Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

I do not see this posted anywhere. I have searched around & perhaps I have missed it. So sorry if it has been posted elsewhere. I think it could be in the other thread too. This is the link to the court document that Oxman filed. It is very long reading 71 pages.


I think its very interesting though.

Sorry in advance if this is elsewhere.
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Even though it was Mr. Jackson who wanted Dr.Murray as his doctor, why did not AEG run a background check on him since he was on your pay roll?
Oxman lies:

"the 45 % Federal estate tax on the Estate's property will be astronomical. Branca failed to advise Michael Jackson of the tax consequences of the purported July 7, 2002, will. Failure to place these assets in trust to reduce estate taxes and facilitate an orderly transfer of assets, was grossly negligent. No estate planner in the country would condone this kind of reckless estate plan "

a prove Oxman is a pathological liar , Branca made mj create a trust in February 2002 and mj transferred everything to that trust .
Oxman lies:

"the 45 % Federal estate tax on the Estate's property will be astronomical. Branca failed to advise Michael Jackson of the tax consequences of the purported July 7, 2002, will. Failure to place these assets in trust to reduce estate taxes and facilitate an orderly transfer of assets, was grossly negligent. No estate planner in the country would condone this kind of reckless estate plan "

a prove Oxman is a pathological liar , Branca made mj create a trust in February 2002 and mj transferred everything to that trust .

he's speaking about Neverland, etc... ? Neverland, Hayvenhurst are transferred also ?
something else !

Oxman said many things that Branca had to resign himself as executor because MJ asked him to transfer all papers to Legrande & Co.

For me, it's non sense. These 2 things are different. If MJ was not happy, he could have written an other Will. That's all !
"Branca's estate plan was the product of a conflicts of interest because he wanted more and more property in the estate to generate extraordinary executor's fees for himself who he named as an executor. the more property he left in Michael Jackson's estate the higher his executor's fees and attorney's fees earned from the estate. He failed to advise Michael Jackson of the tax consequences of living high valued assets in the estate which would also earn Branca excessive executor's fees . Branca suffers from an irremediable conflicts of interest because he can't sue himself for his own negligence".

see why I told you the jacksons are so mad and wanted Branca out . they know Branca won't sell anything , on the contrary he will invest and reinvest because that will generate alot for him beside the estate , HE HAS NO INTEREST WHATEVER in selling any assets . while the family want to liquidate to get the money as profits .
so Oxman is angry because mj allowed his kids to get those "highly valuded assets" mj should have sold them right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy is stupid with no brain cells whatever .

this is for people who believe this man , he had no credibility, he lied and lied and lied in this document .
something else !

Oxman said many things that Branca had to resign himself as executor because MJ asked him to transfer all papers to Legrande & Co.

For me, it's non sense. These 2 things are different. If MJ was not happy, he could have written an other Will. That's all !

correct , his argument is so stupid to be even considered an argument .
do u think that the family is going to pursue the motion ?

no they won't , Katherine already dropped her objection, they know they can't do anything . all they hope now is the probate ends as fast as possible and Branca pays as much profits as possible to the beneficiaries and that katherine lives a very long life .
god bless miss k and i hope her other children rally around her and fight joe oxman and randy on this one. it's over. let it go
Trish: "Randy claims it is not about the money... then why oh why are you trying your damnedest to invalidate a will that has nothing to do with you? It would be different if John Branca and McClain was destroying Michael's estate and improprieties were happening... As it stands, the estate has made what, almost 200 plus million dollars since Michael's passing? The movie looks well directed and edited to show Michael in the best light so it can have a lasting impression and legacy, and Michael's music is doing well too.

What is the problem???"

Exactly you took the words right out of my mouth..Randy and Joe sit DOWN! Michael will is providing for his children and his mother...what else do you want?????!?!?!? A cut? You can forget about it!! Go sit your butts down! I see them casuing trouble more than contributing to their love ones legacy...bickering over junk...wasting time and making a mockery of his hard work....shut up or be part of the positive movement.
a prove Oxman is a pathological liar , Branca made mj create a trust in February 2002 and mj transferred everything to that trust .

Do we know that for sure though? I mean as far as I understood, it is the will itself that transfers everything (?) to the trust vs. transfering all property to the trust while still alive, if I understand correctly that makes all the difference from a tax point of view. We have not seen the trust documents and most likely we never will, so I guess we can't know for sure. But afaik MJ's most valuable assets the catalogs were already owned by different trusts, so I'm not sure how that works legally with this will - do the trusts owning the catalogs become part of the family trust or do they remain separate?

IMO this tax issue might have some merit, there were some articles saying the same thing a few months ago (but don't make me search for them now, please).

On the other hand this argument about the higher executor's fees does not seem very logical to me, since 3% of say 100 million is still "only" 3 million and I don't think this is that much money for someone like Branca, who is already a millionaire. Also, he'd be getting paid as trustee of the family trust in absence of a will, probably a similar percentage.
I do not see this posted anywhere. I have searched around & perhaps I have missed it. So sorry if it has been posted elsewhere. I think it could be in the other thread too. This is the link to the court document that Oxman filed. It is very long reading 71 pages.


I think its very interesting though.

Sorry in advance if this is elsewhere.

2 mistakes or whatever you want to call them

1- the will was not prepared or in possession of Branca. An estate lawyer prepared the will so Branca could not be holding on to the will.

2. how can you dupe somebody to sign a conflict of interest form? biased or ubiased lawyer and even no lawyer "a conflict of interest" form means that there is a conflict of interest and that you know it. I can't believe how stupid they want to portray MJ.
Do we know that for sure though? I mean as far as I understood, it is the will itself that transfers everything (?) to the trust vs. transfering all property to the trust while still alive, if I understand correctly that makes all the difference from a tax point of view. We have not seen the trust documents and most likely we never will, so I guess we can't know for sure. But afaik MJ's most valuable assets the catalogs were already owned by different trusts, so I'm not sure how that works legally with this will - do the trusts owning the catalogs become part of the family trust or do they remain separate?

IMO this tax issue might have some merit, there were some articles saying the same thing a few months ago (but don't make me search for them now, please).

On the other hand this argument about the higher executor's fees does not seem very logical to me, since 3% of say 100 million is still "only" 3 million and I don't think this is that much money for someone like Branca, who is already a millionaire. Also, he'd be getting paid as trustee of the family trust in absence of a will, probably a similar percentage.

yes we know that for sure, we know that everything is in that trust now which was created in February 2002 .

as for the tax issue, indeed the tax is 48 % of the estate but according to many experts someone who made such a GREAT WILL did for sure take extra measures to pay the taxes . no need to be worried at all , an expert on cnn said this will proved one thing : Michael Jackson was a very smart business man .enough said
2 mistakes or whatever you want to call them

1- the will was not prepared or in possession of Branca. An estate lawyer prepared the will so Branca could not be holding on to the will.

2. how can you dupe somebody to sign a conflict of interest form? biased or ubiased lawyer and even no lawyer "a conflict of interest" form means that there is a conflict of interest and that you know it. I can't believe how stupid they want to portray MJ.

:flowers: Congrats to you & Williamorange1 for getting thru that doc so fast. 71 pages makes me go :scratch:. I have barely begun reading & these docs put me to sleep. I can blame it on my job & kids tho. If you guys are not already lawyers, you should consider law school.
2 mistakes or whatever you want to call them

1- the will was not prepared or in possession of Branca. An estate lawyer prepared the will so Branca could not be holding on to the will.

2. how can you dupe somebody to sign a conflict of interest form? biased or ubiased lawyer and even no lawyer "a conflict of interest" form means that there is a conflict of interest and that you know it. I can't believe how stupid they want to portray MJ.
actually wasn't the will in branca's safe since 02? and he was trying to contact the family to have them invite him over to read it hte weekend of his death?
MemeFan : " A will that leave EVERYTHING to his children and charity is called fake?

Is the 1997 will fake too?

I don't know if you saw the 1997 will, but it is the exact replica of the 2002....only Prince was missing.

