Joe Jackson Gunning to Sue Over MJ's Death

I am getting very sick of this. Because Joe is Michael's father he should not be called out for acting like a fool? If Joe cared about justice he would keep his damn mouth shut and Oxman out of a courtroom until the criminal case is over. And please stop with blaming AEG OK? AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to overmidcate Michael. AEG is a billion dollar company that nothing to gain by hurting Michael. Admit it to yourself
why do you think you know the real joe jackson? and did he give this statement to tmz? no the article did not not state that joe told tmz this, thats tmz wording, I believe AEG along with the others in that circle should be look into,and joe is michael dad you may not trust joe but michael is his son that he raised and took care of before michael made any money on his own, yes I believe there is more to joe than just money, he stood by michael through out the trial for free michael did not pay him to be there for him,
You must dont have children

Actually, I do have children - and if anything should happen to them, money is the LAST thing I'd be caring about.

And as long as my children are minors or unmarried, then I could get medical records if something should happen. Once they marry or come of age, I would have no futher right. That's the law.
Please do not....I not think that I think Michael was helpless OR stupid. I don't think that at all. I think Michael was brilliant in his own right and super talented.

I also think he was human (I have said this before) and he wasn't actively working, things got out of control. The catalog could not make enough to keep up with expenses. No shame in that. He had a lot of expenses.

Its not hard to see he was having financial difficulties. He was over extended all over the place. BUT he was smart enough to know how to get back on top and he was doing it. This is one of the reasons we all are so unhappy that this happened. He was just about to kick everyone's behind and he didn't really get the chance. Its so much of a shame.

Well, in the end, he sort of did it with the movie THIS IS IT but I would have much preferred to see the concert for real, as I am sure most would have.

i know this is hard to see, apparently, but mj didn't need to tour. when a catalogue is a fountain, there is no such thing as spending more than you can make. MJ did not have to tour anymore. he set himself up so that he wouldn't be another James Brown. His moves saved sony. they are sitting pretty. everybody else is giving their stuff to sony, cus of MJ. they're selling, MJ's idea was to buy. everybody else was into quick cash. MJ was into the big picture. everybody else was after him, cus he had all the goods. they were running out of the goods.
nothing got out of control EXCEPT vultures were after him. people and their frivolous lawsuits.

it does not make any sense that a movie can suddenly get MJ out of a supposed ten plus years of debt, in less than two months unless he was never in debt in the first place. besides, the movie was only out for 2 weeks. and only now, is getting released on dvd.

MJ did not have to tour. whatever he was doing, we'll never know...he said he wanted to..but he said he didn't want to, earlier..but i have noticed...even in the movie..when MJ said something, people brow beat him into saying something else. so..what MJ really wanted...was to avoid argument.

he didn't have to tour. he made sure of that, with his financial wizardry and wisdom. and he did save sony in the process. Mj's music is priceless and timeless. there's no other music out there like it. and it is recession proof, and it brought sony and the industry up from the brink, and gave Mj the leeway to buy out the rest of the industry, publishingwise.
why do you think you know the real joe jackson? and did he give this statement to tmz? no the article did not not state that joe told tmz this, thats tmz wording, I believe AEG along with the others in that circle should be look into,and joe is michael dad you may not trust joe but michael is his son that he raised and took care of before michael made any money on his own, yes I believe there is more to joe than just money, he stood by michael through out the trial for free michael did not pay him to be there for him,

Wow. How big of him to do that for the son he beat as a child. What a guy.
why do you think you know the real joe jackson? and did he give this statement to tmz? no the article did not not state that joe told tmz this, thats tmz wording, I believe AEG along with the others in that circle should be look into,and joe is michael dad you may not trust joe but michael is his son that he raised and took care of before michael made any money on his own, yes I believe there is more to joe than just money, he stood by michael through out the trial for free michael did not pay him to be there for him,

And he also was to busy promoting his record label three days after his son died. He also sat there and did nothing when Leonard Rowe called his son an addict. And he had no problem with the shows as long he and his buddy was in on it, When he was told to get lost all of the sudden he cares about his son
You must dont have children,

