Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

Aknowledgement of the obvious: Oxman is a melodramatic azzclown with a "foot in the mouth" diseased character trait.

His "dispicable" insults are to be EXPECTED, because it's a part of his schict.

But, do I detect a little bit of hypocrisy here---a place where such insults are NOT EXPECTED?

For days, certain individuals have had an unchecked field day lambasting Ms. Katherine Jackson. Then poof! When a certain issue pertaining to money appears to suit those same person's fancy, Mother Jackson once again becomes a shining beacon of light.

Well, it is my opinion that some self reflection is necessary for that man or woman staring back in the mirror. If Michael was here, he would be DEVASTATED at both the occurrence and allowance of these SELF-SERVING attempts at character assassination levelled at his Mother, Friend and Confidant. I Am too devastated!

For some who continue to weave a particular storyline set on extracting Michael from any affiliation with his bloodline by categorizing them as leeches concerned with money; Ask yourself, "what is it you've been blathering about when it comes to this Family matter"? Money , am I right?

There also seems to be elevated propaganda in defense of Debra Rowe, thrusting her to damn near Saint status. But I guess some forgot about HiStory? A few self servingly motivated minutes on the witness stand does not remove one from other nefarious actions--against Michael. It seems one of the most obsessed media whore critics against Michael is now one of her boosom buddies. Or was this ALWAYS the case? Lucky for her she played her cards right and didn't "face her own music" from the stack of "Binders" chronicling HerStory. It's fascinating to watch some magnify her importance---because of DNA--then downplay family members of Michael Jackson--because of DNA. And I'm not talking Joseph Jackson.

Do you kind of see the line of hypocrisy? It appears to be trending--
Perhaps a cause to check twitter--but better to check yourself.

Katherine Jackson should never be insulted here. Never! And when it does happen, it should be checked. I'm perplexed as to the level of toleration--ESPECIALLY here. Perhaps today my "cries" will be finally heard!

Keep WATCHIN'.......

I see your words loud and clear !! I agree with you in this !
( im from Denmark so i dont have alll the right words but i fully understand ! ) :yes:
I read somewhere (can't remember) that Blanket sticks his tongue out at him all the time - LOL!!

Whether it's legend or true, it's a funny to imagine.
i lost all respect when he tore the memorial booklet out of that baby's hand and made him cry even harder during the memorial. ugh.

and terrell, honestly, she said that maybe to um...gee...get on the stand and make the state look like fools. mez was doing on his side so y not help? and guess what? it worked, didn't it? it humanized him andmade sneddon look like an assdamn fool
i lost all respect when he tore the memorial booklet out of that baby's hand and made him cry even harder during the memorial. ugh.

The memorial? Could I ask what it was exactly that he did?
i lost all respect when he tore the memorial booklet out of that baby's hand and made him cry even harder during the memorial. ugh.

and terrell, honestly, she said that maybe to um...gee...get on the stand and make the state look like fools. mez was doing on his side so y not help? and guess what? it worked, didn't it? it humanized him andmade sneddon look like an assdamn fool


lol assdamn. True though.
god I love your sig :D

may I know what video it's from?

Glad you like it. :cheeky: Its from the extended version of a commercial Michael did with Pepsi called "The Chase." The entire commercial is on YouTube.

i lost all respect when he tore the memorial booklet out of that baby's hand and made him cry even harder during the memorial. ugh.

WTH! I missed that (but I doubt they showed that on TV-people who were there probably noticed). Joe is cold blooded. :no:
I just feel so sad for Katherine. Joe should say something because this man that he hired disrespected his wife. If he doesn't say something then may God have mercy on his soul.

I think what Brain Oxman said about Katherine is despicable!

I may not have agreed with everything she has done.... however the woman is 80 years old and was obviously being pulled every which way by her family.

It is THEIR job at this point to take care of their elderly parents, not the other way around. Michael had the decency to care for Katherine and possibly Joe. He probably even gave money to his brothers. But when does it end? These brothers (with the exception of one) are OLDER than Michael. Why does he have to take care of grown men?? Why does Katherine, a 80 year old woman have to take care of GROWN MEN?? They should be busting their asses and caring for Katherine!!!! She shouldn't have to financially care for Joe, or any one of those adults.

What Brian Oxman said about this elderly woman who JUST LOST HER SON and now have to care for MJ's children... it's just horrible and wrong. She is grieving and having to adjust. Not only that, she's supporting the children and grandchildren who live at Hayvenhurst. How much more can she take?

God bless this woman. In my opinion, her children and "husband" doesn't deserve a dime.

Oxman is an asswipe.
agreed. Michael had given joe enough money (too much)during his life time, and michael is not his only child. Joe still have 8 children alive!!!!!!!!

