Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

Well, keep in mind, the Grammies, MTV and AMAs will have way more time to prepare their tribute to Michael. I am sure theres will be much better and more legend filled than BET's was.
I watched that clip of Joe on the red carpet and I watched his body language and that tells me more than anything else that I got from the video... that man is grieving.

I remember Michael saying his dad never really showed emotion, or expressed a sensitive side, and I'm watching that clip and he is in full defense mode. He keeps his back to the camera and when the CNN guys gets too personal he reaches out and grabs the guys shoulder saying he can't get into it and he almost loses it so he deftly changes the subject to his attorney. He says everyone is doing fine because in saying that he can pretend he is fine. Also I've never really seen Joe speak at length about the private side of the family (like when he's asked about his 60th).

As for the plugging of his new business... well I don't know what to make of that too much. He could have just brought it up to once again pass the conversation over to someone else to talk for him.

Exactly. When the reporter said something along the lines of "This has to be difficult for your family" and Joe said, "And?" It was like Joe was thinking "Duh, this is hard." And then he start fidgeting around and looking for any of his entourage people to take some of the questions. Body language is everything.
Janet killed me, that endiing had me in tears more than I've been uptil now. Much respect to her for having the guts to do it, the Jacksons really are strong.
ALL of the Jacksons are strong, especially Michael. For him to be that sensitive and still live life and take risks, and continue what he felt was his life's work shows a lot of strength. Just look at Joe and Katherine. They are both around 80 and in very good apparent health (no walkers, canes, etc.). That family is very strong and trust me, they will fight for Michael tooth and nail, and see that the Truth prevails.
I noticed that when they talked to him before the show, he said something like "We lost a superstar," and I was like :smilerolleyes: it figures. Even I think of Michael as more than a superstar, and he was his father.
OmG I forgot about that. A superstar. Fool that's your son! pluggin your record label aside...that's your SON! I'm a fan and I woulda said something better then we lost a superstar.
You gotta understand the family is in Legacy-preservation mode. Joe said Superstar. Janet said Icon. Jermaine said "The Legendary King of Pop."
You gotta understand the family is in Legacy-preservation mode. Joe said Superstar. Janet said Icon. Jermaine said "The Legendary King of Pop."

NO.. she said (not exact in these words) that WE the world lost and icon but they her family lost a brother, son, and father.

Jermaine was CLEARLY BROKEN UP during that Press con. Clearly trying to keep from crying before finishing up and then when he got from the podium covered his face and let it go.

Joe said superstar all natural when son shoulda came natural and promoted a oldstimer record label venture. And was putting his hands on the interviewer like that was his good buddy from back in the day that he hadn't seen in long time. There are NO EXCUSES for this type of behavior I don't care how HARD you are. Michael's passing was TOO sudden to be acting that hard. Nobody expect tears and snot on his face but that was just heartless and wrong on joes part. Shame
NO.. she said (not exact in these words) that WE the world lost and icon but they her family lost a brother, son, and father.

Jermaine was CLEARLY BROKEN UP during that Press con. Clearly trying to keep from crying before finishing up and then when he got from the podium covered his face and let it go.

Joe said superstar all natural when son shoulda came natural and promoted a oldstimer record label venture. And was putting his hands on the interviewer like that was his good buddy from back in the day that he hadn't seen in long time. There are NO EXCUSES for this type of behavior I don't care how HARD you are. Michael's passing was TOO sudden to be acting that hard. Nobody expect tears and snot on his face but that was just heartless and wrong on joes part. Shame

:clapping: exactly. hes pissing me off,he likes the idea of him being the faher of a global deceased icon and its written on his face. he loves the attention,cuz he clearly wasnt gettin it b4
I still honestly think Joe was disassociating...

He stops before he answers each question to give himself time to chose words that wont make him start being emotional. You gotta remember you're dealing with a guy who could only show his son he loved him by leaving him a donut on the sly when MJ was a kid. That wasn't a buddy touch on the shoulder either.. that to me looks like a "I'm asking you nicely to please stop there." Like I've said earlier... I don't listen to the words... I watch the body language.
Joe is just being Joe and I wouldn't expect any different from him.
Though it would have been very nice if he had just decided to stay home or avoid the red carpet or something. Whilst you can see he is upset... when you take his words and make it text... those sound bites of conversation make him look like the cold bastard that is now being depicted everywhere.

