Joe Jackson Gunning to Sue Over MJ's Death

I never mentioned drugs. NO I DID NOT. Have a look at my post. Why would I say something I don't believe? I won't be bullied on here, so don't even try it.

Who said that they literally pushed him to take those drugs?

Yes, I know, I just posted Joes comments about TINI.

I was replying to beachlover saying what has that got to do with Michael being so drugged he didn't know what he was doing?

What?? The words of the TINI actually match the words of members who worked with Michael during TII, his other tours and long time friends who are supporting the TINI campaign! If you want to know, even one of the TII dancers secretly agrees with them, though they haven't said it publicly.

And here we go with the usual crap. Every time anything remotely positive is said or posted about Joe the same people bombard the thread with the same old rehashed comments about the entire history of Joe in an attempt to cover it up.

I'll leave you to carry on..

I have no time to spend with stupid arguments on this forum.

Just DO NOT put words in my mouth about things I don't even think!

DO NOT accuse me of saying something I have not said.

PREACH...AMEN...And with that being said, I will leave too because the same fight will happen no matter what threat and about what topic.
I never mentioned drugs. NO I DID NOT. Have a look at my post. Why would I say something I don't believe? I won't be bullied on here, so don't even try it.

Who said that they literally pushed him to take those drugs?

Yes, I know, I just posted Joes comments about TINI.

I was replying to beachlover saying what has that got to do with Michael being so drugged he didn't know what he was doing?

What?? The words of the TINI actually match the words of members who worked with Michael during TII, his other tours and long time friends who are supporting the TINI campaign! If you want to know, even one of the TII dancers secretly agrees with them, though they haven't said it publicly.

And here we go with the usual crap. Every time anything remotely positive is said or posted about Joe the same people bombard the thread with the same old rehashed comments about the entire history of Joe in an attempt to cover it up.

I'll leave you to carry on..

I have no time to spend with stupid arguments on this forum.

Just DO NOT put words in my mouth about things I don't even think!

DO NOT accuse me of saying something I have not said.

I didn't accuse you of anything. I put down and EXACT QUOTE of what you said is all. Its your own words.

If anyone has information about Michael and its not brought to the police, then I assume it is nothing but gossip. I can say anything I wish but if I have no proof it doesn't mean a thing. What you say a dancer says is irrelevant and meaningless. I have no way of knowing its the truth just like I have no way of knowing what a few crazed fans who camped outside Michaels home have a clue.
Um this was my exact quote:

Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.
That does not translate to this which you posted about me:

This tells me everything I need to know about certain posters here. These are the ones who believe Michael was so drugged he didn't know what he was doing. Thats a legacy to embrace.
Stop pretending it does. DO NOT accuse me of something I haven't said and something I don't believe.

I wasn't going to post here again but I'm not going to let you tell me what I have said, when you are wrong.

Now please just leave me alone I don't want to participate in this thread anymore.
As someone who loves Michael I want every single person who contributed to his death behind bars. Joe has done some pretty terrible things and Leonard Rowe is a straight up crook but Joe is Michael's father at the end of the day and does want to know what happened to Michael, like we all do. Joe needs to get rid of his shady associates and concentrate on what's most important here-getting justice for Michael. Putting all the people who contributed to his death behind bars where they cannot do any further harm, and give Michael's children a nuturing and loving environment. The kids are at difficult ages. Prince and Paris are about to become teenagers, and as we all know is a very difficult age for everyone. Now they have to go through this without their beloved dad and need strong family support. They are the most important people here now and when they're older they'll undoubtedly have the same shady people try and come into their lives just like they did their father's. Joe needs to make sure that the same people that leeched off Michael do not leech of his children.
PREACH...AMEN...And with that being said, I will leave too because the same fight will happen no matter what threat and about what topic.

It's looking more and more like the goal is to get mods to close any thread that remotely suggests wanting to find out what happened to Michael. This has been going on for too long, and always the same thing. If nothing else, it's been very, very consistent.

To return to the topic (hopefully). I don't care at this point what Joe's motives are or are not. A civil suit would give Michael his day in court, and he deserves it. I can't imagine why anyone would think he doesn't deserve that? There have been few "facts." A court-case would give us FACTS. Isn't that what we want? If not. . why not?

I'm out, too.
All joe sees is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :mello:

You're probably right. But as I said, Joe's motives might not matter that much, if the end result is that Michael gets his day in court and the facts come out. I think it's likely that Murray will plead guilty, and then we will never know more than we do now. Which is almost nothing. So yeah, bring on the lawsuit. For Michael.

And now I'm REALLY out.
Let him dig, whatever he plans to do with what he uncovers is another story.
As long as he gets the facts out there in the spotlight.
In this case the end justifies the means.
In my way of thinking, Joe contributed to Michaels stress as much as anyone else and so he is just as GUILTY of contributing to his death.

Sorry, but thats the truth. How many times could they push him to be part of the Jackson 5????? Years after the fact and they STILL pushed and prodded him like he was a Cash COW. PUSH PUSH PUSH.....PROD PROD PROD.

I guess to some of the fans here, thats OK and can be forgiven because he was his father and loved him and now that Michael is gone his daddy should receive money for his efforts.

Ok. You win. Joe deserves the money and not Michaels children.
Legally speaking, Joe has no legal standing to get these records and to file a lawsuit. The estate don't have to pay legal fees for his own gain
You're probably right. But as I said, Joe's motives might not matter that much, if the end result is that Michael gets his day in court and the facts come out. I think it's likely that Murray will plead guilty, and then we will never know more than we do now. Which is almost nothing. So yeah, bring on the lawsuit. For Michael.

And now I'm REALLY out.

I just wish someone else would do it instead of him,he's a man not to be trusted,whose real intention are unclear,same goes if not even worse to his lawyer.
I want this to happen but not by Joe.Oxman would turn this chance into a freak show for personal gain as usual.I give Joe the benefit of doubt about this BUT no way I'll trust his lawyer intentions,he doesn't have one bit of interest in finding out what happened to MJ.
MJ must have his day in court but with the right people.

Michael Jackson was harangued and harassed for the last few weeks of his life by his father, Joseph. The point of it: to install Leonard Rowe as Michael’s financial adviser and to let Rowe promote Michael’s lucrative London shows.

Michael, afraid of his father, may have finally caved in just to shoo the pair away.

But what Michael didn’t know is that Rowe, not related to Debbie Rowe, has quite a colorful history when it comes to the law–and to the Jacksons. The only time the Jacksons used him as a concert promoter was in 1979. But that ended badly when Rowe stopped payment to them on a $150,000 check. Joe Jackson may have forgotten this. Consequently, Rowe was not asked to help on either the 1981 or 1984 tours.

According to records, Rowe has served time in prison at least twice for fraud and writing bad checks. He’s well known to the U.S. government and law enforcement officials for writing checks on non-existent banks, being arrested, and then failing to make restitution. He’s also been convicted for wire fraud. He wasn’t at Michael’s last live concert in 2001, because he was serving a two-year sentence.

Rowe also has in legal history several federal and local tax liens in Georgia, and an arrest for possession of marijuana.

In 1998, Rowe started what would turn out to be a seven-year nuisance campaign against a number of talent agencies. He brought a massive lawsuit against them that was ultimately thrown out of court on appeal in 2005.

Last year he was ordered to pay R. Kelly $3.4 million after losing a lawsuit filed by the singer, again for fraud. Rowe was found guilty of booking fake concerts. He also had to pay Ne-Yo $700,000. A Lexis Nexis search of Rowe’s resume also turned up a 1984 bankruptcy.

The fear now by Jackson insiders is that if Katherine Jackson were to be added as an executor to Michael’s will, husband Joseph would exert his influence over her to bring Rowe into the picture. For Jackson’s kids, the result could be devastating.

Even though the Jacksons live separate lives, Mrs.Jackson has conceded that she has “no stomach” for fighting or “ugliness” and usually gives in to her husband’s wishes.
are we now using roger friedman as a reliable source:bugeyed
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I just wish someone else would do it instead of him,he's a man not to be trusted,whose real intention are unclear,same goes if not even worse to his lawyer.
I want this to happen but not by Joe.Oxman would turn this chance into a freak show for personal gain as usual.I give Joe the benefit of doubt about this BUT no way I'll trust his lawyer intentions,he doesn't have one bit of interest in finding out what happened to MJ.
MJ must have his day in court but with the right people.

I agree. The one to file a civil-suit would be Katherine, in that she is an heir to the estate. Getting the medical records would be a first step, but then Joe would have to butt out. I hope this happens.
If Joe Jackson wants to be taken seriously, the FIRST thing he needs to do is dump Brian Oxman!

Oxman is a joke, and it's safe to say that WE are not the only ones who feel that way.

In my opinion, any attorney worth his salt would ADVISE their client to wait until the official investigation has been completed, before going forward with a wrongful death suit.
If Joe Jackson wants to be taken seriously, the FIRST thing he needs to do is dump Brian Oxman!

Oxman is a joke, and it's safe to say that WE are not the only ones who feel that way.

In my opinion, any attorney worth his salt would ADVISE their client to wait until the official investigation has been completed, before going forward with a wrongful death suit.

Exactly. And then it should be Katherine to go forward with it, as she is Michael's heir and his children's guardian. THEN it would be about justice, not just money, and as her rights are clear cut, it would move forward quickly.
I agree with the above 4 posts.

I don't know what is in Joe's heart and I won't act or blame him based on my feelings only.

It is just wrong timing. You need to wait for the investigation to be over, see the criminal case and how it goes and then open a wrongful death suit. It is much more appopriate and easier that way. Also I haven't seen the original documents (does anyone have the link to the documents that is filed) but if what TMZ report is true and the document states "that will help Joe determine how much he'd be able to collect from those responsible for Michael's death" that makes it sound like Joe is only after money. and for that I blame Oxman. Sorry but he's not a good lawyer.
I agree with the above 4 posts.

I don't know what is in Joe's heart and I won't act or blame him based on my feelings only.

It is just wrong timing. You need to wait for the investigation to be over, see the criminal case and how it goes and then open a wrongful death suit. It is much more appopriate and easier that way. Also I haven't seen the original documents (does anyone have the link to the documents that is filed) but if what TMZ report is true and the document states "that will help Joe determine how much he'd be able to collect from those responsible for Michael's death" that makes it sound like Joe is only after money. and for that I blame Oxman. Sorry but he's not a good lawyer.
i agree
I agree. The one to file a civil-suit would be Katherine, in that she is an heir to the estate. Getting the medical records would be a first step, but then Joe would have to butt out. I hope this happens.


So was there not a second autopsy done by the family? If not, why was it stated that the family got an autopsy done? I am DUMBfounded about this :doh:

So was there not a second autopsy done by the family? If not, why was it stated that the family got an autopsy done? I am DUMBfounded about this :doh:

I don't think it was ever confirmed that the family had a second autopsy done. Didn't that info come from TMZ? Or Friedman? And if there was one done, then why would Joe want the medical records? Just to have something official? Maybe. If Murray is to be charged soon, it's possible that Joe wants to get the medical records for a civil suit, but then the lawsuit would have to be done by Katherine after charges are filed. Joe is not an heir to the estate, and he would have to be quiet, then. Hopefully. . ..

I agree with those who said Oxman needs to go away. He's not doing ANYBODY any good, and he harms the family's credibility.
I am not necessarily in agreement with Joe about this, and can't stand Oxman to say the least but if this is the only way for the truth to come out ? by all means do it.
but if joe is serious about either getting justice for his son or money, whatever maybe, he might want to a more competent representation than Oxman.

You know.... if it wasn't for a few people like Oxman (i will not mention others) going on CNN and saying Michael was a druggie there wouldn't be such an uphill battle to get the truth.
As we know, Murray went in the ambulance with Michael to the hospital. Murray then left the hospital. Someone must have picked him up (he had no car with him). The girlfriend? He did not return to Michael's house for his own car. The police towed his car on the evening of the 25th. On the 26th, it was reported on CNN that he could not be located. He surfaced as some point (on that Sunday?), and was interviewed by the police. He could have made himself available at any time, but chose not to, at first. He did not need a lawyer physically present. He simply could have refused to answer any questions without a lawyer present. In my opinion, he should have remained at the hospital in anticipation of giving a statement. Instead, he had someone pick him up as he left, abruptly. The world's most famous person had died, and he owed Michael . . . and everyone. . .better than that.
I don't think it was ever confirmed that the family had a second autopsy done. Didn't that info come from TMZ? Or Friedman? And if there was one done, then why would Joe want the medical records? Just to have something official? Maybe. If Murray is to be charged soon, it's possible that Joe wants to get the medical records for a civil suit, but then the lawsuit would have to be done by Katherine after charges are filed. Joe is not an heir to the estate, and he would have to be quiet, then. Hopefully. . ..

I agree with those who said Oxman needs to go away. He's not doing ANYBODY any good, and he harms the family's credibility.

Jesse Jackson told press that they are getting a second autopsy.
LA Times reported that it was done.
Joe also confirmed it at CNN Larry King Live. Here's the copy of the transcript. I'm sure there will be a video of it at youtube as well but did not check.


KING: The official autopsy results have not yet been released. They've been delayed a while, I guess. But you had a private autopsy. What can you tell us it said, Joe?

JACKSON: Well, I haven't -- I don't know yet. I haven't heard it. I haven't read it.

KING: Didn't you get a private autopsy for the family?

JACKSON: Yes, but they haven't -- they haven't reported nothing to me yet.

KING: Well, I don't understand. You're the father. And a...

JACKSON: Yes, of course I'm the father.

KING: So don't you have the right to say to the people, we have a private autopsy, will you show it to me?

JACKSON: Well, they have not showed it to me, Larry. I'll put it like that.

KING: OK. And you haven't asked for it?

JACKSON: Well, I figured I would get it pretty soon, so I didn't ask for it.

If interested full transcript can be found here:

It is strange that his own family would not show the results of the private autopsy.
I don't think it was ever confirmed that the family had a second autopsy done. Didn't that info come from TMZ? Or Friedman? And if there was one done, then why would Joe want the medical records? Just to have something official? Maybe. If Murray is to be charged soon, it's possible that Joe wants to get the medical records for a civil suit, but then the lawsuit would have to be done by Katherine after charges are filed. Joe is not an heir to the estate, and he would have to be quiet, then. Hopefully. . ..

I agree with those who said Oxman needs to go away. He's not doing ANYBODY any good, and he harms the family's credibility.

Didnt the court rule that no familymember can have access to MJs medical records?

Or am I completely wrong on this one?
Jesse Jackson told press that they are getting a second autopsy.
LA Times reported that it was done.
Joe also confirmed it at CNN Larry King Live. Here's the copy of the transcript. I'm sure there will be a video of it at youtube as well but did not check.


KING: The official autopsy results have not yet been released. They've been delayed a while, I guess. But you had a private autopsy. What can you tell us it said, Joe?

JACKSON: Well, I haven't -- I don't know yet. I haven't heard it. I haven't read it.

KING: Didn't you get a private autopsy for the family?

JACKSON: Yes, but they haven't -- they haven't reported nothing to me yet.

KING: Well, I don't understand. You're the father. And a...

JACKSON: Yes, of course I'm the father.

KING: So don't you have the right to say to the people, we have a private autopsy, will you show it to me?

JACKSON: Well, they have not showed it to me, Larry. I'll put it like that.

KING: OK. And you haven't asked for it?

JACKSON: Well, I figured I would get it pretty soon, so I didn't ask for it.

If interested full transcript can be found here:

It is strange that his own family would not show the results of the private autopsy.

Thanks for posting, but this, in itself, doesn't confirm anything. Joe has said a lot of "odd" things on tv, including that Michael had "another" child. Riiiight. LA Times? Can you post a link? Then we can see if the article says, "sources say," or confirms.

I know there was talk of a private autopsy. Jesse Jackson said "they were getting one." Not that one had been done. Was it? No one credible has said there WAS one done, that we are aware of.

OR, Joe has been cut out of the family loop so profoundly that he doesn't know what the feck is going on? That is also possible.
I don't think it was ever confirmed that the family had a second autopsy done. Didn't that info come from TMZ? Or Friedman? And if there was one done, then why would Joe want the medical records? Just to have something official? Maybe. If Murray is to be charged soon, it's possible that Joe wants to get the medical records for a civil suit, but then the lawsuit would have to be done by Katherine after charges are filed. Joe is not an heir to the estate, and he would have to be quiet, then. Hopefully. . ..

I agree with those who said Oxman needs to go away. He's not doing ANYBODY any good, and he harms the family's credibility.

If I am not mistaken at a press conference Joe said the second autopsy is being done as we speak. We need to search you tube for his press conferences. I remember he and Latoya said this.
No matter how some people dont trust joe motive, michael was joe son and I believe he is upset of what happen to michael and want justice, joe do not trust aeg murray etc, you are a fan arent you upset and want justice for michael, dont you think is father would want the same?

Please! At the sametime AEG had Michael under contract, Joe and Leonard Rowe were putting the PRESSURE on Michael to perform in that family reunion with AllGood Entertainment.

Michael said NO to the AllGood reunion concert, why couldn't Joe Jackson and Leonard Rowe take NO for an answer!

And while all of this was going on, Joe and Leonard Rowe were hoping AND praying that AEG would have put them both on the AEG payroll.

As far as I'm concerned, all Mr. Jackson wants is MONEY, so that he can travel in high fashion, pay a fee to his 2 "supposed" assistance, and give an allowance to his daughter and HER daughter.

I wonder what today's conversation would be, IF Joe Jackson would have been on AEG's payroll!
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