Judge rules that Joe Jackson can receive Michael's medical files

Joseph, does not care for Murray.

Not many on this board do either for some reason.

The autopsy record states CLEARLY what killed Michael, it's time to open your eyes.
The autopsy tells you what happened to Michael, UCLA records tells you what happened there that day.

IF Michael had died without a will the only who would have got NOTHING are the charities and Katherine. EVERYTHING WOULD HAVE GONE TO HIS CHILDREN. NO ALLOWANCE FOR KATHERINE. THAT IS THE LAW. It's because of Michael's consideration that she is even getting an allowance, or else she would've ended up like Joe, Randy and co.

Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18. This is not in the will. The will is a fraud. Oxman is claiming that Michael didnt even hire Branca back. Branca should not have had a copy of the Will per Michael's request in 2003 and he should have resigned from MJs estate. He did neither.
exactly , my priority as a fan is to seek justice againt Murray the ONLY person responsible for OUR lose , my priority as a fan is to keep MJ's legacy alive and protect his reputation from smear campaigns similar to the ones his own brother and attorney launched against him BEFORE and AFTER his death . I care less whether the defendant affords to settle a wrongful death lawsuit or not.

My priority is not to make Randy, Joe and Latoya a multimillionairs ,it is not my problem to help them find away to pay off their OUTSTANDING LOANS .
Not many on this board do either for some reason.

The autopsy tells you what happened to Michael, UCLA records tells you what happened there that day.

Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18. This is not in the will. The will is a fraud. Oxman is claiming that Michael didnt even hire Branca back. Branca should not have had a copy of the Will per Michael's request in 2003 and he should have resigned from MJs estate. He did neither.
You seriously need to let your conspiracy theory fantasy go. I'm telling you this as decently as possible. Oxman is a f**** moron and if you believe him, I'm afraid you can't be helped. I seriously doubt Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit a mutli billion dollar estate at the tender age of 18. Anyone would be stupid to want this. When and if they gain control is stipulated in the trust documents which is off limits for the general public, which includes, me you and your other fellow conspiracy/hoax theorists. Period.
exactly , my priority as a fan is to seek justice againt Murray the ONLY person responsible for OUR lose , my priority as a fan is to keep MJ's legacy alive and protect his reputation from smear campaigns similar to the ones his own brother and attorney launched against him BEFORE and AFTER his death . I care less whether the defendant affords to settle a wrongful death lawsuit or not.

Ditto. I'm all for them earning money for themselves with dignity, but what most of them have been doing so far and have done in the past and continue to do has little to do with dignity.
exactly , my priority as a fan is to seek justice againt Murray the ONLY person responsible for OUR lose , my priority as a fan is to keep MJ's legacy alive and protect his reputation from smear campaigns similar to the ones his own brother and attorney launched against him BEFORE and AFTER his death . I care less whether the defendant affords to settle a wrongful death lawsuit or not.

My priority is not to make Randy, Joe and Latoya a multimillionairs ,it is not my problem to help them find away to pay off their OUTSTANDING LOANS .

What if in the end it will occur that the wrongful death lawsuit would shed a new light on the events and provide new explanations?

Only the family can do that. What if they try and succeed?
You seriously need to let your conspiracy theory fantasy go. I'm telling you this as decently as possible. Oxman is a f**** moron and if you believe him, I'm afraid you can't be helped. I seriously doubt Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit a mutli billion dollar estate at the tender age of 18. Anyone would be stupid to want this. When and if they gain control is stipulated in the trust documents which is off limits for the general public, which includes, me you and your other fellow conspiracy/hoax theorists. Period.

Elvis gave LMP control of his estate when she reached legal age. This has nothing to do with hoax. Im sick of writing this everytime I post. It has to do with fraud and with Branca not following through with Michael's request when Michael fired him in 2003. This is fact. Period. :smilerolleyes:
Elvis gave LMP control of his estate when she reached legal age. This has nothing to do with hoax. Im sick of writing this everytime I post. It has to do with fraud and with Branca not following through with Michael's request when Michael fired him in 2003. This is fact. Period. :smilerolleyes:
That is a straight out lie. Lisa Marie would have gained control at the age of 26, but she chose to gain it at 30 only. Elvis stated 26 NOT 18. And there is a BIG difference. :smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:
Same group against the grain again too. Really obvious and sad.

The post I have quoted is an example, and the following can be applied to all 'sides' of the argument that is running through almost all threads on the board at the moment.

MJJC is a community of fans, all with different opinions, views, theories and whatever else. None of these is right or wrong, it is simply that. Accusing a whole group of people because they don't follow the same way of thinking as you is not acceptable and is alienating a whole group of people which isn't fair. Please, can we be a bit more open minded when dealing with this, and above all there is no need to be aggressive and rude. So lets please tone this down. State opinions all you like, but don't be calling people out at every turn, it should be an equal debate. Gaz has addressed this a couple of times recently, and has warned that bans will be carried out if this behaviour doesn't stop.

Just keep all that in mind, thanks.
Do you have professional backgrounds in fraudulent signature?

Because all three look alike to me.

And I find more similarities between the 1st & 3rd signatures than the 2nd & 3rd as you are claiming.

But If you are a professional I will stand corrected.

