Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

18 but they CAN be emancipated as early as 15/16 if they can prove they can raise themsleves. these kids willhave a trust fund so i don't see y not

but if it's in reference of who htey want to stay with, the judge always has the last decision.

Ooooh!! With Mike Jr. as smart & gifted as he is - there is no doubt. He'll be the type to kick ass & take names. Daddy taught him WELL.
I just want to raise a question: Why would MJ be engaged into all this weirdest ordeals, no matter if he is dead or alive???? He has such a kind heart but everything around him seemed to happen only in your wildest dreams!
I just want to raise a question: Why would MJ be engaged into all this weirdest ordeals, no matter if he is dead or alive???? He has such a kind heart but everything around him seemed to happen only in your wildest dreams!
truth is always stranger than fiction. and when ur baby brother was kidnapped andheld for ransom...anythign is possible in ur world
r u puerto rican too? cuz they recently found out they had some pr blood in them. so um...when can i come crash on ur floor? i promise i'll leave randy broke self in the car
18 but they CAN be emancipated as early as 15/16 if they can prove they can raise themsleves. these kids willhave a trust fund so i don't see y not

but if it's in reference of who htey want to stay with, the judge always has the last decision.

Well I'll countdown to the day when young Michael is free from the circus... and may he also save Paris and Little Mike II!
r u puerto rican too? cuz they recently found out they had some pr blood in them.

Dominican - Martes or Marte is mostly exclusive to Dominican Republic or from Southern Spain. The other derivative which is Martí is found in Cuba and Dominican Republic. If there are Puerto Rican Martes or Marte, they have Domincan relatives from the dad's side.

Delores' mom's name was Irma Estevez - could be Puerto Rican. Estevez is a pretty common Spanish Surname.

All I know is I'd like to know more about where Delores' dad came from, i.e. what country & from what city, cuz Delores is a TWIN of my older sister from my dad's side.

so um...when can i come crash on ur floor? i promise i'll leave randy broke self in the car

LOL!!!! You can come cuz mi casa es tu casa, but Randy will be told to BEAT IT (pun intended!)
Well I'll countdown to the day when young Michael is free from the circus... and may he also save Paris and Little Mike II!

Me too.

Something tells me that Mike Jr. is/will be the type to take NO KINDS OF SH&T from no one.

Daddy's right by his side to make sure of that.

And HELLZ YA Mike Jr. will take his sis & little bro with him & teach them like Papa did.
actually i think mike said prince was the opposite. he's very sensitive and he'd be the one that needed to be watched so he wasn't taken advantage of. whoknows....i know this willmake them stronger but dang. shimar, check ur pm
when mj said that about prince ? from the people who were around prince was a mini adult .
yea mini adult. very sure of himself, very confident but also very loving and very trusting and sensitive. just pm me lol cuz eh....u know.

i just want this to all be ok. the family can just sit they ass down and realize he ain't left them nothing and to move on. just focus on raising his kids. hell be nice to them andmaybe they'll help uwhen they older but mj's murder doesn't mean a windfall for the family.
how much time u got? cuz damn....it went from randy to randy's mouth to randy's friends mouths to randy again and then the chillun.

got it lol
randy - bleh
leave that mf, it's obvious he wants money, money and.. did i say money?
i don't know his family and i shouldn't judge them but wow they look.. weird:agree:
member of the family is dead and they don't stop doing shit after shit and all that money...
i just think that the very same family who TOLD DEBBIE TO ABIDE BY MJ'S WISHES AND HIS WILL should do the very same. how is the will valid when it came to who got the kids but not when it comes tomoney?
I completely remember when Randy said that the MJ3 were NOT MJs true biological children - which they ARE.

It horrified me to think that their own uncle would be so evil to even think that.

Huh? I know he had people do the dirty work...I have never heard or read it directly from his mouth.

When did that happen??

Regardless of biology, the kids WILL get their father's money. And Randy is an evil man. He is worst than Jermaine...Never thought I would say that in a billiion years..because I can't stand Jermaine. But Randy doing that to 3 innocent kids is just evil.

I am so scared the kids will suffer because of the family like MJ did. I know MJ said Paris is very strong and takes no prisoner..I hope all three are strong. This is not gonna be easy for them.

Originally Posted by Soso Deaf
randy's position is him in line at the bank.

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You can tell Mike brought them up well.. Paris keeps demonstrating that. She seems like an intelligent, caring, determined young woman.. the memorial proved all that, and she shut a hell of a lot of people up who doubted MJ's ability as a father. They are his greatest legacy and I hope they learnt enough from Michael to last their lives, I just hope what he taught them lasts through all the stuff that is around them now...and that Blanket won't lose out on his daddy's influence completely.

