Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

That is correct. No one expects them to work for nothing. The point is, they could have chosen to work at this, collecting salaries, or they could have chosen to have someone else as executive producer of the film, such as Spielberg. In that case, they would not have done this particular work (executive producers of the film) nor would they have been paid for it, but would have selected someone else for that job. As executors, they receive a percentage of all revenues the estate makes. Those revenues include the proceeds from TII, and any other revenues from the estate.

You got me until you mention Spielberg.

1) spielberg and MJ weren't friends...he stole from MJ during the whole Dreamworks episode.

2) even if there wasn't any beef between MJ & Spielberg, you think the guy come cheap? He would ask a ton of money which the estate can't afford.

Executive producer is nothing more than have product control...so they can overview the project. Why waste money hiring a big shot director.

3) John McClain had produce several projects with MJ...so I think he is more than qualify to do it again and keep the money for the estate.

4) The judge approved the deal. There is NO COLLUSION in them taking MJ's place and producing HIS work.

5) Hollywood turned their backs on MJ...why should his estate give a break to those people that spit on him during his darkest hour.
You got me until you mention Spielberg.

1) spielberg and MJ weren't friends...he stole from MJ during the whole Dreamworks episode.

2) even if there wasn't any beef between MJ & Spielberg, you think the guy come cheap? He would ask a ton of money which the estate can't afford.

Executive producer is nothing more than have product control...so they can overview the project. Why waste money hiring a big shot director.

3) John McClain had produce several projects with MJ...so I think he is more than qualify to do it again and keep the money for the estate.

4) The judge approved the deal. There is NO COLLUSION in them taking MJ's place and producing HIS work.

5) Hollywood turned their backs on MJ...why should his estate give a break to those people that spit on him during his darkest hour.

Agreed!!! :clapping::clapping:
Oh, for cripes SAKE. I wasn't suggesting Spielberg in particular; he was just an EXAMPLE. Read my post again. I was explaining the range of possibilities for the executors. One possibility was to co-produce themselves, and another to get someone else.
I'd prefer the executors to executive produce instead of some outside producer. At least they knew Michael and picked those who would have served the movie well. Someone representing Michael needed editorial and creative control. Plus the family were with Branca & McClain and gave them the final go ahead with the production of the film.

wheew this is tiring.
Yeah, it's TOO tiring. I'm staying out of these threads for a good, long time, except to watch if people start to harm one-another. Otherwise, I'll be in the Support Forum. So, you know where to find me. . . . .
I cannot stand Karen Faye. I did not know she helped perpetuated the stories about MJ's kids. So she is supporting Randy.
I think she is a hypocrite and was not a friend to MJ in his last years.

I don't understand why fans are falling over themselves to follow any of these people. Are we that desperate that we are willing to give anyone who ever got in contact with him the time of day, just to be a little closer to MJ?

I hope fans don't fall for the upcoming twitter campaign to disparage MJ's kids, MJ's executors and his estate.

You didn't know Karen said that about Micheal kid's? She did. She made it sound like Klein was the biological father of those kids.

it was randy and his g.f who ran it

You forgot to add Karen. She too ran it.

Maybe someone *should* tell TMZ this. This would be more interesting then what they have up there now about Klein suing the Jackson estate.
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Branca was
- fired in 1992 - when mj was working with geffen and geffen telling lies about Branca
- rehired in 1993 - when mj found out what geffen was telling lies
- resigned in 2005 - after the trial when he thought MJ was surrounded by people that he did not like.

basically he was working with mj during the two wills signed 1997 and 2002.

plus he hired a lot old people from his past before he died.
he rehired Frank Dileo as his manager
he rehired Kenny Ortega as his tour director (who worked with him at dangerous and history tours)
he rehired Karen Faye (who did not work with him after 2006)
he rehired Branca.
It looks like he was trying to get his old team back and nothing more.

According to Roger Friedman Branca was fired by fax 3-2003 along with Barry Siegel. This article has her leaving but somewhere else I read (not this article) it says she was fired. Branca & Green were supposedly blamed for Bashir. Branca can still claim he was getting a % of ATV though.


There is chaos in the world of Michael Jackson. On Monday he fired his longtime adviser and attorney John Branca. By fax, of all things.

Branca set up Jackson's Sony/ATV Music Publishing deal concerning the Lennon-McCartney song catalogue and will receive 5 percent of the income from it.
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no , it has nothing to do with Bashir thing, Branca had no idea about Bashir, MJ simply served ties with Branca after Koitzner and Weizner convinced him that Branca conspired against him with Sony , one of them got a power of attorney from MJ .

Legrande said that koitzner and weisner wanted to take control of mj's finance and wanted Branca out so they asked him to investigate Branca . he did say that after he discovered the offshore account MJ served ties with Branca and that was in 2003 .
Trish - I highly suggest a Music/ Intellectual Property 101 for the next interview!!!

BTW - MJJC is the BEST. Thank you & Gaz for this wonderful place. Thank you.

I'd prefer the executors to executive produce instead of some outside producer. At least they knew Michael and picked those who would have served the movie well. Someone representing Michael needed editorial and creative control. Plus the family were with Branca & McClain and gave them the final go ahead with the production of the film.

wheew this is tiring.
no , it has nothing to do with Bashir thing, Branca had no idea about Bashir, MJ simply served ties with Branca after Koitzner and Weizner convinced him that Branca conspired against him with Sony , one of them got a power of attorney from MJ .

Legrande said that koitzner and weisner wanted to take control of mj's finance and wanted Branca out so they asked him to investigate Branca . he did say that after he discovered the offshore account MJ served ties with Branca and that was in 2003 .

I am pretty sure it was Konitzer who had Power of attorney - I was looking for a link to make sure, but wasn't a clip of MJ played recently of him giving Konitzer the Power of Attorney? I think Wiesner supplied it. I couldn't find it & will try tomorrow. Ann Kite testified that Konitzer may have been working with Sony & felt alot of people were embezzling from him. She took her concerns to Jermaine & I believe the POA was revoked.


In a surprising twist, Ms. Kite mentioned that she had friends in high places at Sony that confirmed that someone in the Jackson camp was deliberately trying to set Michael Jackson up to steal his highly-coveted Sony Music Catalog. Ms. Kite explained that she learned that Ronald Konitzer, an adviser also named as an unindicted co-conspirator, might be working behind the scenes to allow Sony to take over his ownership of a music catalog that includes the works of the Beatles. The catalog is valued at hundreds of millions of dollars.
"You said that Mr. Konitzer was hired to isolate Michael Jackson and let him create his downfall so that Sony could get the catalog back, isn't that correct?" asked Mr. Mesereau.
"Not in those words," said the witness, but she added she was aware of the importance of the catalog and that she was informed "that Sony was waiting for the opportunity to get the Sony catalog back."

This Trudy Green being on the will reminded me of Carol Davis on The justice system.net. I just loved her during the trial delivering the news. She has the best voice & a little bit of attitude. She works or worked with Geragos & is a lawyer/journalist.

She named a list of conspirators one day, being a lawyer I don't think she would have said it if they didn't have substantial evidence - maybe they have already turned it over to the police:

John Branca
Trudy Green
Howard Kaufman
Charles Koppelman
Al Malnik
Tommy Mottola
Brett Ratner

I have a hard time following this so I did some research.

John Branca for MJ, Koppelman also bid for the ATV catalog.
By November 20th, 1984, Jackson and Branca sent a Telex to Holmes a Court with a $46-million bid for the ATV catalog. They were aware of another bid of $39 million, and had spent time determining the value of the ATV catalog. They believed their $46 million was a good bid, and that it had cushion enough to be above the rest. In addition to McCartney as a possible rival in the contest, the other investors and music industry executives competing for the ATV catlog were: Charles Koppelman and Marty Bandier’s New York-based The Entertainment Co., Virgin Records of London; New York real estate tycoon Samuel J. Lefrak, and financier Charles Knapp. John Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, had been contacted but did not enter the bidding.

link to Brett Ratner, Brian Koppelman son, EMI music publishing, EMI Records group

RF – mj intro to C Koppelman thru Ratner via Brian Koppelman

interview of Ratner, Talks about Brian Koppelman

Note Trudy Green & Kaufman are business partners.
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Randy Jackson claims Michael Jackson could not have signed his 2002 will, because he was 2,475 air miles away from the place the document was supposedly inked.

According to the will, it was signed on July 7, 2002 at 5:00 PM in Los Angeles. Randy Jackson tells TMZ he has proof MJ was in New York from July 5 through July 9, on a campaign against Sony honcho Tommy Mottola, claiming Mottola had a thing against Black artists.

The lawyer for the estate, Howard Weitzman, tells TMZ the witnesses to the will were face-to-face with Jackson when he signed the document. Weitzman would not say if the will was signed in L.A., even though the document refers to Los Angeles.

The intimation -- the will may actually have been signed outside of L.A. even though it says Los Angeles.

The plot thickens.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/2#comments#ixzz0UavgICC6

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/2#comments#ixzz0Uave4qHx

Thank you for posting this. I believe the will is faked.


Attention: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Harlem community.
Now that I have told you about the Historical way the Music Industry cheats their artists especially "black" artists;
I must meet with my "dear friend" John Branca (who is a former SONY lawyer)
and sign my will giving total control of my entire estate over to him.
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she was given the permission to sell it by Randy, and as a favor she spread his new twitter account .

guys you seem to forget that karen posted these pics before all the twitter thing karen is covered by Randy so no need to worry from any lawsuits
karen hinted kliens being the father was true, then she supported lester , like Oxman , the leader is oviously Randy , he gives them orders and they start spreading the "truth"
she was given the permission to sell it by Randy, and as a favor she spread his new twitter account .

guys you seem to forget that karen posted these pics before all the twitter thing karen is covered by Randy so no need to worry from any lawsuits

Normally I try not to talk bad about anyone I do not know, but this has really push me. I know fans' of the family will not like my following statement, but this is all my personal opinion and the mobs can delete it as far as I care.