Look in the center of the signatures and see the difference
Randy had already said that and the day Michael was not in place
The case is in court 26 + Jaroscak & cd = 7 & hl = de & ct = clnk & gl = de & client = firefox-a
Because Michael would call back Branca those who betrayed him with Mottola?
That is a straight out lie. Lisa Marie would have gained control at the age of 26, but she chose to gain it at 30 only. Elvis stated 26 NOT 18. And there is a BIG difference. :smilerolleyes::smilerolleyes:

What lie? I didnt say when she was 18. Read what I post ;)
Branca is smart and not raise suspicions Katherine as
But a father can do no wrong name this childrens as the last will
Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18
Michael would be very careful in dealing with the separate catalogs
The death of Michael is still in very strange circumstances that occurred
Who believes in medical error, because Michael always used propofol,
disagrees with Joe and Oxmam
Anyone who believes that this error doctor came well timed to benefit
financially people will agree with Joe
Police are not giving attention to family and friends to investigate
as a crime
Someone needs to investigate crime
Branca is no longer credible, was fired for being with Mottola
Strange days he was called before the death of Michael
Elvis was found dead of heart attack and accused autopsy
various remedies, Branca was one of the executors
Strange coincidence?

Follow ...... o. ..... money
Branca is smart and not raise suspicions Katherine as
But a father can do no wrong name this childrens as the last will
Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18
Michael would be very careful in dealing with the separate catalogs
The death of Michael is still in very strange circumstances that occurred
Who believes in medical error, because Michael always used propofol,
disagrees with Joe and Oxmam
Anyone who believes that this error doctor came well timed to benefit
financially people will agree with Joe
Police are not giving attention to family and friends to investigate
as a crime
Someone needs to investigate crime
Branca is no longer credible, was fired for being with Mottola
Strange days he was called before the death of Michael
Elvis was found dead of heart attack and accused autopsy
various remedies, Branca was one of the executors
Strange coincidence?

Follow ...... o. ..... money

I am sorry to say this but your posts (and the "s" is there for a reason) make ABSOLUTELY no sense. None whatsoever.

I asked you if you have any professional background in deciphering signatures...?
The same way you find the middle of the signatures are different, I could say the ending of the first 2 are VERY similar, while the last one is "fishy". The point is, a JUDGE is overseeing everything about the estate. If he thought the will was fraudulent, he would have said so. If the kids' lawyer thought the will was fraudulent, she would have said so. It is not like this was the only will, MJ has 2 wills filed at the LA court...If the most recent one was thought to be a fraud, guess what? The 1997 would supersede the 2002 will.

Also, why stop at Branca being fired in 2003? He came back again and again to work for MJ.......and resigned in 2006 because of the Nation of Islam & Thome Squared ? And re-hired back again in 2009?

If MJ did not want Branca as an executor, he had one thing to do: REMOVE BRANCA'S NAME BY DRAFTING A NEW WILL. Even if Branca had handed over the will in 2003, the fact that MJ NEVER wrote a new will still support Branca.

One final note: The judge has spoken to Branca and last week he said he was impressed (and the judge added he was not easily impressed with people) with him and everything both Mclain & Branca, have been doing for the estate. So, put your mind at ease...the judge is ok with their work & The children' lawyer is also ok with the way the estate is being handled.

''legal age'' is 18 and here is what you said.

Backtrack all you want the definition of legal age is 18. For the sake of my own nerves I will put you on ignore. Thank you very much.
[insert thumbs up smily here ] Smilies don't work for me.

Dangerous Incorporated What lie? I didnt say when she was 18. Read what I post
Well, where I come from LEGAL AGE=18. Where Michael Jackson live, in the States of California, the legal age is also 18. Tennessee where Elvis's will was drafted has also 18 as the legal age.


That is what happen when you talk/post without prior knowledge of FACTS. You end up losing all credibility...If people stated their opinions ONLY BASED ON THE FACTS AT HAND, this board would be a lot more peaceful.

But I think some just don't want to educate themselves about the facts that are easily available. (This is not addressed only to you DI...but to all of us here). It is much easier to just type "nonsenses" away and click save...instead of taking a minute to validate their statements.
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Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18. This is not in the will. The will is a fraud. Oxman is claiming that Michael didnt even hire Branca back. Branca should not have had a copy of the Will per Michael's request in 2003 and he should have resigned from MJs estate. He did neither.

No offense, but how exactly do you know that Michael would have wanted his children to inherit the estate at the age of 18? Is that what Michael told you personally, or are you just guessing?

You say the will is a fraud, does that mean that Michael did NOT want to leave his children in the custody of his mother and then Diana Ross? Does that mean that Michael did NOT want to leave 40% to his mother? Does that mean that Michael did NOT want to leave 40% to his children? Does that mean that Michael did NOT want to leave 20% to charity?

As far as the will goes, all Michael had to do was prepare a NEW will. You don't usually ask folks to return a will wherein they were an executor, the usual procedure is for said person to just prepare a NEW will. It happens all the time.

Okay, back on topic.

I'm just happy that the Judge made this decision and is keeping a very tight rein on the proceedings. And one more thing, Mr. Joseph Jackson needs a new attorney - ASAP - in my opinion.
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I am sorry to say this but your posts (and the "s" is there for a reason) make ABSOLUTELY no sense. None whatsoever.

I asked you if you have any professional background in deciphering signatures...?
The same way you find the middle of the signatures are different, I could say the ending of the first 2 are VERY similar, while the last one is "fishy". The point is, a JUDGE is overseeing everything about the estate. If he thought the will was fraudulent, he would have said so. If the kids' lawyer thought the will was fraudulent, she would have said so. It is not like this was the only will, MJ has 2 wills filed at the LA court...If the most recent one was thought to be a fraud, guess what? The 1997 would supersede the 2002 will.

Also, why stop at Branca being fired in 2003? He came back again and again to work for MJ.......and resigned in 2006 because of the Nation of Islam & Thome Squared ? And re-hired back again in 2009?

If MJ did not want Branca as an executor, he had one thing to do: REMOVE BRANCA'S NAME BY DRAFTING A NEW WILL. Even if Branca had handed over the will in 2003, the fact that MJ NEVER wrote a new will still support Branca.

