Murray has a lawyer in Texas but the laywer has a lawyer. Which seems shady. Or it could just be that since this lawyer is in Texas and you don't know LA Laws you need someone that's gonna know more than you do about what does on in LA. Especially since he may have trusted LAPD when they told him that they just wanted to speak to Murray knowing full well they were sure to charge him.

There may NOT be evidence of Diprovan in the system IF the drug wore off in his body before the autopsy.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I said the same thing in another thread.. I mean Murray was wrong, let's not mistake that, but IF MJ did indeed ask the doctor to give him this drug then he was in the wrong as well. As much as we love MJ he was a human being and we can't absolve him of his part in this if he did indeed ask for this drug to be administered to him knowing the risks and knowing Murray had a shady part.

As long as a doctor was willing to say NO, Michael was alive. :(

Michael asked, but as a MEDICAL doctor who took an OATH, he's not supposed to give him that medication outside of the proper context and hospital setting.

Apart from that, it's said that the doctor wanted at LEAST $100,000 a month to provide the service, which means that he was taking money from someone he knew would pay a high price for a drug he shouldn't have.

THAT in my estimation is murder.

This "doctor" along with anyone else who was doping Michael up should be charged in connection with the whole thing.

Not because someone wants something means they have to get it.

Michael would have NO way of getting his hands on these things if it wasn't for these doctors.

FURTHERMORE ....it must have been a doctor who suggested using that drug for sleep purposes in the first place!

That is not the intended use of that drug so in my simple mind that makes it total and utter disregard for a human life for financial gains!

Before you go thinking that I'm mad at you I'm not....I'm just royally pissed at the situation.

Totally Agree with your post! As for myself, I don't care what they call it. Murder? Manslaughter? Whatever. He needs to pay for not being able to say NO and violating his oath. His license needs to be stripped as well. All the other doctors involved, too. A little time in a jailcell to rethink that oath for some time might do them some good. Oh yeah, and sue sue sue!! Do it all.

IF Murray didn't do this and know which doctor who did, he needs to fess up. If he's a scapegoat and just happen to show up in that room over MIchael's dead body like a bad episode of Murder She Wrote, then he needs to start singing and pointing fingers at who else he knows could have and would have done this. He HAD to know about the diprivan becuz allegedly he was the one who told police where to find it in the house along with other meds (in a cabinet). So he clearly KNEW about it IF he wasn't administering it. He needs to start tapping cuz at this point in the episode, he ain't looking too good.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Michael asked, but as a MEDICAL doctor who took an OATH, he's not supposed to give him that medication outside of the proper context and hospital setting.

Apart from that, it's said that the doctor wanted at LEAST $100,000 a month to provide the service, which means that he was taking money from someone he knew would pay a high price for a drug he shouldn't have.

THAT in my estimation is murder.

This "doctor" along with anyone else who was doping Michael up should be charged in connection with the whole thing.

Not because someone wants something means they have to get it.

Michael would have NO way of getting his hands on these things if it wasn't for these doctors.

FURTHERMORE ....it must have been a doctor who suggested using that drug for sleep purposes in the first place!

That is not the intended use of that drug so in my simple mind that makes it total and utter disregard for a human life for financial gains!

Before you go thinking that I'm mad at you I'm not....I'm just royally pissed at the situation.

I guess that is why he demanded such a high wage, because he knew that if anything went wrong he would be liable. Stupid man.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Surely Murray will say he fell asleep to avoid a murder charge. I don't know anything about the law out there....If Murray gets manslaughter what will happen to him?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

They are all saying basically the same thing.. that they would file charges.. is it second degree murder or involuntary manslaughter. They are also saying that diprovan CANNOT be given outside of a hospital.

They are saying that part of his (Murrays) defense would be "I'm the last man standing" and he might say that he wasn't the one that gave MJ the drug or other drugs that may have been found in his home or in his body. Murray has a lawyer in Texas but the laywer has a lawyer. Which seems shady. Or it could just be that since this lawyer is in Texas and you don't know LA Laws you need someone that's gonna know more than you do about what does on in LA. Especially since he may have trusted LAPD when they told him that they just wanted to speak to Murray knowing full well they were sure to charge him.

There may NOT be evidence of Diprovan in the system IF the drug wore off in his body before the autopsy.


Heh. His lawyer now has a lawyer???? :doh: Oh boy. Here we go...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

No. We cannot Redridinghood, or at least I will speak for myself.

As a doctor, you take an oath to do no harm. You are licensed by the states, and certified by boards to uphold the damn law. If you are stupid, arrogant and greedy enough (and Murray was all three) to let someone else talk you into breaking the law, thus causing that person's death, that is manslaughter at the very least. When people are not well, they are desparate for anyone to give them anything.

That doesn't mean that they should get it if it will do more harm than good.

Yes, I agree it should be manslaughter if this is found to be true. I still will try and have compassion for him though as how can we know for sure what the truth is. We just can't know for sure, that's between him and God.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

It would leave the blood but it will still be in organs
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Murray didn't call 911 immediately... he waited 30 minutes.. blamed it on the phones and not knowing the address.. he also had to leave MJ in the room and find help. His lawyer is saying that Murray was a professional and using CPR to keep him alive...

Still waitng for the autposy so we don't know what killed MJ until then.. we can't jump the gun on charges until then. New reports that the EMT didn't know that they were working on MJ after they got there. Other reports say that Murray didn't want them to call MJ at the house and insisted that they take him to the hospital. Perhaps it was shady. Perhaps he really wanted to revive MJ.

