Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

Its not cool to totally bash a man's family the way many of you are doing. Some of you are even advocating that he be thrown on the street. Your hatred is not justified and its discusting to see how the people who should be MJs advocates in his death going against the people he loved. And believe it or not, MJ did love and respect his family - not only his kids. You have his kids on some strange, unrealistic pedestal and want to come after his family with torches. I think none of us here know the full circumstances behind MJs passing, his will, etc so who are we to say the family is unreasonable for asking questions. Why are we so trusting of lawyers and people who wouldn't even give a flip about MJ had he not been rich and famous and trusting their word over the family's?

Aside from his mom, his kids and maybe a couple of siblings, that definition ALSO applies to his family. For some of the siblings, MJ the person had little interest to them...only his bank account.

the siblings and joe will be called to testify as DEFENCE WITNESSES for murray . watch and see

In the words of Mariah Carey " I can't even know what to say".
A lot of what some of you are believing is false, when did randy or latoya say that michael kids are not his?

LaToya said something about Blanket.. its on the net if you want to look. Randy I haven't heard myself..

when I herd this it came from the kids god father mouth and dr klien hinted at it by saying michel ask him to be a sperm donar. on larry king show, my personal view on this bashing on of the jackson famiily is unfounded, its like some of the fans can care less that branca is cashing in on michael death along with the group he is connected to, and its right in plan view for all to see, l have not herd any of those fans say anything about branca, sony and aeg making money of michael death, very strange. and the jackson family is fighting to protect the estate if they dont branca and company will continue to milk it every way the can.

What about Branca? Explain to me what you know. The money he makes for the estate goes to the estate - mother, kids, charity. Or do you know different?

Oh and I've heard plenty of fans including myself talk about Sony and AEG making money off Michael.
i just think that the very same family who TOLD DEBBIE TO ABIDE BY MJ'S WISHES AND HIS WILL should do the very same. how is the will valid when it came to who got the kids but not when it comes tomoney?

that's the same thing I said when this whole thing started and the Jackson family was trying to portray MJ as a druggie who didn't know what he was signing and had no say in his will
If that's the case then is Katherine's custody of the children invalid as well?

They are just going down a path that's going to lead to a big fat mess and whatever Randy/ Joe and whomever else is orchestrating this think their going to get they are not. The devil is a lie!!
Originally Posted by Soso Deaf
i just think that the very same family who TOLD DEBBIE TO ABIDE BY MJ'S WISHES AND HIS WILL should do the very same. how is the will valid when it came to who got the kids but not when it comes tomoney?

OMG - another brilliant point!!

So for Debbie, the will is valid.

But in terms of the money & distribution and executors, the will ISN'T valid.

So, Jackson Family, which one IS IT?
LaToya said something about Blanket.. its on the net if you want to look. Randy I haven't heard myself..

What about Branca? Explain to me what you know. The money he makes for the estate goes to the estate - mother, kids, charity. Or do you know different?

Oh and I've heard plenty of fans including myself talk about Sony and AEG making money off Michael.
Branca made a deal with aeg for this is it movie, branca is listed as a producer for the this is it movie the pruducer gets a cut, (in the entertainment industry) along with sony. that money will be branca not the estate, the estate will get a share after sony make 132 million from the movie, after that the estate gets 90% from the earnings of the movie, and branca is on the board for the grammy museum and AEG is a partner with the grammy museum, the other deals that aeg are making with branca through the estate will also beneft branca what aeg makes and invest in the grammy museum branca will profit and not the estate.
no , the estate gets 90 % after the This is it production costs are recovered . in other words the estate gets 90 % of the profits . like in every movie or play , there are costs to be paid , and once the costs are recovered the estate start getting 90 % of the money .

the estate & AEG sold the rights to sony for more than 60 $ millions, the production costs of the This is it project exceeded 30 millions . AEG will get those 30 millions +- , and after that the 90/10 deal will be on .

90/10 has nothing to do with sony . it is a deal between the estate and AEG .
the estate and AEG will get a percentage of the profits Sony is going to make from the movie that will be split betwee them as 90/10 .

who said after sony get 132 millions the estate will start getting money ?
no , the estate gets 90 % after the This is it production costs are recovered . in other words the estate gets 90 % of the profits . like in every movie or play , there are costs to be paid , and once the costs are recovered the estate start getting 90 % of the money .

the estate & AEG sold the rights to sony for more than 60 $ millions, the production costs of the This is it project exceeded 30 millions . AEG will get those 30 millions +- , and after that the 90/10 deal will be on .

