Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

oh he was trying to hide by holding the book up to his face. when they all were singing, joe walked over and snatched it out of his hands, causing him to cry even more. so when that happened i got hella pissed and started crying cuz i mean, the child obviously didn't want to be seen. wtf? y cause him that pain? so im glad he like mike and can't stand joe

god, that's awful. poor little Blanket :cry:
Go Mama Katherine! I hope she's not feeling stressed out too much...I pray she stays healthy and live long. The kids need Grandma...It will be another tragedy if they lose her not long after their Daddy...:( The day should not come soon.

I am so with you on this. Surely, all of this stress has been terrible for her. Making her decision should go a long way in settling things down emotionally and physically for her. She needs to stay healthy for herself and the family. I don't want to even imagine the chaos that would ensue if something happened to her before the kids get to maturity.
Even if Katherine and these kids get all of this money, there will be others from future spouses, future so called friends, naysayers, observers, professionals, investments theives, accounts, etc, trying to get it. That is the world we live in. Sad but true.

This can be true, for sure, but it doesn't have to be. It happened to Michael because he's Michael Jackson, but his kids aren't him. Right now, they're hot, but given time - once they get out from under the wings of the Jacksons and go off to do their own thing (provided it isn't entertainment related...), then I think it's entirely possible for them to live a secured, relatively quiet life. There will always be an interest in them and their money, but if not fed, it will wane. I think it just depends on the route you go - do you wanna live in (or off of...) the shadow of your mega-celebrity connection or do you wanna step away and create your own life? Yano? I think the kids'll make good choices. They've seen what to do and what not to do and their daddy taught them to hold onto their values.
I pray that Katherine stays strong at LEAST 5+ more until Prince turns 18. At that point he can become the legal guardian for his brother and sister.

I'm hoping that in this time the children are forming a solid bond/cohesion/understanding with the other Jackson's as a whole because when Katherine isn't around anymore the dynamics of that family WILL change dramatically (with Prince at the helm of 'control'...read into that as you will).

If that transition isn't made smoothly all holy hell will be apt to break loose at Hayvenhurst.
This can be true, for sure, but it doesn't have to be. It happened to Michael because he's Michael Jackson, but his kids aren't him. Right now, they're hot, but given time - once they get out from under the wings of the Jacksons and go off to do their own thing (provided it isn't entertainment related...), then I think it's entirely possible for them to live a secured, relatively quiet life. There will always be an interest in them and their money, but if not fed, it will wane. I think it just depends on the route you go - do you wanna live in (or off of...) the shadow of your mega-celebrity connection or do you wanna step away and create your own life? Yano? I think the kids'll make good choices. They've seen what to do and what not to do and their daddy taught them to hold onto their values.

I agree with you so much on this. They'll always get attention but the feeding frenzy will die down as the years pass.
Exactly. And yes, I use to be a defender of her until I learned better. And do not leave out the Entertainment Tonight mess she was involved in. I do not hate her or nothing but I do not want no one to paint her as some saint to me. She got motives for something (and not all motives are done upfront).
Debbie's not stupid. She's got her connections in the media...and she knows she has the 'power' to 'make trouble' for the Jacksons in regards the children. And her defenders on here have REPEATEDLY hinted at that...."The Jacksons better 'tow the line' or else" theme. Like my 78 year old mother says, "The dirt will come out in the wash".

And I'm going to come out and say this and I don't care if anyone gets mad or offended. There is a racial overtone when it comes to Michael's children--especially the two older ones. Because of their looks, there's still this sub-conscience notion that those kids are white and therefore, there are those who have a 'problem' with Prince and Paris ESPECIALLY (and even Blanket), being with that so-called 'wicked Black family'. It was the same mess when Michael was alive. People running there mouths, making assumptions that he was an unfit father and those poor kids should be taken away from him. It was only when his daughter, Paris, bravely spoke about her father in the memorial, calling him not father--but "DADDY" and saying he was the best father anyone could ever imagine. What she said trumped EVERY stupid, ill-informed comment people made about Michael's fitness as a father. It shut the critics up--at least on Michael's parenting.

