July 28, 2009 Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I am tired of all those reports or articles based on "source close the investigation" or "source close to the family". I want to know who are those sources. If someone said something or has something to say particularly to the press, just come forward or identify yourself and speak. Do not hide behind the cover of anonymity. It is too easy. In that case, everybody can be " a source close of the investigation" or "source close of the family". I can be one as well if I want!


i could be one, too, if i want.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I´ve read that Dr. Murray feel asleep when he performed the IV on Michael.

what i was asking really was why would tht matter that he fell asleep the patient just remains comatose and is woken up later. i guess something went wrong and dr wasnt there. which suggests to me that the dr usually didnt hang around but this time he didnt he got unlucky.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I said the same thing in another thread.. I mean Murray was wrong, let's not mistake that, but IF MJ did indeed ask the doctor to give him this drug then he was in the wrong as well. As much as we love MJ he was a human being and we can't absolve him of his part in this if he did indeed ask for this drug to be administered to him knowing the risks and knowing Murray had a shady part.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but this drug should NEVER have been given to MJ in his home. This is an anesthesia which is only supposed to be given in a hospital under an anesthesiologists care so he/she can monitor blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, all of those things. It is my belief that no matter how much Murray gave to MJ he shouldn't have given him ANY because it was illegal for him to do so under these circumstances.
And I think that was the real reason behind the huge delay for calling the ambulance. He was thinking of his own self first... Ugh!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I know that everyone is very angry (and rightly so) right now, but is demanding the Dr's head on a stick just going a bit too far? Yes he shouldn't have been administering it, but Michael hired him to. If he fell asleep then he is guilty of negligence but that does not make him a murderer, even if that is how you feel about it.
Can we not show some compassion and understanding to this man who is obviously terrified of what will happen to him now?
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I am so angry right now....I'm shaking. It's one thing to suspect something but another to know for sure.

I want to see Conrad Murry and whoever else is involved rot in jail!!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Im so angry at hurt right now :angry: :censored:

I dont know what 2 think anymore...how could this happen 2 him :cry:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I´ve read that Dr. Murray feel asleep when he performed the IV on Michael.

Well, that's in total contrast to what his lawyer claimed happened just days after MJ died. His attorney, Chernoff, clearly stated that Murray "fortuitously" (luckily) entered the room around 11:30 am to find Michael not breathing.

Like I've said early on, we have no idea what the real truth is. There was also a "MJ collapsed" story floating out there as well. All everyone has to go on is this guy's account for things which SUCKS! Who really thinks he's going to tell the truth?! Ugh! I honestly hope the coroners can pinpoint a more accurate time of death. If this doctor lied about Michael still having a pulse and being somewhat alive when he found him, then he is in big doodoo. If Michael was clearly dead when 911 arrived and had been for some time, the next question becomes WHY would the doctor lie? Why not tell the boring truth that he came into the room and Michael was dead already. WHAT did he have to gain by lying and making up that ish story to delay Michael's time of death? oooooooooooooooh I need to get outta this thread!!!! I said I was going to keep an open mind until toxicology report comes out. Omg...how long is this going to take!! :weeping:
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

well if he knew he was supposed to be monitoring mj and left or fell asleep, that's manslaughter. however, if he did thing sto conceal what he had done, then it's far worse

some said he wasn't a live in dr. he was only supposed to be there in the mornign w/ mj.

so that begs the question. y the hell was he there at noon?

well cnn...hmmmmm they're the same ones who, while showing the verdict, had the ticker/banner saying guilty on all counts so let's see. i think they've gotten better since 05

this is all fuc^*d up, if he is supposed to be a live in doctor why didn't he know the damn address??? I'm so pissed now I just want self....he'd better have body guards..
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

He definitely wasnt too long. You can be days on it. But you cant really says whats the 'overdose'. I think the dr gave him intentionally 'more' to avoid the next injection (to do something else himself) and Michael's body couldnt handle it. But its also connected to the relaxants and how much they were given to Michael before... I want to state that Michael wasnt infused but injected. Infusing would have been much safer.

Please explain the terms. I do not know what 'infusion' is. My freind spoke about a drip of minute quanities. What I understood from her was that if it was given as an injection rather than a drip he would have had to have someone there breathing for him. The drip (administered properly) would have just slowed his heartbeat down as you would in sleep. I thought the part about having to breath for him sounded odd but I didn't ask her to elaborate.

A recent article said that there was an empty IV bag in his room that he was hooked up to. That would say it was given intravenous which is what I thought 'drip' refers too.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I wish to GOD they would arrest this POS already! I need him arrested charged, tried, convicted and sentenced like YESTERDAY.

They wont make an arrest until they have a solid case for him to answer to... otherwise the whole thing can be thrown out of court and he can be protected.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Let's hope Murray the murderer implicates others who helped him murder Michael.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

seems like what i wrote in my siggy, many weeks ago, about the press swarming like flies to paint MJ as a druggie, is correct.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yes but sadly its part of the truth michael sought the wrong kind of treatment and paid the ultmimate priceit was for hosptail use only for a purpose michael would still be alive if The doctor said no but given how unhealthly thin he was dr murry may have just sped things along and it hurts my heart:( :cry: those who loved him should have done more if he was being force fed by kenny and randy philps was worried why in the hell didnt they DO ANYTHING BECAUSE QUITE FRANKLY THE SAW WHAT THEY WANTED TO OR JUST DIDNT CARE!
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

guys, it's an ongoing investigation. he has to remain anonymous.

and, yeah, heartbreakhotelmjj, it shouldn't have been in his house period. propofol is not supposed to leave the hospital.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I know that everyone is very angry (and rightly so) right now, but is demanding the Dr's head on a stick just going a bit too far? Yes he shouldn't have been administering it, but Michael hired him to. If he fell asleep then he is guilty of negligence but that does not make him a murderer, even if that is how you feel about it.
Can we not show some compassion and understanding to this man who is obviously terrified of what will happen to him now?