One final note: The judge has spoken to Branca and last week he said he was impressed (and the judge added he was not easily impressed with people) with him and everything both Mclain & Branca, have been doing for the estate. So, put your mind at ease...the judge is ok with their work & The children' lawyer is also ok with the way the estate is being handled.

[insert thumbs up smily here ] Smilies don't work for me.

Well, where I come from LEGAL AGE=18. Where Michael Jackson live, in the States of California, the legal age is also 18. Tennessee where Elvis's will was drafted has also 18 as the legal age.


That is what happen when you talk/post without prior knowledge of FACTS. You end up losing all credibility...If people stated their opinions ONLY BASED ON THE FACTS AT HAND, this board would be a lot more peaceful.

But I think some just don't want to educate themselves about the facts that are easily available. (This is not addressed only to you DI...but to all of us here). It is much easier to just type "nonsenses" away and click save...instead of taking a minute to validate their statements.

Print the documents and asked people 8 signature that was different, 7 agreed with me, but the date is visible, is wrong, Michael does not sign a
document without dating
the process is not filed

Michael Branca called back after that:

2003, John Branca was investigated and discovered that he had an account on the Sony transferred funds to White, while he represented Michael. White was then deployed and Tom Mesereau asked the investigator in the trial of 2005:

MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
LEGRAND: I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr.Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty.
Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca. So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: But at the time, Konitzer didn’t know that you were also investigating him, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Schaffel didn’t know you were also investigating Schaffel, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Weizner didn’t know you were also investigating Weizner, right? …
LEGRAND: That’s correct. We did not inform them of the scope of -- the full scope of Interfor’s actions at our request.
MESEREAU: And the investigator’s report indicated it appeared that Sony was involved in that account, right?
LEGRAND: The investigator’s report indicated that Sony had transferred money to the account.
MESEREAU: Sony had transferred money to that account for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?
LEGRAND: That’s what was indicated in the report. …
MESEREAU: You investigated Mr. Branca because, in your words, you thought he was involved in self-dealing, right? …
LEGRAND: Again, you know, I want to be clear. I consulted with my partner and, you know, other lawyers, and we collectively made a decision to -- that it was prudent to have our investigator look into the possibility of such actions being taken by Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: Isn’t it true that you were trying to investigate offshore accounts owned by Branca and someone named Tommy Motolla?
MESEREAU: Who was Tommy Motolla?
LEGRAND: He was a very powerful figure in the record industry at one time. I believe he was the president of the Sony Entertainment Division in the U.S. I’m not sure of his exact title or position.
MESEREAU: Were you concerned that Tommy Motolla and Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, John Branca, were working together to defraud Michael Jackson? …
LEGRAND: Based on the suspicions that were expressed to me and my partner, we asked Interfor to look into these rumors.
MESEREAU: Was it your belief when you started this investigation that Al Malnik, Tommy Motolla, John Branca and people at Sony were trying to find a way to get Mr. Jackson’s interest in that music catalog?
AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative; leading; relevancy.
THE COURT: Overruled. You may answer.
LEGRAND: I’m not sure that I would include Al Malnik in that group, but I certainly was concerned that Branca and Motolla, in particular, had set the stage, so to speak, for Sony to be able to obtain Michael’s interest in the Sony/ATV joint venture.

After the investigation, Michael Branca resigned in writing and putting it out of anything that represents.

Who betrays once more betrays
Michael would have wanted his kids to inherit the estate at 18. This is not in the will. The will is a fraud.

I'll make this as simple as possible. Yes it is not in the will because it is in the trust. All the provisions (including the 40-40-20 split) is written in the trust which is private. The children might inherit the estate at 21/25 years old, we simply do not know the provisions in the trust.

I understand that you think the will is a fake and I respect that but please do not go around stating what you (or anybody else) have no way of knowing as a proven fact.
MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
LEGRAND: I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr.Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty.

That's all good and well, but an investigation, without a firm conclusion, means nothing in my opinion. (If I recall correctly, at the time Michael was on trial because of a botched investigation.)

If Michael was so concerned about Mr. Branca, why didn't he CONTINUE the investigation? Or was the investigation evidentially concluded and no evidence of wrong doing was found regarding Branca? Mr. Legrand's own words spoke of the POSSIBILITY of wrong doing.

Also, if Michael was so concerned, why didn't he just prepare a brand new will, immediately? If he were that concerned, in my opinion, preparing a new will would have been the very first step he would have taken.
A wrongful death suit and the estate and its executors, and the will, are different issues. YES, Joe Jackson can sue for "wrongful death." The suit would not be to recover lost income, if Michael was not supporting him. It COULD be for emotional trauma that his death caused him. Joe could sue individually, or the family as a group could sue, or on behalf of Michael's children. i think a wrongful death suit is inevitable.


Who May Sue for Wrongful Death?

State laws vary on who may bring wrongful death lawsuits. In all states, close family members like spouses and children and parents can bring wrongful death actions. If children are minors, state law may require them to have a legal guardian, called a guardian ad litem, appointed to look out for their interests in the lawsuit. Some states allow more distant family members, such as grandparents, to bring wrongful death lawsuits. For example, a grandparent who is raising a child may be able to bring an action in the way a parent would in the same situation. Some states also allow legal dependents who suffer financial injury from the death to bring a wrongful death action for lost care or support.
Parents can bring wrongful death actions for the death of their children, but in several states there is no wrongful death unless the child has been born alive and then died. The death of a fetus is not a wrongful death in those states and the parents can’t bring an action for financial losses resulting from the death or for their emotional trauma in losing the child. In other states, the death of a fetus can be the basis for a wrongful death suit. Check your state law or consult with an attorney to find out if such an action is allowed in your state.
Close family members can also bring wrongful death lawsuits for the death of elderly people, but since the children of the elderly are usually grown and self-supporting, they can’t claim damages for parental care, guidance, nurturing, or for financial support. As a result the damage awards in those cases are generally not large. If the elderly person is still working, the family members might be able to claim a loss of future inheritance. See Damages in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit for more information.
Wrongful death lawsuits can be brought against a wide variety of people, such as the driver at fault in an automobile accident, a negligent employer, the manufacturer of a faulty or dangerous product, or a violent criminal. A member of a family, however, can’t be sued by another family member for wrongful death. So if a battering husband inflicts a beating on his wife that results in her death, he is subject to criminal penalties, but the couple’s children can’t sue their father for wrongful death to recover damages for the loss of their mother’s care, nurturing, and support. In other cases, such as the famous civil lawsuit against OJ Simpson (following the criminal action), the family of the victim may sue if they aren’t related to the defendant.
please don't select what you want people to read :