Now the same thing is happening with the Jackson family. Those constantly looking with a critical eye, for some 'proof' that the kids should not be with that family and should be with Debbie or any other 'worthy and fit' person(s)....Just as long as they're not with 'those Jacksons'. I can see the hypocrisy as plain as day.
This can be true, for sure, but it doesn't have to be. It happened to Michael because he's Michael Jackson, but his kids aren't him. Right now, they're hot, but given time - once they get out from under the wings of the Jacksons and go off to do their own thing (provided it isn't entertainment related...), then I think it's entirely possible for them to live a secured, relatively quiet life. There will always be an interest in them and their money, but if not fed, it will wane. I think it just depends on the route you go - do you wanna live in (or off of...) the shadow of your mega-celebrity connection or do you wanna step away and create your own life? Yano? I think the kids'll make good choices. They've seen what to do and what not to do and their daddy taught them to hold onto their values.
TIME will ONLY tell what will happen. And this does not only apply to celebs, its life itself and anyone who had a any amount of money. You have to live life (sorry but 11 and 12 is too young to know what is out here in this world. and I hope they a wont be sheltered. That was some of Michael's problems in being naive with somethings), make good choices, etc. But again, time will tell.
> Sorry but at this point I do not think she do much. If she does do what you are saying, then trouble can come back on her just as quick. Like I said, these kids are almost young adults. Prince and Paris will be 18 and 17 quick.
And I'm going to come out and say this and I don't care if anyone gets mad or offended. There is a racial overtone when it comes to Michael's children--especially the two older ones. Because of their looks, there's still this sub-conscience notion that those kids are white and therefore, there are those who have a 'problem' with Prince and Paris ESPECIALLY (and even Blanket), being with that so-called 'wicked Black family'. It was the same mess when Michael was alive. People running there mouths, making assumptions that he was an unfit father and those poor kids should be taken away from him. It was only when his daughter, Paris, bravely spoke about her father in the memorial, calling him not father--but "DADDY" and saying he was the best father anyone could ever imagine. What she said trumped EVERY stupid, ill-informed comment people made about Michael's fitness as a father. It shut the critics up--at least on Michael's parenting.

Now the same thing is happening with the Jackson family. Those constantly looking with a critical eye, for some 'proof' that the kids should not be with that family and should be with Debbie or any other 'worthy and fit' person(s)....Just as long as they're not with 'those Jacksons'. I can see the hypocrisy as plain as day.
I have to admit that I wonder about this myself by some of these comments but as usual you can not make someone like you or accept a situation.
> Sorry but at this point I do not think she do much. If she does do what you are saying, then trouble can come back on her just as quick. Like I said, these kids are almost young adults. Prince and Paris will be 18 and 17 quick.
Ur calling a 12/11 and 7 year olds adults? uhmm ok. :mello:
No sweetie, reread it.:D
I did, and no way that 11/12 and 7 year olds are ''almost young adults'' honey, those are kids. It doesn't matter whose kids they are, no kids their age are ''almost adults' .
You took the words right out of my head. And like I said before, I don't care HOW MANY kids Debbie had with Michael, some things just doesn't look right to me. She's chummy with media people (Linda Bell Blue and Roger Friedman, for example) and she's hanging with Marc Schaffel, whom like you mentioned, is among the people did wrong by Michael and was acting very slick with him.

I've noticed how this Debbie Rowe campaign is becoming a regular theme in here. The Jacksons are nothing but a greedy, dangerous family that those poor children should be 'rescued' from and given to Debbie Rowe--just ignore her shady connections. As you said porn producer and minor children--and good-looking ones at that?--Uh-uh!! And people, got the nerve to look at the Jackson family with a suspicious eye. The arguement that the Jacksons (at least some of them) have done some shady things...same arguement can equally apply to Debbie Rowe--Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

