Joe Jackson Gunning to Sue Over MJ's Death

are you sarcastic ? Oxman will fail as usual

ofcourse I'm :mello:

Oxman is not doing the family any favors , if anything that man will call mj a junkie in the court room more than Murray's own lawyer and he would question his sanity also just to prove AEG took advantage of a person with "psychiatric" problems :mello:, something even Murray's lawyer may not .

Lawsuit brought by the family will focus on MJ being UNFIT MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY to perform , and sorry I don't want to hear his own family calling him sicko just to get paid .
ofcourse I'm :mello:

Oxman is not doing the family any favors , if anything that man will call mj a junkie in the court room more than Murray's own lawyer and he would question his sanity also just to prove AEG took advantage of a person with "psychiatric" problems :mello:, something even Murray's lawyer may not .

Lawsuit brought by the family will focus on MJ being UNFIT MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY to perform , and sorry I don't want to hear his own family calling him sicko just to get paid .

I totally agree. For those of you who think this will be 'justice' and 'closure''re not paying attention.

FYI Soundmind---Joe is not entitled to the records from UCLA whether he was dead or not when he arrived. A dead person still comes under the same laws.

It is my understanding UCLA can only give the records from UCLA and nothing more than that in any case. This won't help him with AEG. I don't know what he thinks he is going after AEG for...but I don't think this is going to help.
Oh, yeah, something cosmic will happen. But in the meantime, we live in the here-and-now, and I want Michael to have his day-in-court. I think Murray will plead-out. A civil suit might be the only way to have the "facts" heard. I do not LIKE Joe, but if this is the only way it will happen, then we all need closure. Katherine does, the children do, and the rest of Michael's family, and the FANS, too.

It just can't end with Murray getting a slap-on-the-the wrist, a plea of guilty to a lesser charge, and never have to testify in court. We need to think of the bigger picture. We NEED to hear what happened, from Murray's lips. . .

I agree with you but sadly
I think it's going to happen this way
It just can't end with Murray getting a slap-on-the-the wrist, a plea of guilty to a lesser charge, and never have to testify in court

I hope not but smh
I totally agree. For those of you who think this will be 'justice' and 'closure''re not paying attention.

FYI Soundmind---Joe is not entitled to the records from UCLA whether he was dead or not when he arrived. A dead person still comes under the same laws.

It is my understanding UCLA can only give the records from UCLA and nothing more than that in any case. This won't help him with AEG. I don't know what he thinks he is going after AEG for...but I don't think this is going to help.

well if Brittany Murphay's husband can file a wrongful death lawsuit against Universal because they are responsible for his wife's dead since they did not give her a role in one of their movies then can you really blame joe ?

by the way I think if now prince decides to file a wrongful death lawsuit against joe accusing him of being responsible for his father death cus MJ staying up late as a kid to perform in adult club so joe could sleep with as much women as he would was the root for MJ's insomnia problems his chances are higher than that brought by Joe against AEG .

what is he going to say to the jurors ? I'm sad the BIGGEST ENTERTANINER has died ? I loved my CLIENT so much and AEG took him and now I can't afford to fly and dine in lavish restaurants .
well if Brittany Murphay's husband can file a wrongful death lawsuit against Universal because they are responsible for his wife's dead since they did not give her a role in one of their movies then can you really blame joe ?

by the way I think if now prince decides to file a wrongful death lawsuit against joe accusing him of being responsible for his father death cus MJ staying up late as a kid to perform in adult club so joe could sleep with as much women as he would was the root for MJ's insomnia problems his chances are higher than that brought by Joe against AEG .

what is he going to say to the jurors ? I'm sad the BIGGEST ENTERTANINER has died ? I loved my CLIENT so much and AEG took him and now I can't afford to fly and dine in lavish restaurants .

Yeah, but that is Brittney Murphys husband.

Seriously, what does Prince gain by doing that? Custody of Oxman?
I feel Joe has ulterior motive which just repulse me

No matter how some people dont trust joe motive, michael was joe son and I believe he is upset of what happen to michael and want justice, joe do not trust aeg murray etc, you are a fan arent you upset and want justice for michael, dont you think is father would want the same?
I don't think he is saying the case is more legit. I think he is saying that as her husband he has more of a legal standing than someone who is not an heir or dependent. At least, that is how I read it.:)
I don't think he is saying the case is more legit. I think he is saying that as her husband he has more of a legal standing than someone who is not an heir or dependent. At least, that is how I read it.:)

the comparison in that post was her husband to Prince Michael, not her husband to Joseph Jackson.
Despite Joe's intentions, i think him going ahead with the threat of legal action will shake things up.

Just today, i was thinking LAPD will never bring charges against Murray and will let things die quietly.

But now that Joe is asking for medical records to bring action for whoever is responsible for his son's death, suddenly we have a story by TMZ that the DA office is about to file charges against Murray.

Do you remeber this tactic? In that GQ 1994 article, Bert Fields announces impending charges so as to try and have the Chandler civil suit postponed. Then, it was for good intentions.

But here, it's obvious someone doesn't want Joe to access those records by implying charges are due. And as one member posted earlier, that Joe's lawsuit may be detrimental to charges.
That's what they want, to put Joe off by suddenly resurrecting "charges are due", when all this time they were saying "nothing is close".

There is a triangle here between

Isn't it AEG that contriuted to the LAPD fund after MJ's death/

Joe should go after AEG if he wants to. Let them call MJ whatever they wish, they have done so all his life, what's new? They can't hurt him now.

So what if they dig up all prescriptions ever written for MJ? Does that have a bearing on his death which is from acute propofol? No.

And that psychiatric stuff is BS. The good thing is MJ never visited a shrink, so trying to evaluate someone's pyschiatric condition will all be speculation, and with MJ video out, people can already see he was of sound mind, atleast those who care.

This case will help ensure that big companies don't just take advantage of stars because they can.

Why would the Estate not contemplate a wrongful death lawsuit? Because all they cae about is money.
Just as Maureen Orth said in 1994, everybody is a winner and it's MJ who loses out.
In 2005, MJ was the winner, because no one was getting paid huge sums at his expense.

In 2009, well let's see
AEG - millions off MJ, no loses
Executors - want 10 %
Frank Dileo - Sony Board
Sony - millions off the movie, Michael's work
Murray - back to work as normal

MJ - deceased, no wrongful death lawsuit, no charges coming to a year

And meanwhile, everyone is trashing Jacksons, trashing Joe as being greedy for money.

You know what, let Joe be greedy, let him be so greedy that he shakes up all the above sitting comfortably at MJ's expense.

Or are they scared a civil case will force them to hand over documents showing their close knit dealings?

With a civil case, executors, AEG and others would have to hand over lots of documents that are currently covered up. They would also have to face depositions into their dealings, and you bet some people don't want that.
why is her husband's case more legit?

Joe would be the one suing and he has no legal standing. He is not Michaels spouse. He is the father. He is not one of his children or heirs or executors.

Has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the case.
why is her husband's case more legit?

Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking at Soundmind's post where he was saying if Brittany Murphy's husband can file a lawsuit so frivilous, then why not Joe. And then I thought Beachlover said, "but he was her husband". I was following that line. Sorry. I'm being quiet now.:agree:
Oh, I'm sorry. I was l;ooking at Soundmind's post where he was saying if Brittany Murphy's husband can file a lawsuit so frivilous, then why not Joe. And then I thought Beachlover said, "but he was her husband". I was following that line. Sorry. I'm being quite now.:agree:

i got a couple of posts confused, too. there seemed to be exchanges about the children and ideas about asking the children to sue...
my bad...
No matter how some people dont trust joe motive, michael was joe son and I believe he is upset of what happen to michael and want justice, joe do not trust aeg murray etc, you are a fan arent you upset and want justice for michael, dont you think is father would want the same?

I am getting very sick of this. Because Joe is Michael's father he should not be called out for acting like a fool? If Joe cared about justice he would keep his damn mouth shut and Oxman out of a courtroom until the criminal case is over. And please stop with blaming AEG OK? AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to overmidcate Michael. AEG is a billion dollar company that nothing to gain by hurting Michael. Admit it to yourself
Killing michael Jackson is the same as Joe being dead. Thats my opinion At times Joe scanson (lol) can be very scandaless but he knows whats going on especailly with the music industry. Real Talk the dudes who are running MJ estate to the ground in my opinion don't care for MJ what is the problem they don't want joe to get MJ medical records? oh cause like every body esle knows he was murdered and it was long plotted cause he didn't sale his self out Trust me the truth is out there and the writting is on the wall but many are so blind as for Murry dude didn't act alone (it is what it is) Like I said before I have relatives in the industry and they pulled out for a while cause things are about to be exposed Mj didn't have the chance to exposed it Now his death cause finally shine some light on it. MY heart goes out this the Jackson especailly Mrs. Jackson i know the MJ kids are her strength

P.S I don't see no body esle trying to get Justice for MJ but his fans? Life not suppose to be like this no one is speaking out just going on with life...The killer walks when no ones talk the killers gets time because some one spoke their minds... when there's no mountain to clime the lost souls get left behind. Good nite i'm done please i don't have time for the back and fourth this is my opinion. Thank you
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Despite Joe's intentions, i think him going ahead with the threat of legal action will shake things up.

Just today, i was thinking LAPD will never bring charges against Murray and will let things die quietly.

But now that Joe is asking for medical records to bring action for whoever is responsible for his son's death, suddenly we have a story by TMZ that the DA office is about to file charges against Murray.

Do you remeber this tactic? In that GQ 1994 article, Bert Fields announces impending charges so as to try and have the Chandler civil suit postponed. Then, it was for good intentions.

But here, it's obvious someone doesn't want Joe to access those records by implying charges are due. And as one member posted earlier, that Joe's lawsuit may be detrimental to charges.
That's what they want, to put Joe off by suddenly resurrecting "charges are due", when all this time they were saying "nothing is close".

There is a triangle here between

Isn't it AEG that contriuted to the LAPD fund after MJ's death/

Joe should go after AEG if he wants to. Let them call MJ whatever they wish, they have done so all his life, what's new? They can't hurt him now.

So what if they dig up all prescriptions ever written for MJ? Does that have a bearing on his death which is from acute propofol? No.

And that psychiatric stuff is BS. The good thing is MJ never visited a shrink, so trying to evaluate someone's pyschiatric condition will all be speculation, and with MJ video out, people can already see he was of sound mind, atleast those who care.

This case will help ensure that big companies don't just take advantage of stars because they can.

Why would the Estate not contemplate a wrongful death lawsuit? Because all they cae about is money.
Just as Maureen Orth said in 1994, everybody is a winner and it's MJ who loses out.
In 2005, MJ was the winner, because no one was getting paid huge sums at his expense.

In 2009, well let's see
AEG - millions off MJ, no loses
Executors - want 10 %
Frank Dileo - Sony Board
Sony - millions off the movie, Michael's work
Murray - back to work as normal

MJ - deceased, no wrongful death lawsuit, no charges coming to a year

And meanwhile, everyone is trashing Jacksons, trashing Joe as being greedy for money.

You know what, let Joe be greedy, let him be so greedy that he shakes up all the above sitting comfortably at MJ's expense.

Or are they scared a civil case will force them to hand over documents showing their close knit dealings?

With a civil case, executors, AEG and others would have to hand over lots of documents that are currently covered up. They would also have to face depositions into their dealings, and you bet some people don't want that.

AEG most definitely has losses and the estate now has to pay that loss back to them. The executors are entitled to money for being executors. This is common practice and done all the time.

Frank Dileo is on the Sony board because Michael wanted him there, most probably because he trusted him to be there.

Sony did Michael a favor with the music catalog that was beneficial to both sides. They also hold most of the music he has done that was most successful.

Murray is the only one who is questionable here to me and he doesn't have any money.

You said it yourself. MJ died from Propofol. Unless you can prove that Murray didn't do it, or someone put him up to it, you have only Murray to blame and thats it. Thats the bare facts here.

What documents do you think are being covered up? The only things Joe Jackson wants are medical records and the police have those as well.

Joe Jackson has so far tried just about every angle he can think of to get money for himself. Maybe thats why people are thinking he is out for money?
Joe has no legal right to Michael's medical records. He has no standing to sue.

The thing I want most most is justice for Michael. I only wish I'd hear the same from Joe. All we ever seem to hear from him is he wants money. Money from Michael or money from suing. I do have to wonder if that's the only thing that matters to him - and that's a damn shame.
Oh, I'm sorry. I was looking at Soundmind's post where he was saying if Brittany Murphy's husband can file a lawsuit so frivilous, then why not Joe. And then I thought Beachlover said, "but he was her husband". I was following that line. Sorry. I'm being quiet now.:agree:

That was exactly what I meant. He, being her husband has a right to file wrongful death. I didn't judge the basis of the case, just the fact that her husband has this right.
AEG most definitely has losses and the estate now has to pay that loss back to them. The executors are entitled to money for being executors. This is common practice and done all the time.

Frank Dileo is on the Sony board because Michael wanted him there, most probably because he trusted him to be there.

Sony did Michael a favor with the music catalog that was beneficial to both sides. They also hold most of the music he has done that was most successful.

Murray is the only one who is questionable here to me and he doesn't have any money.

You said it yourself. MJ died from Propofol. Unless you can prove that Murray didn't do it, or someone put him up to it, you have only Murray to blame and thats it. Thats the bare facts here.

What documents do you think are being covered up? The only things Joe Jackson wants are medical records and the police have those as well.