That being said, if this is remotely true. Randy, Karen, and anyone who support their stands are a bunch of irredeemable assholes and I hope Michael's ghost hunts them at night. I also hope that when the kids come of age that they find out about all the bullshit that these people have been doing and cut every last one of these motherfu***** from their lives, the money, and banish Karen fake ass forever from Michael's tomb.

Now that I said that, I feel a little better. Sorry for the rant and the language.
i thought randy rebbi and maybe janet were the only non-casher-innerers!!!!
he's moving over to the darks side!!!!
sorry probably i missed something, but reading here i was shocked - Randy said that kids are not Michael's ?
sorry probably i missed something, but reading here i was shocked - Randy said that kids are not Michael's ?

I missed the source - I don't know if that is true, never saw him on TV say it.
Lies run sprints...
I missed the source - I don't know if that is true, never saw him on TV say it.
Lies run sprints...

Oxman said that and he works for Joe and Randy. You can find his statements on Youtube if you know what to put in the text window.

Also, Karen suggested the same thing on her facebook and she has the family's blessing. It is most likely Randy since she is spreading his tweeter's account. Although, others maybe involve.
Normally I try not to talk bad about anyone I do not know, but this has really push me. I know fans' of the family will not like my following statement, but this is all my personal opinion and the mobs can delete it as far as I care.

That being said, if this is remotely true. Randy, Karen, and anyone who support their stands are a bunch of irredeemable assholes and I hope Michael's ghost hunts them at night. I also hope that when the kids come of age that they find out about all the bullshit that these people have been doing and cut every last one of these motherfu***** from their lives, the money, and banish Karen fake ass forever from Michael's tomb.

Now that I said that, I feel a little better. Sorry for the rant and the language.

Bashing randy because someone said randy gave karen the permission to put the picture on her site, that person who said this dont know that, she is only speculating, did karen tell her that?. even though you said if this is true, your speaking like you believe that its true. and if karen made a mistake for putting up these pictures, she was trying to share with with her fans on her site. I dont think she had ill intentions. and i dont think karen should get made and blame others for posting these pictures on other sites, I dont think karen thought it through.
i thought randy rebbi and maybe janet were the only non-casher-innerers!!!!
he's moving over to the darks side!!!!
There is a lot of speculating but no real truth that he is cashing in.
Bashing randy because someone said randy gave karen the permission to put the picture on her site, that person who said this dont know that, she is only speculating, did karen tell her that?. even though you said if this is true, your speaking like you believe that its true. and if karen made a mistake for putting up these pictures, she was trying to share with with her fans on her site. I dont think she had ill intentions. and i dont think karen should get made and blame others for posting these pictures on other sites, I dont think karen thought it through.

I clearly said "if" this was true, so I did take in account this maybe not true. Please read my post more carefully.

Also, it has been proven by documents that Karan most likely sold those pictures for at least $10,000. Even if she didn't, Forest Lawn has a strict policy about taken pictures, which she purposely disregard. For fans or not, she broke the rules and maybe the wishes of the family. This is no small crime.

Btw, there are 5,000+ people on her facebook, most she does not know, so this was not sharing with personal friends. And yes, it is her fault for the pictures going to other sites. She posted them on a public domain site and there lost control over who can take them and post them. As long as they do not attempt to sell the pictures, these people can use those pictures for their homepage and Karen would have no say in the matter, no matter how much she screams.

I am getting tire of everyone excusing her behavior. I do not care if she worked for Michael for 10, 20, or even 50 years. What she did was unethical, underhanded, and self-serving. Grief or friendship is no excuse for what she did and she should be call on that. If this was anyone else, would you honestly be protecting that person. This double standard needs to end.
I clearly said "if" this was true, so I did take in account this maybe not true. Please read my post more carefully.

Also, it has been proven by documents that Karan most likely sold those pictures for at least $10,000. Even if she didn't, Forest Lawn has a strict policy about taken pictures, which she purposely disregard. For fans or not, she broke the rules and maybe the wishes of the family. This is no small crime.

Btw, there are 5,000+ people on her facebook, most she does not know, so this was not sharing with personal friends. And yes, it is her fault for the pictures going to other sites. She posted them on a public domain site and there lost control over who can take them and post them. As long as they do not attempt to sell the pictures, these people can use those pictures for their homepage and Karen would have no say in the matter, no matter how much she screams.

I am getting tire of everyone excusing her behavior. I do not care if she worked for Michael for 10, 20, or even 50 years. What she did was unethical, underhanded, and self-serving. Grief or friendship is no excuse for what she did and she should be call on that. If this was anyone else, would you honestly be protecting that person. This double standard needs to end.

I assume your referring to this article which was posted. It's very interesting:

why do you keep asking for prove that Randy is shady ? he is the BEAST whether you like it or not .