Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

Joe to MJ: Support Me in the Afterlife!
Posted Nov 11th 2009 9:33AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson made a promise to "always support" his dad and if the estate reneges on that promise Joe will take it to court -- this, according to Joe's lawyer.

Attorney Brian Oxman tells TMZ Michael had repeatedly given Joe, Katherine, and other members of the family assurance that he would "always support" them ... even in the afterlife.

Oxman says Jackson -- in effect -- made a contract on which the family relied. He reiterated -- he's considering filing a creditor's claim if Joe is cut off financially.

The estate seems curiously supportive in giving Joe an allowance ... at least for the time being. But the clock is ticking on creditor's claims, so Joe may have to file one soon in order to preserve his right to go after the MJ estate.

Stay tuned...
Can Janet not help her parents? The other brothers need help too? I don't understand why Michael has to financially help everyone even in death. I don't think it's fair. He made a will for a reason.
It does not make any sense to me why grown ass men needed their brother/son to support them. If MJ could go work his butt off, what was their problem? Its so clear there were family members who played on MJ's emotional side and got him to agree to things he may not have wanted to. This whole continue to support even after death is plain ridiculous!

And as for that brian Oxman, man oh man.......if ever someone deserved a bitch slap it would be him!
The JWs did stop Katherine.

i doubt it. they had no reason to stop her.joe was having affairs. its not against the rules to divorce when such things are going on. its was more likely cause she wanted to protect the families wholesome image
It does not make any sense to me why grown ass men needed their brother/son to support them. If MJ could go work his butt off, what was their problem? Its so clear there were family members who played on MJ's emotional side and got him to agree to things he may not have wanted to. This whole continue to support even after death is plain ridiculous!

And as for that brian Oxman, man oh man.......if ever someone deserved a bitch slap it would be him!

need to buy a new keyboard :lmao:
oxmans an idiot. so thats what he calls a contract. i guess this is their way of getting money out of the estate through the backdoor. they better not give in to joe because they have shown their true colours that this is a means to an end and if they give joe money everyone else will expect some aswell and the will goes totally out of the window.how long b4 jermaine puts in a claim and others follow. its all so obvious
Personally I don't think this vile man deserves a dime. But if an allowance is given to him I hope it is very basic and not money for phantom charity donations and money to support his children out of wedlock. The audacity of him is unbelievable.

You know I don't think Katherine minds him filing for an allowance because if he gets one then he can't come begging her for money the whole time, which I bet he is doing.
To be honest? I don't see Jermaine doing that at all. At least he TRIES to do things on his own.

Matter of fact, I have a feeling that Jermaine is going to come out in his mothers defense soon. Just a gut feeling...
i hope so. tbh it was said more in jest but who knows! why does oxman put it out there that mj said he would look after other family members aswell its like its leading somewhere
I just feel so sad for Katherine. Joe should say something because this man that he hired disrespected his wife. If he doesn't say something then may God have mercy on his soul.
I just feel so sad for Katherine. Joe should say something because this man that he hired disrespected his wife. If he doesn't say something then may God have mercy on his soul.

Joe is not going to say anything in Katherine's defense because Joe has no HEART! I am serious about that. With Joe, it seems its always what he can get out of people and he won't hesitate throwing Katherine under the bus to get what he wants.

Katherine is a very brave woman. For her to keep this announcement a secret and then reveal it in court, she knew there was going to be a huge argument. I also do feel that the majority of her children support her decision for some reason. It was totally getting out of control for a while with Joe and Randy. Joe and Randy just do not have any common sense in any of this.

I hope that Katherine is being protected and that Joe isn't threatening her. I could see him giving her a piece of his mind. Was Katherine even present in court yesterday? Hopefully, she wasn't to hear that insult that dirty Oxman spewed at her in person.

