Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

I am feeling physical pain at this very moment. My heart. Seeing Janet's face broke my heart. It finally hit me. This is real. :no:

I know how you feel.. but you know what?.. if Janet can get dressed and go out infront of everyone. We can pull ourselves together and carry on with our lives also. It's ok to cry, it helps to let it out but remember we are all Michaels friends and to him we were extended family. He'd want us to rejoice and celebrate. It will take time, but that day will come for us all.
I know how you feel.. but you know what?.. if Janet can get dressed and go out infront of everyone. We can pull ourselves together and carry on with our lives also. It's ok to cry, it helps to let it out but remember we are all Michaels friends and to him we were extended family. He'd want us to rejoice and celebrate. It will take time, but that day will come for us all.

Cass, you are so right. We need to pull ourselves together and carry on with our lives. Yes, right now it's okay to cry, because it is part of the grieving process...but we need to carry on Michael's legacy of love, not hate. Michael wouldn't want us to be sad all the time....
Thank you to Janet for representing the Jackson family with grace, dignity, and true emphasis where it should be--on Michael. I loved how she framed the situation by stating that the family was missing not a music legend by a member of their family that was loved.

She stated that she was elected by her family to come speak. I am glad that they are relying on Janet and I hope that reports of her being in charge of the estate are true. She will be the one that I trust not to allow anyone to misuse it for reasons other than extending his legacy or most importantly taking care of his children.

I can't help but wonder if it was always planned for her to come or if she felt the need to give a different impression of the Jacksons than Joe Jackson did tonight as he came with plans to plug his latest business venture. Either way thanks to Janet for respecting her brother as he should be.
It's just rather a shame that when they anounce the whole schedule has been changed to a MJ tribute...and it's not that at all. And they should never have said all artists would perform Mike songs.

I really would have wanted to a hear a MJ song sung by Beyonce...cause she sounds rather nice live.

Wow. I was expecting a lot more. They said it would be an "overhaul", to me it was just a slight modification. Seemed like a regular show.

I understand they may not have had time to rehearse songs and dance moves, but they made it seem like it was going to be so much more. I think Jamie Foxx was tasteless at times
and did a lot of self promotion of his own tour, sang two of his own songs, aaand a J5 song. He was soaking it up.

Maybe they could have done a little more, but they will probably do a separate show for MJ,
they owe him that.
as soon as i saw janet ,i balle dmy eyes out again. and just when i thought i had stopped ...
Uhm, I know that this show was rushed, but damn it showed!

That was the most boring and chaotic awards show I've ever seen, I appreciated the MJ tributes throughout and thank God at the very end Janet graced us with such grace. A tribut to MJ this was not.
I really couldn't watch it all because it was not what they were billing it to be. He deserves the ultimate in honor at this time. I just knew they would talk about the man himself, perhaps through people who had worked with him.
Aw too bad I missed it!! But hey I see you guys had some fun here watching it. It made a little happier to read a few LOL's here! :)


He must be a strong guy for mustering up the strength to appear there, so shortly after losing his son.

I have no words...he seemed to be too fine for someone who just lost a son.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but it's just weird.

I completely agree with you guys! I'm sorry but I cant accept that this is the most normal thing to do. NOT NOW!! :doh:
LOOK, a few hours ago, I was feeling really really bad, I could not stop crying and my Mom and my BF had to calm me down. And I didnt even know Michael, he didnt even know me, we were completely strangers, and even so I'm suffering too much.
I would NEEEEEEEEVER be able to go to a party at this moment, and MJ is not even a member of my family, he didnt even know I exist!

So whats next Mr Joe? More money??

Nah nah nah nah nah nah cant accept it! :no: SMH!

I hope you understand my feelings and my point of view!! If you didnt, oh well...
The 'music' was depressing.
And to see some people writing in the chat-box next to the video...stuff like, "He's just an old black guy" (referring to Don Cornelius) or "Zzzzzzzzz...boring" when the O'Jays did their thing.
I don't know where the black music industry is heading but it's not looking good.
I'm hoping that people like, who seems to have taken Michael's lessons to heart, will do something about it.
right... so looking at all the posts... all i can do is lament for the music industry. i've always known they were crap, with only a few exceptions.

