Judge rules that Joe Jackson can receive Michael's medical files

Yes, that is my understanding too.

Therein lies another problem. If I recall correctly, AEG never paid Murray a dime.

There was a contract, which was supposed to be signed by Michael, Murray, and AEG, but said contract was only signed by Murray. I also recall there being a stipulation that the contract would only be signed by AEG, AFTER it was signed by Michael.

For some reason, Michael never signed that contract.
From estate lawyers

Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, tells TMZ, "The estate has no problem with the Court's ruling which substantially limits what Mr. Jackson was asking for."

Odd that the estate isnt onside with the Jackson family isnt it. If Joe wants to find out what killed his son, let him.

And I dont think it has to do with money but even if it dead, it would be helping the family foremostly MICHAEL's OWN CHILDREN so why would the estate want to stop that?

People need to wake up. The estate DOES NOT HAVE MICHAEL INTEREST FIRST. They say this but are they really going to come and out and say their true intentions? No. But theyre actions speak way lounder than their words.
Michael died before paramedics came and brought him to the hospital. I do not understand why this article says that MJ died in the hospital? He did not die there, he died at home. Somebody is trying to cover up a time of death again. I sense that it is going to be a main question during the trial.

there's nothing suspicious about it. Legally Michael pronounced dead at the hospital , that is the official time and place. they are simply reporting that info.
Odd that the estate isnt onside with the Jackson family isnt it. If Joe wants to find out what killed his son, let him.

And I dont think it has to do with money but even if it dead, it would be helping the family foremostly MICHAEL's OWN CHILDREN so why would the estate want to stop that?

People need to wake up. The estate DOES NOT HAVE MICHAEL INTEREST FIRST. They say this but are they really going to come and out and say their true intentions? No. But theyre actions speak way lounder than their words.

The family had there own autopsy done so they know what killed Michael
Whatever anyone's intentions are.

"'Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons."

In the long run, we will see from what side the truth is coming from. It can only be covered up for this little while.

1/ Katherine don't need Joe or Oxman to do the dirty works. She's an heir and she's entitled to see these records.

2/ Lifeguards procedures are protected by the doctor-patient privilege. It's why the judge will verify these records before releasing them.

3/ Oxman and Joe wanted all records (medical history), not just june 25 and up. it's why the estate didn't agree

4/ oxman's theory is that they can use these records to evaluate the money (his family allowance) needed to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This comes from his motion
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We all know what killed michael but is his family feels there is more to this then they have a right to find out for sure.

the doctors tried to save his life, not to know who is/are responsible or how he is dead!
If they can find any other traces of perscritions in his system or if any other info is missing or left out, I think that this is the main thing Joe is looking for. What happened months before his death, who was giving him what and from where. If things are being withheld, info could be distroyed. Makes you ill to think but then again...
Odd that the estate isnt onside with the Jackson family isnt it. If Joe wants to find out what killed his son, let him.

And I dont think it has to do with money but even if it dead, it would be helping the family foremostly MICHAEL's OWN CHILDREN so why would the estate want to stop that?

People need to wake up. The estate DOES NOT HAVE MICHAEL INTEREST FIRST. They say this but are they really going to come and out and say their true intentions? No. But theyre actions speak way lounder than their words.


oxman who is telling that MJ is a drug addict when the autopsy says differently or supports Lester about Paris' paternity?

the judge puts many limitations on their requests. It's good
I think if Joe wants these records for his own knowledge because it was his son, that he loved and wants to know what really happened, then I am happy for him that he may have this.

I have been reading about wrongful death suits, how they work, what they are and it is all very interesting. We have a doctor who had malpractice insurance I am sure, so they can go after that. I don't know about the AEG thing. If no contract was signed....or what would have been in the contract, and how responsible is AEG in case of a problem...I don't know.

I did notice that there is something about wrongful death being valued on the money lost because of the death which is going to be an issue since the estate has made so much money FROM the death. I was reading this on line and I am not sure how that will work in this case. Just something I was looking at.

Also, I do believe Joe is not the one to file and it should rightfully go to Michaels children. Also, there are no bill collectors after the children. Isn't there some issue with Katherine's inheritance, or was that found to be untrue?

In any case, I hope this is handled properly and as some have said, not leaked out, though I am sure Joe just has Michaels best interests at heart here.
1- Michael never spoke to anyone so how can if breach the doctor-patient confidentiality?

2-So they can make a mistake and nobody knows? No. If need be they can find out what happened.