Joe Jackson has so far tried just about every angle he can think of to get money for himself. Maybe thats why people are thinking he is out for money?

where did sony do mj a favor with the catalogue? if anything this was a joint venture, where both sides benefitted each other. if it weren't for MJ's ingenuity with that idea, sony would be sunk.
because of MJ, sony is the only label not fearing having to give up any catalogues in the future, and not suing people and doing cutthroat things for money, to keep itself afloat...that, despite what they did to stifle MJ, promotionwise.

if anything, Michael being on their label saved both sony and the music industry.
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So real talk my question is “ where are the people who suppose to be handling this case???

Investigators where = TMZ Team ??????????????

I’m not going to sit here and type and ragged Joe at the end of the day that’s his son it took two Parents to create Michael no tributes no nothing is going to bring him back he didn’t even get a chance to say “goodbye son” he was suppose to be In London with Michael watching his son Moon walk across the stage for the last time not in some gold casket while people plotting on his money being all dirty Yes Joe shouldn’t be about his son’s money but if he can prove whatever he claiming so be it but if he going about he the wrongful way he will be judge on that. I just have a little hope because he is not playing no games he not trying to hear that ish about his son being some drug addict super star who took his own self out some they trying to gun for mark my words look how many celebrities died from wrongful overdoses (from the hands of other people) that they didn’t committed on themselves not going even mention any names and facts to prove it cause I really don’t want to shake up this thread. I’m done for the night love u all in the name of love 100
where did sony do mj a favor with the catalogue? if anything this was a joint venture, where both sides benefitted each other. if it weren't for MJ's ingenuity with that idea, sony would be sunk.
because of MJ, sony is the only label not fearing having to give up any catalogues in the future, and not suing people and doing cutthroat things for money, to keep itself afloat...that, despite what they did to stifle MJ, promotionwise.

I don't wish to get so far off track by discussing the Sony catalog. I said myself that it was beneficial to both. At the time, MJ needed money and they came forward with it and gave him a fair amount and in the process, they added more songs which was helpful to the entire catalog. Why must you jump on everything I say like that?

Sony is a huge corporation. I love MJ but I am not going to sit here and say that because of this they are able to stay afloat. I'm not even going to discuss the Invincible album or why MJ didn't tour or promote it in any way or make any music videos, etc, etc, or why he took so long and it cost so much money to produce it. Business works both ways and has to benefit everyone. And to be honest, it took me a long time to listen to that album. I didn't like it when it came out.
I don't wish to get so far off track by discussing the Sony catalog. I said myself that it was beneficial to both. At the time, MJ needed money and they came forward with it and gave him a fair amount and in the process, they added more songs which was helpful to the entire catalog. Why must you jump on everything I say like that?

Sony is a huge corporation. I love MJ but I am not going to sit here and say that because of this they are able to stay afloat. I'm not even going to discuss the Invincible album or why MJ didn't tour or promote it in any way or make any music videos, etc, etc, or why he took so long and it cost so much money to produce it. Business works both ways and has to benefit everyone. And to be honest, it took me a long time to listen to that album. I didn't like it when it came out.

i don't jump. you just give the impression MJ always needed rescuing, and everybody resucued him. MJ didn't need to tour. the catalogue was and is a fountain that never stopped flowing with money..and it was mj's idea to keep signing acts. and trying to save money does not help a project. and i enjoyed invincible.

SOny should have paid MJ to get the joint venture. it had nothing to do with MJ needing money.

MJ resuscitated the industry. and many spoke of MJ as an astute businessperson.

i don't know why it's always this thing about the artist being helpless and stupid.

You jumped on me earlier in this thread for the wrong reason. All I ever said was basically the fact and that is that Joe is not entitled to the medical records he so desperately wants and he is trying to get money. I don't see how Joe suing people is going to bring Michael any justice.

What will happen if he has the medical records and tries to 'sue' all these people is that these people he is trying to 'sue' are all going to start talking about how bad Michael was and to be honest, Joe knows this and so does his lawyer. But guess what? They don't care.

This doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy about his motives towards his sons legacy.

You jumped on me earlier in this thread for the wrong reason. All I ever said was basically the fact and that is that Joe is not entitled to the medical records he so desperately wants and he is trying to get money. I don't see how Joe suing people is going to bring Michael any justice.

What will happen if he has the medical records and tries to 'sue' all these people is that these people he is trying to 'sue' are all going to start talking about how bad Michael was and to be honest, Joe knows this and so does his lawyer. But guess what? They don't care.

This doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy about his motives towards his sons legacy.

i didn't jump. i just asked a question. i asked for the comparison between Prince, and Brittany's husband. i mistook that it ended up being about Joseph Jackson. but i merely asked a question.
i don't jump. you just give the impression MJ always needed rescuing, and everybody resucued him. MJ didn't need to tour. the catalogue was and is a fountain that never stopped flowing with money..and it was mj's idea to keep signing acts. and trying to save money does not help a project. and i enjoyed invincible.

SOny should have paid MJ to get the joint venture. it had nothing to do with MJ needing money.

MJ resuscitated the industry. and many spoke of MJ as an astute businessperson.

i don't know why it's always this thing about the artist being helpless and stupid.

Please do not....I not think that I think Michael was helpless OR stupid. I don't think that at all. I think Michael was brilliant in his own right and super talented.

I also think he was human (I have said this before) and he wasn't actively working, things got out of control. The catalog could not make enough to keep up with expenses. No shame in that. He had a lot of expenses.

Its not hard to see he was having financial difficulties. He was over extended all over the place. BUT he was smart enough to know how to get back on top and he was doing it. This is one of the reasons we all are so unhappy that this happened. He was just about to kick everyone's behind and he didn't really get the chance. Its so much of a shame.

Well, in the end, he sort of did it with the movie THIS IS IT but I would have much preferred to see the concert for real, as I am sure most would have.
I am getting very sick of this. Because Joe is Michael's father he should not be called out for acting like a fool? If Joe cared about justice he would keep his damn mouth shut and Oxman out of a courtroom until the criminal case is over. And please stop with blaming AEG OK? AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to overmidcate Michael. AEG is a billion dollar company that nothing to gain by hurting Michael. Admit it to yourself

Why he has to keep his mouth shut? If he will do it LAPD will never move i finger. Only PUBLICITY will bring this situation to the point of trial. LAPD didn't do anything yet after 7 months of investigations! Get real here! Joe is doing a right thing because Joe is the one who wants justice for his son. If you are not happy with this that's too bad.
Joe has no legal right to Michael's medical records. He has no standing to sue.

The thing I want most most is justice for Michael. I only wish I'd hear the same from Joe. All we ever seem to hear from him is he wants money. Money from Michael or money from suing. I do have to wonder if that's the only thing that matters to him - and that's a damn shame.

You must dont have children,

I am getting very sick of this. Because Joe is Michael's father he should not be called out for acting like a fool? If Joe cared about justice he would keep his damn mouth shut and Oxman out of a courtroom until the criminal case is over. And please stop with blaming AEG OK? AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to overmidcate Michael. AEG is a billion dollar company that nothing to gain by hurting Michael. Admit it to yourself

I see the Majority of this world has gone to Hell. You should be sick and everyone of you that speaks of Michael's Father so evil and pretend to Love Michael. "If Joe Cared" if "You and other Michael Jackson's Fans like you would stop supporting his "Murderers and Just Demand whoever is responsible for Michael Jackson's Homicide be bought to Justice" You will get Justice, instead of talking out both sides of your mouth and calling people "FOOLS", calling it one second an "ongoing CRIMINAL CASE" and then like you have FACTS "AEG did not tell Conrad Murray to OVERMEDICATE MICHAEL" how do you know who told who what UNLESS YOU WHERE THERE ? ? ? as you said AEG is a BILLION Company that survives on the WORK and HOMICIDES of there clients, they are PIMPS like any other Businessmen who dont do nothing but sign papers, go to meetings and play golf, the Artist do ALL the work, so you can take this little soap box back to AEG and file it in the Lost and Found. AEG has EVERYTHING to gain and Im not going to go through that debate again. Michael Jackson was Murdered and everyone is making MONEY off of him but his Famiy, so keep on spreading either what you know as FACTS in an "ONGOING HOMICIDE INVESTGATION" and we DONT or lies and you admit that. Joe Jackson will WIN against his Son's MURDERERS for one reason alone, he is not a MURDERER AND THEY ARE !
i didn't jump. i just asked a question. i asked for the comparison between Prince, and Brittany's husband. i mistook that it ended up being about Joseph Jackson. but i merely asked a question.

Just to explain the part about Prince, that came from Soundminds post saying Prince should sue Joe for whatever he did to MJ in his life to cause him grief (and I believe we were being sarcastic) but then I said that thing about getting custody of Oxman (sarcasm again).

I do respect you and think you have a good head on your shoulders.

I don't like to come here and argue with anyone. That doesn't make things better for any of us. I really just want people to think long and hard before thinking Joe Jackson is going to improve anything by doing this because it will just make it so much worse. He isn't going to 'gain' anything by doing this, especially NOW before the charges against Murray are filed.

It will hurt the case in the end, but some fans can't see that because they have their own agenda.