Judge rules that Joe Jackson can receive Michael's medical files

Joseph Jackson is Michael Joseph Jackson's father, doesn't he have the "right" to know what happened to his son?

Of COURSE he does. Any parent should have that right. What anyone thinks of Joe's morals, ethics, or past history does not negate the fact that he is a FATHER. There is a confidentiality clause attached, so he cannot leak or sell the material, nor can Oxman, or anyone. The penalties if they do it anyway would be quite high. I'm sure they know that.
Thanks for the information about the Branca and Sony case. It was very informative. I thank the Brazilian poster for giving part of the information as well.

I love this judge on the case and wish Joe good luck. He is a father after all and wants to know about his son's death.
Look in the center of the signatures and see the difference
Randy had already said that and the day Michael was not in place
The case is in court 26 + Jaroscak & cd = 7 & hl = de & ct = clnk & gl = de & client = firefox-a
Because Michael would call back Branca those who betrayed him with Mottola?

1/ the court decided last November that Joe has not legal standing in these matters

2/ Branca was not an executor in the Cobain estate
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I am sorry to say this but your posts (and the "s" is there for a reason) make ABSOLUTELY no sense. None whatsoever.

This is a bit rude, you can see she is from Brazil and English is obviously not her first language, she's trying her best.

I think she is talking about the document that Oxman submitted with all the information about Branca. Whether its true or not I don't know.

This thread was fine and civil when I last posted yesterday, can't believe what its turned into... again.
Soundmind, thank you for that info. Very informative. I personally don't believe Branca is one of the bad guys.
every time I read in this thread I have the feeling it's going pro and contra Sony.

For what. Sony has betrayed Michael, Sony wanted Michael out to get the whole catalogue. Mottola said very bad things (and did?) about Michael. So was MJ totally sick, so he has had paranoia, when he told us in London that Sony wants to betray him, when MJ told us, in future they will only get OLD songs ... that the deal with Sony is over ... so I have dreamt that or it really happened?

But I am so sick and tired of that.

I don't like Joe, I will never forget what he did to Michael. But if he has the intention to prosecute the murderer of Michael, or those ones who are responsible for his death, so go on ... and light a fire under them. That's good. So they will know, Murray or may be someone else, the family will keep on and on
This is a bit rude, you can see she is from Brazil and English is obviously not her first language, she's trying her best.

I think she is talking about the document that Oxman submitted with all the information about Branca. Whether its true or not I don't know.

This thread was fine and civil when I last posted yesterday, can't believe what its turned into... again.

It is rude if you want it to be. This has nothing to do with her english. And if you can direct me to where I refer to her "english" I will gladly retract.

I understand Izilda very well, so I don't know what you are referring to.

Accusing everyone & everything of being negative does not make you right.

I am referring to the half truths she has presented here ....I stand by my statement that her "arguments" make no sense when it comes to her accusations that the will was forged.
If Michael wanted to change his will he would have done so. So far it doesn't seem like the executors are doing anything illegal or wrong and the children have an attorney looking out for their best interests.

As for Joe, if he wants to know everything that happened on June 25 then he has that right. I do agree that he should get another lawyer. If there was anything shady or suspicious going on then I think people should talk about it when they have actual proof of it. Investigate and see what you come up with because otherwise it's just speculation.
He said Joe Jackson deserves to know more about how his son died and the records will also be important in his quest to receive an allowance of more than $15,000 per month.

This is what I don't understand! how is obtaining these records gonna help Joe in covincing the court that he should get an allowance?:scratch:This makes absolutely no sense to me.
This is what I don't understand! how is obtaining these records gonna help Joe in convincing the court that he should get an allowance?:scratch:This makes absolutely no sense to me.

It's not going to help. It's bears and bananas. I think this is coming from Oxman. I truly hope Joe gets a different lawyer. Oxman has just too much that is sketchy in his past, regarding statements made about Michael.
It COULD be for emotional trauma that his death caused him.

see that is why Joe shouldn't have laughed in front of cameras and tried to promote his record company when Michael died... LOL

emotional trauma my ass!!

some people think Joe has rights just because of his sperm in spite of his sadistic and manipulative behaviour. it's like a tribal mentality. the person belongs to the family no matter what. thanks God we live in modern age... at least some of us...
It's not going to help. It's bears and bananas. I think this is coming from Oxman. I truly hope Joe gets a different lawyer. Oxman has just too much that is sketchy in his past, regarding statements made about Michael.