I agree to a certain degree. Because I think that Debbie should have equal access to the children, especially if they request it. They are children and will naturally ask for their mother when the time comes. On the same token, it is vital that they remain in an environment in which they are familiar with, the Jacksons. They are all they know as family and no one else. And you can see how happy and comfortable these children have been around their family. I dont have to tell you , you've seen the pictures. Of course they might run into issues with their family, but who doesn't have problems with family? It doesn't take an outsider to resolve insider issues. That is why I honestly think this is none of our business as much as we would like to think that we are obliged to "protect" MJ's children after he's gone. He did not assign that job to his fans, if you really consider his wishes , in which I believe many of you think legitimate, you will see that Michael officially entrusted his Mother to protect his children at this time. And the truth is as much as we bicker,whine and complain about MJ's decision (explicitly excluding D.Rowe,entrusting children to Mother) there's nothing you can really do.
Just as some fight to keep Branca around as was wished by MJ, fight the same way to keep the children with Katherine and thus Jackson family, as MJ wanted it, too. The picking and choosing for convenience really appears hypocritical.e.g.,( MJ was smart to keep Branca but dumb to pick his family-attitude.)
As for me, I personally think the children couldn't have been in better hands. :D

A lot of fans are asking what Debbie did to influence the proceedings.

She did nothing, the person who brought up her name is just bringing up hot air.

Debbie has no say in the estate just like Joe Jackson, because even worse than Joe Jackson, Michael explicitly excluded her from the will.

The only people who have a say are Katherine and the children as well as some benefactors, e.g. the attorney general 20% for charity and 3T who have some level of say as beneficiaries.

There are those who try to bring up Debbie because she is the mother of the two kids.
They have an agenda, because of their hostility towards the Jacksons as a whole, they want to see the kids with Debbie.

However, they miss the point, the judge already ruled that Katherine is sole custodian. Any effort to change that will be frought with a lot of litigation, it will raise other social issues that now lay silent if you can go back to Steve Harvey Radio show about media attacking Jacksons having those kids because of color.

Also, given that the judge has stated now that Joe is excluded because it was his son's will, any attempt to change custody from Katherine would automatically invoke Diana Ross as the next in charge, because the will says "if Katherine is unable"

So, even if Debbie comes into court and claims Katherine is unable or incompetent to take care of the kids, then Diana Ross steps into court as next in line as guardian.

Then you tell me how the Judge is going to bypass the precedent he has set with Joe, saying it is not his son's will
and then take the kids from Katherine - and African American
deny Diana Ross custody - an African American

and split the kids so that the two stay with Debbie as he cannot hand Debbie a child that is not hers, unless he implies that Diana Ross is also incompetent.

Those pushing for Debbie to have custody have selfish motives which will create a whole muddy process that is worse than this whole issue about money.

I know this person refers to and tries to use Debbie's then objection a while back to Joe being in proximity or carer to the children. But that is no longer an issue because even as Joe's submissions show, he lives in Las Vegas.

Also, you forget that the Jackson lawyers can open the floodgates on Debbie and bring up evidence of why she wouldn't be a competent mother, not to mention her association with a pornographer maker Marc Schaffel who had a history of stealing from Michael and misusing his position.

So, when Debbie tries to sling mud, there is more than enough to fling back at her and Jackson lawyers can effectively argue that it's not a proper environment for the kids to grow up with Debbie who has close association with a pornographer maker who was terminated from Michael's circles and then sought to harm him with insinuations.

No judge would be able to get past that.
- Take the kids from their cousins
- Take the kids from their grandmother
- house them with a mother they have never known and who is not mother to one of teh kids
- Not named in the will as guardian
- and who is close buddies with a porn maker
- a porn maker terminated from Michael's circles who has slandered Michael in the public and was couuter-sued for missappropriating Michael's money, to then have access to wealthy minors.

Debbie's not stupid. She's got her connections in the media...and she knows she has the 'power' to 'make trouble' for the Jacksons in regards the children. And her defenders on here have REPEATEDLY hinted at that...."The Jacksons better 'tow the line' or else" theme. Like my 78 year old mother says, "The dirt will come out in the wash".

