Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

I'll Be There. Very nice.
It's be nice if Janet sung it (with them maybe), but obviously I understand her not doing so. I wouldn't want to either probably.
she's is strong for coming out. If janet ever does a show again I'ma go. I didn't care for her much but I see michael in her and she's the closest thing I'll get to him. Much ups for come out janet. Strong woman
aaahh, I can't believe Janet was so strong to show up. It was sooo heartbreaking watching her, I can't stop crying. And it's true what she said, we lost an icon, but they actually lost a son and a brother and a father.... it breaks my heart all over again. I just don't understand why this had to happen. It's not fair.
if there is a god in this world, mjs vault of music will come out and domiante the charts for yrs, i cant belive i watching tht trash there. i feel as if am getting old now,i couldnt even make out what they where saying.

Don't worry, it will. I am sure that Sony will be releasing new albums from Michael almost every year. And I have no doubt in my mind that if he did have a new album waiting in the wings, it will be released and it will sell like crazy and it will win Grammies. I just know it.

Janet got me crying again. You can see the pain in her eyes. I saw nothing in Joe's eyes for his son....nothing. And yes, he took his glasses off inside the awards show.
Janet is a strong one, I am just a fan and I know if someone asked me to speak on what it means to be a fan of MJ's I would be on the floor balled up crying b4 I could ever say one word
This shouldn't be a tribute to michael. Michae shouldn't be gone. I hate this. I really can't understand why this happen right now. I absolutly hate hate all of these tributes. Michael should be alive at rehearsal. It should NOT be a 2009 attached to his 1958.

WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! God if only we could go back to wednesday and stay there.
Let us not forget Sony is a business and they will milk the hell out of MJ's death, so of course we will have a new MJ CD about every 6-9months
I hear ya, I may just go to her next concert. And I can't wait to see what she does with her new album especially since Jimmy and Terry are back on board.
Janet...janet was what I was waiting for. She looked like she was about to faint. Joe...he can go screw himself. Hocking his own record company...WTF? That guy only cares about's obvious. He didn't look sad at all. I'm so upset by him. you, girl. We all love you...Mike. The award show sucked...I imagine MTV will do a better job, but Janet made it worth watching. I can feel her palpable. Bless her.
Ne Yo deserves all the credit..

Damn you Bruce, you messed me up all over again.. (Thanks Bruce for the video)

No problems - yeah Ne-yo single handedly saved the tribute part.
BET should be ashamed of themselves, the show was overall poor - Not just for a MJ tribute, it was poor overall for being an award show.

That Michael took the music industry with him when he left is a reality we all have to accept just as much as his passing.
what the heck joe...why are you looking like its a beautiful day in the neighboorhood!

I can't believe this. Michael can't be gone. He'll never sing again. Ugh. I hate realizing michael is gone a million time out the day. I must go to the funeral. I need closure. I think its the only way to move on and mentally accept this. Cuz my mind aint understanding right now!
Sony better do somethign about all that music Mike recorded in the past couple of years. Of course they need the family's permission, I think. I'm surprised JAnet was there, cause last time I heard she was pretty much a mess, so big ups to her. I haven't cried this whole show, which feels wierd, but then again my moods are so on/off.

Tribute were pretty great, but the rest was liek it's been for a while-- soso/good moments/but not much spectacular, except for the old skool homies returning. They did all of that in 2 days; I couldnt even get homework done in that much time, so I'll give them some props. I still can't beleive all of this has gone down in the span of three days total, and it's bout to be four. There's still an air of surrealism. I dunno... anyway, that's my cue for me to hit the hay. Goodnite everyone, and stay strong.

EDIT: I just watched Janet speak... I wish I hadn't seen that now. :(
how did I miss neyo lady of my life. Michael woulda tore it up. that smooth voice of his. Ohhh man!

I'm need some unreleased material to get me through the next few years. I can't believe I have nothing to look forward to musically. So close yet so far.
what the heck joe...why are you looking like its a beautiful day in the neighboorhood!

I can't believe this. Michael can't be gone. He'll never sing again. Ugh. I hate realizing michael is gone a million time out the day. I must go to the funeral. I need closure. I think its the only way to move on and mentally accept this. Cuz my mind aint understanding right now!

This is exactly how I feel. I don't think I will get closure unless I go to the funeral and look at the coffin. I just need to be there. I am so glad that I live in CA at this time. I am about 3 hours from Santa Barbara. Can't wait to see how they deal with this.
I am feeling physical pain at this very moment. My heart. Seeing Janet's face broke my heart. It finally hit me. This is real. :no: