Joe Jackson Gunning to Sue Over MJ's Death

I am with Joe on this, I believe his love for Michael was genuine, ok he wants money, but whatever his motives, he believes there was foul play and if the medical records can shed light on that I hope he gets them. Murrey looks like he is going to get off lightly for what he did so I hope the family sue him for a fortune so that apart from basic living expenses he has to hand over any other money he earns.

Even if they do sue him and win, they won't get any money. Murray will just file for bankrupting and the Jackson will not see a penny. That is why people don't sue individuals in a civil suit but their company. The only thing Murray has to pay for is child support.

Also, it is foolish to even talk about civil case since the DA is still looking into the case. You can't say Murray will get off because nothing has happen yet. If he is not careful, he could very well give Murray a defense or undercut the DA. Which is why he should sit down and wait before he does something regrettable.

(like he really care)
probably Joe hopes that he will get some money sueing...not a good idea...
The thing I want most most is justice for Michael. I only wish I'd hear the same from Joe. All we ever seem to hear from him is he wants money. Money from Michael or money from suing. I do have to wonder if that's the only thing that matters to him - and that's a damn shame.


Joe Jackson: 'Family Wants Justice'

August 31st, 2009 11:57am EDT Post a comment 13 comments Add to My News

Michael Jackson's estranged father Joe has spoken out for the first time since the pop legend's death was ruled a homicide - insisting the family "wants justice."

The Los Angeles' County Coroner sensationally ruled on Friday the King of Pop - who died after suffering a cardiac arrest on June 25th - was killed by a cocktail of strong prescription drugs. His death was blamed on the "acute" presence of the anesthetic Propofol and anti-anxiety drug Lorazepam in his system. The superstar had also taken Midazolam (Versed), Diazepam (Valium), Lidocaine (topical anesthetic) and Ephedrine prior to his death.

The ruling could kick start a manslaughter investigation, with the spotlight on Jackson's personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray - who is accused of administering Propofol to help the star sleep the night before he died. However, Joe Jackson has refused to point fingers at Murray or his son's team of doctors, insisting he was unaware of his son's drug use.

Jackson, 80, tells the Today show on Monday, "I keep thinking, I just can't believe this happened to him... I'm not angry, I'm mad. I'm mad because I didn't know all of this was going on, that's what I'm mad about. I didn't know he was taking that type of medication. We (the family) want justice to be done and that's what is being done. I don't know (if that means criminal charges). It's the first time I've ever heard of the drug. That tells me that was foul play, that's what it tells me and (there is) more to be investigated to see what was behind all of this stuff, not just Dr. Conrad Murray. Someone should pay. Not just someone, but all of them should pay that's (sic) involved. I didn't say doctors - everybody else that's involved."

The final coroner's report, including the toxicology results, is likely to remain on security hold pending release by the Los Angeles Police Department. The full autopsy report has not been released.

Clueless Joe Jackson Demands Justice in Michael's Death

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They may have had a contentious relationship when Michael Jackson was alive, but Joe Jackson really does care about his son and wants to make sure authorities get to the bottom of how he died.
"I keep thinking, I just can't believe this happened to him," the family patriarch told NBC's Today in an interview taped Saturday (on what would have been Michael's 51st birthday) that aired this morning. "I'm fine, I'm just still grieving over my son's loss, because he was the greatest all over the world. And I'm proud of that."
As for the ongoing police probe and the coroner's ruling that Michael's June 25 death was a homicide brought on by an overdose of prescription medications?
"I'm mad...because I didn't know all of this was going on. I didn't know he was taking that type of medication,"the elder Jackson said. "We want justice to be done, and that's what's being done."
Asked his thoughts about possible criminal charges being filed against Dr. Conrad Murray, the entertainer's personal physician, giving him what authorities say was a lethal dose of a powerful anesthetic on the morning of Michael's death, Joe replied, "It tells me there was foul play done and more to be investigated to see what really is behind all this stuff, not just Dr. Conrad Murray.
"Someone should pay. Not just someone but all of them should pay that was involved."

Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.

Joseph Jackson

Última actualización el Sábado 24 de Octubre de 2009 21:27 Sábado 24 de Octubre de 2009 21:21
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To The Fans and Followers,
"As I stated on the Larry King Show, what happened to my son was foul play, and as the Investigation goes on it seems to be true. I hope fans will stand by the situation with Michael not being here and that foul play is involved.
It's now coming out, Michael was worth more Dead than alive. I'd rather have my son living! Those who have done this should be brought to Justice as soon as possible. Please, fans stick by me as I try to uphold my son's legacy."

Mr. Joseph Jackson

I am in support of everyone who wants the truth for Michael.

Do we want those responsible to walk away with nothing?

Joe suspected foul play from the start. Like other people have said, Joe didn't know MJ was taking these drugs, and perhaps he still doesn't believe it, so thats why he thinks there was foul play.

Why the estate is refusing a wrongful death suit I don't know, but Joe is trying to take it into his own hands, so good. I don't see Katherine as a fighter, Joe seems like a bulldog to me, he sounds like a strong man who knows whats going on, from what I heard from Michael, read in Moonwalk and other places. He won't quit.

Joe Jackson has endured widespread criticism in the press in recent days for everything from alleged abuse of his sons early on in their career to self-promotion at the BET awards just days after his son's death, and for aggressively seeking to gain control of the singer's sprawling empire in the immediate aftermath of his son's death.
Jackson, who is separated from his wife, Katherine Jackson, was left out of the singer's will. On Wednesday, the Jackson family hired Ken Sunshine, a veteran New York-based public relations professional.
In a statement to ABC News authorized by Joe Jackson, Rutt Premsrirut, his close friend of many years, seeks to paint the celebrity patriarch in a decidedly different light -- as a dedicated father who has steered one of America's most famous families through decades of triumphs and tragedies.

This is a response to the negative media coverage that Mr. Joseph Jackson, father of the late Michael Joseph Jackson has been receiving recently.

To quote the late Michael Joseph Jackson in his autobiographical book "Moonwalker": "Before you judge someone, walk two full moons with them." Mr. Joseph Jackson, known to us privately as "Joe," has always been the man of steel, the go-to person during times of crisis. He deals with situations from a point of equanimity. Continuously compartmentalizing his inner emotions has become an everyday activity.

When his dear mother and father passed away, he never shed a tear. "I internalize my emotions, but they eat up on the inside over the years." This has made him very effective during times of crisis. Each time he would rise to the occasion and function at the highest levels.

When Michael Jackson collapsed at 11:30 [a.m. PT June 25], the security guard's first instinct was to call Joe in Las Vegas to find out what to do. Joe screamed into the phone, "Get yourself together and call 911, now now now !!!" That was him in action, no emotion.

In 2003, as an arrest warrant was issued for Michael, we were all curled up behind the gates of the CMX Entertainment complex in Las Vegas with no idea what to do. When Joe walked in, you would see Michael's eyes light up. He was running the show with Michael listening to every word Joe was directing. I recall the family friend, actor/comedian Eddie Griffin, saying, "You could tell, it was Papa Joe in charge! He made Michael feel so secure. He dumped the weight off his shoulders on his father Joe. As he knew that Joe was ready for war." Michael repeatedly asked Joe, "What do I do?" There was no one more capable to handle the crisis than Joe. He is like a professional billiard player; thinking two or three steps ahead.

During the trial, with everyone focused on the court proceedings, Joe went from door to door in Santa Barbara, knocking on strangers' doors introducing himself, meeting as many locals as he could. He struggled to get the community on his son's side. He had dinner with people in the community, brought signed Jackson memorabilia as gifts, and did his best to get to know them on a personal basis. He knew too well that legal court proceedings are not decided only in the court room but also in the court of public opinion. Now most PR firms would be thinking of a national or international campaign. But for this trial, the public opinion that mattered most was a very small community in Santa Barbara.

Many people questioned why Joe needed a lawyer during his son's trial. Even his family questioned his judgment and [they] were upset. It was only later that some realized the wisdom behind his actions. Not only Michael's lawyers but the whole prosecution side were under a gag order not to talk at all. Joe's lawyer was attending everything and maximizing the media outlet for Michael's interests. Joe was always willing to go to war to protect Michael and his family.

The media are disturbed that Joe once again has brought Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton into the Jackson family. To refresh the memory of the media, during the trial they were also around. Joe called it his "Plan B." Not only do they provide spiritual support and confidence but they were and are his political weight. Few remember the verbal attacks on Tom Sneddon by Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, the large community rallies they organized, or the racist stuff they dug up on Sneddon. Jesse Jackson sits on the board of Yucalpa ( A $12 billion private equity firm of Ron Burkle). He also sits on the board of Sony /ATV catalog representing Michael's interests.

Keeping his emotions inside has taken its toll on Joe. The last few years have seen him visit the hospital frequently. He began to distance himself slowly from his son's problems. He knows he is up in age. "At 80, I can only do so much".

The day Michael died, for the first time in years, he said nothing, became sad, then angry, then began leading once again. His finest hour.
The media commented negatively to the trucks going to Michael's L.A. home. Joe's reply, "If the media will pick up the $100,000-per-month rent, due next month, I will very gladly leave the stuff there." That is Joe dealing with reality.

Before getting to Don Lemon of CNN on the BET red carpet he had done several interviews and was simply looking forward to watching the show. To avoid speaking, he made sure to have along with him Michael Jackson's lawyer Londel McMillan, his longtime publicist Angel Howanksy and his longtime friend Marshall from the musical group "The Charlights." As the CNN reporter kept bringing up questions on Michael and the family, you could see Joe became uncomfortable. He began giving one-word answers, then struggled to change the subject and brought up his publicist to read a statement. As that did not work, he finally tried to push the spotlight on his friend Marshall with the record label story.

As usual the press turned it around to claim he is all business. He might be old, but if ever in a crisis there is no one better than Mr. Joseph Jackson on your side. The man of steel may never show his emotions on the outside, but neither did Napoleon during the moment of truth.
What about Joe being left out of Michael Jackson's will! Why leave a will to an 80-year-old father who will leave it further to the grand kids and you end up paying twice the inheritance tax! Michael knew Joe was a risk taker. Joe would bet the farm. He has lost millions of dollars in the past on bad investments but it is the same risk-taking of going for the jugglers that got the Jacksons where they are. Back in Gary, Ind., after discovering his kids' talents, he quit his job at the steel mill, spent his whole life savings on the best musical instruments he could buy. His wife was very upset, but he told her, "Don't worry, we are going to make it". With no other source of income, other than a few club performances, he knew he had to succeed. Many forget that Gary, Ind. is one of the poorest cities in the whole country. To raise nine black kids out of poverty to superstardom with class is worthy of respect. It was a trade with the odds against him, but it was a trade of a lifetime.

Kubler-Ross analyzed the five stages of dealing with death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. When asked yesterday if he wanted to go and see his son's body, he replied, "NO!!!!, I will not be able to sleep and the emotions will catch up on me. No, no, no no, no!! And he hung up the phone."
Wise men think twice and then say nothing. Those who know do not talk and those who have no idea run to the media to gain fame. When I called up to tell him about all the negative stuff in the press about the record label, he gave me a his most unique line of old, "At least they have not forgotten about us ..." and in his sadness, he laughed.

Copyright © 2010 ABC News Internet Ventures Today 01:02 AM

Thats my post for this thread.
Even if they do sue him and win, they won't get any money. Murray will just file for bankrupting and the Jackson will not see a penny. That is why people don't sue individuals in a civil suit but their company. The only thing Murray has to pay for is child support.

Also, it is foolish to even talk about civil case since the DA is still looking into the case. You can't say Murray will get off because nothing has happen yet. If he is not careful, he could very well give Murray a defense or undercut the DA. Which is why he should sit down and wait before he does something regrettable.

(like he really care)

I don't think it's about the money. Murray has none, and everyone knows that. I'm expecting for Murray to plead guilty to whatever the charge is. So in that case, it would be about Michael Jackson having his day in court. Then the "facts," whatever they may be, could come out. Otherwise, I think they won't. For that reason, primarily, I support Joe in his effort, regardless of what I think of what he's done in the past. Just for. . a day in court. . . . . . Michael deserves that much.
**Smh at a lot of these comments**

Joe should file a wrongful death suit. If I was to pass away and my daughter thought something happened to me mysteriously or foul play was involved and wanted answers, then I would want her to do whatever it takes to find out what happened even if it means having to sue everybody in sight, besides nothing she could do would EVER bring me back right???? So if she chose to sue anybody and everybody over what happened to me because she believes something is wrong and wanted answers, then I would want her too. I would want her to sue and get what she can out of everybody and anybody and would not want her to leave not even ONE person untouched, I would want her to make everybody's life a living hell as they did my family even if it means making them suffer personally and financially.....If I'm gone mysteriously, and nobody has been arrested after months, then everybody should be held accountable....

2 wrongs don't make a right, but it damn sure would make us even.....

Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.

I am in support of everyone who wants the truth for Michael.

Do we want those responsible to walk away with nothing?

Joe suspected foul play from the start. Like other people have said, Joe didn't know MJ was taking these drugs, and perhaps he still doesn't believe it, so thats why he thinks there was foul play.

Why the estate is refusing a wrongful death suit I don't know, but Joe is trying to take it into his own hands, so good. I don't see Katherine as a fighter, Joe seems like a bulldog to me, he sounds like a strong man who knows whats going on, from what I heard from Michael, read in Moonwalk and other places. He won't quit.

Thats my post for this thread.

I forgot about that, I remember reading he supported the TINI Campaign. GO JOE!
**Smh at a lot of these comments**

Joe should file a wrongful death suit. If I was to pass away and my daughter thought something happened to me mysteriously or foul play was involved and wanted answers, then I would want her to do whatever it takes to find out what happened even if it means having to sue everybody in sight, besides nothing she could do would EVER bring me back right???? So if she chose to sue anybody and everybody over what happened to me because she believes something is wrong and wanted answers, then I would want her too. I would want her to sue and get what she can out of everybody and anybody and would not want her to leave not even ONE person untouched, I would want her to make everybody's life a living hell as they did my family even if it means making them suffer personally and financially.....If I'm gone mysteriously, and nobody has been arrested after months, then everybody should be held accountable....

2 wrongs don't make a right, but it damn sure would make us even.....

I'm in total agreement. I'd want my daughter to do the same for me, if necessary. Michael deserves his day in court, and justice. If this is what it will take, bring it on.
I don't think it's about the money. Murray has none, and everyone knows that. I'm expecting for Murray to plead guilty to whatever the charge is. So in that case, it would be about Michael Jackson having his day in court. Then the "facts," whatever they may be, could come out. Otherwise, I think they won't. For that reason, primarily, I support Joe in his effort, regardless of what I think of what he's done in the past. Just for. . a day in court. . . . . . Michael deserves that much.

Who knows? It might be some crazyness going on in Michael's medical records that was documented on that day that might cause some eyebrow raising, and If Joe and his team was to uncover that and see that mistakes was made, then everybody who questioned Joe and his reasons would have to pick their face up off the floor.
Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.

Yes, of course. (Smacks self on head........DUH!!!!!!!!!!!)

This tells me everything I need to know about certain posters here. These are the ones who believe Michael was so drugged he didn't know what he was doing. Thats a legacy to embrace.
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Someone said Katherine has not received her stipend because of a 20 year lawsuit against her and Joe. Well, Joe would not receive his either if he wins. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Mind you, I don't know for sure Katherine is not receiving hers. Maybe he wants answers instead of the money. I'm hoping it's answers instead. His track record has proven otherwise. The jury is still out on this one.
Someone said Katherine has not received her stipend because of a 20 year lawsuit against her and Joe. Well, Joe would not receive his either if he wins. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Mind you, I don't know for sure Katherine is not receiving hers. Maybe he wants answers instead of the money. I'm hoping it's answers instead. His track record has proven otherwise. The jury is still out on this one.

If they want answers, they should wait until the DA is finish. They are talking about wrongful death suites before the freaking LAPD wrapped up everything. It is both careless and stupid to do one before the other and reeks of greed.

And tell me that Murray is only going to get a 'slap on the wrist', because you don't know that because nothing has happen. When everything is said and done and they are not happy with the results, then fine, sue away and I would most likely support it.
If they want answers, they should wait until the DA is finish. They are talking about wrongful death suites before the freaking LAPD wrapped up everything. It is both careless and stupid to do one before the other and reeks of greed.

