Joe Jackson @ The BET Awards Live Stream Added! Watch Now!

Yeah, Ne-yo did a good job. He put in some of his own emotion too. :(
After seeing this video, i feel the need to puke.

This is the most disgusting man i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am sorry, but i was rather...'wtf' when Joe talked about that record label thing or whatever.....if you ask me, he's not showing any emotion. so either he can coope with it...or....nah nevermind.

I don't quite understand how so many peolpe can 'feel' for this man....have forgotten
what he did to poor Michael? I really not...when i think of makes me incredibly angry too....sorry.

I agree.....I have never been a fan of Joe. He never seems sincere.....
The shitty Joe Jackson
Interviewer: I know it's been tough the last couple of days for you guys.
Joe: And? oh yeah, yeah, it has, it has been really tough, remember we just lost the biggest star in the world, superstar in the world, it's been tough.

Joe should have said it's sad because he lost his son!!!!!!!
I just felt he doesn't give a shit about his son's death. that bastard
he doesn't show any emotions
You all must be blind if you don't see that
Now the thriller jacket is cracking me looks
After seeing this video, i feel the need to puke.

This is the most disgusting man i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh goodness that's not good.

for some reason i can't even turn it on, i don't know why

its just too soon for me to see a long live tribute

i can't take it right now
I like the MJ tribute parts but the rest of this is just showing the sorry state of music. People are going to regret not cherishing Michael when they had the chance.
I wonder if BET couldn't have gotten more of those on Michael's talent level such as Gladys Knight, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Smokey Robinson, etc.
all this hoping out of bed taking looks in the mirror and saying what's up....needs to end now...I mean I do like the song....but this is about MJ tonight....

Also, people don't be so hard on Joe...he is set in his ways, can't change that....he know it is his son, the whole world know it is his son....
What are you guys talking about. How should Joe react, cry on TV? Will you be satisfied if he does, calling him a bastard is so not necessary right now.
I think BET already had this show planned with the latest acts. All they've tried to do now is add MJ touches to everything since he just passed away. That probably explains the lack of seasoned talents giving tribute to MJ. May not have had time to change too much.

Okay, I know Tpain didn't just get on the stage with a cup in his hand. Lawd.
What are you guys talking about. How should Joe react, cry on TV? Will you be satisfied if he does, calling him a bastard is so not necessary right now.

Well, the least thing he should do now, is promoting himself !!!!!

I could understand his coldness, but this... It's not only disrescpetful to his soon, is freaking disgusting! He makes me sick!
Soulja boy was horrible, but Jamie is really making this show incredible! He is so funny.
What the hell? Soulja Boy sounds like a dying horse (no offense to PETA or any animal intended).

LOL, I haven't really heard the song, but I figured it had to sound better in the studio. oh my...lolol
What are you guys talking about. How should Joe react, cry on TV? Will you be satisfied if he does, calling him a bastard is so not necessary right now.

I don't have a probelm with Joe Jackson's lack of emotion....some aren't very emotional and we all know that Joe is a stern man. I have a problem with going on television and promoting your record label when the interviewer is trying to ask you about your dead son.....
I have been to a Girls Aloud concert and I am now watching these acts on BET Awards and I WILL NEVER QUESTION MICHAEL JACKSON'S GENIUS. NEVER!
I know, cut them some slack, they've had 2 days to throw together a tribute show when they had a whole awards show planned already, some of you just ask for too much.
I think BET already had this show planned with the latest acts. All they've tried to do now is add MJ touches to everything since he just passed away. That probably explains the lack of seasoned talents giving tribute to MJ. May not have had time to change too much.

Okay, I know Tpain didn't just get on the stage with a cup in his hand. Lawd.

yes he did....wit dat big chain that reads "big ass chain"....I
Why does jamie have on these tight ass pants??? lol. It's bunching up in the the back.
I love that Londell McMillan is on board. That statement was punch towards B Oxman because he is all out there and acts like Jackson's sole lawyer.

Props for Joe Jackson tellin like it is. He said..
"I wished they had recognize him when he was living... because now he is bigger than ever and I wish he was here to see all of this"