Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite - Confirmed not to include Michael

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Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

So Michael said hes going on tour, yet there is no confirmation, he never said it would be with the Jacksons. And Jermaine and Janet have both said they are going to tour... So basically everyone has said there will be a tour, but we have no confirmation or statement or whatever, and until it comes from some sort of publicist then its bullshit, am I right?
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

So Michael said hes going on tour, yet there is no confirmation, he never said it would be with the Jacksons. And Jermaine and Janet have both said they are going to tour... So basically everyone has said there will be a tour, but we have no confirmation or statement or whatever, and until it comes from some sort of publicist then its bullshit, am I right?


Exactumundo!!! :yes:
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

change the record jermaine. *yawn*


I was just waiting for you to post as I knew what your take on this would be!:D

As far as I am concerned, there is no tour until 'official' confirmation is given. Plans are one thing, executing them is another.
Re: World exculsive: Jackson 5 to reunite

I for one dont liek this idea...if any reunion is happening on stage it should work like this....

Janet Jackson - Support Act (Opening)
Michael Jackson Concert - A 20 minute segment with his bros doing the J5 songs.

That is all I want, People want to see MICHAEL not his brothers who noone out of the fan community can even name! lol

Ouch, lol. But it's true. And I agree with you. Jermaine needs to stop.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

IF this is true, it would more likely then not be that the family pressured Michael in to it, especially considering they've been trying for several years now and keep brining it up and it keeps falling through because Michael didn't want to. I wouldn't want Michael to go on tour unless he REALLY wanted to. He's a solo artist and has been for 30 years. People need to remember that. And no, the J5 don't have more fans then Michael Jackson. The sales of each are a direct contradiction to that statement.

Besides, Michael's better on his own.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Can someone in the jackson family please shut jermaine up!!!!

Cmon mike!!!!! lol.

I seriously doubt mike is gonna get involved! We all know how much he hates getting pressured by his family
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

What did Jermaine say so wrong that he is recieving so much rudeness and disrespect from Mj fans. What is so wrong about saying that HIS family is planning on going on tour? Why do Mj fans show so much contempt and disrespect to michael's brother. if Micheal loves his brother very much, as I think he does, it must hurt him very much to see the attitude of some fans towards his brother.
Fans say what they like about Mj, but Mj's brother gets told to shut up?
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

datsymay its cuz WE KNOW MIKE DOESNT WANNA DO IT!!!
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

datsymay its cuz WE KNOW MIKE DOESNT WANNA DO IT!!!
You do not know what Mj is doing cause he hasn't told us anything. Even so, there are many jackson's, michael is only one of them. janet is a big star in her own right ans she said she is going out with the jackson brothers. in that case Mj doesn't have to go if he diesn't want to. So just because Mj doesn't want to doesn't mean that the entire jacksons can;'t n put on a show.
jermaine sholdn't be told to shut up when he talks about his family. Who is he suppose to talk about if not his own family. Mj is a part of that family.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

oh and bensacr i agree with everything u said! :)
Re: World exculsive: Jackson 5 to reunite

I for one dont liek this idea...if any reunion is happening on stage it should work like this....

Janet Jackson - Support Act (Opening)
Michael Jackson Concert - A 20 minute segment with his bros doing the J5 songs.

That is all I want, People want to see MICHAEL not his brothers who noone out of the fan community can even name! lol

Well, let me put it to you this way. If touring with his brothers is the only way you get to see him, you will get to liking it real quick.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

lol true mello

but i just dont see it happening! lol
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I'd go to see Michael peform with the cast from Seaseme Street, I don't care. But with professional musicians and backing dancers, Michael can do more.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Yea right lol.I don't believe this is happening and if it did I HIGHLY doubt Michael would want to be apart of it. I could even see Janet joining before Michael, but I just don't see him doing this, at least not anytime soon.

I just find it funny though how Jermaine seems to pretty much be the only one constantly talking about this reunion tour. I don't really hear the others mentioning it.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

i cannot see it happening either.
and well Jermaine said the same stuff before if i remember well
they're not fit for the stage. it might be ok for celebrating their careers but not for a tour. Michael i believe understands it. they're just not fit enough
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

It would be the PERFECT opportunity. A Jackson family tour would be bring alot of positive feedback because The Jackson 5ive's music has been part of 3 or 4 generations: the motown era, the disco era, the 80s R&B/new wave funk/crossover era, and the current era

Yeah, we'd like to see Michael do another tour, but I'd LOVE to see a Jacksons tour. Matter of fact, I enjoyed the reunion segment in 2001 than Michael's solo set lol
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

There are more J5 fans than MJ fans, well only if your talking about Marlon Jackson or fans of Mick Jagger's solo work !

If and when a Jackson 5 reunion ever does happen, comfirmation will come from Michael's PR team not from any members of his family. I'm sure all of Michael's brothers would love to do a tour, and I'm sure all members of his family want a Jackson 5 tour more than a Michael Jackson tour. But the fact is the the majority of music fans, from Michael Jackson fans to the casual music buyer would prefer a Michael Jackson tour not a Jackson 5 reunion tour. Michael Jackson does better box office and music sales than the Jackson 5/ The Jacksons. Not only would a tour and album with the Jackson 5 be a step back for Michael at present, it would also be far less successful.