1 Q. How did you begin to represent Mr. Jackson?
2 A. I was introduced to Mr. Jackson through a
3 gentleman named Ronald Konitzer.
4 Q. Had you known Mr. Konitzer for some time?
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. When did you meet Mr. Konitzer,
7 approximately?
8 A. I’m not sure. It was sometime in the early
9 to mid-1990s.
10 Q. And had you done any legal work for him?
11 A. Yes. I represented a company he was
12 associated with.
13 Q. And which company was that?
14 A. Hi-Tec America, I think was the name.
15 Q. And how long did you represent Hi-Tec
16 America?
17 A. You know, it was a couple of years off and
18 on. And then the -- I really hadn’t heard from
19 Ronald for a couple of years. We might have
20 exchanged Christmas cards, but I wasn’t actively
21 providing legal service to him in -- you know, when
22 he contacted me, I think it was in 2002.
23 Q. Now, did you represent Mr. Jackson
24 personally?
25 A. Eventually, yes.
26 Q. And what do you mean by that?
27 A. Well, the engagement with Mr. Jackson was
28 for -- with him, yes, in January, I think it was 9977

1 January ‘03.
2 Q. And did you represent any companies
3 associated with Mr. Jackson?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. Which companies were they?
6 A. Well, there was MJJ Productions. I believe
7 there’s a company associated with the ranch.
8 There’s another company that I can’t remember the
9 name that has to do with some of his creative work.
10 I really don’t remember the names of all the
11 companies, but there were two -- you know, three or
12 four.
13 Q. And at the time you were representing Mr.
14 Jackson and companies associated with Mr. Jackson,
15 did you consider yourself his primary transactional
16 attorney?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. Why is that?
19 A. At the time I was engaged, part of the
20 conversation and plan was to basically bring in a
21 new team to represent Mr. Jackson. Part of that
22 process involved terminating some of the
23 representation of people that had been providing
24 legal service to him and bringing, you know, fresh
25 blood to the representation.
26 Q. And you mentioned January of 2003. Was that
27 the approximate time this activity was going on?
28 A. Well, that’s when it began. I mean, it -- 9978

1 this process took time.
2 Q. So approximately January of 2003 efforts
3 were made to bring in a new team to represent Mr.
4 Jackson; is that what you’re saying?
5 A. Yes. A new set of lawyers, accountants and
6 professionals.
7 Q. Now, was this your idea?
8 A. No.
9 Q. Whose idea was it?
10 A. It was communicated to me by --
11 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Hearsay;
12 foundation.
13 THE COURT: Overruled.
14 You may answer.
15 THE WITNESS: It was communicated to me by
16 both Mr. Konitzer and by Mr. Jackson.

another part :

4 Q. And were you communicating with Mr. Konitzer
5 in this regard?
6 A. Oh, yes.
7 Q. Were you communicating with Mr. Weizner in
8 this regard?
9 A. Less so, but yes.
10 Q. And was it your impression that Mr. Konitzer
11 and Mr. Weizner were trying to take over the
12 management of Mr. Jackson’s business?
13 A. Yes.
14 Q. Was it your impression that they wanted Mr.
15 Jackson kept out of a lot of the day-to-day
16 discussions?
17 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; foundation.
18 THE COURT: Sustained.
19 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you consider Mr.
20 Jackson to be very sophisticated in financial or
21 legal matters?
22 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; foundation.
23 THE COURT: Sustained.
24 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you have daily
25 discussions with Konitzer?
26 A. During the time period from the end of
27 January until, I would say, mid-March there were
28 probably a few days that I did not have a 10005

1 conversation with Mr. Konitzer.
2 Q. And do you recall Mr. Konitzer communicating
3 that no one was to contact Mr. Jackson directly but
4 him?
5 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.
6 THE COURT: Overruled.
7 THE WITNESS: No. I was never instructed by
8 Mr. Konitzer that I could not contact Mr. Jackson.
9 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Do you recall Mr. Konitzer
10 sending memos around basically saying Mr. Jackson is
11 to be kept out of the daily detail?
12 A. Not specifically. I just remember that Mr.
13 Konitzer wanted to be --
14 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; not responsive.
15 MR. MESEREAU: I think it is responsive.
16 THE COURT: Sustained. I’ll strike after,
17 “Not specifically.”
18 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: What were Mr. Konitzer’s
19 directives to you with respect to whether or not Mr.
20 Jackson was to be involved in the detail of
21 management?
22 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.
23 THE COURT: Overruled.
24 THE WITNESS: Mr. Konitzer wanted to serve
25 Mr. Jackson as the overall manager of business
26 affairs for Mr. Jackson, and that Mr. Jackson would
27 have ultimate authority and decision-making, but
28 that Mr. Konitzer would serve as, you know, the 10006