1. I already gave the answer to that one " as far as I know emergency life saving procedures are protected by confidentiality even though the patient was not able to communicate (unconscious etc) and/or dies during/ soon after the efforts."

2. hospitals have internal boards that over goes any patient death happens during operations to ensure that there wasn't any doctor error. also deaths happen during or after medical procedures are reported to the coroner for further examination. It is already a standard procedure to examine for reasons and (if any) mistakes regardless of whether there's a request from the relatives or not.

furthermore in Michael's case if Michael was already dead when the paramedics arrived, what mistake can the paramedics and emergency doctors do?

anyway I find this to be an unnecessary debate Judge already decided to what is appropriate or not and furthermore will make sure that there's not violation of any patient doctor confidentiality and none of these information will get out. I'm personally happy with the decision.
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We all know what killed michael but is his family feels there is more to this then they have a right to find out for sure.

Absolutely. If it were my family, I would leave no stone unturned.
I have been reading about wrongful death suits, how they work, what they are and it is all very interesting. We have a doctor who had malpractice insurance I am sure, so they can go after that. I don't know about the AEG thing. If no contract was signed....or what would have been in the contract, and how responsible is AEG in case of a problem...I don't know.

I did notice that there is something about wrongful death being valued on the money lost because of the death which is going to be an issue since the estate has made so much money FROM the death. I was reading this on line and I am not sure how that will work in this case. Just something I was looking at.

Now what happens in a wrongful death suit is that you ask for damages in other words you ask for money. And these damages can be determined on financial and emotional basis.

For example if a person was earning some salary and supporting their family and then there's a wrongful death suit, the court awards this salary amount as it is a lost income as a financial damage. In MJ's case however as he is earning more money in death than alive there would not be necessarily any financial damages.

The only thing left is the emotional damages - meaning how the loss of him makes his children feel sad etc - and this is an arbitrary thing but still jury could assign a real high amount..
Now what happens in a wrongful death suit is that you ask for damages in other words you ask for money. And these damages can be determined on financial and emotional basis.

For example if a person was earning some salary and supporting their family and then there's a wrongful death suit, the court awards this salary amount as it is a lost income as a financial damage. In MJ's case however as he is earning more money in death than alive there would not be necessarily any financial damages.

The only thing left is the emotional damages - meaning how the loss of him makes his children feel sad etc - and this is an arbitrary thing but still jury could assign a real high amount..

Thanks. I have been reading, as I said, and it seemed to me that it was not going to be near as much as I originally thought.

I would hope that he had good malpractice insurance. I would think they can easily prove that part in a wrongful death suit.
Now what happens in a wrongful death suit is that you ask for damages in other words you ask for money. And these damages can be determined on financial and emotional basis.

For example if a person was earning some salary and supporting their family and then there's a wrongful death suit, the court awards this salary amount as it is a lost income as a financial damage. In MJ's case however as he is earning more money in death than alive there would not be necessarily any financial damages.

The only thing left is the emotional damages - meaning how the loss of him makes his children feel sad etc - and this is an arbitrary thing but still jury could assign a real high amount..

Don't forget about punitive damages, and that's assuming the State of California allows punitive damages.
Here's why White is not reliable and because the inheritance of children is at risk
Signature will be false?

last will

Letter of dismissing White in 2003

Letter signed by Michael for the canceled service in 2006

I see similarities in the two latest signatures and differences
great in the first will

The death of Michael is full of strange happenings
Joe wants to enter the criminal action and that requires proof and money
The documents of proof that Mike UCLA received already dead and proves
Murray not helped rescuers hid them because he taught propofol
Next will ask that the money will administrators
Joe's father should have the right to seek for justice
last will be false ?
Here's why White is not reliable and because the inheritance of children is at risk
Signature will be false?

last will

I see similarities in the two latest signatures and differences
great in the first will

The death of Michael is full of strange happenings
Joe wants to enter the criminal action and that requires proof and money
The documents of proof that Mike UCLA received already dead and proves
Murray not helped rescuers hid them because he taught propofol
Next will ask that the money will administrators
Joe's father should have the right to seek for justice
last will be false ?

Do you have professional backgrounds in fraudulent signature?

Because all three look alike to me.

And I find more similarities between the 1st & 3rd signatures than the 2nd & 3rd as you are claiming.

But If you are a professional I will stand corrected.
can somebody explain to me how the signature in the will is relevant to this topic? I'm completely lost.
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This board is filled with members who love the leaches surrounding Michael as opposed to loving and looking out for MJs best interest and that of his kids. So ignorant.
This board is filled with members who love the leaches surrounding Michael as opposed to loving and looking out for MJs best interest and that of his kids. So ignorant.

are you talking about yourself?