Michael has his own career to make a comeback on, I don't understand way some fans can't wait until after Michael does a solo album and tour before any supposed Jackson 5 tour. Though there is no real comparison between the Michael Jackson and Justin Timberlake, Michael reuniting with the Jackson 5 would be like Justin Timberlake reuniting with NSYNC in 8yrs time if he doesn't do a solo album and tour in that period. Ok NSYNC don't have the credibility and influence of the Jackson 5, but the solo music JT has made is what turned him from a star to superstar in a far bigger way. Though Michael was already a music legend in the black community before Off The Wall, that 1979 album turned him from a star to a superstar on a worldwide scale and Thriller turned Michael in to the biggest music icon worldwide. The last 7yrs Michael's life has been plagued with scandal and an inactive career with many critics wrongly claiming Michael's released a string of flop album that has been his nose dive. Which is why at present a Jackson 5 tour is not the right thing until Michael proves all of his music critics wrong with a great solo album and tour. I think it's pretty obvious whatever Michael Jackson does as a solo artists is far more important than anything he has done with Jackson 5/ The Jackson being in a group could only take Michael so far and his solo career has shown that.

At present what I'd like to see is Michael releasing a great solo album and doing a tour with his brother Randy Jackson as keyboard player and music director. And Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon making a surprise appreance on stage with Michael on some of his concerts. I hope to see the Jackson 5 on tour one day, it would be very exiting but after Michael has proved his critics wrong, made the greatest ever comeback and put a stamp back on his title the King of Pop !!!
The Jacksons are one of the best selling R&B groups ever. To fully understand Michael's evolution, you MUST understand the Jackson 5's impact.

The whole JT reuniting with N*SYNC comparison doesn't really hold much water either. N*Sync, imo, was just one of the many boybands that came out in the late 90s/early 00's that saturated the market, they just got exceptional promotion...basically, they got lucky lol
The Jackson 5 was a group where each member had talent and was an important piece of the puzzle.

Critics actually WANT to see a Jackson 5 tour as much they want to see a MJ tour
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

i cannot see it happening either.
and well Jermaine said the same stuff before if i remember well
they're not fit for the stage. it might be ok for celebrating their careers but not for a tour. Michael i believe understands it. they're just not fit enough
have you given them a physical examination?:bugeyed
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

What did Jermaine say so wrong that he is recieving so much rudeness and disrespect from Mj fans.
Well, let me think: Word to the Badd.... for starters.
And the fact that for over ten years now, he makes claim after claim after claim, saying that Michael will tour with the Jackson 5.

It's only a matter of time before no one will believe a word he says, and I think that time is about right now. If it turns out there will be a tour, fine. But don't blame people for not believing him now.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Well, let me think: Word to the Badd.... for starters.
And the fact that for over ten years now, he makes claim after claim after claim, saying that Michael will tour with the Jackson 5.

It's only a matter of time before no one will believe a word he says, and I think that time is about right now. If it turns out there will be a tour, fine. But don't blame people for not believing him now.
No disrespect toyou hoofmark, but That song was like 2o years ago, and the song was about his cinflict with his brother which does happen in families. Don't you have conflict with your family? I know i do.
Maybe we don't know about MJ's transgressions against members of his family because they do not care to tell the public about it, but you can bet your bottom dollar that MJ is not the saint that some of you would like to think he is.
I don't understand why fans would hate Jermaine because he and HIS brother had a fight.:scratch:
Jermaine wasn't event talking to some of you that are protesting. he was speaking to an Australian audience. he hadn't beeen in Australia for a long time, so it isn't his fault that things get postrd on the internet for people he wasn't even talking to.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

I'm not one to think for one minute that Michael is a saint. He's a human being like everybody else and he makes mistakes like all of us. I'm sure there's not only conflict, but also love in the family. But if a person blabs to the press about new albums and tours on and on and in the real world nothing happens, that person becomes hard to believe. That has nothing to do with to who it is said, or in what country. I really don't understand why that point doesn't seem to come acrsoss.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Let's be realistic here. If a J5 tour ever occured (Jermaine is dreaming), they think that the audience would be eager to see the J5 or Michael? Michael of course first and foremost. The Jackson 5 had a success because they were 5 hard working boys but we have to admit that if Michael wasn't the lead singer they would never stand a chance. I love the J5 songs and the J5 era but that's different from attending a J5 tour. The group ceased to exist 20 years ago there is no point in seeing them on stage....Jermaine better think of another way to be on the spotlight or pursue another career. I have nothing against the Jackson family members but they will have to stop dreaming of a reunion, it would be ridiculous. Their success is always based on Michael's presence and I would prefer a Michael solo tour. The world is looking forward to a new Michael album not a J5 one.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

jermaine wasn't blabbing it was an innocent interview. he was asked what the group were doing. he didn't instigate the subject. the interviewer asked the question. Jermaine was very polite and sweet.
I loved the interview. jermaine has a lot of respect in his family. Mj adores him.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

Let's be realistic here. If a J5 tour ever occured (Jermaine is dreaming), they think that the audience would be eager to see the J5 or Michael? Michael of course first and foremost. The Jackson 5 had a success because they were 5 hard working boys but we have to admit that if Michael wasn't the lead singer they would never stand a chance. I love the J5 songs and the J5 era but that's different from attending a J5 tour. The group ceased to exist 20 years ago there is no point in seeing them on stage....Jermaine better think of another way to be on the spotlight or pursue another career. I have nothing against the Jackson family members but they will have to stop dreaming of a reunion, it would be ridiculous. Their success is always based on Michael's presence and I would prefer a Michael solo tour. The world is looking forward to a new Michael album not a J5 one.

did you see the Australian interview, jermaine doesn't need Mj for his spotlight. jermaine swept the entire british public off their feet here in britain. he had MEN screaming in the audience that the loved him.
That interview was Jermaines limelight. he is doing his thing and doing it well. i wonder why some Mj fans love to hate on anyone they think is stealing Mj's limelight.
Re: Jermaine talks: Jackson 5 to reunite

No one can steal Michael's light because Michael is brighter than anyone! There is no comparison between Michael and Jermaine, please....
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