1 day-to-day manager, and that was my understanding
2 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And did you discuss legal
3 matters involving Mr. Jackson with Mr. Konitzer?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. And how often during that period of time do
6 you think you did that?
7 A. There were legal matters discussed. There
8 were financial matters discussed. There were
9 business considerations discussed. Sometimes, you
10 know, that would be two or three times a day.
11 Sometimes we would have meetings. And, you know,
12 there were a few days where I did not speak to Mr.
13 Konitzer during this couple of months of somewhat
14 frenzied activity.
15 Q. Now, at some point in time did you become
16 suspicious of Mr. Konitzer and Mr. Weizner?
17 A. Yes.
18 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Well, move to
19 strike. Leading.
20 THE COURT: Overruled.
21 MR. MESEREAU: I can’t recall if there was
22 an answer, Your Honor. I apologize. Could I --
23 THE COURT: The answer was, “Yes.”
24 MR. MESEREAU: Thank you, Your Honor.
25 Q. Why did you become suspicious of Konitzer
26 and Weizner?
27 A. I became concerned that they were in a
28 position to divert funds. I was concerned about 10007

1 the -- having appropriate documentation for tax

2 purposes for Mr. Jackson and his companies. And in
3 general, I -- I began to disagree with some of Mr.
4 Konitzer’s decisions on matters and felt that he was
5 making bad decisions, I guess is the way to say it.
6 So I -- I became suspicious of his motives and
7 actions.
8 Q. Could you please explain what you were
9 suspicious of?
10 A. I was --
11 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; asked and
12 answered.
13 THE COURT: Sustained.
14 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: You mentioned you were
15 suspicious of financial matters involving Konitzer,
16 right?
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. Please explain.
19 A. Well, ultimately there was another attorney
20 involved who was serving as the escrow agent for
21 some funds, and I asked him for an accounting in
22 order to get Allan Whitman up to speed on some
23 disbursements, payments, payables, et cetera.
24 And that accounting came from this attorney,
25 and it indicated that there had been about $900,000 --
26 I don’t remember the exact number, but it was many
27 hundreds of thousands of dollars that had been
28 disbursed to Ronald Konitzer or Dieter Weizner. I 10008

1 mean, the combination was in hundreds of thousands

2 of dollars.
3 And I then -- I spoke to a couple of the
4 lawyers that, you know, were providing
5 representation, and I ultimately wrote a letter
6 within, you know, a couple of days of learning of
7 this. I wrote a letter to Mr. Konitzer asking him
8 to account for this money.
9 Q. Was the amount you were concerned about
10 approximately $965,000?
11 A. Yeah, without seeing it today. But that
12 sounds like approximately the right number, yes.
13 Q. Would it refresh your recollection if I show
14 you your letter?
15 A. Yes, it would.
16 MR. MESEREAU: May I approach, Your Honor?
17 THE COURT: Yes.
18 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: May I see what you’ve got
19 there, Counsel?
20 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Mr. LeGrand, have you had
21 a chance to review that document?
22 A. Yes.
23 Q. Does it refresh your recollection about your
24 concerns involving Mr. Konitzer?
25 A. Yes, the amount -- the aggregate amount of
26 disbursements that I set forth in that letter was
27 $965,000.

another part :

28 Q. Why did you think Konitzer and Weizner had 10011

1 stolen $965,000 from Mr. Jackson?
2 A. Well, because --
3 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’ll object as misstates
4 the evidence in terms of the word “stolen.”
5 THE COURT: Sustained.
6 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Why did you think Konitzer
7 and Weizner had diverted $965,000 from Mr. Jackson?
8 A. Because the report I got from this other
9 lawyer showed those disbursements.
10 Q. And when you saw the record of those
11 disbursements, what did you do?
12 A. I spoke to several of the other lawyers that
13 were representing Mr. Jackson, and agreed that I
14 should write a letter to Mr. Konitzer asking him to
15 account.
16 Q. Did you ever find out what he had done with
17 the money?
18 A. No, I was terminated by Mr. Jackson as
19 counsel within, I don’t know, two weeks, maybe, of
20 that letter to Mr. Konitzer.
21 Q. Did you ever have Konitzer, Weizner --
22 excuse me. Let me start with something else.
23 Do you know who someone named Marc Schaffel
24 is?
25 A. Yes.
26 Q. And who is Marc Schaffel, to your knowledge?
27 A. Marc Schaffel is an independent producer.
28 He had worked on one of Mr. Jackson’s albums at one 10012

1 point. He was involved in working with Brad Lachman
2 Productions to create the “Take 2” video.
3 Q. At some point, did you have Schaffel,
4 Konitzer and Weizner investigated?
5 A. I -- again, on behalf of Mr. Jackson, I
6 engaged an independent private investigative
7 company, and asked them to investigate the
8 backgrounds of Mr. Konitzer and Mr. Weizner and
9 Mr. Schaffel.
10 Q. Why?
11 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; improper
12 opinion.
13 THE COURT: Overruled.
14 THE WITNESS: Because I was suspicious of
15 their motives, and some of their statements didn’t
16 quite seem to add up.

another part :

17 Q. Do you remember your firm issuing a letter
18 to the team suggesting that no business proposals
19 were to go directly to Mr. Jackson?
20 A. I don’t specifically recall that letter, no.
21 Q. Do you recall a draft letter to come from
22 your firm to someone named Meskin?
23 A. Yes.
24 Q. And do you recall the letter said no
25 proposals are to go directly to Mr. Jackson?
26 A. Yes.
27 Q. And why was that?
28 A. Mr. Meskin was one of the people present at 10043

1 the dinner party at Director Robert Evans’ house,
2 and I was not impressed with his approach. I did
3 not think the terms he was suggesting to Howard
4 Fishman and I were anything that Mr. Jackson should
5 consider.
6 And I was concerned, because during that
7 dinner party, Mr. Meskin and Mr. Evans managed to
8 take Mr. Jackson off, away from Mr. Fishman and I,
9 for a short period, 20 minutes, half an hour. And I
10 found out later that they tried to get him to sign --
11 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.
12 THE COURT: Sustained.
13 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you find out in that
14 regard that efforts were made to get Mr. Jackson to
15 sign documents?
16 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Hearsay;
17 leading.
18 THE COURT: Sustained.
19 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Do you remember, when you
20 were brought in to represent Mr. Jackson, Konitzer
21 and Weizner telling you they intended to gain
22 control of Mr. Jackson’s financial affairs?
23 A. Yes.
24 Q. Do you remember at that time Konitzer and
25 Weizner telling you they wanted to gain control of
26 Mr. Jackson’s records, documents, and agreements?
27 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.
28 THE COURT: Overruled. 10044

1 You may answer.
3 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Do you remember, when you
4 were brought on board, Konitzer and Weizner telling
5 you they wanted to gain control of anything
6 belonging to Mr. Jackson?
7 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’ll make the same
8 objection. And leading.
9 THE COURT: Overruled.
10 THE WITNESS: In general, Mr. Konitzer and
11 Mr. Weizner wanted to take over management, overall
12 management, of Michael Jackson’s business affairs,
13 financial affairs, and implement a new business plan
14 for Mr. Jackson.
15 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And they essentially told
16 you in writing they wanted to control everything Mr.
17 Jackson owned, right?
18 A. For the benefit of Mr. Jackson, yes.
19 Q. Well, you then concluded they were doing it
20 for their own benefit, didn’t you?
21 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative;
22 leading; misstates the evidence.
23 THE COURT: Sustained.
24 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: You were retained in
25 approximately January of 2003, right?
26 A. End of January, yes.
27 Q. And how long did it take you to grow
28 suspicious of what Konitzer and Weizner were doing 10045

1 to Mr. Jackson?
2 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative;
3 leading; and asked and answered.
4 THE COURT: Overruled.
5 You may answer.
6 THE WITNESS: Weeks. I mean, whether it was
7 four weeks or six weeks, I’m not sure. But
8 certainly by the end of February, early March
9 period, I was very suspicious, and I’m not sure of
10 the time frame. The first investigative report that
11 I got just increased my degree of suspicion.
12 But at the same time that some of this was
13 going on with respect to my concerns about Mr.
14 Konitzer and Mr. Weizner, Mr. Malnik had entered the
15 scene and was asserting --
16 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; narrative.
17 THE COURT: Sustained.
18 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Who is Mr. Malnik?
19 A. He’s a -- well, he’s an individual who lives
20 in Florida.
21 Q. And were you suspicious of anything he was
22 doing involving Mr. Jackson?
23 A. Because I did not know Mr. Malnik, I was
24 suspicious of him. I mean, I --
25 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’m going to object to an
26 improper opinion; no foundation.
27 THE COURT: Overruled.
28 THE WITNESS: I became -- you know, I became 10046

1 suspicious of everybody. It seems that everybody
2 wanted to try to benefit from Mr. Jackson one way or
3 another. But I did eventually cause the
4 investigative service to give us some background on
5 Mr. Malnik. But he is -- the report indicated he’s
6 a very wealthy man.
7 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; hearsay.
8 THE COURT: Sustained.
9 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: You grew suspicious of
10 what Marc Schaffel was doing to Mr. Jackson at some
11 point, correct?
12 A. I grew suspicious that Mr. Schaffel was
13 seeking to benefit from Mr. Jackson or being -- in
14 relationship to Mr. Jackson. My suspicion of Mr.
15 Schaffel was different than my suspicion of Mr.
16 Konitzer or Mr. Weizner.
17 Q. Did you have much involvement with Mr.
18 Schaffel in your work?
19 A. I had a fair amount of involvement with Mr.
20 Schaffel at the very beginning of the development of
21 the “Take 2” production. And I was constantly
22 trying to get Marc Schaffel out of the loop. I was
23 trying to avoid his involvement or minimize his
24 involvement in Mr. Jackson’s affairs, and it was a
25 struggle.

Konitzer , weisner and Schaffel , who stole from him was convincing him Branca was conspiring against him , so MJ would hire him and fire Branca , eventually that's what happened and MJ was in a financial mess , and I have to say , the trial was kind of a 'bless' because MJ would have sold everything within one year .
Last edited:
please don't select what you want people to read :

1 Q. How did you begin to represent Mr. Jackson?
2 A. I was introduced to Mr. Jackson through a
3 gentleman named Ronald Konitzer.
4 Q. Had you known Mr. Konitzer for some time?
5 A. Yes.

Soundmind, thank you for posting more of that testimony. I knew what was previously posted was missing some key points and information.

Of course Konitzer and the rest of those rats wanted Branca out. They wanted FULL control for themselves, so that they would continue stealing, without being caught and whatever else they were doing that nobody was aware of.

It was never that Branca was bad, in my opinion, it was that Branca was standing in the way of them being in FULL CONTROL of everything Michael owned.
I can't believe so many people believe this guy. Joe wants his cash c...Michael's medical files because that's the only way he can get an allowance.
Soundmind, thank you for posting more of that testimony. I knew what was previously posted was missing some key points and information.

Of course Konitzer and the rest of those rats wanted Branca out. They wanted FULL control for themselves, so that they would continue stealing, without being caught and whatever else they were doing that nobody was aware of.

It was never that Branca was bad, in my opinion, it was that Branca was standing in the way of them being in FULL CONTROL of everything Michael owned.
My sentiments exactly. Thank you Soundmind for making sense here and posting everything. :)
26 Q. BY MR. AUCHINCLOSS: You’re aware Mr.
27 Jackson had just cleaned house by firing a number of
28 his associates and close employees, correct, you’ve 10167

1 testified to that?