90/10 has nothing to do with sony . it is a deal between the estate and AEG .
the estate and AEG will get a percentage of the profits Sony is going to make from the movie that will be split betwee them as 90/10 .

who said after sony get 132 millions the estate will start getting money ?
90% gos to the estate and aeg gets the 10% after sony make there share I believe that figure was 132 million from this is it movie. my point is and was branca is making money of michael death, branca will profit as a producer that money will go straight to him and mcclain. and not the estate. dont overlook the obvious.
Just as I predicted. The Jackson's are "bad" The lawyers and SONY are MJ "friends" and get all control and if Katherine objects she get's zero.

Suddenly Debbie is "the perfect Mother"

Just as I told you all back in July.

Yes the will is a fraud but when your group controls Hollywood and the Media "you are always right." This is why he was killed.


Murray is still free as I told this also.

Prediction The children will be removed from their Black relatives soon . Yes Race is a factor here.

You will see this too happen with your usual excuses of
"this is the way MJ wanted things."

Race has always been a factor in MJ’s life. He was a black man, who made history. And they hated him for that.

Rupert Murdoch and his fake empire are hiding the truth.
A lot of what some of you are believing is false, when did randy or latoya say that michael kids are not his? when I herd this it came from the kids god father mouth and dr klien hinted at it by saying michel ask him to be a sperm donar. on larry king show, my personal view on this bashing on of the jackson famiily is unfounded, its like some of the fans can care less that branca is cashing in on michael death along with the group he is connected to, and its right in plan view for all to see, l have not herd any of those fans say anything about branca, sony and aeg making money of michael death, very strange. and the jackson family is fighting to protect the estate if they dont branca and company will continue to milk it every way the can.
actually i don't think so, friend

cuz mark lester said that jermaine had his full support and oxman supported lester...oxman talked smack about mj the night he damn died....yet oxman is still working for randy and was at both the memorial and private funeral.

if ur lawyer is speaking, that means he's echoing ur sentiments. if he's not , then u can him.
what people see as branca milking the estate they fail to see that aeg is doing that and worse to his legacy. lol

what mcclain and branca are trying to do is to pick projects that don't unhinge his legacy and at the same time...MAKE THE ESTATE SOLVENT SO THEY CAN PAY THE BILLS. i think they got a yr to get the debt down as much as possible. doing that ensures they can pay the debt w/o selling the atv. that's their goal.
90% gos to the estate and aeg gets the 10% after sony make there share I believe that figure was 132 million from this is it movie. my point is and was branca is making money of michael death, branca will profit as a producer that money will go straight to him and mcclain. and not the estate. dont overlook the obvious.
JOHN BRANCA AND JOHN MCCLAIN ACT AS IF THEY WERE MICHAEL JACKSON. they're supposed to. they're the execs of the estate. if mike were alive, he'd be hte exec producer. he is not so it makes sense that his executors are in that position. also, w/o that title, they would have no editing control and aeg could've put scenes in there w/ the kids or mj talking about his kids. :doh:

JOHN BRANCA AND JOHN MCCLAIN ACT AS IF THEY WERE MICHAEL JACKSON. they're supposed to. they're the execs of the estate. if mike were alive, he'd be hte exec producer. he is not so it makes sense that his executors are in that position. also, w/o that title, they would have no editing control and aeg could've put scenes in there w/ the kids or mj talking about his kids. :doh:


That's right!!!

They are the executors of the estate - not the OWNERS, but the EXECUTORS.

The MJ3 are the OWNERS. Katherine is a short-time owner until she passes.

And of course they had to exec prods because the film belonged to Michael, not AEG.

And yeah - creative control also is 1000% important.

Branca & McClain were instrumental in Michael's success as a solo artist. They were there since the early beginning stages of his career. They worked with him for 30+ years. They know what he likes & doesn't like. They know how to make money for MJ too, of which they've helped make BILLIONS for him & his babies at this point.
it's like branca and mcclain are doing all they can to find tasteful projects that make and earn a lot of money for the estate to get the debt down. if they can't do that. they have to seriously consider selling the atv. but if htey can show that they eliminated most of it and can pay the rest off soon, then the atv is safe
actually i don't think so, friend

cuz mark lester said that jermaine had his full support and oxman supported lester...oxman talked smack about mj the night he damn died....yet oxman is still working for randy and was at both the memorial and private funeral.