Yeah, how is anyone to take what Joe is doing seriously when he has that dork of a lawyer Oxman running his mouth all the time with nonsense?
I really do not understand what these records have to do with him getting an allowance
same here. i guess its cause oxman is a fool and will try and use anything possible and if that doesnt work threaten to leak info in order to get an allowance. gald to see the judge has put big restrictions on this. seems to be a good ruling. if joes want to get respect off ppl he should fire the man who called his wife dispicable and who at every oppotunity calls his dead son a junkie. and some wonder if joe has ulterior motives. well doh what do u expect when he has scum like oxman repping him
same here. i guess its cause oxman is a fool and will try and use anything possible and if that doesnt work threaten to leak info in order to get an allowance. gald to see the judge has put big restrictions on this. seems to be a good ruling. if joes want to get respect off ppl he should fire the man who called his wife dispicable and who at every oppotunity calls his dead son a junkie. and some wonder if joe has ulterior motives. well doh what do u expect when he has scum like oxman repping him

Good for Joe and the Jackson family. This will tell them some info that they need. To all they neysayers, you need to stop thinking so negatively and see that this is actually in Michaels best interest.
I've asked you all to tone it down in here once already. Why are some of you acting so aggressively towards each other all the time? Have some respect please.
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Again the autopsy only tells you what happened to Michael not what happened that day at the hospital. An investigation requires ALL information, not just part of the information. The Jackson family already had their own autopsy done and still feel the need for additional information about their son. No harm in that. I would do the same if it was my child.
Again the autopsy only tells you what happened to Michael not what happened that day at the hospital.

Oxman and Joe states that Michael was already dead when the paramedics arrived - and I also think in a similar way after seeing the autopsy report. Now if this is the case what kind of crucial information do you expect to find at the hospital report?

I think it will go like " he came unresponsive, we gave him this, we did this and he is still unresponsive". I personally do not think that hospital records will shed too much (if any) light to the information that we have. (and they haven't done any tests or examination as the body was transfered to the coroner's office).

now if Oxman and Joe got all of the medical history that they asked, it might have been a different story but that is no longer the case here.
The hospital records may not shed that much light, but wouldnt you still try everything if it was your child? I would.

Yes BO & JJ claim the paramedic said that Michael was dead. The hospital reports might actually confirm that because the autopsy report didn't. If that was the case, then why did they spend 45mins at Michael's home before taking him to the hospital? Murray was the higher ranking official and wouldnt declare Michael dead but wouldnt take him to the hospital either prolonging any further help from a hospital 3 minutes away? Is that involuntary manslaughter?

There is no harm with Joe looking at Michaels hospital records. And its not just Joe but Katherine will want to know what is in them too. Some people are making it bigger than it really is.
Oxman and Joe states that Michael was already dead when the paramedics arrived - and I also think in a similar way after seeing the autopsy report. Now if this is the case what kind of crucial information do you expect to find at the hospital report?

I think it will go like " he came unresponsive, we gave him this, we did this and he is still unresponsive". I personally do not think that hospital records will shed too much (if any) light to the information that we have. (and they haven't done any tests or examination as the body was transfered to the coroner's office).

now if Oxman and Joe got all of the medical history that they asked, it might have been a different story but that is no longer the case here.

The hospital records will tell a lot like an estimate how long Michael's been under, If his body has any bruises, needle marks, lacerations, ext, It will tell what was in his blood and alot more....When a patient comes through the er there is a team of doctors who's already in the cpr room alot of tests are done, Now ask me how i know this...The records will shed light. And just like I said in the threat, Joe jackson wants medical records when everybody was saying Joe wasn't entitled to them and he wasn't going to get them, and how everybody argued me down saying he wasn't going to get those records.
The hospital records may not shed that much light, but wouldnt you still try everything if it was your child? I would.