2 A. No, I don’t think I did. What employees
3 were terminated?
4 Q. Well, people that worked for Mr. Jackson. I
5 don’t mean to quibble about semantics.
6 Mr. Branca was fired, correct?
7 A. I’m not aware he was ever an employee of Mr.
8 Jackson. I believe he’s an attorney who was
9 providing services to Mr. Jackson. Yes, his
10 services were terminated during this process.

13 A. I believe the Ziffren law firm received
14 compensation from Mr. Jackson for legal services,
15 yes.
16 Q. Do you think Mr. Branca ever received any of
17 those moneys for work that he performed?
18 A. I believe Mr. Branca was paid by his firm,
19 yes.
20 Q. All right. And Mr. Jackson (sic) was one of
21 the people he fired when he was cleaning house,
22 true?
23 A. Yes.
24 Q. As was Trudi Green?
25 A. Yes.
26 Q. Okay. So we went through the list. I don’t
27 need to go through it again.
28 But wasn’t it your desire, in preparing this 10169

1 investigative report or ordering this investigative

2 report on Mr. Jackson’s inner circle, to become a
3 trusted associate of Mr. Jackson to the exclusion of
4 the people that you were having investigated?
5 A. I don’t believe that was my intent. It was
6 my intent to gain knowledge about the people who
7 were involved. For example, with respect to Mr.
8 Malnik, I had no intent to eliminate him from Mr.
9 Jackson’s circle.
10 I had much greater concerns about Mr.
11 Konitzer and Mr. Weizner than, say, for example, Mr.
12 Malnik. But at the same time, I felt it
13 appropriate, granted the history, to have greater
14 knowledge about these people. You know, there’s an
15 aphorism, knowledge is power. And I felt it
16 appropriate, and my colleagues, Mr. Joss, my
17 partner, Mr. Gibson, concurred in those iterations.

13 investigation into an offshore bank account?
14 A. It’s kind of the other way around. We asked
15 Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca. They indicated
16 to us that --
17 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’m going to object based
18 on hearsay.
19 MR. MESEREAU: State of mind, Your Honor.
20 THE COURT: Sustained.
21 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: What was your state of
22 mind when you investigated the possibility that an
23 offshore account had been formed by various people
24 to defraud Michael Jackson?
25 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’m going to object as
26 leading.
27 THE COURT: Sustained.
28 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: What was your state of 10212

1 mind when you investigated the formation of an
2 offshore bank account?
3 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection; assumes facts.
4 THE COURT: Sustained.
5 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did you investigate the
6 existence of an offshore bank account?
7 A. We requested Interfor to look into that
8 possibility, yes.
9 Q. Why?
10 A. Because there was a --
11 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: I’ll object based on
12 hearsay.
13 MR. MESEREAU: State of mind.
14 THE COURT: The objection is overruled.
15 You may complete your answer.
16 THE WITNESS: Because we had -- we, the
17 lawyers, had been given information from a source
18 that appeared to have some credibility that such an
19 account existed.
20 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: And why did you want to
21 investigate that account?
22 A. Be -- well, to me, that’s kind of obvious.
23 But if, in fact, there was an offshore account in
24 which money was being deposited for the benefit of
25 Mr. Branca or others, that would indicate very
26 serious violations of Mr. Branca’s responsibilities
27 to Mr. Jackson.
28 Q. Did you think at one point that Sony was 10213

1 paying Mr. Branca money to sell out Mr. Jackson?
2 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Improper
3 opinion; leading.
4 THE COURT: Sustained.
5 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Did your investigation
6 involve anyone you thought was involved in
7 transferring money to that bank account?
8 A. The best way I can answer that is to say we
9 asked the investigators to do as complete a job as
10 they could with the financial resources we had
11 available for them. And I didn’t delineate who they
12 should or shouldn’t look into with respect to such
13 an account.
14 Q. But at your direction, they looked into the
15 existence of that account, correct?
16 A. Yes.
17 Q. And it was your direction that they look
18 into that account because you were concerned that
19 Michael Jackson’s attorney and Sony were putting
20 money in that account so Mr. Jackson’s lawyer would
21 essentially sell him out, right?
22 MR. AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Leading;
23 argumentative.
24 THE COURT: Sustained; foundation.
25 Q. BY MR. MESEREAU: Where was the offshore
26 account, if you know?
27 A. I’m sorry, I don’t recall. I believe it was
28 in the Caribbean. 10214

1 Q. Okay. And did your investigation get far

2 enough to establish that, in fact, this lawyer was a
3 signatory on that account?
4 A. I don’t believe so, no.
5 Q. But the investigation did indicate he was
6 somehow involved in the account, correct?
7 A. The investigator’s report so indicated.
8 Q. And the investigator’s report indicated it
9 appeared that Sony was involved in that account,
10 right?
11 A. The investigator’s report indicated that
12 Sony had transferred money to the account.
13 Q. Sony had transferred money to that account
14 for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?
15 A. That’s what was indicated in the report.
16 It -- I need to be very clear here that that
17 was not verified, with a reasonable degree of
18 certainty, that I would have acted upon that
19 information. And Mr. Branca’s a fine lawyer. And,
20 you know, there is no -- I have no proof of these
21 statements.

13 Q. As far as the John Branca and Tommy Motolla
14 investigation by Interfor, Interfor never found any
15 evidence that Mr. Motolla or Mr. Branca were engaged
16 in any fraud with Mr. Jackson, did they?
17 A. That’s correct. I had no evidence delivered
18 with that report to substantiate those claims.
19 Q. And in fact, that report only indicate that
20 Sony was depositing money in some offshore account,
21 apparently for Mr. -- on Mr. Jackson’s behalf, true?
22 A. I’m not sure about the “Mr. Jackson’s
23 behalf.” I would need to see the report.
24 Q. Okay. But you have no reason to believe
25 that any funds transferred to an offshore account by
26 Sony, you have no reason to believe that those funds
27 were somehow defrauding Mr. Jackson?
28 A. I was given no credible evidence to support 10235

1 those charges. I would be doing Mr. Branca and Mr.

2 Motolla a great wrong if I said otherwise.
Joseph Jackson is Michael Joseph Jackson's father, doesn't he have the "right" to know what happened to his son?
please keep in mind that MJ was afford a deal to sell rights to two Christmas songs for ten millions at the time , and many other profitable deals that's why Konitezer , Weizner and Schaffel tried to prevent anyone from approaching MJ with deals , they were trying to bankrupt him .

Sony in December 2007 , supported him and without Sony MJ was not able to refinance and sign a very good deal to pay off his loans . It was their golden chance to take the catalogue from him , and they were offered a year to buy half of his share at any point but they declined .

Schaffel hated Mottola because Mottola told MJ to fire him and insisted schaffel be fired , MJ DID NOT FIRE SCHAFFEL and the problems began . Schaffel said after the trial MJ sent him to south America to pay off 'victims' , he said MJ talked about boys , sex and homosexuality with him and he threatened to publish NON EXISTING tapes he recorded of MJ talking about these subjects , eventually the only bombshell he had was a highly edited tape of MJ talking about jews .
Weizner, Konitzer and Schaffel were no good, they put things in MJ's head , they convinced him everyone was after him and they were the only people to be trusted , MJ fought sONY FOR WHAT ? for things schaffel convinced him were true !!!!!! and we all knew what Schaffel did to him . we all know what Konitzer and Weisner did to him .

Please PLEASE read before you condemn people .
Print the documents and asked people 8 signature that was different, 7 agreed with me, but the date is visible, is wrong, Michael does not sign a
document without dating
the process is not filed

Michael Branca called back after that:

2003, John Branca was investigated and discovered that he had an account on the Sony transferred funds to White, while he represented Michael. White was then deployed and Tom Mesereau asked the investigator in the trial of 2005:

MESEREAU: Why did you investigate Mr. Branca?
LEGRAND: I requested -- well, let me back up. After consultation with my partner, Mr.Gibson, and discussion with I believe Mr. Joss at Paul Hastings, Mr. Gibson and I instructed the firm Interfor to investigate Mr. Branca, because Mr.Konitzer had indicated in several conversations that he was very concerned about Mr. Branca and that Mr. Jackson had expressed concern about Mr. Branca’s loyalty.
Also, there was -- Mr. Schaffel related information that also was negative of Mr. Branca. So we made collectively the decision to ask Interfor to further the background investigation, to conduct investigation into Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: But at the time, Konitzer didn’t know that you were also investigating him, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Schaffel didn’t know you were also investigating Schaffel, right?
LEGRAND: That’s correct.
MESEREAU: At the time, Weizner didn’t know you were also investigating Weizner, right? …
LEGRAND: That’s correct. We did not inform them of the scope of -- the full scope of Interfor’s actions at our request.
MESEREAU: And the investigator’s report indicated it appeared that Sony was involved in that account, right?
LEGRAND: The investigator’s report indicated that Sony had transferred money to the account.
MESEREAU: Sony had transferred money to that account for the benefit of Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, right?
LEGRAND: That’s what was indicated in the report. …
MESEREAU: You investigated Mr. Branca because, in your words, you thought he was involved in self-dealing, right? …
LEGRAND: Again, you know, I want to be clear. I consulted with my partner and, you know, other lawyers, and we collectively made a decision to -- that it was prudent to have our investigator look into the possibility of such actions being taken by Mr. Branca.
MESEREAU: Isn’t it true that you were trying to investigate offshore accounts owned by Branca and someone named Tommy Motolla?
MESEREAU: Who was Tommy Motolla?
LEGRAND: He was a very powerful figure in the record industry at one time. I believe he was the president of the Sony Entertainment Division in the U.S. I’m not sure of his exact title or position.
MESEREAU: Were you concerned that Tommy Motolla and Mr. Jackson’s lawyer, John Branca, were working together to defraud Michael Jackson? …
LEGRAND: Based on the suspicions that were expressed to me and my partner, we asked Interfor to look into these rumors.
MESEREAU: Was it your belief when you started this investigation that Al Malnik, Tommy Motolla, John Branca and people at Sony were trying to find a way to get Mr. Jackson’s interest in that music catalog?
AUCHINCLOSS: Objection. Argumentative; leading; relevancy.
THE COURT: Overruled. You may answer.
LEGRAND: I’m not sure that I would include Al Malnik in that group, but I certainly was concerned that Branca and Motolla, in particular, had set the stage, so to speak, for Sony to be able to obtain Michael’s interest in the Sony/ATV joint venture.

After the investigation, Michael Branca resigned in writing and putting it out of anything that represents.

Who betrays once more betrays

I am not even gonna reply to this question. I would be doing YOUR job for you.

Take a minute and educate yourself on what happened in that case....

Soundmind posted the court transcript here..so s/he already did half of the job for you...you don't have to go looking for it.
Joseph Jackson is Michael Joseph Jackson's father, doesn't he have the "right" to know what happened to his son?

Yes he does and if he had a credible attorney, he might have a better chance of find out what it is he wants to know.

Instead of being represented by an attorney who has basically gone everywhere and anywhere to say that Michael was a whacked out drug addict and that's why he died. It's really hard to know what Mr. Jackson's TRUE intentions are, when his present mouthpiece is Brian Oxman.

In my opinion, Oxman's statements and Joe Jackson's quest do not match up (and that includes the disrespectful remarks Oxman has made about Joe's grandchildren, i.e. Michael's children).