Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature

The only reason he would say such a thing is because he is disappointed he aint in the will. Maybe he found it too hard to believe Mike wasnt giving anything away to his brothers and sisters and dad?
they won't go to trial with that shit they are claiming , NOWAY . they are using blackmailing tactics against Branca , First they claimed MJ had no will , and katherine was 48 hours at the court door asking to be put in charge because mj used to pay her bills and she was terrified no one was gonna pay them after his death (where are your other 8 children ?) .

then they claimed they knew there was a new will when Branca came with the 2002 will.
( I thought MJ had no will)

then Branca went to see them, he said he was surprised how many jacksons were in that room waiting to hear to whom the estate went , he told them three things only : 40 %to the kids, 40% to katherine and 40% to charities . and according to Branca after each name was mentioned the jacksons started cheering and applauding . he did not go into details with them, but once they got the actual documents , they knew there was no 40% for katherine .

then they started the whole thing about conspiracy from Branca , they first asked to be named as executors but Branca turned them down . they agreed to the AEG offer about the movie , and expected the tour memorabilia deal will be given to them ( the starting up company from the middle east ), but again Branca said NO .

they claimed MJ signed the will under "undue influence" , to challenge the will based on this , you must believe he indeed signed it . they thought Branca would settle, instead he did not object , not even respond .

they now are claiming it was fraud and MJ did not even sign the will . they are basically threatening Branca of criminal charges .

They are desperate , very desperate, they have no case , all they hope is Branca get bored or feel threatened so he would allow Randy in. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
notice even from the third generation only 3t out of all the nephews and nieces were named as a second in line to inherit the estate in case something bad (God Forbids) happens to mj's kids . he left it to 3t and his cousins .

thank God he did not name Randy's kids else I would not be surprised at all if Randy tried to harm those kids physically , he seems very capable of doing that . what loving uncle spread the things Randy is spreading about his orphans niece and nephews ?
^ I feel the same way. It must be a tactic, because 2 weeks ago they were saying he signed the will under duress. What happened between 2 weeks ago and this week...I guess Randy got wind of the Investigative thread and figured this theory could be the answer to his prayers.

They will eventually understand that the 2002, is the least of their problems. They still have to convince the judge, not only to make the 2002 will invalid ...but also the 1997.

Based on the Anna Nicole Smith case, that judge seems very fair...so I am cautiously hoping for the best for MJ's 3 kids.
notice even from the third generation only 3t out of all the nephews and nieces were named as a second in line to inherit the estate in case something bad (God Forbids) happens to mj's kids . he left it to 3t and his cousins .
I think that is the strongest evidence we have that MJ DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE ANYTHING to his brothers. He literally bypassed them and went straight to the nephews. I am sure it is a pill they are having a hard time swallowing, but they are reaping what they sow.
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randy's not even near them. neither is jermaine. just they mama....who can't stand either brother. and when jermaine WAS near them, so were five other people. at the steakhouse in lv
notice even from the third generation only 3t out of all the nephews and nieces were named as a second in line to inherit the estate in case something bad (God Forbids) happens to mj's kids . he left it to 3t and his cousins .

thank God he did not name Randy's kids else I would not be surprised at all if Randy tried to harm those kids physically , he seems very capable of doing that . what loving uncle spread the things Randy is spreading about his orphans niece and nephews ?

I completely remember when Randy said that the MJ3 were NOT MJs true biological children - which they ARE.

It horrified me to think that their own uncle would be so evil to even think that.
I think Randy moved to hyvenhurst after mj's death . noway he would allow katherine far for him at this time . it is too dangerous .
Mind you - SOME of the nephews, the ones that their fathers can't provide for them.

MJs paid mostly all of his nieces' & nephews' education and child support - so the question is:

WHY should MJ's children have to continue to pay for the Jackson brothers' responsibility????

^ I feel the same way. It must be a tactic, because 2 weeks ago they were saying he signed the will under duress. What happened between 2 weeks ago and this week...I guess Randy got wind of the Investigative thread and figured this theory could be the answer to his prayers.

They will eventually understand that the 2002, is the least of their problems. They still have to convince the judge, not only to make the 2002 will invalid ...but also the 1997.

Based on the Anna Nicole Smith case, that judge seems very fair...so I am cautiously hoping for the best for MJ's 3 kids.
I think that is the strongest evidence we have that MJ DID NOT WANT TO LEAVE ANYTHING to his brothers. He literally bypassed them and went straight to the nephews. I am sure it is a pill they are having a hard time swallowing, but they are reaping what they sow.
I think Randy moved to hyvenhurst after mj's death . noway he would allow katherine far for him at this time . it is too dangerous .

You mean so he can cover his tracks & make sure that he gets what he wants.

The enemy is always closer than the actual friend.

