Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite - Confirmed not to include Michael

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Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

^ And right now we don't even know if the solo Michael tour is confirmed or not! :lol:

Who said a Michael Jackson tour was confirmed, because I didn't ! ................. Obviously no Michael Jackson tour will be confirmed until he releases a new single and album. Whenever that happens is any ones guess.

The Jacksons are one of the best selling R&B groups ever. To fully understand Michael's evolution, you MUST understand the Jackson 5's impact.

The whole JT reuniting with N*SYNC comparison doesn't really hold much water either. N*Sync, imo, was just one of the many boybands that came out in the late 90s/early 00's that saturated the market, they just got exceptional promotion...basically, they got lucky lol
The Jackson 5 was a group where each member had talent and was an important piece of the puzzle.

Critics actually WANT to see a Jackson 5 tour as much they want to see a MJ tour

I'm fully aware that the Jackson 5 a huge part of the evolution of Michael's career, and my posts form other threads on this site show that and I don't need you to point that out to me. I also said that NYSNC don't have the impact or credibility of the Jackson 5 etc. You have mis-understood my post !!!

Critics and more so, the public would prefer to see a Michael Jackson tour not a Jackson 5 tour at present. Be realistic, a reunion with the Jackson 5 at this point in time would be a step back in Michael's career. It appears some MJ fans appear to have forgotten or have no idea how big a music icon Michael Jackson is, and how important a Michael Jackson comeback his to, and it's far more important that a Jackson 5 reunion. Sorry, I love the music Michael made with his brothers as the Jackson 5/ The Jacksons, but he's solo career is far more impressive and has had a far bigger impact on music and culture.
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Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

No one can steal Michael's light because Michael is brighter than anyone! There is no comparison between Michael and Jermaine, please....

So what is the problem, why the hate. Watch the video. jermaine did not say anything that can harm Michael or the jackson family. We should be happy to hear what the family is planning instead of all this hostility.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I don't hate Jermaine not at all. I'm tired of hearing him say the exact same thing for the last 20 years. It will never happen in reality and he knows deep down inside. I'm not happy to hear what the family is planning because I don't need to see the family I want to see Michael! Michael has a solo career to care about he is not 18 years old anymore to be in need of a boost from the group...
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I don't hate Jermaine not at all. I'm tired of hearing him say the exact same thing for the last 20 years. It will never happen in reality and he knows deep down inside. I'm not happy to hear what the family is planning because I don't need to see the family I want to see Michael! Michael has a solo career to care about he is not 18 years old anymore to be in need of a boost from the group...
If you are tired, ignore it don't listen. he wasn't speaking to you anyway. he was answering questions in AUSTRALIA. The interviewer brought up the question of the jackson's reforming and he said they are doing work in the studios and planning a tour. what was so terrible that he gets castigated on an Mj board? it was a lovely interview and Jermaine was ever so gracious and charming. he did justice to michael and the jacksons.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Well nice for him to give an interview I wish him the best!

yes. did you see the interview? it was real sweet. jermaine has got real charisma. he is gentle and charming and everybody that meets him falls in love with him. He's agreat guy , there is no need for the hate against him.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I won't say it again I don't HATE Jermaine. I wish him the best in his life just like I want all the family members to have a good life. I just care about Michael a bit more he is my weakness!
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I don't hate Jermaine not at all. I'm tired of hearing him say the exact same thing for the last 20 years. It will never happen in reality and he knows deep down inside. I'm not happy to hear what the family is planning because I don't need to see the family I want to see Michael!

jermaine knows much more than we do coz hes michaels BROTHER. u say that u wanna see michael. michael is not doing anything right now (apart from private outings with his kids). so until michael comes out in public should we shut everyone elses mouth ? what are u suggesting ? jermaine is not harming or bothering anyone. if u dont wanna see him or hear him then dont. simple as that.
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Re: World exculsive: Jackson 5 to reunite

I never believe a word of what Jermaine say's about a Jackson 5 reunion. Michael Jackson has a much bigger career and a far more important comeback to make.
so true. To be honest, if the Jackson 5 were to do a tour without Michael Jackson, ticket sales for sure will be doing badly like Janet Rock wit'u tour coz who would want to see some middle age man from the 70s old band doing their bubble gum pop ? that idea make me cringe.
Re: World exculsive: Jackson 5 to reunite

so true. To be honest, if the Jackson 5 were to do a tour without Michael Jackson, ticket sales for sure will be doing badly like Janet Rock wit'u tour coz who would want to see some middle age man from the 70s old band doing their bubble gum pop ? that idea make me cringe.
I would and so would this interviewer, and millions of jackson fans that grew up on the music of the Black beatles.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Seeing Michael out and about is a great joy for me. I won't justify my opinions to anyone here. Jermaine can say what he wants about anyone he likes, his brothers, sisters, parents, children he is entitled to it. I prefer to hear anything that has to do with Michael's business plans from Michael himself. I won't say anything else on the subject we have a difference in opinion.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I don't think anyone here hates Jermaine - some people are just tired of hearing him say the same things over and over again and never seeing it happen. That is as valid a point of view as any and it doesn't mean the poster is attacking Jermaine.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

"janet is gonna come with us and also 3t" :woohoo:

that is soooooo great but i cant wait until the end of 2009 :(
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

they mention all this jermain stuff in november's Vanity Fair issue. I trust that magazine more than any other so i guess that's right. But they point out: "he must be waiting for michael"
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I don't think anyone here hates Jermaine - some people are just tired of hearing him say the same things over and over again and never seeing it happen. That is as valid a point of view as any and it doesn't mean the poster is attacking Jermaine.
There was a lot of disrespect in the thread for jermaine. telling someone to 'SHUT UP' is disrespectful in anyones book. FANS are not even allowed to say that to other members on the board, but we can say that to jermaine? perhaps if so many fans find jermains words so offensive irt maybe commonsense not to post it?
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Aww Jermaine... because when you say it for the 27th time, it's really going to happen.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I doubt this very much... only cause Jermaine has said this for soooooooo long!

I want Michael to tour solo anyhow cause guess what people will be buying tickets to see only MJ anyway lol not Jermaine and his brothers!
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

There was a lot of disrespect in the thread for jermaine. telling someone to 'SHUT UP' is disrespectful in anyones book. FANS are not even allowed to say that to other members on the board, but we can say that to jermaine? perhaps if so many fans find jermains words so offensive irt maybe commonsense not to post it?

I find that most people in this thread (with the exception of two or three posts) have been respectful. And from now on everyone will be (regardless of their opinions) or this thread will be closed.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I find that most people in this thread (with the exception of two or three posts) have been respectful. And from now on everyone will be (regardless of their opinions) or this thread will be closed.
that is true. Many are respectful, but it is annoying when the disrespect goes unnoticed. many Mj fans are jackson fans too and want to see the jackson together as a group. unfortunately, as with everything, it is the protesters who are mainly heard the most. but I take your point. the thread isn't even about Mj anyway, it is really about jermaine.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

jermaine knows much more than we do coz hes michaels BROTHER

The same Jermaine who couldn't remember the name of Michael's skin disorder? lol. No one hates Jermaine, why does it always have to be people "hate" someone if they don't believe them because they have a track record of making shit up or because they find them less then very talented? Boggles the mind.

And Vanity Faire? Ain't that the same magazine that said Michael was making voodoo curses on Steven Speilberg, etc...? Yeah, real credible.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

The same Jermaine who couldn't remember the name of Michael's skin disorder? lol.

he couldnt remember the name of the disorder at the moment. maybe he was nervous and he blacked out. doesnt mean he doesnt know what the disorder is just because he couldnt remember the name of it.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

The same Jermaine who couldn't remember the name of Michael's skin disorder? lol. No one hates Jermaine, why does it always have to be people "hate" someone if they don't believe them because they have a track record of making shit up or because they find them less then very talented? Boggles the mind.

And Vanity Faire? Ain't that the same magazine that said Michael was making voodoo curses on Steven Speilberg, etc...? Yeah, real credible.
And Michael doesn't have a tract record of saying things that never happen, oh, no.:doh:
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Let's be realistic here. If a J5 tour ever occured (Jermaine is dreaming), they think that the audience would be eager to see the J5 or Michael? Michael of course first and foremost. The Jackson 5 had a success because they were 5 hard working boys but we have to admit that if Michael wasn't the lead singer they would never stand a chance. I love the J5 songs and the J5 era but that's different from attending a J5 tour. The group ceased to exist 20 years ago there is no point in seeing them on stage....Jermaine better think of another way to be on the spotlight or pursue another career. I have nothing against the Jackson family members but they will have to stop dreaming of a reunion, it would be ridiculous. Their success is always based on Michael's presence and I would prefer a Michael solo tour. The world is looking forward to a new Michael album not a J5 one.

You're right about that. Look, certain members here have a big ol' soft spot for Jermaine and the rest of the family, to the point of unjustley critisising Michael in order to defend them, and no matter what you say, it won't make any difference to them. Michael is the driving force behind the Jacksons and he's the essential element that made them successful. Without Michael, the J5 never would have made it out of Gary. It's just reality and anyone who thinks otherwise is dreaming. They NEED him to go on tour. If not, the way Jermaine keeps going on about it, they would have tried already, without Michael. But they know better. People wanted to see Michael on his own. When "Off The Wall" came out, and it broke all those records, that was the proof right there that more people were interested in Michael on his own then with his brothers and that point was only further driven home when "Thriller" came out. If it were the opposite and more people wanted to see Michael with his brothers then as a solo artist, then "Triumph" and "Victory" would have outsold "Off The Wall" and "Thriller", and that didn't happen. Not.Even.Close.
Re: World exculsive: Jackson 5 to reunite

I would and so would this interviewer, and millions of jackson fans that grew up on the music of the Black beatles.

maybe some jackson fans would go but without the main attraction, i can't see it doing well even with janet and 3t on the road.

Critics and more so, the public would prefer to see a Michael Jackson tour not a Jackson 5 tour at present. Be realistic, a reunion with the Jackson 5 at this point in time would be a step back in Michael's career. It appears some MJ fans appear to have forgotten or have no idea how big a music icon Michael Jackson is, and how important a Michael Jackson comeback his to, and it's far more important that a Jackson 5 reunion. Sorry, I love the music Michael made with his brothers as the Jackson 5/ The Jacksons, but he's solo career is far more impressive and has had a far bigger impact on music and culture.
exactly. Jackson 5 was famous but not on global level and believe me many people know jackson 5 through Michael Jackson not the other way round. Some don't even know MJ's past as a Jackson 5 member.So it's not a wise career move for MJ to reunite with his brothers. MJ has had earth shattering achievements as a solo artist. He attained global fame through solo effort, not when he was with the group. It'll be unwise to reunite so I hope Jermaine is just saying. MJ should go on a world tour alone, praying that the 2009 tour rumour is true^_____^
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Jermz makes mj fans go 'round and arrrrouuuuund.

LOL Yup! everytime this tour discussion comes up it's the same old same old :lol:

Personally I'm happy to see either a jacksons tour or an MJ solo tour (I'd prefer something similar to their performance line up at MSG with half and half lol).

But on a more serious note, I am getting sick of certain members who continue to troll around the forum and hammer at people for their opposing views. This is a discussion forum and everyone is entitled to their point of view.... remembering that respect is paramount when dealing with fellow community members.
Those members who can't grasp this notion will be getting mod qued, because I'm sick of the drama.

And for those of you getting all upset for poor Jermaine, this dude opens himself up for this everytime he starts up about the tour rumours, he's a big boy and can handle himself.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

"janet is gonna come with us and also 3t" :woohoo:

that is soooooo great but i cant wait until the end of 2009 :(

I think you'll need to wait a lot longer than that!

I don't believe this before I see it. - or An official statement from Mike!
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