if ur lawyer is speaking, that means he's echoing ur sentiments. if he's not , then u can him.
Again thats mark lester comments not jermaines ,
if mark lester think he could be the father cause he said michael had ask him to be a sperm donar, that still not jermaine comment its mark lester, and if jermaine support what mark think jermaine can only go by what the man is saying, jermaine did not say this mark lester did.
the fact that Oxman said that Katherine told him personally" she knows a jackson by looking and Blanket ain't no jackson" , the fact that oxman said that MJ bought blanket from a Hispanic woman and he personaly brought him from a clinic two days after he was born , the fact that Latoya said Blanket is mexiacan to bloster Oxman claims, the fact that Oxman supported Lesters claims that he is Paris dad, the fact that lester publically said he is still very close to Randy and no one said a word, the fact that Oxman was invited to both the memorial and funeral and was sitting even infront of LIZ TAYLOR . all these facts what do they tell you exactly ? that Oxman and Lester represent no one but themselves ? HELL NO .
JOHN BRANCA AND JOHN MCCLAIN ACT AS IF THEY WERE MICHAEL JACKSON. they're supposed to. they're the execs of the estate. if mike were alive, he'd be hte exec producer. he is not so it makes sense that his executors are in that position. also, w/o that title, they would have no editing control and aeg could've put scenes in there w/ the kids or mj talking about his kids. :doh:

Aeg and michael had a contract, aeg decided to do a movie they had to go to branca about the movie deal, branca mccain went a step futher and became producers they are partners with aeg.they have more partnerships with aeg they will keep there money in there circle (grammy museum) , if steven spileberg came to branca about a movie about michael they would not be the producers of his movie, the money branca and mcclain will make as a producer from this is it movie will go to them not the estate.
That's right!!!

They are the executors of the estate - not the OWNERS, but the EXECUTORS.

The MJ3 are the OWNERS. Katherine is a short-time owner until she passes.

And of course they had to exec prods because the film belonged to Michael, not AEG.

And yeah - creative control also is 1000% important.

Branca & McClain were instrumental in Michael's success as a solo artist. They were there since the early beginning stages of his career. They worked with him for 30+ years. They know what he likes & doesn't like. They know how to make money for MJ too, of which they've helped make BILLIONS for him & his babies at this point.
Aeg sold the movie to sony , that would mean Aeg owned the rights to the movie. not the estate
by the way Karen is spreading Randy's twitter account , she said HE ASKED HER to do so , you guys better keep in mind that Karen supported all the talk about drug addiction and painkillers and then she hinted the kids were not MJ bio kids when she commented on klien's story "what will you do if what he says was true " and when Lester came with his story she also hinted he was trustful and indeed paris was his daughter " he is a good friend and honest man"

does Randy think we are stupid ? I mean we destroyed Sneddon case before Mez entered that court room , does he actually think we are not gonna figure out what he is trying to do ?

Oxman, karen , lester are all in Randy's pocket and that stupid asshole Klien thought he was smart , they played him .
I believe they have enough evidence to back there claims, and did"nt i read that the witness forget were she was, and that the lawyer for branca did not answer that question. the jackson family and there lawyer's are smart enough to know how the law works. they know they have to prove there case. i am sure they have a lot more evidence

You are correct. TMZ reported that one of the witnesses forgot where he was. LOL How could you forget you were in New York. I am sure they will modify that story. I look forward to the evidence. Lots of people were with MJ.


We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.
by the way Karen is spreading Randy's twitter account , she said HE ASKED HER to do so , you guys better keep in mind that Karen supported all the talk about drug addiction and painkillers and then she hinted the kids were not MJ bio kids when she commented on klien's story "what will you do if what he says was true " and when Lester came with his story she also hinted he was trustful and indeed paris was his daughter " he is a good friend and honest man"

does Randy think we are stupid ? I mean we destroyed Sneddon case before Mez entered that court room , does he actually think we are not gonna figure out what he is trying to do ?

Oxman, karen , lester are all in Randy's pocket and that stupid asshole Klien thought he was smart , they played him .

I cannot stand Karen Faye. I did not know she helped perpetuated the stories about MJ's kids. So she is supporting Randy.
I think she is a hypocrite and was not a friend to MJ in his last years.

I don't understand why fans are falling over themselves to follow any of these people. Are we that desperate that we are willing to give anyone who ever got in contact with him the time of day, just to be a little closer to MJ?