Joseph is lucky Michael gave him anything at all. Joseph is lucky Michael even spoke to him. Joseph should consider himself lucky that none of his boys beat the crap out of him when they grew up. He should just start earning his own keep, IMO.
I read somewhere (can't remember) that Blanket sticks his tongue out at him all the time - LOL!!

Whether it's legend or true, it's a funny to imagine.

...and he's in the habit of squirting lawyers :lol: That kid's got a great sense of picking out people. And picking on them,ha ha ha
...and he's in the habit of squirting lawyers :lol: That kid's got a great sense of picking out people. And picking on them,ha ha ha

OMG!! he takes after his dad LOL!! :lol:

and please soso, come on, you can't leave it at that. come on, tell us? what did Joe do to little Blanky at the memorial?
Go Mama Katherine! I hope she's not feeling stressed out too much...I pray she stays healthy and live long. The kids need Grandma...It will be another tragedy if they lose her not long after their Daddy...:( The day should not come soon.

About Joe, I don't even know what to say:smilerolleyes:
oh he was trying to hide by holding the book up to his face. when they all were singing, joe walked over and snatched it out of his hands, causing him to cry even more. so when that happened i got hella pissed and started crying cuz i mean, the child obviously didn't want to be seen. wtf? y cause him that pain? so im glad he like mike and can't stand joe
oh he was trying to hide by holding the book up to his face. when they all were singing, joe walked over and snatched it out of his hands, causing him to cry even more. so when that happened i got hella pissed and started crying cuz i mean, the child obviously didn't want to be seen. wtf? y cause him that pain? so im glad he like mike and can't stand joe
That is sad but you know what, life is not going to be easy for these children no matter what. Heck life ishard for all of us. That is life. As for hating on his father, I do not believe that for one moment. yes, I believe Michael hated Joe ways but I do believe he loved his dad (he even say his Joe's name in the movie when he does the Jacksons five melony). As for the money, I think Katherine is going to help JOe in the end. Like I said, people sometimes people the name of the person they think is responsible over money even though they know that person will give it out RIGHT. This is done in many families. Michael know he could not trust his dad to be over no money if something were to happen to him.
A lot of fans are asking what Debbie did to influence the proceedings.

She did nothing, the person who brought up her name is just bringing up hot air.

Debbie has no say in the estate just like Joe Jackson, because even worse than Joe Jackson, Michael explicitly excluded her from the will.

The only people who have a say are Katherine and the children as well as some benefactors, e.g. the attorney general 20% for charity and 3T who have some level of say as beneficiaries.

There are those who try to bring up Debbie because she is the mother of the two kids.
They have an agenda, because of their hostility towards the Jacksons as a whole, they want to see the kids with Debbie.

However, they miss the point, the judge already ruled that Katherine is sole custodian. Any effort to change that will be frought with a lot of litigation, it will raise other social issues that now lay silent if you can go back to Steve Harvey Radio show about media attacking Jacksons having those kids because of color.

Also, given that the judge has stated now that Joe is excluded because it was his son's will, any attempt to change custody from Katherine would automatically invoke Diana Ross as the next in charge, because the will says "if Katherine is unable"

So, even if Debbie comes into court and claims Katherine is unable or incompetent to take care of the kids, then Diana Ross steps into court as next in line as guardian.

Then you tell me how the Judge is going to bypass the precedent he has set with Joe, saying it is not his son's will
and then take the kids from Katherine - and African American
deny Diana Ross custody - an African American

and split the kids so that the two stay with Debbie as he cannot hand Debbie a child that is not hers, unless he implies that Diana Ross is also incompetent.

Those pushing for Debbie to have custody have selfish motives which will create a whole muddy process that is worse than this whole issue about money.

I know this person refers to and tries to use Debbie's then objection a while back to Joe being in proximity or carer to the children. But that is no longer an issue because even as Joe's submissions show, he lives in Las Vegas.

Also, you forget that the Jackson lawyers can open the floodgates on Debbie and bring up evidence of why she wouldn't be a competent mother, not to mention her association with a pornographer maker Marc Schaffel who had a history of stealing from Michael and misusing his position.

So, when Debbie tries to sling mud, there is more than enough to fling back at her and Jackson lawyers can effectively argue that it's not a proper environment for the kids to grow up with Debbie who has close association with a pornographer maker who was terminated from Michael's circles and then sought to harm him with insinuations.