And I'm going to come out and say this and I don't care if anyone gets mad or offended. There is a racial overtone when it comes to Michael's children--especially the two older ones. Because of their looks, there's still this sub-conscience notion that those kids are white and therefore, there are those who have a 'problem' with Prince and Paris ESPECIALLY (and even Blanket), being with that so-called 'wicked Black family'. It was the same mess when Michael was alive. People running there mouths, making assumptions that he was an unfit father and those poor kids should be taken away from him. It was only when his daughter, Paris, bravely spoke about her father in the memorial, calling him not father--but "DADDY" and saying he was the best father anyone could ever imagine. What she said trumped EVERY stupid, ill-informed comment people made about Michael's fitness as a father. It shut the critics up--at least on Michael's parenting.

Now the same thing is happening with the Jackson family. Those constantly looking with a critical eye, for some 'proof' that the kids should not be with that family and should be with Debbie or any other 'worthy and fit' person(s)....Just as long as they're not with 'those Jacksons'. I can see the hypocrisy as plain as day.

You know what? I was so afraid to say what you just said.:ph34r:
(e.g., Banca, McClain, D.Rowe vs. Grace R. L.Rowe, Jackson family) I have the same assumptions of which I will not elaborate upon because I personally cannot handle bashing and backlash with subject matters as touchy as this, so...word of advice, get your armor ready.lol.
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Wow, this thread has gone off on a tangent.

Question is does Debbie actually want to raise Prince and Paris? If she had, then she could have stepped in after Michael had passed and voiced out that "Yes, I want to raise my children.' But she thought it was better to leave them with their family whom they have grown up knowing and loving.

The children actually look happy surrounded by their cousins, the ones that are around their ages and the one that are in their 20s and 30s.

Now I don't object for Debbie to have her visits and to have a relationship with her kids at all. I think that is important for Prince and Paris to know that their birth mother loves them. But with Debbie's associations with Friedman and Schaffel, is that not as worse than Oxman?

Besides Joe and Randy, the kids have a whole army of family members that love them and that loved their father. Don't forget there is Janet, Rebbie, Jackie, Marlon, Tito, Taj, Tarryll, TJ, Siggy, Austin, Yashi, Stacy (and the rest of the cousins), and of course Grandma Katherine to love and protect the kids. Grace is also there, but keeping my mouth shut on that one.

Joe and Randy do not live at Hayvenhurst and it is clear now that Katherine is in charge and things are going to go her way. She has shown her logic, wisdom and strength and that she wants to do what is best for the children.

The children are loved and will be fine, IMO. All those quotes and comments about the kids against the family are always from 'sources' or 'close friends', but we all know that things can be said freely but not be necessarily true. It's just the circumstances because a lot of people here hate the Jackson family so they will believe anything to bring them down. But I've seen pics of the kids doing activities with their family and they look as happy as they can be right now considering their father died.

Debbie's not stupid. She's got her connections in the media...and she knows she has the 'power' to 'make trouble' for the Jacksons in regards the children. And her defenders on here have REPEATEDLY hinted at that...."The Jacksons better 'tow the line' or else" theme. Like my 78 year old mother says, "The dirt will come out in the wash".

And I'm going to come out and say this and I don't care if anyone gets mad or offended. There is a racial overtone when it comes to Michael's children--especially the two older ones. Because of their looks, there's still this sub-conscience notion that those kids are white and therefore, there are those who have a 'problem' with Prince and Paris ESPECIALLY (and even Blanket), being with that so-called 'wicked Black family'. It was the same mess when Michael was alive. People running there mouths, making assumptions that he was an unfit father and those poor kids should be taken away from him. It was only when his daughter, Paris, bravely spoke about her father in the memorial, calling him not father--but "DADDY" and saying he was the best father anyone could ever imagine. What she said trumped EVERY stupid, ill-informed comment people made about Michael's fitness as a father. It shut the critics up--at least on Michael's parenting.