And tell me that Murray is only going to get a 'slap on the wrist', because you don't know that because nothing has happen. When everything is said and done and they are not happy with the results, then fine, sue away and I would most likely support it.

I agree. The time to act is AFTER the charges are done and there is no satisfaction. If many of you recall, the big trial of OJ Simpson was completed BEFORE the wrongful death suit and if you also recall, it didn't change anyones mind about anything and justice was not done in the end.

First of all, this money should go to Michaels children, not Joe Jackson. Joe lived his life already. Let his children benefit from the money. I don't think Michael would want his 'justice' to go to JoVonnie (Joes other child) or his mistress.

The DA hasn't filed anything yet, so people need to be patient. Again, this takes time. Of course, Joe Jackson looks more and more like he is out to EXPLOIT the issues and show his son to be some sort of drug addict and was too weak to perform with his body double crap.

Fans....Is that the legacy you want of Michael Jackson? Someone who was so weak and foolish he had no control over his own life?
I agree. The time to act is AFTER the charges are done and there is no satisfaction. If many of you recall, the big trial of OJ Simpson was completed BEFORE the wrongful death suit and if you also recall, it didn't change anyones mind about anything and justice was not done in the end.

First of all, this money should go to Michaels children, not Joe Jackson. Joe lived his life already. Let his children benefit from the money. I don't think Michael would want his 'justice' to go to JoVonnie (Joes other child) or his mistress.

The DA hasn't filed anything yet, so people need to be patient. Again, this takes time. Of course, Joe Jackson looks more and more like he is out to EXPLOIT the issues and show his son to be some sort of drug addict and was too weak to perform with his body double crap.

Fans....Is that the legacy you want of Michael Jackson? Someone who was so weak and foolish he had no control over his own life?

Of COURSE the civil suit would not be until after charges are filed. That's obvious.

Are you saying Michael was "weak and foolish?" That's not good, and I don't see others here saying that! ?????? I don't really care at this point what Joe's motives are. I just want to know what really happened. A civil suit may prove to be the only way we'll ever know.
Of COURSE the civil suit would not be until after charges are filed. That's obvious.

Are you saying Michael was "weak and foolish?" That's not good, and I don't see others here saying that! ?????? I don't really care at this point what Joe's motives are. I just want to know what really happened. A civil suit may prove to be the only way we'll ever know.

No, I didn't say that. Did You?
Of COURSE the civil suit would not be until after charges are filed. That's obvious.

Are you saying Michael was "weak and foolish?" That's not good, and I don't see others here saying that! ?????? I don't really care at this point what Joe's motives are. I just want to know what really happened. A civil suit may prove to be the only way we'll ever know.

How is it obvious? Joe is trying to be the first one chomping at the bit for money. He is trying to beat everyone else out so he can be the one to make the claim for the MONEY. Thats not justice at all.

Also, you have no right to know certain things and even Murrays lawyer made a statement that he would not release private medical information regarding Michael because it isn't proper and it is personal.

Maybe you don't care what his motives are, but thats why he chose people involved with the estate who DO care. Michael knew better.
Joe is trying to be the first one chomping at the bit for money. He is trying to beat everyone else out so he can be the one to make the claim for the MONEY.
That's according to YOU. Not fact. Don't confuse the two.

I love how people just ignore the articles I posted.

I'm leaving this thread before it turns into what it usually does...
No, I didn't say that. Did You?

Absolutely not, and I've never heard anyone on this board say such a thing.

This is about finding out what really HAPPENED to Michael
. We have almost no factual information. If it takes a civil suit to find out, then that's what it would take. And of course, it would be filed after the arrest. The arrest could come as early as next week.

Michael Jackson was harangued and harassed for the last few weeks of his life by his father, Joseph. The point of it: to install Leonard Rowe as Michael’s financial adviser and to let Rowe promote Michael’s lucrative London shows.

Michael, afraid of his father, may have finally caved in just to shoo the pair away.

But what Michael didn’t know is that Rowe, not related to Debbie Rowe, has quite a colorful history when it comes to the law–and to the Jacksons. The only time the Jacksons used him as a concert promoter was in 1979. But that ended badly when Rowe stopped payment to them on a $150,000 check. Joe Jackson may have forgotten this. Consequently, Rowe was not asked to help on either the 1981 or 1984 tours.