Note to Grace Rwarmba: Please check the children's food before giving it to them.
I am so sure that some Jacksons are putting things on those kids' minds.
ok as for those who say that Katherine is spending her allowance on lawyers , NOT TRUE . under law , she is named as a beneficiary and the estate should pay all the expenses eventhough she is fighting the estate's executors because Katherine already told us her other 8 children and husband were and are not interested in supporting her . eventually the money spent will be paid from her 40% of the profits . Not that randy is expecting Branca to give his mama "her rightful" 40 % , so the lawyers are charging the estate .
First, the Jacksons delay Michael's career and make his life a living hell. Now, they call him a retarded drug addict.
You mean so he can cover his tracks & make sure that he gets what he wants.

The enemy is always closer than the actual friend.

Note to Grace Rwarmba: Please check the children's food before giving it to them.

He is there because he does not want Katherine to hear anything but his "voice" . as for " harming the kids physically" well, Randy will not benefit at all . MJ left everything to 3t and his cousins . 3t are adults and mj's cousins are adults , so Randy will be left out also . that's why I said thank God mj was smart enough and did not name Randy's kids as next in line to inherit .

as for emotionally harming them , you gotta rember the things RANDY' s pals have been saying in PUBLIC , you would feel what he is saying behind closed doors is even much more absurd .
He is there because he does not want Katherine to hear anything but his "voice" . as for " harming the kids physically" well, Randy will not benefit at all . MJ left everything to 3t and his cousins . 3t are adults and mj's cousins are adults , so Randy will be left out also . that's why I said thank God mj was smart enough and did not name Randy's kids as next in line to inherit .

as for emotionally harming them , you gotta rember the things RANDY' s pals have been saying in PUBLIC , you would feel what he is saying behind closed doors is even much more absurd .

What have Randy pals been saying in public?
First, the Jacksons delay Michael's career and make his life a living hell. Now, they call him a retarded drug addict.

well, the retarded drug addict was going to be used as an argument in challenging the executors based on the "undue influence" . which meant the family acknowledged mj DID sign the will but under questionable circumstances.

since they figured out it will be impossible to prove that MJ was completely out of his mind for the last 12 years of his life . the plan now is he did not even sign the will . It was a complete fraud .
Smooth Criminal

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 422

Re: Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature
Originally Posted by Lol007
What have Randy pals been saying in public?

PM :mello:

Could you please copy me on that PM too??
I for one have always been suspicious of this "will". That is NOT to say, I don't appreciate the fact that Michael's children are being financally taken care of. However, I find it highly suspect that a man of whom MJ Had fired comes back on the scene days before his murder and would suddenly produce a "Will", that we are suppose to believe is THE LAST WILL of Michael Jackson.

Most of you make really good and valid legal points. I for one don't understand alot of the legal wrangling and rely on reading you guys post to help me out a little.

I am trying to understand Randy's position. I am not prepared to accuse him of only having a financial interest as the cause for these court proceedings. I pray to God, they are doing this because they have something they can prove, if not, I will be a little on the cautious side of things if I were them.
randy's position is him in line at the bank.

ohhh add me on that pm i wanna know if it confirms....hmmmmmmmmm

im glad to see tj and taj out w/ thekids and in their lives. they were close to mike so im glad they are there. im also glad they'renear their cousins. they don'tneed to be close to their uncles to have a relationship w/ their cousins. they just gotta be close to they aunts.

and alejandra ain't as bad as people make her out to be
randy's position is him in line at the bank.

ohhh add me on that pm i wanna know if it confirms....hmmmmmmmmm

im glad to see tj and taj out w/ thekids and in their lives. they were close to mike so im glad they are there. im also glad they'renear their cousins. they don'tneed to be close to their uncles to have a relationship w/ their cousins. they just gotta be close to they aunts.

and alejandra ain't as bad as people make her out to be

I actually like the 3t's - their mom (RIP) has the same last name as I do. Very beautiful woman & good mama.
What age do children have to get to before they can make their own decisions.. 18 or 21?
martes power!

look, randy and oxman and lerch lester can say what they wanna say all they want. first of all can't no one understand lester...his ass is out. oxman did the whole dangle simba/blanket thing, he's certifiable....and well randy....someone w/ a head that big that isn't jack from the box....well i'd be scurred of.

they have no proof, what they assert behind and in front of closed doors means nothing, it's not true, and if it were, it still has no binding on what the children inherit. they need to go get a damn job. i hear marlon's hiring at his store in diego....the one he owns, not stocks shelves at.

occupation and vocation, two words those chuckleheads should learn and practice
Can't dispute that! Randy just wants the money. After he gets that he will shut up. But I do no think the Judge will agree with that. The Children will get it all. They are Michael's whether others like it or not. Branca knows he is under scrutiny, therefore, he will do his best. Now what can Randy do except spend the money?
What age do children have to get to before they can make their own decisions.. 18 or 21?
18 but they CAN be emancipated as early as 15/16 if they can prove they can raise themsleves. these kids willhave a trust fund so i don't see y not

but if it's in reference of who htey want to stay with, the judge always has the last decision.
martes power!


But I dunno if we're related. I have to know SOMEDAY - what country her family came from in Latin America - because Delores is a doppleganger for my older sister, I mean , TWINS.

And that's on my dad's side who I don't know very well. I'm much more closer to my mom's side (divorce & my dad's an a-hole.)