I actually don't think he minds having everyone mad at him... cause with everyone mad at him... for that brief moment they're leaving his son alone.
i agree that i'm sure that joe is broken up and grieving in his own way.. probably. but some things in the body language, like you said how he had his back to the camera, i believe that was because he was directing one ear to the interviewed as he is clearly hard of hearing, that would also explain the pauses before he spoke.
oh, and no matter WHAT is going through your mind, promoting your record label three days after your son died is highly inappropriate. :)
Can somebody upload the performances and speeches of the artists??? from BET? on You Tube???

Or can we watch them somewhere???
The $$$-signs in Joe's eyes weren't visible because of the glasses he was wearing. I don't think he gives a sh*t, it's all about the money. who thinks he isnt grieving has to look at the clip where he wishes michael was here to see all this...he is choked up and wearing glasses hides your true emotions in the eyes as they are the portal to the soul.He loved his son deeply and just look at the way they were holding hands in the trial ffs!!!!!!!!!! he loved him
Yepp....Janet did it for me....she really was wonderful...

I'm not saying he doesn't care, but Joe was just disgraceful. I don't care that you want to look strong. I don't care that you want to maintain the image of a tyrant you have built over the years. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR IMAGE!!! He didn't do the minimum gesture of pain, not the slightest word of loss. "The family's doing great, we're all fine." God, I so wanted to jump at his throat when I heard that... Really, what would it have cost him to say: "It's hard for all of us, but we're trying to stay strong." No one said he should have crashed crying on the carpet, but for goodness's sake, you were the man's FATHER!!! And you can only say: "we lost a superstar" ?!?! And then talk about your company?????

No, I'm sorry, I just can't excuse him anymore. I've been refraining from commenting so far because I'd thought that people were exaggerating and that Joe indeed didn't want to let much out. But seeing this video , I see that he lets nothing out.

Janet had a very dignifying speech - decent, emotional, appropriate to the situation. If he had showed half the pain she did, it would have been more than enough for me.

God, I pray that those children are left in the care of Katherine and that he doesn't lay a finger on them. Michael was a true father, the most loving father to have ever walked this planet. To stay with Joe now would be like moving from the Ecuador to the North Pole.

Thank you Janet, and shame on Joe.
Janet was so brave to go up there and speak, you could see she was hurting so bad.
Yepp....Janet did it for me....she really was wonderful...

I'm not saying he doesn't care, but Joe was just disgraceful. I don't care that you want to look strong. I don't care that you want to maintain the image of a tyrant you have built over the years. I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR IMAGE!!! He didn't do the minimum gesture of pain, not the slightest word of loss....

Thank you Janet, and shame on Joe.

Michael was too nice and the media, the haters, took advantage of his weakness all his life. THE FATHER is sending a message that he's strong and they, trash, need to stay the FUK away. They will not stop there, they will continue to come after the kids and all. He's just showing he's not Michael. I'm mad but not at you. I'll keep my sentences short so I don't have to curse. I can be very dirty.
I have mixed feelings about Mr. Jackson. Yes it was wrong for plugging his record label.
Some ppl don't grieve in public or around other ppl. I know I don't cry infront of other ppl and i didn't cry when my grandparents died but yet when MJ died I felt my heart break into tiny pieces. So we don't know if that man broke down in his home or not. However I understand everyones views about it on mjjc..
Well i never liked Joe to begin with. What do you expect from a man who wouldn't allow his son to call him "daddy" ?
BET Awards Ratings Highest Ever On Jackson Tribute

NEW YORK — The BET Awards turned into an impromptu Michael Jackson tribute and preliminary ratings show that it will have the event's biggest audience ever.

Nielsen Media Research says the ratings from its 56 biggest markets showed Sunday's BET Awards were up 61 percent over last year. An estimated 10 percent of turned-on television sets were tuned to the BET Awards _ an unusually large number for a cable channel.

Nielsen says the show got a 5.8 rating in the overnight ratings. The awards ceremony has been held since 2001 and has never gotten more than a 3.7 rating.

Several celebrities, including host Jamie Foxx, paid tribute to Jackson.

The evening was capped by the emotional appearance of Jackson's sister Janet.
Joe Jackson is an awful man who is only interested in himself. Michael is not even cold and he is promoting his own business for the camera. What father would do that when his son just died?
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Oh MyGod. I really wish my ppl would do better. This is why I never would watch the BET awards. This show is GHETTO. GEt some class bet.

This wasn't a tribute show and I muted more the 3/4ths of the show. The best tribute to mike was the clothes and tshirts with his face on it. Ugh! NEXT

Don't worry, the NAACP Image Awards will be much better.