Now the same thing is happening with the Jackson family. Those constantly looking with a critical eye, for some 'proof' that the kids should not be with that family and should be with Debbie or any other 'worthy and fit' person(s)....Just as long as they're not with 'those Jacksons'. I can see the hypocrisy as plain as day.[/QUOTE]

you forget one simple fact many of the siblings did not provide for their own children, and those same siblings who failed big time bing fathers to their children are there in that house and presenting themselves as the uncles who are going to make everything ok for those kids .

if joe ever laid a hand on one of those kids or told him/her you are not mj's kid , katherine will do everything in her power to hide it like she has always done . that is the problem .

nobody knew what was mj's life as a child until latoya came out with her book , they presented to the public a completely different picture from what was actually happening . we have no idea what's going on in that house .

hell, the brothers were stealing each other girlfriend , the brothers were having children and sending them to their mother's house , who in turn was calling the younger son to send her money to bail them .

why do you want us to trust them , they were not good to their OWN children , they abandoned their own children , and without mj even 3T would have got no education . everyone in that family think he is the next michael jackson , very untalented yet believe they are the shit. :smilerolleyes:
Debbie's not stupid. She's got her connections in the media...and she knows she has the 'power' to 'make trouble' for the Jacksons in regards the children. And her defenders on here have REPEATEDLY hinted at that...."The Jacksons better 'tow the line' or else" theme. Like my 78 year old mother says, "The dirt will come out in the wash".

And I'm going to come out and say this and I don't care if anyone gets mad or offended. There is a racial overtone when it comes to Michael's children--especially the two older ones. Because of their looks, there's still this sub-conscience notion that those kids are white and therefore, there are those who have a 'problem' with Prince and Paris ESPECIALLY (and even Blanket), being with that so-called 'wicked Black family'. It was the same mess when Michael was alive. People running there mouths, making assumptions that he was an unfit father and those poor kids should be taken away from him. It was only when his daughter, Paris, bravely spoke about her father in the memorial, calling him not father--but "DADDY" and saying he was the best father anyone could ever imagine. What she said trumped EVERY stupid, ill-informed comment people made about Michael's fitness as a father. It shut the critics up--at least on Michael's parenting.

Now the same thing is happening with the Jackson family. Those constantly looking with a critical eye, for some 'proof' that the kids should not be with that family and should be with Debbie or any other 'worthy and fit' person(s)....Just as long as they're not with 'those Jacksons'. I can see the hypocrisy as plain as day.[/QUOTE]

you forget one simple fact many of the siblings did not provide for their own children, and those same siblings who failed big time bing fathers to their children are there in that house and presenting themselves as the uncles who are going to make everything ok for those kids .

if joe ever laid a hand on one of those kids or told him/her you are not mj's kid , katherine will do everything in her power to hide it like she has always done . that is the problem .

nobody knew what was mj's life as a child until latoya came out with her book , they presented to the public a completely different picture from what was actually happening . we have no idea what's going on in that house .

hell, the brothers were stealing each other girlfriend , the brothers were having children and sending them to their mother's house , who in turn was calling the younger son to send her money to bail them .

why do you want us to trust them , they were not good to their OWN children , they abandoned their own children , and without mj even 3T would have got no education . everyone in that family think he is the next michael jackson , very untalented yet believe they are the shit. :smilerolleyes:
Woah, wait! If you are willing to accept what Latoya said in that book as fact, then I guess you're on the same page for her allegations of MJ being a child molestor. Maybe you will pick and choose what caters to your preference, as I assume.

That last comment about 3T was so uncalled for. I don't know what your deal is, seriously.
Can I just say something here.

Michael knew better than ANYBODY on this board what was and wasn't going on in his life. HE is the one who lived it. He knew all of his family's strong points and short comings because HE had to deal with them firsthand all his life.

Do we really feel that if his family were the pack of blood thirsty wolves that people are making them out to be that the same man who EVERYBODY has always touted as the best father in the world would EXPLICITLY deliver his children into their "clutches" via his last will and testament to be abused, harmed and neglected?

I think not....

If there's one thing I believe we can ALL agree on it's that Michael loved his mother and children more than anything in the world. If we know this as fact and believe that when Michael signed his will he was of sound mind, can't we RESPECT what he wrote in it?

He left NO room for interpretation. It was short and TO THE POINT with his final and ultimate wishes.

Can we stop trying to be judge and jury when MICHEAL has already decided what he wants done with HIS assets and HIS children?

And I am sorry I don't dislike Debbie at all, but unless she was totally blowing it out her ass when she said it, this statement (among MANY others made by her) is ultimately what will crush her case if she ever tries to get custody of those kids.