I don't really think any brother except Randy is trying to get the money. Jermaine is married to an extremely wealthy Arab woman; Marlon has his own businesses; Tito has his Blues/Jazz music career; Jackie is still working in the music industry and has his own label with a few artists; Randy is the only one that I don't know what he does for a living and have heard that he is always broke. Katherine supports a lot of grandchildren and Alejandra at Hayvenhurst. I mean, wasn't it an assumption that Katherine supports some of her adult sons from her monthly allowance from Michael when he was alive? Was it ever written in an article? I don't remember reading anything about that and people are just assuming things is what I am noticing. But please correct me if I am wrong. Michael may have supported some of his brothers in the past, but what about in the last five years?? However, now we know that Joe got money from Michael through Katherine, so that is factual.

Anyways, God bless Katherine. She really should not be put under this kind of stress and circumstances. She needs to live for many, many more years to see Michael's children grown and properly raised.
There also seems to be elevated propaganda in defense of Debra Rowe, thrusting her to damn near Saint status. But I guess some forgot about HiStory? A few self servingly motivated minutes on the witness stand does not remove one from other nefarious actions--against Michael. It seems one of the most obsessed media whore critics against Michael is now one of her boosom buddies. Or was this ALWAYS the case? Lucky for her she played her cards right and didn't "face her own music" from the stack of "Binders" chronicling HerStory. It's fascinating to watch some magnify her importance---because of DNA--then downplay family members of Michael Jackson--because of DNA. And I'm not talking Joseph Jackson.

Regarding the bold, are you referring to Diane Diamond? Are you stating that Diane and Debbie are now, or as you suggest, perhaps have always been friends? And what exactly are the "other nefarious actions." I know it's OT, so you could PM me.
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No, it's Roger Friedman. He's a big supporter of Debbie Rowe.

Ah ok. Thank you. I read media whore and thought immediately of Diane. So is Roger just someone who writes nice things about Debbie, because "bosom buddies" suggests much more. As in good friends.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

she is real - they had a video of her during the custody hearing.

I guess she's waiting outside the courthouse or comes to the courthouse regularly - tmz reported that there will be a hearing today to discuss about Joe's allowance request. I guess she might have read that and shown to the court.

Is that woman's real name "Billie Jean Jackson"?.

Doesn't anyone think she could be dangerous, might have squizofrenia or something...?.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Is that woman's real name "Billie Jean Jackson"?.

Doesn't anyone think she could be dangerous, might have squizofrenia or something...?.

Yes. She and this other woman were claiming that Michael had married them. It's obvious something is wrong but this woman is given a platform.
Ah ok. Thank you. I read media whore and thought immediately of Diane. So is Roger just someone who writes nice things about Debbie, because "bosom buddies" suggests much more. As in good friends.

Don't know how close they are. I just know that they are friendly with each other and that Debbie talks to him.

Perhaps someone else has more info about this.
Don't know how close they are. I just know that they are friendly with each other and that Debbie talks to him.

Perhaps someone else has more info about this.

I don't know any more about it either. The connection doesn't particularly please me, but I don't necessarily believe in "guilty by association". Debbie has not said or done one bad thing towards Michael since his passing, so I don't think this is cause for any change of heart. Might send up some little red flags somewhere maybe, just to be aware - but I don't find it incriminating. After all, look at so many of the people Michael has been surrounded by and friendly with... and it has no bearing on his character. Just sayin'...before we all do a 180 on her. =P
oh, i just curious abt what Little Blaket think of his grandpa? u know he is little Mike inside and outside. i wish blanket would throw shoes at Joe just like what his daddy did when he was a little kid.

i guess Joe must have some mental problems from when he was younger. u know normal ppl could not do what he did to his kids. it must be some mental diseases. he has violence trend.
now propably he has some demantia. u can tell from the way he talked. i guess he can get some money monthly. it is perhaps no more than 25000$.
i guess Joe must have some mental problems from when he was younger. u know normal ppl could not do what he did to his kids. it must be some mental diseases. he has violence trend.
now propably he has some demantia. u can tell from the way he talked. i guess he can get some money monthly. it is perhaps no more than 25000$.

he is not even asking for that amount . giving joe what he wants will justify in the future any similar claims from the siblings and their children .
back...actions speak louder than words. her words may have said one thing but her actions did quite another. and never once has she put him at risk for anything. it just LOOKED that way. i wish u could've seen the looks on the face of sneddon and co when she was on that stand. smiling at mike and then at the state....she did them in big time
Ah ok. Thank you. I read media whore and thought immediately of Diane. So is Roger just someone who writes nice things about Debbie, because "bosom buddies" suggests much more. As in good friends.

god I love your sig :D

may I know what video it's from?
oh, i just curious abt what Little Blaket think of his grandpa? u know he is little Mike inside and outside. i wish blanket would throw shoes at Joe just like what his daddy did when he was a little kid.