If there was a doctor there, and was in charge of taking care of MJ he should have been there taking care of him, not looking for someone to call 911.

Apparently one of the panelist saw the second autposy and there are 19 doctors being investigated.

Murrays behavior is definitely questionable.

The family is NOT talking about the burrial and panelists are thinking there might be some inner convos in the family about final resting place.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

It's basically receiving something thru the veins, i.e. IV.

Yeah, and its safer because its more stable. By giving higher amounts injected is much more risky...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

They are all saying basically the same thing.. that they would file charges.. is it second degree murder or involuntary manslaughter. They are also saying that diprovan CANNOT be given outside of a hospital.

They are saying that part of his (Murrays) defense would be "I'm the last man standing" and he might say that he wasn't the one that gave MJ the drug or other drugs that may have been found in his home or in his body. Murray has a lawyer in Texas but the laywer has a lawyer. Which seems shady. Or it could just be that since this lawyer is in Texas and you don't know LA Laws you need someone that's gonna know more than you do about what does on in LA. Especially since he may have trusted LAPD when they told him that they just wanted to speak to Murray knowing full well they were sure to charge him.

There may NOT be evidence of Diprovan in the system IF the drug wore off in his body before the autopsy.


All lawyers have a lawyer so it doesn't sound too shady to me...

I also don't think the lawyer was stupid enough to "trust the LAPD" he was either lied to by his client or he was hoping early cooperation would be seen as favourable.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Murray didn't call 911 immediately... he waited 30 minutes.. blamed it on the phones and not knowing the address.. he also had to leave MJ in the room and find help. His lawyer is saying that Murray was a professional and using CPR to keep him alive...

Waiting to call 911 and doing CPR on the bed is not professional at all.. You would at least think he would have a cell phone?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Did MJ die w or without his nose? (UGH!)

They are replaying the Klein interview... he says he was rebuilding his face for the concerts. But Klein confirms that he did indeed have his nose attached and was helping MJ with his face for the show...

Geragos is on the panel. He's saying the internet stuff is absurd in the way they are portraying MJ (and even shouted out CNN for their part in it!!!) but they are saying that TODAY is significant at least as far as charges go.

Now they are talking about Debbie who went to visit Klein recently. One panelist is saying she's wrong for lashing out at the media if she in indeed seeking custody of the two kids. (not Blanket).

Geragos is defending her because the paparazzi is endless and it's overwhelming. They are just talking back and forth about Rowe.

Custody hearing set for Monday. It looks like from Katherine's atty that this will be resolved out of court. He was on the today show. He says they are close to reaching an agreement regarding custody and will not be based on money.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Yes, I agree it should be manslaughter if this is found to be true. I still will try and have compassion for him though as how can we know for sure what the truth is. We just can't know for sure, that's between him and God.
Even if it were an accident, he stepped over the line when agreed to give that stuff to MJ.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Waiting to call 911 and doing CPR on the bed is not professional at all.. You would at least think he would have a cell phone?

He did have a cellphone. He claims he didn't know the address so didn't bother. :mello: I've called a taxi and they were able to track and confirm my address thru my cellphone based on GPS technology. Almost all phones have this nowadays. I'm sure 911 has the same technoloty. No excuse, imo. He panicked...which says a lot for a professional whose job is to save ppl's lives under extreme pressure. Nice. Sure, the patient whose life he was trying to save was Michael Jackson. That's enuf to rattle anyone, however, I honestly feel his panic was all over the place about a lot of things. Time will tell whether or not that turns out to be true.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Trying to work something out outside of the courtroom as far as custody. Katherine's lawyer will put together something that will help both sides feel like they will get something. He's sure that it will involve Rowe at least being able to have access to the children.

Geragos is defending her.. saying that MJ was battling child protective services??? and that the investigation was unfounded because the children were well cared for.

They are talking phone calls!!!

Woman wants to know what clothes MJ was in when he went to the hospital. They are saying that they don't know. According to Murray MJ was in his bed and Murray went to check on him so he hadn't been up yet that day.

Now they are walking about the death certificate leak and personal files.

Caller wants to know what is the difference between 2rd degree murder - implied malice... not intended but did something wreckless that caused death. Penalty for manslaughter is 2 3 4 yrs. Penalty for second degree murder is 15 to life.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I am listening to that in online radio, the nose part was disguisting! (thanks heartbreakhotelMJJ for your efforts!)

Oh good! My fingers were getting tired it was hard to keep up with everyone! I can't believe they had so many ppl there talking about this... wait. Scratch that. Yes I can believe it. :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Now they are talking about Debbie who went to visit Klein recently. One panelist is saying she's wrong for lashing out at the media if she in indeed seeking custody of the two kids. (not Blanket).

Would like to see the panelist handle the ongoing stalking paparazzi presence that Debbie has had to deal with... and then try not to lash out. Debbie only mouthed off... I would have probably gotten physical :lol:
No court is gonna hold her lashing out at hounding press against her in regards to any custody hearing she's consider attending.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Oh good! My fingers were getting tired it was hard to keep up with everyone! I can't believe they had so many ppl there talking about this... wait. Scratch that. Yes I can believe it. :(

you're doing such a good job, though! i'm listening to the link limonali kindly provided.

cherilynn is on!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I want to find out who was the first "doctor" who supplied Michael with the drug.

They should go down....all of them.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Thank you HeartbreakHotelMJJ :flowers: