Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

oh so this is where the main gossip is going down. ;)
yeah so, was really moved at first with the tribute parts and everyone wearing MJ shirts or inspired outfits (awwwwww). but then, it's kind of boring and wow most of these performers can't sing :O
man I miss Michael
I know one thing...Monica can sing her ass off. And what makes Keisha so good is that she is raw. Her voice is just so raw. I love both of them.
Nice words by Marlon Wayans. Joe actually looked touched for a second.

Jeremy Priven was so true about Justin, imo. haha
okay was I the only one who held my breath when Jamie made that mysterious pause?
for a minute I thought we were about to be told we had all punked about MJs passing and he was gonna come out on the stage. :(
Boy, yall worst than me. I have been crying all day cause Just don't know how to adjust my heart to the fact that Michael made a quick exit outta here and left me behind. He aint coming back though, yall. He is gone. He is with the father. He is singing to God....and God is loving it.
Watching this horrible show, makes me want to go around passing out condoms to ppl so that they can stop breeding these non talented a$$ ppl
Joe is disgusting. I now understand why Michael never had anything nice to say about him. He doesn't care about Michael, why would he be promoting his own business venture when asked about his son??? That is in very poor taste and it pisses me off.
OMG yall haha, especially u mjstan... condoms. Wow... it's so strange man. The one thing that makes this wole thing so pitiful is the future of the music industry. My best wish was for Mikes' plans to fall in place, heck even with some new music, to put the industry back in place. I had a lot of high hopes for the future; all of them got squashed the f*ck out. I'm glad I'm in a good mood now, cause if not I'd be banging a wall or something. :tired: