Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

You know I didn't want to come out and say that. But joe really don't look like a grieving father and was talking out his neck some of the time. and why did he have that man come next to him talking about a record label or something.??

I wondered why michael stayed from his family some of the time but I kinda know why now.
I'm watching it
Do you guys think that I have to watch this show more?
I need to go to library to return my books.

I actuallly didn't expect it would be fun
and yeah
it's boring
Joe Jackson is who he is yall. I had a hard time understanding how this man could stand there and start pushing his own career while his son lay in a morgue somewheres freshly dead 3 days. He seems to have this amazing ability to detach himself from things.

Is that good enough???
This is officially the lamest show I've ever seen... honestly, what the hell has happened to music???
what do ppl see in wayne. He look a hot ghetto weird mess. This music is garbage. UGH! Mike was the greatest now I'm left with this mess! I hate this. Mike was supposed to blow the music world down again and he's gone.

And these songs are so degrading to women. I hate this music.
if there is a god in this world, mjs vault of music will come out and domiante the charts for yrs, i cant belive i watching tht trash there. i feel as if am getting old now,i couldnt even make out what they where saying.
Joe Jackson is who he is yall. I had a hard time understanding how this man could stand there and start pushing his own career while his son lay in a morgue somewheres freshly dead 3 days. He seems to have this amazing ability to detach himself from things.
Two words....


detach my foot. Joe didn't even begin to seem like he care. Nobody aint asking for boogers to be running down his nose and balling but ...ya record label and the family is fine???:bugeyed I'd have rather him not come out tonight then see that
What do you people want? Joe Jackson is not going to be running around crying all over the place. Black men of that generation do not show weakness FOR ANYTHING. He's of that generation that believes its not okay for men to cry or not have on a strong face. I'm not defending him, but its the truth.
There's a BIG difference between not showing your emotion and promoting your company/label, whatever.
If he wanted to not show emotion, he could have stayed totally blank and I would've understood.
But to be in the mood to plug something? That's what's pissing the fans off here.
I hadn't cried in like 7 hours - the tears are streaming again now...

God help me...