I see the Majority of this world has gone to Hell. You should be sick and everyone of you that speaks of Michael's Father so evil and pretend to Love Michael. "If Joe Cared" if "You and other Michael Jackson's Fans like you would stop supporting his "Murderers and Just Demand whoever is responsible for Michael Jackson's Homicide be bought to Justice" You will get Justice, instead of talking out both sides of your mouth and calling people "FOOLS", calling it one second an "ongoing CRIMINAL CASE" and then like you have FACTS "AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to OVERMEDICATE MICHAEL" how do you know who told who what UNLESS YOU WHERE THERE ? ? ? as you said AEG is a BILLION Company that survives on the WORK and HOMICIDES of there clients, they are PIMPS like any other Businessmen who dont do nothing but sign papers, go to meetings and play golf, the Artist do ALL the work, so you can take this little soap box back to AEG and file it in the Lost and Found. AEG has EVERYTHING to gain and Im not going to go through that debate again. Michael Jackson was Murdered and everyone is making MONEY off of him but his Famiy, so keep on spreading either what you know as FACTS in an "ONGOING HOMICIDE INVESTGATION" and we DONT or lies and you admit that. Joe Jackson will WIN against his Son's MURDERERS for one reason alone, he is not a MURDERER AND THEY ARE !

There are the same group of ppl on this board bashing Joe whatever he does for Michael's justice. The same group is always against every post related to a conspiracy theory and MJ murder. I feel very suspicious about this group.
They have to be ashamed of themselves. It is irrelevant to discuss what Joe was doing before. It is important what he is doing for MJ justice NOW.
There are the same group of ppl on this board bashing Joe whatever he does for Michael's justice. The same group is always against every post related to a conspiracy theory and MJ murder. I feel very suspicious about this group.
They have to be ashamed of themselves. It is irrelevant to discuss what Joe was doing before. It is important what he is doing for MJ justice NOW.


I do not care where justice for Michael comes from. I just care that it happens ... We loved him, right? We should now put aside our differences

Thats right Joe sue EVERYBODY, take them ALL to the cleaners, Leave no stones unturned.....Joe Has every right to Michaels records and if there was nothing to hide why didn't they give him the records long ago? Seems strange to me that the Estate lawyers are fighting him harder than anything else... I don't care If Joe wasn't named in the will, I don't see anybody else who is trying to do what they can to get the truth on what really happened that day, So why Get Mad at Joe for trying?
Actually, I do have children - and if anything should happen to them, money is the LAST thing I'd be caring about.

And as long as my children are minors or unmarried, then I could get medical records if something should happen. Once they marry or come of age, I would have no futher right. That's the law.

Nice and Motherly, but this is The United States and I hadnt heard California had become a 3rd World Dictator State because in These United States a Legal Father can get all their (Un-Married) Children Medical Records in Death without any court order. I support Joe Jackson 1000% in what he is doing he is Smart, I see how Michael ended up owning over half of this world Music Royalties all from a Loan Sony led him into to get his Catalogs and Publishing Rights but it backfired and they had to get that 51% back, dont forget Michael wasnt the only one putting up collateral at that meeting. They CANNOT keep these records hidden because they are part of a "HOMICIDE" and will show Michael was dead by 6am they just kept him on Life Support and Joe and the Coroner already knows this and so do those "Who by their hands INTENTIONALLY caused Michael Jackoson's Homicide". So fight they must because the only thing anyone hides is THE TRUTH.

Wow. How big of him to do that for the son he beat as a child. What a guy.

It comes down to this for ALL of us make a choice because we cant "Hate Joe Jackson and Love Michael Jackson at the sametime", and whatever Joe Jackson did to rear his children 40 years ago is nothing compared to those who stole Michael Jackson's LIFE on the morning of June 25, 2009.

Thats right Joe sue EVERYBODY, take them ALL to the cleaners, Leave no stones unturned.....Joe Has every right to Michaels records and if there was nothing to hide why didn't they give him the records long ago? Seems strange to me that the Estate lawyers are fighting him harder than anything else... I don't care If Joe wasn't named in the will, I don't see anybody else who is trying to do what they can to get the truth on what really happened that day, So why Get Mad at Joe for trying?

Joe has NO right to Michael's records. Only his mother, his children, and his estate do. It would be against the law to release them to Joe. That's a simple fact. Joe has no legal standing to sue anyone for wrongful death and he cannot collect anything. Only Michael's heirs can sue and collect. Again, that is the law. I wish I thought Joe was trying to get to the truth. I can't help but think all he is trying to do is get to the money.

What I pray for daily is that those responsible for Michael's death will be arrested and go to trial -and hopefully to jail. After that, then the estate/heirs can sue everybody they can for wrongful death - and they will win because a civil case is much easier.
Nice and Motherly, but this is The United States and I hadnt heard California had become a 3rd World Dictator State because in These United States a Legal Father can get all their (Un-Married) Children Medical Records in Death without any court order.

you don't know the laws, read that :

hysician practices should not assume that they are free to give copies of a deceased patient’s medical records to an attorney or family member. As discussed above, HIPAA gives the right of access to the individual whose records are involved. If the individual is legally unable to act, such as after death, then a physician practice may disclose the individual’s records only to the individual’s "personal representative," as defined in HIPAA. For a deceased individual, a "personal representative" is "an executor, administrator, or other person [who] has authority to act on behalf of a deceased individual or of the individual’s estate." Therefore, before a physician practice can disclose a decedent’s records, the practice must obtain proof, such as a "short certificate" from the county register of wills appointing the executor. With that paper in hand, it may release the records to the decedent’s "personal representative." This same approach applies if an adult patient lacks the legal capacity to give consent to medical treatment.
Joe has NO right to Michael's records. Only his mother, his children, and his estate do. It would be against the law to release them to Joe. That's a simple fact. Joe has no legal standing to sue anyone for wrongful death and he cannot collect anything. Only Michael's heirs can sue and collect. Again, that is the law. I wish I thought Joe was trying to get to the truth. I can't help but think all he is trying to do is get to the money.

What I pray for daily is that those responsible for Michael's death will be arrested and go to trial -and hopefully to jail. After that, then the estate/heirs can sue everybody they can for wrongful death - and they will win because a civil case is much easier.

He may not have a legal right, but as a father, he has EVERY right. As any parent should have. I don't LIKE him, and don't like what he has done. But yes, he has a RIGHT to know about his son. Who else? "Executors/legal representatives?" NO. The family deserves to know. Wouldn't YOU want that, if it was YOUR child? I surely would. I would demand it. I'd picket in the streets if I didn't get that information, and I would never, EVER give up.
the judges and justice only care about legal rights, not moral or family rights
i know this is hard to see, apparently, but mj didn't need to tour. when a catalogue is a fountain, there is no such thing as spending more than you can make. MJ did not have to tour anymore. he set himself up so that he wouldn't be another James Brown. His moves saved sony. they are sitting pretty. everybody else is giving their stuff to sony, cus of MJ. they're selling, MJ's idea was to buy. everybody else was into quick cash. MJ was into the big picture. everybody else was after him, cus he had all the goods. they were running out of the goods.
nothing got out of control EXCEPT vultures were after him. people and their frivolous lawsuits.

it does not make any sense that a movie can suddenly get MJ out of a supposed ten plus years of debt, in less than two months unless he was never in debt in the first place. besides, the movie was only out for 2 weeks. and only now, is getting released on dvd.

MJ did not have to tour. whatever he was doing, we'll never know...he said he wanted to..but he said he didn't want to, earlier..but i have noticed...even in the movie..when MJ said something, people brow beat him into saying something else. so..what MJ really wanted...was to avoid argument.

he didn't have to tour. he made sure of that, with his financial wizardry and wisdom. and he did save sony in the process. Mj's music is priceless and timeless. there's no other music out there like it. and it is recession proof, and it brought sony and the industry up from the brink, and gave Mj the leeway to buy out the rest of the industry, publishingwise.

The movie was actually out for 5 weeks. They extended after the positive feedback.

Although, I agree with everything else. Michael was doing those concerts for his own reasons and was not bully into anything. He may not wanted any arguments, but he was no pushover. He got what he wanted without spitting fire and that is the mark of a great leader. If he was so easily move, Joe would of had control of him till this day.

I already posted my feelings on the subject and the facts has been presented more than once so I won't go into it again. I will just say that Joe Jackson is full of shit and if he dare ruins the investigation for his own ends, then Murray will not be the only one needing a 24/7 bodyguard.
He may not have a legal right, but as a father, he has EVERY right. As any parent should have. I don't LIKE him, and don't like what he has done. But yes, he has a RIGHT to know about his son. Who else? "Executors/legal representatives?" NO. The family deserves to know. Wouldn't YOU want that, if it was YOUR child? I surely would. I would demand it. I'd picket in the streets if I didn't get that information, and I would never, EVER give up.

It doesn't seem like what he is fighting for is the right to know. It's the right to information that he can use to sue for personal gain.

As beneficiary, Katherine has the right to those medical records, as do his children - so if it is information that is wanted, Katherine can access the medical records because she is Michael's heir.

Fact is, like it or not, once children are no longer minors, parental rights are limited. If it was my child, yes - I'd be fighting tooth and nail for all the facts to come out about my child's death. But that does not seem to be what Joe is doing, because if that were what he was interested in, then he wouldn't be talking about suing and getting medical records, he would be encouraging his WIFE to do that, as she is legally able.
The movie was actually out for 5 weeks. They extended after the positive feedback.

Although, I agree with everything else. Michael was doing those concerts for his own reasons and was not bully into anything. He may not wanted any arguments, but he was no pushover. He got what he wanted without spitting fire and that is the mark of a great leader. If he was so easily move, Joe would of had control of him till this day.

I already posted my feelings on the subject and the facts has been presented more than once so I won't go into it again. I will just say that Joe Jackson is full of shit and if he dare ruins the investigation for his own ends, then Murray will not be the only one needing a 24/7 bodyguard.

i really don't know the answer on why it looked like he would tour...i do know that it looked like AEG planned on really extending things..extending the tour. what would have really ended up happening, we'll never know. the reality is, he said touring put him through hell..and he'd been saying for more than a decade that he wanted to set himself up so he wouldn't have to be run into the ground touring. even i can feel the gravity of those statements and the life experiences he had, to bring him to that conclusion. and the reality is, after a time, certain generations would have to do without his touring. after all, it's been 40 years. so..a lot doesn't add up. it looked like everybody was after his money, and there was the possibility that him touring would mean his back was turned on the vultures lying in wait. and there are the stories of lawyers that were lazy and didn't keep up his affairs. it looked to me, like he couldn't win..and he was trapped. we cannot, on the one hand, look for those who come across as saying MJ could do no wrong, but then, overlook the possibility, that though MJ may have made final decisions, that people may have usurped his authority, and had him sign things that, later were taken in a backroom somewhere and changed, after he signed them. i don't put nothin past nobody. there's a lot we don't see. but i know MJ had that innocent nature, and people surely wanted to take advantage.

i did notice that in the movie, when he wanted the music presented a certain way, some musicians wanted other things, while others listened to him.. people have accused MJ of deciding one thing, and then going the other way, when in fact it looked like he was just trying to avoid argument. what he would ultimately do, silently, was up to him.

as far as what sounds like your threat to Joe Jackson...i'm not going to comment on that.
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you don't know the laws :.........................................

Now you might be right, I only briefly studied Man's Law seems you studied more than I. But I did study God's Law more in depth and choose to Honor God's Law as well as Man's Law and its just no Escape for these Killers. Joe Jackson will when with Both Laws though.

There are the same group of ppl on this board bashing Joe whatever he does for Michael's justice. The same group is always against every post related to a conspiracy theory and MJ murder. I feel very suspicious about this group.
They have to be ashamed of themselves. It is irrelevant to discuss what Joe was doing before. It is important what he is doing for MJ justice NOW.

I know its always the same ones Blaming, Cussing and Creating Distracting. Poor Lost Souls. You have to have a Heart to feel Shame. This is their right and choice and I Respect their Choice. Oh yes they are Highly Suspect to say the least but they think as long as they use "Beating Joe or Negligent Overdosing" they stay off Radar. They have by choice chose The Murdering Losers Team, I never choose the Loosing Team. Its Very Important what Joe Jackson is doing for Michael's Justice, he knew from the beginning they had MURDERED his Son and LAPD Proved him right and they will prove him right again, because Michael and Joe Jackson will be fully Vindicated.

what the hell

I believe I can answer this and glad you bought this up "What The Hell", this is where Michael Jackson's Murderers Reward and place of Residence is, even for some it has begun in this Life, we will surely witness these Devils burn in Hell with their Father, so they better enjoy this Life because this will be the last place of any Enjoyment these Lying Murdering Demons will have, there is a Day of Redemption coming and cant NO ONE stop it. Good Question Just The Facts.
He may not have a legal right, but as a father, he has EVERY right. As any parent should have. I don't LIKE him, and don't like what he has done. But yes, he has a RIGHT to know about his son. Who else? "Executors/legal representatives?" NO. The family deserves to know. Wouldn't YOU want that, if it was YOUR child? I surely would. I would demand it. I'd picket in the streets if I didn't get that information, and I would never, EVER give up.

I don't care what Joe's reasons are. Whether he's doing it for money or not. Whatever. If he's trying to find the answers, good. We need the truth. It doesn't matter who is the person who manages to uncover it.
I don't care much for Joe at all for all the obvius reasons, but i support him on this 100%. His motives of course can be questioned. But he is and will always be Michael's dad, and if he wants to find out what happend to Michael as a parent he has every right to try to find it out. I know as a parent myself if one of my kids would die and i think there is murder involved i would move hell, heaven and earth to proof that even when i wouldn't have any legal standing. I would make sure everybody got to hear that i suspect murder and i would do anything to proof it.

Because if everybody just keeps there silence who else is left than to speak up for his son. We as fans all know that there is something really wrong and fishy with Michael's death. We talk about it on this board and other places, we all do our part in our own fight to try to get justice for Michael, so let Joe do his part.
Wrongful Death Law in California, a Basic Understanding

In the state of California, the law relating to claims for the loss resulting from wrongful death is a creature of statute and it may often be found complicated or even unfounded. You need to understand your rights and those of others when someone you love dies due to others' actions.

If the death was caused by negligence or intentional misconduct of another person, it is considered wrongful death. This also includes malpractice by a doctor who fails to treat a curable condition in time, or performs a surgery carelessly that results in death. The deceased's loved ones often have a valid claim after car accidents, slips, trips and falls that lead to unexpected deaths. The same rights follow in the event that an intentional act, like assault and battery, directly results in death.

One of the most conflicting decisions to make in law regarding wrongful death is determining who is allowed, or has standing, to bring a lawsuit. The standing is the right to bring a wrongful death action and that depends on statutes that deal with the order in which the surviving people are entitled to the belongings of the dead. For instance, usually in a wrongful death action the ones with standing are the husband or wife and the kids. Typically, siblings, parents, and other family members of the victim lack standing to bring a suit, but there are complex rules with some exceptions to determine who is able to recover damages that can sometimes allow those people to have standing.

Such instances could be if there are no children or spouse, then the domestic partner may bring suit. In cases where the immediate family is not alive, then it would go to next surviving relative which would be the grandchildren if there were any.

It is correct even if the parents of the deceased are alive, unless either of them or both were supported by the dead. Complicating matters even further the surviving spouse of a void or voidable marriage who's found by the court to have believed in good faith the marriage to the decedent was valid may have a viable suit.

Damages can be addressed only after standing has been determined. Never forget that damages in these and other personal injury actions can be generally classified as economic or non-economic. Economic damages are intended to cover funeral expenses, burial expenses, and lost support. Damages not affecting economy include the loss of relationship between surviving loved ones and the deceased.

Detailed Economic Damages:

1. Financial support contributed by the decedent to the family during either the life expectancy before his/her death or the life expectancy of surviving loved one, whichever one is shorter;

2. The shortfall of gifts or other such benefits that are anticipated to be received by the loved person from the deceased;

3. Cost of funeral and burial;

4. An estimate of the household services that the decedent would have offered.

In the case of non-economic damages, law to the following limits the recovery:

1. Loss of the love, care, protection, or help from the deceased;

2. Loss of romantic/sexual contact and the enjoyment once allowed or

3. Loss of training and advice that the deceased would have given.

The rules do not permit: any sorrow, grief, or mental anguish of the loved one, the decedent's pain and suffering, poverty, or wealth of any surviving party.

Statues and case decisions do not permit the recovery of punitive damages in wrongful death actions. This is not the case if the defendant is convicted of a felony homicide connected with the death. (California Civil Code, § 3294(d).) The judge, but not the jury, usually allocates any money to the survivors because there are generally conflicts of interest between the remaining parties. The case Canavin v. Pacific Southwest Airlines (1983) 148 Cal.App.3d512) In the circumstance that more than one surviving loved ones pursue a claim by way of jury trial, the jury's award will represent a sum for all survivors, which will be subsequently distributed by the court. Usually an agreement between the families is the reason a wrongful death action is settled before trial. If minor children are involved, the court needs to approve the settlement and how much money the kids will get.

All information provided above is simply a review of the general laws of wrongful deaths in California. This should not be taken as legal advice for any case. The law is extremely complex; thus, a trial attorney with the right experience should be consulted when you have questions after such a tragic loss.

Thanks marc_vivien.
He may not have a legal right, but as a father, he has EVERY right. As any parent should have. I don't LIKE him, and don't like what he has done. But yes, he has a RIGHT to know about his son. Who else? "Executors/legal representatives?" NO. The family deserves to know. Wouldn't YOU want that, if it was YOUR child? I surely would. I would demand it. I'd picket in the streets if I didn't get that information, and I would never, EVER give up.

In the United States there are laws. The laws are there for a reason.

He has NO LEGAL RIGHT. Period. You can stand on your head and scream all you want but that doesn't mean he should get the pictures of Michael on the table in the mortuary being autopsied.

You can demand all you want but that doesn't mean you are legally entitled to do something against the law. I am kinda surprised that you feel it is OK to break the law.
I personally feel a strong will to support everyone who wants to go for the truth in what happened to Michael no matter their reason... yes even Joseph Jackson.

But I feel torn about this... it certainly would feel better for me if Katherine and Joe would go for it together.
I simply don't know why they do not and I have a feeling for that there is a serious reason.
I strongly support the law in California if they give only those a stand in this who are named in the will.

So I keep back my own judgement... and give my respect for Katherine for whatever is her reason to keep out here at least yet also.

And I'll better keep mostly away from this thread also... as I see there's again the same ppl going with eachother in circles, it seems some of you have a huge need to 'dance' like that with eachother... amazing... if that is fun to you guys... have all the fun you need... just maybe we can keep this thread on topic please? I miss members posting several very diverse opinions and perspective... it's always the same ppl going on about the same stuff again and again... as if this board has only like ten members left uh... just one thing I'd like to ask politely for: please keep on topic while bickering with eachother? please keep it open for everybody? that would be nice.
I am with Joe on this, I believe his love for Michael was genuine, ok he wants money, but whatever his motives, he believes there was foul play and if the medical records can shed light on that I hope he gets them. Murrey looks like he is going to get off lightly for what he did so I hope the family sue him for a fortune so that apart from basic living expenses he has to hand over any other money he earns.
IF Joe Jackson is out for true justice, he need only to sit with Katherine and ask her to do the right thing here. Obviously, his goal is not to seek justice, but money. I am sure this is why Katherine is not taking the bait here and she knows him better than any of us.
IF Joe Jackson is out for true justice, he need only to sit with Katherine and ask her to do the right thing here. Obviously, his goal is not to seek justice, but money. I am sure this is why Katherine is not taking the bait here and she knows him better than any of us.

What makes you so sure he hasn't sat down with Katherine and talked about it? Think in what kind of possition Katherine is in. If she would pull a stunt like Joe is doing than it would make things harder between her and the rest of the estate. I'm not saying that what i'm saying is true but they could have very well talked about it and decided to each do their own part in this without endangering anything else in is written in the will and trust.

Again i'm not saying this has to be the case but i keep an open mind for this option as well.
^ ^ Based on this, only MJ's children can bring a wrongful death suit against Murray. They are his closest of kin. Since Katherine is their legal guardian, shouldn't she, and not Joe, be the one to bring the lawsuit in the children name?

Maybe, unlike Joe, she is smart enough to wait until the criminal case is over.
Very true. If it's filed Katherine should file it on behalf of MJ's children. It wasn't Dee Dee's parents who filed one for their own gain, it was her kids 3T who filed one. The fact that Joseph is trying to file this on his own, says a lot. Joseph should thank whoever he believes in, that he is living.