Michael asked, but as a MEDICAL doctor who took an OATH, he's not supposed to give him that medication outside of the proper context and hospital setting.

Apart from that, it's said that the doctor wanted at LEAST $100,000 a month to provide the service, which means that he was taking money from someone he knew would pay a high price for a drug he shouldn't have.

THAT in my estimation is murder.

This "doctor" along with anyone else who was doping Michael up should be charged in connection with the whole thing.

Not because someone wants something means they have to get it.

Michael would have NO way of getting his hands on these things if it wasn't for these doctors.

FURTHERMORE ....it must have been a doctor who suggested using that drug for sleep purposes in the first place!

That is not the intended use of that drug so in my simple mind that makes it total and utter disregard for a human life for financial gains!

Before you go thinking that I'm mad at you I'm not....I'm just royally pissed at the situation.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

They wont make an arrest until they have a solid case for him to answer to... otherwise the whole thing can be thrown out of court and he can be protected.

Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Yeah, I think the fast weight loss must have contributed to his collapse too... Maybe the usual dose was too high now for his body mass...
God! Where was Michael's guardian angel when this happened? :no:

Actually angels can do so little if you have suddenly for example two hour dose you havent had before. I dont know what happened but it will be all clear soon. Delaying his autopsy results says already something...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but this drug should NEVER have been given to MJ in his home. This is an anesthesia which is only supposed to be given in a hospital under an anesthesiologists care so he/she can monitor blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, all of those things. It is my belief that no matter how much Murray gave to MJ he shouldn't have given him ANY because it was illegal for him to do so under these circumstances.

That is correct as I understand it. I commented on this weeks ago but I wondered if it is legal in Germany where Michael was supposed to have first used it (if you believe the article(s) about that and due to the number of comments that pointed to it I tended to believe it.) I know that medication is regulated differently in Europe.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

yes but sadly its part of the truth michael sought the wrong kind of treatment and paid the ultmimate priceit was for hosptail use only for a purpose michael would still be alive if The doctor said no but given how unhealthly thin he was dr murry may have just sped things along and it hurts my heart:( :cry: those who loved him should have done more if he was being force fed by kenny and randy philps was worried why in the hell didnt they DO ANYTHING BECAUSE QUITE FRANKLY THE SAW WHAT THEY WANTED TO OR JUST DIDNT CARE!

we don't know that that is the truth that MJ sought anything. it's always being 'reported' that he did. they're not in there with MJ. if anything, they'd rather not pay attention to him. and this constant repetition of him being 'thin', has a long history. MJ's body type is just not something a lot of people are used to. that doesn't mean it's a wrong body type. he's had the same body type ever since he was a little boy. you can look for pics and look at them closely. it's the first thing i always noticed, when comparing him to his brothers.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Oh no..........I don't know how to explain this but in some ways it would be better to have someone to blame, but in other ways it is just too awful to even go there :(
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I know that everyone is very angry (and rightly so) right now, but is demanding the Dr's head on a stick just going a bit too far? Yes he shouldn't have been administering it, but Michael hired him to. If he fell asleep then he is guilty of negligence but that does not make him a murderer, even if that is how you feel about it.
Can we not show some compassion and understanding to this man who is obviously terrified of what will happen to him now?
No. We cannot Redridinghood, or at least I will speak for myself.

As a doctor, you take an oath to do no harm. You are licensed by the states, and certified by boards to uphold the damn law. If you are stupid, arrogant and greedy enough (and Murray was all three) to let someone else talk you into breaking the law, thus causing that person's death, that is manslaughter at the very least. When people are not well, they are desparate for anyone to give them anything.

That doesn't mean that they should get it if it will do more harm than good.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Please explain the terms. I do not know what 'infusion' is. My freind spoke about a drip of minute quanities. What I understood from her was that if it was given as an injection rather than a drip he would have had to have someone there breathing for him. The drip (administered properly) would have just slowed his heartbeat down as you would in sleep. I thought the part about having to breath for him sounded odd but I didn't ask her to elaborate.

A recent article said that there was an empty IV bag in his room that he was hooked up to. That would say it was given intravenous which is what I thought 'drip' refers too.

As far as I know the iv wasnt working and thats why the dr gave injections. Well, its possible Michael didnt know that and the dr faked something...
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

Gosh they've got like 6 ppl on the panel, it's really hard for me to transcribe this one but I'll try.
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

There's a damn panel??
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

6 ppl on the panel..wow
Re: Jackson's doc administered anesthetic that authorities believe killed the pop star

I don't care if Michael asked for it begged for it whatever, Dr Murray had no right to give him this stuff. Michael Jackson was not a doctor he does not know what is going to hurt him what is going to kill him he has no idea. That is what the doctor was there for and this guy and the other doctors who might have given him that stuff are so busy trying to figure out ways to please Michael so he can keep them around none of them ever said hey Michael I can't do this you should not be doing this try this and instead.