Most comments though different support MJ & his kids. Some are more willing to forget Oxman & Joe's shenanigans others don't.

Oxman DOES NOT HAVE Michael's legacy or his kids' best interest at heart.


So who is more detrimental to the kids?
I'm just curious but why would joe want these medical files anyway?? Is there a significant reason or no??
Of course they asked for every file - why would they limit themself in the first place -well sif you don't ask, you don't even get the chance to be said "yes" or "no"
if that would help the wrongful death case, I would also be asking for as much of the evidence as possible, as the medical history might also be important.

I agree with this.

And I would add that the only info we have (well the only info I have heard of) about what they asked for comes from Weitzman, not from Joe or Oxman.

Oxman subpeoned the UCLA, not the Coroner, it was clear from the beginning it was NOT about the autopsy.

I am not a Joe Jackson fan, but I am not sure what he wants here. It could be more about Murray's behaviour than medical info (the fact that he "forgot" to mention propofol to the paramedics and to the UCLA, he might have "forgotten" other drugs he gave too, he refused to sign the death certificate, he insisted that Michael be taken to the hospital when he probably knew he was gone, etc...)

The medical info is in the autopsy report, I don't really see the point in seeing the medical files to just get more medical info.
I'm sure they knew that they wouldn't get the WHOLE bunch of the documents.

But they would be stupid not to ask for so many of them in the first place.

Joe wanted to sue each dead pic that leaks, I see no point in now expecting he would leak them himself :doh:

If teh executors were against that, Katherine would be in a very bad position to try to reach the papers herself.

Because Michael's children are under-aged, could it be that Katherine starts wrongful death lawsuit?
I mean, cause otherwise they would all have to wait and things get lost, people loose memory, evidence is not to be captured easily.
Thanks for answering but I still don't get it.. how can they use these medical files to see how much money they need to file the suit?

Interesting the judge gave Joe access to the files, I see nothing wrong with it, but people here said he had no legal standing to see them. Guess he did, or Katherine supported him?
Joseph and Oxman basically got nothing and it's impossible for them to make them public without either one's ass landing in jail, the judge gave him nothing. The ''juicy'' stuff is off limits for both of them.
Let's also keep in mind that Oxman was requesting a virtual laundry list of records.

Namely: medical records, autopsy reports, autopsy photographs, autopsy recordings, toxicology reports, specimen slides, treatments, prescriptions, medications, billings, business records, financial records, payment records, or consultations regarding the named patient, including but not limited to ambulance reports, admissions reports, discharge reports, history, laboratory results, physicians, nurses, and physical therapy treatment records, autopsy reports, postmortem examinations, diagnosis, prognosis, assessments, progress notes, X-rays, MRI scans, laboratory slides, pharmacy records, drug dispensing records, laboratory specimens, prescriptions, recommended medications, physical therapy reports, billing records, X-ray reports, matters contained in and pertaining to outpatient clinics, emergency records, in-patient care records, AND ALL OTHER MATTERS RESPECTING ANY HEALTH CARE TREATMENT OR EXAMINATION OF THE PATIENT.

Accoring to the Judge's new order, Oxman doesn't even get a small fraction of his prior request, which in my opinion is good.

Just tells you right, that the judge does not trust Oxman/Joe. Very good. Considering what they demanded and what they got, it's nothing. Thanks Goodness.

Its not What Killed Michael. (Don't we all know that by now?)
More like HOW , WHY AND WHO are what they, the Jacksons, are looking for.
The autopsy record states CLEARLY what killed Michael, it's time to open your eyes.
Here's why White is not reliable and because the inheritance of children is at risk
Signature will be false?

last will

Letter of dismissing White in 2003

Letter signed by Michael for the canceled service in 2006

I see similarities in the two latest signatures and differences
great in the first will

The death of Michael is full of strange happenings
Joe wants to enter the criminal action and that requires proof and money
The documents of proof that Mike UCLA received already dead and proves
Murray not helped rescuers hid them because he taught propofol
Next will ask that the money will administrators
Joe's father should have the right to seek for justice
last will be false ?
IF Michael had died without a will the only who would have got NOTHING are the charities and Katherine. EVERYTHING WOULD HAVE GONE TO HIS CHILDREN. NO ALLOWANCE FOR KATHERINE. THAT IS THE LAW. It's because of Michael's consideration that she is even getting an allowance, or else she would've ended up like Joe, Randy and co.