Randy is shady. Trying to strip the kids of what is RIGHTFULLY theirs. He cannot get over the fact that MJ left them all out of his will.

He better believes it, because after the money train stops at the Katherine "
Yes, can I get a Amen! All this trash about a fake will.....it ends with Katerine so they can spin, twist, hop a story and and loop certain fans into it...the BUCK stops with Katherine! PERIOD! The ones listed in the will, are the ones who will get the inheritance..and by the looks of all this stupid nonscene...Michael did the right thing.
yea now if the will said he would support his family and give half of his money to jermaine randy and joe...then we could scratch our heads.
The only things I could think of because I'm not a lawyer is this, I did ask around to friends who are but here's what I think.
1. Being that he was here in NYC at the time the Will was suppose to being signed,(I witness this. I saw him July 6,2002(Saturday) at the SONY DEMO and at The Celebration of Love Party Afterwards)He had to had been here at least 2days before he went to Rev Al Sharpton's Church and The SONY DEMO. The Will was supposed to be signed on the 7th of July,(Sunday)He didn't leave NYC until like almost near the end of the week.It was said that he did something the week of the 11th.(My Birthday)
2. Michael would have gone to a law office in NYC and did a Videophone conference,had the will made up, then had his Signature faxed over to Cali with witnesses on bothsides of the States(Cali and NYC) saying yes I witnessed this.This has to be proven Since they are saying that Michael signed the will in California.Michael would had taken a Redeye to Cali,did his thang at the Law office ,sign The will then come back to NYC. I can't see this happening but who knows.
3.Yes, I believe that there might be another will outthere and Someone hid it very well because he probably did leave his mom and His Kids something but maybe he did leave something for his siblings or at least his nieces and nephews.as far as his father,is anyone's guess unless Michael was giving his father some money but not as much as people think. And what about Grace,She was his kid's nanny or did he have a problem with her ? So I am also questioning this but the Estate had to have someone who to help it run smoothly,Bianca and Mclain Hmmm. Someone tell me how Michael got back with Bianca Again ? Something is really bugging me even since the will was issued.
MemeFan : " A will that leave EVERYTHING to his children and charity is called fake?

Is the 1997 will fake too?

I don't know if you saw the 1997 will, but it is the exact replica of the 2002....only Prince was missing.

Randy is shady. Trying to strip the kids of what is RIGHTFULLY theirs. He cannot get over the fact that MJ left them all out of his will.

He better believes it, because after the money train stops at the Katherine "
Yes, can I get a Amen! All this trash about a fake will.....it ends with Katerine so they can spin, twist, hop a story and and loop certain fans into it...the BUCK stops with Katherine! PERIOD! The ones listed in the will, are the ones who will get the inheritance..and by the looks of all this stupid nonscene...Michael did the right thing.

Actually I don't think anyone actually saw the will from 1997 - I have searched all over for it & have been asking around for it. Do you know where a copy can be found? It has only been reported that it is the same with Blanket missing & that Branca is one of the executors.

Thanks in advance.
Just a thought.......... What if Randy spent more time writing and recording songs, instead of taking the time to become a handwriting expert !!!

Yipes, just realized I need to change my sig, sorta made me sad to see it................
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ya'll hear Karen Faye sold those pics for $100 000.
Why don't the family sue her?
MemeFan : " A will that leave EVERYTHING to his children and charity is called fake?

Is the 1997 will fake too?

I don't know if you saw the 1997 will, but it is the exact replica of the 2002....only Prince was missing.

I haven't seen the 1997 will - is it available some place? But according to TMZ there are two differences 1) not all of the children is included (Blanket and most probably Paris as well) and 2) Branca is listed as the only executor

Can you see how stupid is it to try to invalidate the 2002 will? On that one you have 2 executors on the 1997 there's only Branca. And that explains why they attacked to Branca personally.

actually wasn't the will in branca's safe since 02? and he was trying to contact the family to have them invite him over to read it hte weekend of his death?

I think that an estate lawyer (that worked at Branca's firm) did the will and the will was at the law firm's records. It is true that Branca took the will to read it to family. but it was not in his personal possesion.