I hope fans don't fall for the upcoming twitter campaign to disparage MJ's kids, MJ's executors and his estate.
You are correct. TMZ reported that one of the witnesses forgot where he was. LOL How could you forget you were in New York. I am sure they will modify that story. I look forward to the evidence. Lots of people were with MJ.


We've now confirmed Jackson definitely signed the will in New York City on 7-7-02. So the reference to Los Angeles is clearly a mistake.

Our sources say the person who wrote "Los Angeles" is one of the witnesses to the will and simply forgot where he was.

it's more a mistake "where I live/Where I am".

the important are the witnesses present when the will was signed
Aeg and michael had a contract, aeg decided to do a movie they had to go to branca about the movie deal, branca mccain went a step futher and became producers they are partners with aeg.they have more partnerships with aeg they will keep there money in there circle (grammy museum) , if steven spileberg came to branca about a movie about michael they would not be the producers of his movie, the money branca and mcclain will make as a producer from this is it movie will go to them not the estate.
incorrect. there's a difference between doing a movie about someone and doing a movie that refers and uses the footage from a project already in conception.

this is it was from mj w/ aeg....they were partners. he's now gone so his executors of the estate now fill michael jackson's shoes

randy's full of it. if he keeps it up, his mother will have no kids and no money.
incorrect. there's a difference between doing a movie about someone and doing a movie that refers and uses the footage from a project already in conception.

this is it was from mj w/ aeg....they were partners. he's now gone so his executors of the estate now fill michael jackson's shoes

randy's full of it. if he keeps it up, his mother will have no kids and no money.

do you think that he can success to invalidate the will ?
he'd be a fool to try to. no he can't discount it or invalidate it b/c if he did, then it would just fall on the 1997 will which is exactly the same except the two youngest who weren'tborn at the time. so if he tries to get that one invalidated then what happens is this

katherine loses her 40% and she also loses the children. mike's next of kin is his children, for two of them, their next of kin is their mother debbie. she can request, per her n.o.k's request, they can ask that their minor brother be raised w/ them. blanket would ultimately be a ward of the state of california but that would ony be formality. deb would get them

the kids would get 100% of the estate and deb would control that until they were of age.

so again....he thinks he can say that the kids aren'tmike's or that the will is fake and the family can get themoney. sorry dude
Aeg and michael had a contract, aeg decided to do a movie they had to go to branca about the movie deal, branca mccain went a step futher and became producers they are partners with aeg.they have more partnerships with aeg they will keep there money in there circle (grammy museum) , if steven spileberg came to branca about a movie about michael they would not be the producers of his movie, the money branca and mcclain will make as a producer from this is it movie will go to them not the estate.

For the sake of accuracy, yes, this is correct. The majority of the revenues generated by the movie will go to the estate, i.e. to Michael's children. As executors of the estate, Branca/McClain had a responsibility to make this film the best it could be. Michael is not here, so they must act AS IF they were him. That does not necessarily mean it was their responsibility to co-produce this movie. Their responsibility was to make sure it was the best "product" in terms of quality that it could be, as Michael would have wanted. . if indeed he would have wanted a film of rehearsal footage to be released at all? The executors' choices included using someone more knowledgeable about film production, i.e. someone like Spielberg. They chose not to go that route. As co-executive-producers of the film, the money they make in that role goes DIRECTLY to them as income, and is not shared by the estate. Just to be clear on that.

Carry on,

nobody is expecting them to work for nothing ? the better deals they get for the estate the more money they will get , FAIR ENOUGH . on the other hand , the family ( memorabilia tour) wanted the estate to break a very poor deal , because the brothers were gonna get ALOT under the table .
nobody is expecting them to work for nothing ? the better deals they get for the estate the more money they will get , FAIR ENOUGH . on the other hand , the family ( memorabilia tour) wanted the estate to break a very poor deal , because the brothers were gonna get ALOT under the table .

That is correct. No one expects them to work for nothing. The point is, they could have chosen to work at this, collecting salaries, or they could have chosen to have someone else as executive producer of the film, such as Spielberg. In that case, they would not have done this particular work (executive producers of the film) nor would they have been paid for it, but would have selected someone else for that job. As executors, they receive a percentage of all revenues the estate makes. Those revenues include the proceeds from TII, and any other revenues from the estate.
What the hell is Randy doin on twitter? I bet he's in here too..
I think this should be reported to TMZ about their "star source" Randy - who stiffed thousands of MJ fans without giving their money back.

See how Randy likes it when he goes off blabbing to the media.

You guys also need to add Karen Faye to the mix...