Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

I think that Katherine is not fighting for herself but for her grandchildren.

As for Joe, he only thinks of himself!
the kids aren't in a bubble. haven't been for quite some time. they got out more than mike did b/c they had anonymity on their side. now they don't. but they're only being sheltered from the stupid lawsuits and paternity claims. don't u think that's how it should be?
I absolutely agree. Totally over the line, but then there are so many it boggles my mind. The fact is they all seem pretty talented to me. I absolutely love 3T. Their songs are amazing. I love "Anything" & "I need You" are some of my favorites. Their videos are good too. I think Auggie is wonderful & hope he comes out with an album.

I also think that the Jackson family is superbly talented. The fact of the matter is that Michael was the most successful. Many of them have written and produced songs that I am recently finding out about. Just because they aren't in the limelight doesn't mean they aren't doing anything. There's more to life than just fame. Not every 50+ member is going to be a Michael Jackson.

I especially think Rebbie,3t and Janet are amazingly talented, that is after Michael of course,lol. MJ's my fav!:wub:
Ramon what about Blanket ? that kid will suffer the most so yeah a counselor is a must now and for many years to come .

They'll be fine. They prob had some grief councelling in the begining when the incident occured, yet the family is strong and they have so much support around them. The Jackson's (although it may not look like it from the outside) have always clung together in support. By keeping those childern busy, going places, seeing things etc, it allows them the wonderment and exploritory life that they experienced with Michael.

They have some strong males and females in that family. Love, guidence and respect.
the kids aren't in a bubble. haven't been for quite some time. they got out more than mike did b/c they had anonymity on their side. now they don't. but they're only being sheltered from the stupid lawsuits and paternity claims. don't u think that's how it should be?

My sister and brother in law died leaving their children 'orphans'. (that is the legal term for parentless children by the way) My other sister took the one who was under age to live with her and her family and she had a very stable loving home. Even so, it was VERY difficult for her to come to terms with and even years later there is a lot of anger there.

So, they are being shelted from the paternity claims and lawsuits, but they are also unaware of the rest of the mess that was Michaels life. All I am saying is that if they will need counseling now and will continue to need it to deal with the influx of information they will come in contact with.

I said it before. There will be a day when they realize that Aunt LaToya said such and such about their dad. You don't think they are going to be disturbed by this and ask why no one told them? Maybe they know already but I have a feeling they are sheltered from the fallout...which is NOT a bad thing and I don't disagree with that.

I also think the family is dysfunctional and I'm not so sure thats easy to deal with when you have been put into that sort of situation. I think Michael went way out of his way to be the best parent he could be.
kids must have gone to many places with or without Mike and not many ppl recognized them. now they are Big stars from the days after memorial. i agree that they are now protected too.
um....i think they'll see that their father forgave toy, and that she was ina very bad and abusive relationship.

they're also meeting w/ a grief counselor and supposed to meet w/ a psychiatrist when they plan to transition them to meet debbie. they have a lawyer making sure they're ok
i agree with u soso. Debbie is their mama so she has right to see them. is surogate mama popular in us? would blanket feel sensitive to his mama? if he knew he had no mama but his siglings had, what would he think of it?
all in all, from the pics, kids are doing well. they are stronger and precious kids.espeically Paris.
I find myself thinking often of little Blanket. I feel close to tears when I think of him. I just want to envelop him in love. I think it'll be the hardest for him -- the coming years. I'm so glad he has his big brother and sister.
i dunno maybe in one sense it might be easier cause i hate saying this but hes not gonna have many memories at all so maybe easier to cope with? i hope mj has loads of footage with him like with the others. this is all so wrong *fills up again*
I have a first cousin who lost his mom (my aunt) when he was four. he still remembers her vividly (he told me he has snippets of memories of her) but he hates talking about her. when he was little, he would run away from the room when her name would come up in conversation. it was very hard for him. he's now 44 and doing okay but it's kinda interesting that he married a girl who looks and behaves a LOT like my aunt.

I just think Blanket's gonna have a really hard time 'cos his dad will be everywhere. it's hard enough -- the loss, but the actual experience of growing up and realizing what you lost, and also what could have been is going to be really tough on the little guy.

I hope he'll be okay. :wub:
little blanket is a shy sensitive and playful boy just like his daddy. he would remember his daddy forever just like LMP who lost her daddy in a similar age as blanket.
Rumor said Mike brought blanket to AEG meetings often.
mike had lots of footage of all of his kids. he was just promoting things when paris and prince were younger, hence the pics that were leaked. those pics were leaked by a certain someone. b glad the private ones of blanket have yet to see the light of day.

and surrogates are popular here but u don't marry them and a lot of times u don't know them unless they're a friend and you're in a relationship w/ someone else and this is a favor. not single etc...