According to records, Rowe has served time in prison at least twice for fraud and writing bad checks. He’s well known to the U.S. government and law enforcement officials for writing checks on non-existent banks, being arrested, and then failing to make restitution. He’s also been convicted for wire fraud. He wasn’t at Michael’s last live concert in 2001, because he was serving a two-year sentence.

Rowe also has in legal history several federal and local tax liens in Georgia, and an arrest for possession of marijuana.

In 1998, Rowe started what would turn out to be a seven-year nuisance campaign against a number of talent agencies. He brought a massive lawsuit against them that was ultimately thrown out of court on appeal in 2005.

Last year he was ordered to pay R. Kelly $3.4 million after losing a lawsuit filed by the singer, again for fraud. Rowe was found guilty of booking fake concerts. He also had to pay Ne-Yo $700,000. A Lexis Nexis search of Rowe’s resume also turned up a 1984 bankruptcy.

The fear now by Jackson insiders is that if Katherine Jackson were to be added as an executor to Michael’s will, husband Joseph would exert his influence over her to bring Rowe into the picture. For Jackson’s kids, the result could be devastating.

Even though the Jacksons live separate lives, Mrs.Jackson has conceded that she has “no stomach” for fighting or “ugliness” and usually gives in to her husband’s wishes.
Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.

Yes, of course. (Smacks self on head........DUH!!!!!!!!!!!)

This tells me everything I need to know about certain posters here. These are the ones who believe Michael was so drugged he didn't know what he was doing. Thats a legacy to embrace.

Ermm no, you're wrong.

Who the hell said that?

It is about AEG/Sony pushing Michael to his death.
Ermm no, you're wrong.

Who the hell said that?

It is about AEG/Sony pushing Michael to his death.

NOBODY here has said that, that I can ever recall. Remember that (brief) tox-report that was released? There were no narcotics found in Michael's system. That is a non-issue. A civil suit would be about finding out FACTS, finally.
Ermm no, you're wrong.

Who the hell said that?

It is about AEG/Sony pushing Michael to his death.

Yeah, because they obviously push Michael to taking drugs to sleep by a doctor who is not train to give the drug. :smilerolleyes:

Btw, it is in the article and Joe said himself he supported TINI. Who also support that AEG/Sony push Michael too hard.

Never mind the fact that Sony had nothing to really do with Michael since 2003 and was not part of TII until they paid $60 million for the movie rights. Never mind Michael was a 50 years old man who was in the business for 40 years and had three lawyers with him when he sign his own contract. Also, never mind that the word of a couple of fans and family members with a history of lying are taken over the word of everyone that worked with Michael during TII and his other tours, including long time friends.

Like I said before, Joe is full of shit.
Ermm no, you're wrong.

Who the hell said that?

It is about AEG/Sony pushing Michael to his death.

YOU said it.

Joe supported the This Is Not It campaign.

I am in support of everyone who wants the truth for Michael.

Do we want those responsible to walk away with nothing?

Joe suspected foul play from the start. Like other people have said, Joe didn't know MJ was taking these drugs, and perhaps he still doesn't believe it, so thats why he thinks there was foul play.

Why the estate is refusing a wrongful death suit I don't know, but Joe is trying to take it into his own hands, so good. I don't see Katherine as a fighter, Joe seems like a bulldog to me, he sounds like a strong man who knows whats going on, from what I heard from Michael, read in Moonwalk and other places. He won't quit.

Thats my post for this thread.

I also read that Michael became physically sick in Joes presence because he was so afraid of the man.
YOU said it.
I never mentioned drugs. NO I DID NOT. Have a look at my post. Why would I say something I don't believe? I won't be bullied on here, so don't even try it.

Yeah, because they obviously push Michael to taking drugs to sleep by a doctor who is not train to give the drug. :smilerolleyes:

Who said that they literally pushed him to take those drugs?

Btw, it is in the article and Joe said himself he supported TINI. Who also support that AEG/Sony push Michael too hard.
Yes, I know, I just posted Joes comments about TINI.