I read somewhere (can't remember) that Blanket sticks his tongue out at him all the time - LOL!!

Whether it's legend or true, it's a funny to imagine.
well, if Joe (i mean if) applied divorce with Katherine, can he get money according to american law?

like katherine owns anything . she take an allowance from the estate and the alloance is not enough to pay electricity . latherine does not inherit any thing from the estate . so joe should wait until katherine collect some money as a beneficiary before filing for divorce, but he also knows his son Randy is even more greedy than him and he will make sure no penny is left in katherine's bank accounts at the end of every month .
Aknowledgement of the obvious: Oxman is a melodramatic azzclown with a "foot in the mouth" diseased character trait.

His "dispicable" insults are to be EXPECTED, because it's a part of his schict.

But, do I detect a little bit of hypocrisy here---a place where such insults are NOT EXPECTED?

For days, certain individuals have had an unchecked field day lambasting Ms. Katherine Jackson. Then poof! When a certain issue pertaining to money appears to suit those same person's fancy, Mother Jackson once again becomes a shining beacon of light.

Well, it is my opinion that some self reflection is necessary for that man or woman staring back in the mirror. If Michael was here, he would be DEVASTATED at both the occurrence and allowance of these SELF-SERVING attempts at character assassination levelled at his Mother, Friend and Confidant. I Am too devastated!

For some who continue to weave a particular storyline set on extracting Michael from any affiliation with his bloodline by categorizing them as leeches concerned with money; Ask yourself, "what is it you've been blathering about when it comes to this Family matter"? Money , am I right?

There also seems to be elevated propaganda in defense of Debra Rowe, thrusting her to damn near Saint status. But I guess some forgot about HiStory? A few self servingly motivated minutes on the witness stand does not remove one from other nefarious actions--against Michael. It seems one of the most obsessed media whore critics against Michael is now one of her boosom buddies. Or was this ALWAYS the case? Lucky for her she played her cards right and didn't "face her own music" from the stack of "Binders" chronicling HerStory. It's fascinating to watch some magnify her importance---because of DNA--then downplay family members of Michael Jackson--because of DNA. And I'm not talking Joseph Jackson.

Do you kind of see the line of hypocrisy? It appears to be trending--
Perhaps a cause to check twitter--but better to check yourself.

Katherine Jackson should never be insulted here. Never! And when it does happen, it should be checked. I'm perplexed as to the level of toleration--ESPECIALLY here. Perhaps today my "cries" will be finally heard!

Keep WATCHIN'.......
I agree. And Debbie is not staint. I do not care what she did on the stand. Guess what? SHe said something that made her a witness for them and Michael did not speak to her for a reason. As for the family, this happens in MOST family. The Jacksons are no different. I believe Katherine is going to help Joe in someway and I would not be mad (who knows, Maybe Michael knows his mother will be the one to be over joes parts because MJ knows his mother is more responsible with money than his daddy. that is not to say JOe will not get nothing. This happens everyday as well with one parent putting the oldest child over everything and letting this olderst child spread the money). None of us are a in the Jackson family to know what is said behind close doors nor is anyone business.
Re: Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors

Is that woman's real name "Billie Jean Jackson"?.

Doesn't anyone think she could be dangerous, might have squizofrenia or something...?.
This idoit has been doing this for years. I think now it is for attention.
back...actions speak louder than words. her words may have said one thing but her actions did quite another. and never once has she put him at risk for anything. it just LOOKED that way. i wish u could've seen the looks on the face of sneddon and co when she was on that stand. smiling at mike and then at the state....she did them in big time
Who cares. She said something that made those idoits use her as a witness. Making someone look a certain way is just as bad as saying it. Thank goodness it worked out but I still would not trust her. I use to defend her up til that trial.