I really wanted MJ to fulfill James brown's wish in "cleaning up the music industry", because only michael could do it... now with mike gone, it's truly "the day the music died".

just imagine the youngsters these days, who are they aspiring too? no one will work hard anymore, all autotuned voices, it's for the fame, for the money. the old school mentalities and talents and passions is just going to die out.... this is just sad in every single way.

I wonder if BET couldn't have gotten more of those on Michael's talent level such as Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson, etc.

i know! i thought stevie wonder and prince and whitney houston were supposed to perform. this is just s***. really didn't look forward to anyone else, unless they pulled out some motown legend.
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what the heck joe...why are you looking like its a beautiful day in the neighboorhood!

I can't believe this. Michael can't be gone. He'll never sing again. Ugh. I hate realizing michael is gone a million time out the day. I must go to the funeral. I need closure. I think its the only way to move on and mentally accept this. Cuz my mind aint understanding right now!

I noticed that when they talked to him before the show, he said something like "We lost a superstar," and I was like :smilerolleyes: it figures. Even I think of Michael as more than a superstar, and he was his father.
I must say Joseph Jackson is a very strong man. He was even grooving to the music.
right... so looking at all the posts... all i can do is lament for the music industry. i've always known they were crap, with only a few exceptions.

I really wanted MJ to fulfill James brown's wish in "cleaning up the music industry", because only michael could do it... now with mike gone, it's truly "the day the music died".

just imagine the youngsters these days, who are they aspiring too? no one will work hard anymore, all autotuned voices, it's for the fame, for the money. the old school mentalities and talents and passions is just going to die out.... this is just sad in every single way.

Who says they can't aspire to dead artists?
Also, there's many living artists who make amazing music.
Who says they can't aspire to dead artists?
Also, there's many living artists who make amazing music.

Of course they can. But i sort of feel sad when you know... young girls say they aspire to pussycatdolls.... or for young black man... can one really aspire to let's say soujlaboy... there are of course amazing artists, which was why i said there are exceptions.

but i guess it's not the same as the older generation. it's on a totally different level when you see the passion of james brown, or the genius of motown at work. ray charles got it right in saying that, one has to work really hard to be a great artist, not famous, but great. i suspect that none of the musicians dedicate as much to the music as the older generation.

i think being an artist, is much more than just being inspired some song you listen to on the radio. especially these days, when a lot of them really can't sing live.

anyhow, i really hope now that at least the good ones in our days can carry the music industry forward.


by the way, i want to add that... i think it's sort of good that we can carry on jokes and debates now... it's sign we are starting to move forward.
Well, it wasn't one the best of shows but i understand that they did only have a 2-3 days to put together a tribute. I think jaime did a good job in the beginning lightening up the mood and making us laugh a bit. Although i have to say, during some of the tributes and with every mention of MJ i really wished he would just come out on stage and wow us in the way that only he could even though i knew in my head that it was impossible, but still....

Anyway, I think the major highlights were ne-yo, the tribute to the O'Jays and the mini new jack swing revival. Everything else pretty much was a testament to how far the quality of music has plummeted. Keri hilson, souljaboy, and lil wayne in particular were hot a** messes and Ving Rhames, WTF? After reading some of the comments i realized that jamie did do quite a bit of self promotion. I really was not expecting Janet to be there and i think she's incredibly strong and brave to come especially knowing how close she and michael were in the past.

And a really big area i feel they dropped the ball is another tribute. Isn't it the 50th anniversary of Motown this year? Where was the tribute or even a little 3 min video about motown. Correct me if I'm wrong but they didn't even mention it at all. Do you know how important Motown was to black music? Where was smokey, stevie, diana ross, gladys etc? They all could have gotten together and did a decent tribute to Michael.

I understand they had a short amount of time to put this together but i feel it could have been a much better tribute fit for the king michael was.

Stevie, Diana, Gladys, Smokey - they will be there at the PROPER tribute.
I didn't care much for the BET one. I'd rather the people who really do matter put their energies and hearts entirely into a real tribute rather than a squashed up one with the a BET awards show. It was mainly about promoting Jamie's tour anyway.
Michael deserves the spotlight to be entirely on him and we can wait for that.
I noticed that when they talked to him before the show, he said something like "We lost a superstar," and I was like :smilerolleyes: it figures. Even I think of Michael as more than a superstar, and he was his father.

He's disassociating... as long as he doesn't say personal connecting words (like son, my child etc) he can remain the upstanding unemotional hard and protective father figure that he wants to be.