Whether its true or not.. (Soso..what you think?).. according to LaToya, Michael told Paris that one day the time would come when she'd have to take responsibility and be like a mother to the children.. the time came FAR too soon.. lot of responsiblility for a young girl.
Its not cool to totally bash a man's family the way many of you are doing. Some of you are even advocating that he be thrown on the street. Your hatred is not justified and its discusting to see how the people who should be MJs advocates in his death going against the people he loved. And believe it or not, MJ did love and respect his family - not only his kids. You have his kids on some strange, unrealistic pedestal and want to come after his family with torches. I think none of us here know the full circumstances behind MJs passing, his will, etc so who are we to say the family is unreasonable for asking questions. Why are we so trusting of lawyers and people who wouldn't even give a flip about MJ had he not been rich and famous and trusting their word over the family's?
well his actions and his words speak loudly right now. he left them nothing....except his mother until she is no longer living. then the rest go to his kids. meaning the four people he valued themost were his kids and his mother.
we are defending his legacy , we have been on message boards explaining why mj was taking meds , we were on message boards telling people why mj was not a drug addict, we were on message boards explaining every action that killer murray did and every statement he said in order to shift the blame from michael .

while his family were talking about him being out of his mind , a drugged up , junkie , who made sure they had no access to him . they talked about interventions, about trying to break the gates to his home ....etc , they supported people who sued him , they invited people to his funeral and memeorial who made his life a living hell .

they spread rumours about him not being the bio dad to his kids through Oxman and Lester , and failed to address Klien and Ian Halprein claims .

they continoue with their obvious silly allegation against AEG , and the conspiracy to kill him , while ignoring Murray . even though they knew it was murray who killed mj , but murray has no money to pay for the lawsuit they are preparing . they are going after AEG for money only not because they want justice .

the siblings and joe will be called to testify as DEFENCE WITNESSES for murray . watch and see
this is such a mess. it all just breaks my heart all over again. why can't his family accept the will, honor his wishes, shut up and get a job to support themselves. what a disgrace. i just hope the MJ3 won't get emotional scars after living in the middle of this craziness.
this is such a mess. it all just breaks my heart all over again. why can't his family accept the will, honor his wishes, shut up and get a job to support themselves. what a disgrace. i just hope the MJ3 won't get emotional scars after living in the middle of this craziness.

I agree..these kids aren't stupid they have ears...they can see and hear what is going on around them....it just seems as though they are not being protected in and way shape or form....which is very sad because Michael always made sure they were.
well his actions and his words speak loudly right now. he left them nothing....except his mother until she is no longer living. then the rest go to his kids. meaning the four people he valued themost were his kids and his mother.
A lot of what some of you are believing is false, when did randy or latoya say that michael kids are not his? when I herd this it came from the kids god father mouth and dr klien hinted at it by saying michel ask him to be a sperm donar. on larry king show, my personal view on this bashing on of the jackson famiily is unfounded, its like some of the fans can care less that branca is cashing in on michael death along with the group he is connected to, and its right in plan view for all to see, l have not herd any of those fans say anything about branca, sony and aeg making money of michael death, very strange. and the jackson family is fighting to protect the estate if they dont branca and company will continue to milk it every way the can.
Its not cool to totally bash a man's family the way many of you are doing. Some of you are even advocating that he be thrown on the street. Your hatred is not justified and its discusting to see how the people who should be MJs advocates in his death going against the people he loved. And believe it or not, MJ did love and respect his family - not only his kids. You have his kids on some strange, unrealistic pedestal and want to come after his family with torches. I think none of us here know the full circumstances behind MJs passing, his will, etc so who are we to say the family is unreasonable for asking questions.

HA! Pardon? 'strange unrealistic pedestal'?! How so? In NO way has anyone done that.... Saying they are well brought up kids is not putting them on a 'strange unrealistic pedestal'. Lord.

Its been concluded that the Will is real, and even if it wasn't it wouldn't make much difference from his previous Will.

Why are we so trusting of lawyers and people who wouldn't even give a flip about MJ had he not been rich and famous and trusting their word over the family's?

Do you know that? Do you know the history between for example Branca and Michael? Or the history between Randy and Michael?

Some people on here know more about MJ and his family than others, and not just from what they read on here, thats all I'm saying, and I trust them.

Sometimes the family bashing gets out of hand and I do not agree with it, I've stood against it, but in some cases its justified. Being 'MJs advocate' is to support what he wanted. That was before his death and after, and thats not just the responsibility of his fans, but also his family.