‘These are his children,’ she testified in court. ‘I had the children for him. They wouldn’t be on this planet if it wasn’t for my love for him.

‘I did it for him to become a father, not for me to become a mother. You earn the title “parent”. I have done absolutely nothing to earn that title.’

To whoever said they are young adults, I gather the point of that statement is saying that they're old enough to decide their own fate and not be haggled over arbitrarily by the various parties concerned.

We need to keep in mind that these are REAL children with REAL feelings when stuff about who should "get" them comes up. I swear sometimes these children get talked about like they're pieces of Michael's Art collection.

As for Mr. Joe Jackson. Michael sent a STRONG message by leaving you out of his will. I just hope you were listening....
Katherine Will Prevail

Can I just say something here.

Michael knew better than ANYBODY on this board what was and wasn't going on in his life. HE is the one who lived it. He knew all of his family's strong points and short comings because HE had to deal with them firsthand all his life.

Do we really feel that if his family were the pack of blood thirsty wolves that people are making them out to be that the same man who EVERYBODY has always touted as the best father in the world would EXPLICITLY deliver his children into their "clutches" via his last will and testament to be abused, harmed and neglected?

I think not....

If there's one thing I believe we can ALL agree on it's that Michael loved his mother and children more than anything in the world. If we know this as fact and believe that when Michael signed his will he was of sound mind, can't we RESPECT what he wrote in it?

He left NO room for interpretation. It was short and TO THE POINT with his final and ultimate wishes.

Can we stop trying to be judge and jury when MICHEAL has already decided what he wants done with HIS assets and HIS children?

And I am sorry I don't dislike Debbie at all, but unless she was totally blowing it out her ass when she said it, this statement (among MANY others made by her) is ultimately what will crush her case if she ever tries to get custody of those kids.

To whoever said they are young adults, I gather the point of that statement is saying that they're old enough to decide their own fate and not be haggled over arbitrarily by the various parties concerned.

We need to keep in mind that these are REAL children with REAL feelings when stuff about who should "get" them comes up. I swear sometimes these children get talked about like they're pieces of Michael's Art collection.

As for Mr. Joe Jackson. Michael sent a STRONG message by leaving you out of his will. I just hope you were listening....

Very Powerful statement you have made. And I agree that the children are very well off with their grandmother. NO, Debbie does not need to have custody of the children whatsoever. She did only agree to have the kids for money. I don't have an issue with Debbie having some visitation with her kids as long as it's supervised. Joe doesn't have a leg to stand on. He is and always has been only interested in his son's money and not showing in real love for him.

I know there have been many people that have disputed the will. But I've read it and agree with it. It is a valid will and Michael did make the right decisions in having a third party oversee his finances.
comments from books like Latoya and Maldonado, teh ex-wife of Jermaine, were written to be inflammatory, shocking and to sell.

But some people want to take one person's perspective as gospel.

There are 9 Jacksons

1 -As far as i know, Rebbie the eldest raised her kids with her husband who works and she works.

2 - Jackie has a ranch, raised his kids

3 - Tito has 3 sons, he raised them, had domestic problems, his ex-wife died and Michael stepped in to help at a time when Tito might have had difficulties. But as Tito mentioned, Michael gave him a benz and commented that he never asks him for anything

4 - Janet has a career of her own. She has no kids as far as we know.

5 - Randy is loaded and has his business and finances. He has no kids as far as we know.

6 - Marlon and Caroline raised their kids, they had financial problems but carried through and Marlon has his businesses even being a part founder and selling off a tv channel

7 - Michael as we know has had the most successful career of the Jacksons

That leaves two

8 - Jermaine Jackson who has had ups and downs, took Randy's girlfriend and had tried to sustain his solo career in teh early 90s, leading to the fall-out with Michael

9 - Latoya Jackson who has had ups and downs starting with Jack Gordon who used her. She didn't have a firmly established career or life

Then you have

Katherine Jackson - who hasn't lacked anything

Joe Jackson - who is constantly ambitious, engaging in one project after another that led them to bankruptcy which Katherine was forced into becuase they were a couple.

And you have the usual extended family, who try to reach out to their rich relatives, especially Michael, whenever they have any sort of issue.

The picture above can be found in any large family, regardless of whether they are superwelathy or not. The one who has the most becomes targeted a lot by all relatives with issues and problems.

But when you try to bundle all the Jacksons and call them broke or greedy, you miss the point.

Many people in a family with a wealthier relative, would act no different, ask any celebrity about being approached by friends and relatives for favours.
Any issue, they would say, why not approach our wealthy uncle, or wealthy cousin.
It's not that they are broke. It's simply HUMAN NATURE

So, no need to generalize and trash the Jacksons.
comments from books like Latoya and Maldonado, teh ex-wife of Jermaine, were written to be inflammatory, shocking and to sell.

But some people want to take one person's perspective as gospel.

There are 9 Jacksons

1 -As far as i know, Rebbie the eldest raised her kids with her husband who works and she works.

2 - Jackie has a ranch, raised his kids

3 - Tito has 3 sons, he raised them, had domestic problems, his ex-wife died and Michael stepped in to help at a time when Tito might have had difficulties. But as Tito mentioned, Michael gave him a benz and commented that he never asks him for anything

4 - Janet has a career of her own. She has no kids as far as we know.

5 - Randy is loaded and has his business and finances. He has no kids as far as we know.

6 - Marlon and Caroline raised their kids, they had financial problems but carried through and Marlon has his businesses even being a part founder and selling off a tv channel

7 - Michael as we know has had the most successful career of the Jacksons

That leaves two

8 - Jermaine Jackson who has had ups and downs, took Randy's girlfriend and had tried to sustain his solo career in teh early 90s, leading to the fall-out with Michael

9 - Latoya Jackson who has had ups and downs starting with Jack Gordon who used her. She didn't have a firmly established career or life

Then you have

Katherine Jackson - who hasn't lacked anything

Joe Jackson - who is constantly ambitious, engaging in one project after another that led them to bankruptcy which Katherine was forced into becuase they were a couple.

And you have the usual extended family, who try to reach out to their rich relatives, especially Michael, whenever they have any sort of issue.

The picture above can be found in any large family, regardless of whether they are superwelathy or not. The one who has the most becomes targeted a lot by all relatives with issues and problems.

But when you try to bundle all the Jacksons and call them broke or greedy, you miss the point.

Many people in a family with a wealthier relative, would act no different, ask any celebrity about being approached by friends and relatives for favours.
Any issue, they would say, why not approach our wealthy uncle, or wealthy cousin.
It's not that they are broke. It's simply HUMAN NATURE

So, no need to generalize and trash the Jacksons.
Thank you for doing the extra research! Its great to see the difference between fact and speculation regarding the family. Too many people are being misled. I just don't understand why some can't accept that the Jackson family is like any other family, nothing less nothing more. They are not immune to problems and weaknesses. The reason as to why everything seems major is because you make it major. You're practically hovering over this family with a magnifying glass. What are they to do?

I'll just hush now because I sound like a broken record. *Tired*
My eyes can't stop rolling in this thread.

The very reasons or friendships deb has wit pple mike had.hello how u think she met schaffel?

And she has no say in the estate? She does if she makes a bid for her kids.

Let's see she cld get very messy and REAL and lay out the family baggage and when u throw the rwamba crazyness into it it just makes it worse

As for d ross and the kids going to her comparing that to joe is like comparing my foot to the eiffel tower.

Katherine has the kids b cuz debbie didn't pursue custody.if smething god forbid were to happen to miss K then someone in fam can step in but so can deb.

All this shyt talk is getting old and did I just read that randy was loaded and has no kids and the strife jermaine calls life was referred to as 'ups and downs'?

Either my blackberry's gone nuts or...
comments from books like Latoya and Maldonado, teh ex-wife of Jermaine, were written to be inflammatory, shocking and to sell.

But some people want to take one person's perspective as gospel.

There are 9 Jacksons

1 -As far as i know, Rebbie the eldest raised her kids with her husband who works and she works.