I was replying to beachlover saying what has that got to do with Michael being so drugged he didn't know what he was doing?

never mind that the word of a couple of fans and family members with a history of lying are taken over the word of everyone that worked with Michael during TII and his other tours, including long time friends.

Like I said before, Joe is full of shit.
What?? The words of the TINI actually match the words of members who worked with Michael during TII, his other tours and long time friends who are supporting the TINI campaign! If you want to know, even one of the TII dancers secretly agrees with them, though they haven't said it publicly.

And here we go with the usual crap. Every time anything remotely positive is said or posted about Joe the same people bombard the thread with the same old rehashed comments about the entire history of Joe in an attempt to cover it up.

I'll leave you to carry on..

I have no time to spend with stupid arguments on this forum.

Just DO NOT put words in my mouth about things I don't even think!

DO NOT accuse me of saying something I have not said.
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NOBODY here has said that, that I can ever recall. Remember that (brief) tox-report that was released? There were no narcotics found in Michael's system. That is a non-issue. A civil suit would be about finding out FACTS, finally.

Thanks Vic. I don't know where that accusation came from.
I have read the This Is Not It statements on their page. I have been in the forum and I have read their posts. You said that Joe Jackson supported the This Is Not It campaign.

I do NOT believe in that campaign at all because they believe he was so drugged out and kept drugged out that he could not function and this is what killed him. They believe he was too thin and losing weight too fast and he was sick and in ill health. They watched his every move and saw him going in and out of Dr Kleins office and came out drugged. Well.....if someone is going to inject your face with something I would only HOPE they give you something to dull the pain. Obviously these fans had no idea what was really going on.

I do not believe that. Obviously Joe Jackson believes that too if he supports This Is Not It. All I am saying here is, I don't believe that was the case.

I believe Michael was in charge of his own life. I do not believe he was a strung out drug user who was out of control. I believe he was a wonderful father and I believe he was doing a great job with the concerts, he was in great form, and they would have been amazing.
I questioned everything TINI did and even got banned from their website at one point until one of them who I won't mention name sent me an e mail and expressed their little heart out and how sincere they are to the campaign and even sent me a letter that michael gave to them 3 days before he passed away, which made me have a complete 3 point turn and gained my trust and respect for life and thats 100% G.

Sometimes people can get caught up in their beliefs and will not accept anything else may it be true or false.
I do not believe that. Obviously Joe Jackson believes that too if he supports This Is Not It. All I am saying here is, I don't believe that was the case.

This is what Joe said in regard to TINI.

"As I stated on the Larry King Show, what happened to my son was foul play, and as the Investigation goes on it seems to be true. I hope fans will stand by the situation with Michael not being here and that foul play is involved.
It's now coming out, Michael was worth more Dead than alive. I'd rather have my son living! Those who have done this should be brought to Justice as soon as possible. Please, fans stick by me as I try to uphold my son's legacy."

Mr. Joseph Jackson

This is my last post here, because I can't be doing with this confrontation.
I have read the This Is Not It statements on their page. I have been in the forum and I have read their posts. You said that Joe Jackson supported the This Is Not It campaign.

I do NOT believe in that campaign at all because they believe he was so drugged out and kept drugged out that he could not function and this is what killed him. They believe he was too thin and losing weight too fast and he was sick and in ill health. They watched his every move and saw him going in and out of Dr Kleins office and came out drugged. Well.....if someone is going to inject your face with something I would only HOPE they give you something to dull the pain. Obviously these fans had no idea what was really going on.

I do not believe that. Obviously Joe Jackson believes that too if he supports This Is Not It. All I am saying here is, I don't believe that was the case.

I believe Michael was in charge of his own life. I do not believe he was a strung out drug user who was out of control. I believe he was a wonderful father and I believe he was doing a great job with the concerts, he was in great form, and they would have been amazing.

I think we all should be honest at this point what TINI stands for and it be frank no one has really taken them seriously since TII came out. People and fans saw the movie with an 'open' mind, they didn't see Michael drug or about to drop dead and that was all the proof they needed.

However, this is off subject and TINI has been discuss to death, along with all the facts that debunks almost everything they have been spreading. If you want to believe them along with Joe, fine. Tell me when you guys finally find those body doubles.