I watched that clip of Joe on the red carpet and I watched his body language and that tells me more than anything else that I got from the video... that man is grieving.

I remember Michael saying his dad never really showed emotion, or expressed a sensitive side, and I'm watching that clip and he is in full defense mode. He keeps his back to the camera and when the CNN guys gets too personal he reaches out and grabs the guys shoulder saying he can't get into it and he almost loses it so he deftly changes the subject to his attorney. He says everyone is doing fine because in saying that he can pretend he is fine. Also I've never really seen Joe speak at length about the private side of the family (like when he's asked about his 60th).

As for the plugging of his new business... well I don't know what to make of that too much. He could have just brought it up to once again pass the conversation over to someone else to talk for him.
I know when my grandma died I thought my world had ended and when people chatted to me about how things were ... instead of voicing about my nan or anything.. I found in one instant was going on and on about a golf tournament I would be playing in on the otherside of the country and how prestigious it was... sheer lunacy and sounded so selfish and I still dont know why I spoke about it cause I didn't even care about golf at that time in my life...
I dunno... I just find it hard to pass judgement on anyone at this time.. especially when I could see two very different stories in that one video clip.

My heart goes out to Janet having to stand up there :no: she's a beautiful soul.
oh and as for my opinion on the BET awards...

I thought they were so lame... Why were all the women's outfits looking like swimsuits?
Was I the only one who didn't like Beyonce's performance?
I don't see anything wrong with the way Joe acted. MJ has always said that Joe never showed any emotion towards him and the rest of the family. Joe actually reminds me of my own father. A man that doesn't' show emotion no matter what the circumstances are. You guys need to remember that Joe comes from an era where it was a sign of weakness for a man to exert any emotion. But you can tell he's grieving by his voice how he wanted to avoid the subject/leave the interviewer.

Stevie, Diana, Gladys, Smokey - they will be there at the PROPER tribute.
I didn't care much for the BET one. I'd rather the people who really do matter put their energies and hearts entirely into a real tribute rather than a squashed up one with the a BET awards show. It was mainly about promoting Jamie's tour anyway.
Michael deserves the spotlight to be entirely on him and we can wait for that.

Now that I'd like to watch.

Watching the BET awards made me feel like I was at work watching my students doing the end of year school production... some moments of brilliance... but you just knew you were watching the kids do their thing and that they have yet to grow into their own.

I'll wait for the real stars to do their thing... and if they don't... well you know what... I can understand that too cause they're hurting too. :cheers:
Omg, I cried when Janet was talking, and when they Jamie and Ne-yo performed I'll Be There. :cry: So painful, it looked like she was gonna breakdown any moment. And seeing some of the audience cry.. sigh, so emotional right now.
I broke down, the pain in Janet's face, jamie and neyo's tribute, some of the audiences weeping, the pictures of mike in the background it just broke my heart. Although I gotten a strong feeling that the time will soon come that he will no longer be with us,yet I didn't think it would be so sudden and because of that it really breaks my heart. Things will never be the same w/o Mike apart of this world, that I can tell, at the same time I want mike to be happy and to finally have peace. I've now lost interest with entertainment industry period, I no longer care for the upcoming artist are the youngin's/newbies that are out now, they don't give me any interest. Best of luck to their success, but I won't celebrate it. All of a sudden alot of things don't matter anymore, so I will continue to move forward with my life.
He's disassociating... as long as he doesn't say personal connecting words (like son, my child etc) he can remain the upstanding unemotional hard and protective father figure that he wants to be.

I watched that clip of Joe on the red carpet and I watched his body language and that tells me more than anything else that I got from the video... that man is grieving.

I remember Michael saying his dad never really showed emotion, or expressed a sensitive side, and I'm watching that clip and he is in full defense mode. He keeps his back to the camera and when the CNN guys gets too personal he reaches out and grabs the guys shoulder saying he can't get into it and he almost loses it so he deftly changes the subject to his attorney. He says everyone is doing fine because in saying that he can pretend he is fine. Also I've never really seen Joe speak at length about the private side of the family (like when he's asked about his 60th).

As for the plugging of his new business... well I don't know what to make of that too much. He could have just brought it up to once again pass the conversation over to someone else to talk for him.

Completely agree! I saw that clip and it was obvious for me that this "bussiness plug" was just the way to swith converstaion from too sensitive subject.