2 - Jackie has a ranch, raised his kids

3 - Tito has 3 sons, he raised them, had domestic problems, his ex-wife died and Michael stepped in to help at a time when Tito might have had difficulties. But as Tito mentioned, Michael gave him a benz and commented that he never asks him for anything

4 - Janet has a career of her own. She has no kids as far as we know.

5 - Randy is loaded and has his business and finances. He has no kids as far as we know.

6 - Marlon and Caroline raised their kids, they had financial problems but carried through and Marlon has his businesses even being a part founder and selling off a tv channel

7 - Michael as we know has had the most successful career of the Jacksons

That leaves two

8 - Jermaine Jackson who has had ups and downs, took Randy's girlfriend and had tried to sustain his solo career in teh early 90s, leading to the fall-out with Michael

9 - Latoya Jackson who has had ups and downs starting with Jack Gordon who used her. She didn't have a firmly established career or life

Then you have

Katherine Jackson - who hasn't lacked anything

Joe Jackson - who is constantly ambitious, engaging in one project after another that led them to bankruptcy which Katherine was forced into becuase they were a couple.

And you have the usual extended family, who try to reach out to their rich relatives, especially Michael, whenever they have any sort of issue.

The picture above can be found in any large family, regardless of whether they are superwelathy or not. The one who has the most becomes targeted a lot by all relatives with issues and problems.

But when you try to bundle all the Jacksons and call them broke or greedy, you miss the point.

Many people in a family with a wealthier relative, would act no different, ask any celebrity about being approached by friends and relatives for favours.
Any issue, they would say, why not approach our wealthy uncle, or wealthy cousin.
It's not that they are broke. It's simply HUMAN NATURE

So, no need to generalize and trash the Jacksons.

see this sentence proves that you post and have no idead what the hell you are posting . Randy has two daughters and one son plus an adopted boy all of whom lived since they were born at encino home, and all of them mj was paying their bills .

please you are the one who needs to check your facts .

as for tito you said it " he gave me a car because I was the ONLY one who never asked for something " well, mj did pay his children education and probably much more .

Randy is not loaded , Randy is a CRIMINAL .
Thank you for doing the extra research! Its great to see the difference between fact and speculation regarding the family. Too many people are being misled. I just don't understand why some can't accept that the Jackson family is like any other family, nothing less nothing more. They are not immune to problems and weaknesses. The reason as to why everything seems major is because you make it major. You're practically hovering over this family with a magnifying glass. What are they to do?

I'll just hush now because I sound like a broken record. *Tired*

the above apply to you also ,you gotta accept that facts never supported the family position, because FACTS only exposed them more and more .

as for latoya. I don't believe her at all , I said we had no idea what was going behind doors in that house until latoya came forward . MJ then confirmed the story about abuse they received as children from joe .
was mj a liar? and we all know katherine defended him "that's all lies " . she will do the same now . but thank God in that house there is someone who hates joe more than mj and it is Janet . she will make his life a living hell if he ever did anything wrong to those three kids.
and joe is not the only abusive person there , Randy is a very abusive man also and mind you he had no reputation for being smart .

ofcourse they are like everyone not immune to problems , but have you ever heard of a family who keep their belovedone in a freezer for two and half months to finalize a deal to do a reality tv show ? have you ever heard of someone who had three death ceremonies ? have you ever heard of a dead person being charged for the clothes of his family ? I HAVE NOT
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I too agree that I saw more than the # of Randy's kids in that post as incorrect but hey, I've never seen his bank account statement so I wouldn't personally say anything on how much money he does or doesn't have. I like to base my comments on documented and/or verified facts.

While I don't believe in demonizing "The Jackson's" like they aren't individuals with different hearts and minds, I don't agree with making stuff up that's not true to try to make them look better than they really are. On the same token I'm not big on people making stuff up trying to make them look worse either.

If you really want to pick them apart one by one I think you'd find that the bad apples in that very large family are only a small handful.
Branca and co are the executors now, that's ALL we hoped for , there is no point anymore in arguing whether they have the right to control the money, mj did not want them , the judge agreed and we should accept that and move on.