Yes BO & JJ claim the paramedic said that Michael was dead. The hospital reports might actually confirm that because the autopsy report didn't. If that was the case, then why did they spend 45mins at Michael's home before taking him to the hospital? Murray was the higher ranking official and wouldnt declare Michael dead but wouldnt take him to the hospital either prolonging any further help from a hospital 3 minutes away? Is that involuntary manslaughter?

There is no harm with Joe looking at Michaels hospital records. And its not just Joe but Katherine will want to know what is in them too. Some people are making it bigger than it really is.

And your exactly right, The medical records will confirm approximately how long Michael's been gone. Why does everybody have this hate towards Joe because he wants Michael's medical records?????? Can somebody please this to me please, because I know if something happened to my family member, I would want the report too.....
Murray has no money what would be the point of suing him? Before Michael died Joe has been trying to get his hands on any money to be made by the concerts now he and some family members are just ignoring the facts and looking for a way to sue AEG
Murray he doesnt have to have money for a civil suite
they sue the Drs insurance for the money. Doctors dont
pay their own suites their insurance company does.. and
i believe all doctors have to be insured to practice medicine

Im sure they would like to go for AEG if they can find evidence
to do so ... but I doubt it would be in the hospital reports _ if it
isnt in the Autopsy _

Joe is looking for money _they even stated that openly
its about him filing a law suite .. and getting an allowance
form Michale estate ..

also it would be easier to do that if Murray is not convicted
so calling for a 2nd degree charge is a sure way for his to be
found not gulty and then be avalibale for a civil suite _maybey
thats why Oxman is pushing so hard for the charges to be changed
he doesn want Murray convicted _ TOM Mez himself said 2 degree
charges will most likely have Murray walk free ... Manslaughter is more
likely to get a conviction by the Jury

I trust TOM Mez and his judgement
I do not trust Joe or Oxman's judgement
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same here. i guess its cause oxman is a fool and will try and use anything possible and if that doesnt work threaten to leak info in order to get an allowance. gald to see the judge has put big restrictions on this. seems to be a good ruling. if joes want to get respect off ppl he should fire the man who called his wife dispicable and who at every oppotunity calls his dead son a junkie. and some wonder if joe has ulterior motives. well doh what do u expect when he has scum like oxman repping him

Whatever Oxman said in the pass, I personally don't care, but as of LATELY, he's been repping the hell outta Joe Jackson and he's trying to get murray a higher Charge now who can get mad at that????, so in my book, Oxman in the SH*T!

I really really REALLY don't think Joe jackson would leak information about Michael's medical records because since day one, JOE JACKSON Yeah the one who was at Michael's gate everyday the last week of his life trying to get behind those gates to see his son, who was turned away has been screaming FOUL PLAY from the JUMP. Lets not throw darts at joe 24/7.....
of course he does. any parent should have that right. What anyone thinks of joe's morals, ethics, or past history does not negate the fact that he is a father. There is a confidentiality clause attached, so he cannot leak or sell the material, nor can oxman, or anyone. The penalties if they do it anyway would be quite high. I'm sure they know that.

tell me vic!
And your exactly right, The medical records will confirm approximately how long Michael's been gone. Why does everybody have this hate towards Joe because he wants Michael's medical records?????? Can somebody please this to me please, because I know if something happened to my family member, I would want the report too.....

so now does this mean that the hospital will be able to tell the REAL TOD....and not the official 2:26...when Michael was officially pronounced?.....OR does the coroners report have this information also and it was just not released?.....or is it both?......Thanks in advance.
so now does this mean that the hospital will be able to tell the REAL TOD....and not the official 2:26...when Michael was officially pronounced?.....OR does the coroners report have this information also and it was just not released?.....or is it both?......Thanks in advance.

No, they will do an estimate, the records won't be able to tell an exact time, but close enough to it.

The coroners report, that Im not sure about.
No, they will do an estimate, the records won't be able to tell an exact time, but close enough to it.

The coroners report, that Im not sure about.

thank you so much for this....it has given me a little peace...meaning ..the hospital should of been able with out a shadow of a doubt tell a closer TOD ...no matter how much Murray tried to cover it up.

I think the Jackson deserve to see those records, I am a mother and God forbid that was one of my children..I would want to see all available evidence of what happened.....minus autopsy photo's.....I couldn't handle them.