No judge would be able to get past that.
- Take the kids from their cousins
- Take the kids from their grandmother
- house them with a mother they have never known and who is not mother to one of teh kids
- Not named in the will as guardian
- and who is close buddies with a porn maker
- a porn maker terminated from Michael's circles who has slandered Michael in the public and was couuter-sued for missappropriating Michael's money, to then have access to wealthy minors.
oh, soso that's so sad. shame on Joe. i just noticed that when ppl went to stage and sang, lil blanket didn't sing and he just sob in private . the way he cried made me feel very hurt. so when snatched his booklet ,he cried more right? this is why Paris comforted him? after paris' speech, he cried most and even broke down?
oh, what joe did probably gave blanket a serious attack in emotion.
when has debbie asked for custody. ppl like to create drama out of nothing
A lot of fans are asking what Debbie did to influence the proceedings.

She did nothing, the person who brought up her name is just bringing up hot air.

Debbie has no say in the estate just like Joe Jackson, because even worse than Joe Jackson, Michael explicitly excluded her from the will.

The only people who have a say are Katherine and the children as well as some benefactors, e.g. the attorney general 20% for charity and 3T who have some level of say as beneficiaries.

There are those who try to bring up Debbie because she is the mother of the two kids.
They have an agenda, because of their hostility towards the Jacksons as a whole, they want to see the kids with Debbie.

However, they miss the point, the judge already ruled that Katherine is sole custodian. Any effort to change that will be frought with a lot of litigation, it will raise other social issues that now lay silent if you can go back to Steve Harvey Radio show about media attacking Jacksons having those kids because of color.

Also, given that the judge has stated now that Joe is excluded because it was his son's will, any attempt to change custody from Katherine would automatically invoke Diana Ross as the next in charge, because the will says "if Katherine is unable"

So, even if Debbie comes into court and claims Katherine is unable or incompetent to take care of the kids, then Diana Ross steps into court as next in line as guardian.

Then you tell me how the Judge is going to bypass the precedent he has set with Joe, saying it is not his son's will
and then take the kids from Katherine - and African American
deny Diana Ross custody - an African American

and split the kids so that the two stay with Debbie as he cannot hand Debbie a child that is not hers, unless he implies that Diana Ross is also incompetent.

Those pushing for Debbie to have custody have selfish motives which will create a whole muddy process that is worse than this whole issue about money.

I know this person refers to and tries to use Debbie's then objection a while back to Joe being in proximity or carer to the children. But that is no longer an issue because even as Joe's submissions show, he lives in Las Vegas.

Also, you forget that the Jackson lawyers can open the floodgates on Debbie and bring up evidence of why she wouldn't be a competent mother, not to mention her association with a pornographer maker Marc Schaffel who had a history of stealing from Michael and misusing his position.

So, when Debbie tries to sling mud, there is more than enough to fling back at her and Jackson lawyers can effectively argue that it's not a proper environment for the kids to grow up with Debbie who has close association with a pornographer maker who was terminated from Michael's circles and then sought to harm him with insinuations.

No judge would be able to get past that.
- Take the kids from their cousins
- Take the kids from their grandmother
- house them with a mother they have never known and who is not mother to one of teh kids
- Not named in the will as guardian
- and who is close buddies with a porn maker
- a porn maker terminated from Michael's circles who has slandered Michael in the public and was couuter-sued for missappropriating Michael's money, to then have access to wealthy minors.

You forget a will cannot name a guardian, it can only be suggested. Also no, the guardian would not move to Diana Ross automatically. She would be look at since Michael suggested her, but if Diana said she didn't want the kids, then she is pass.

If Debbie can prove that family is dysfunctional then they will be remove from the household. It does not matter if the children know Debbie, they will move most likely to her since she is the next of kin. It happens all the time when kids are remove from unfit parents and are put either with another relative or foster care.

There is also plenty of proof that Mrs. Jackson was being influence by her family, including her husband. Joe is still an issue since they are still legal marry. It does not matter if they do not live in the same location.

Also, courts do not look at guilt of association. Unless they can directly prove that she has more than a casual relationship with Marc Schaffel, then they will not hold her knowing him against her. It also does not matter if Marc Schaffel stole from Michael since he does not work for Michael now and he does not work for Debbie.

If you want to talk about slander and firing, you can use Oxman himself against the family. He was fire by Michael and then went around after Michael's death talking about him being a drug addict. Rowo can be use since he is a close friend of Joe. How about Tohma who was introduce by Jermaine. The point being, there is alot of guilt by association in that family, so Debbie can easily use one of them.

She also is not a benefactor of the estate, so she would only get child support. If she spends that money incorrectly, she would lose custody of the kids. Since she is not a benefactor, she gains nothing from fighting the will, which the Jackson family has done.

You also forget that Debbie was married to Michael and I am sure you know some secrets about that family. She could had influence Mrs. Jackson decision by simply threaten to tell all the crap they put Michael through in open court. Given the Jackson's want to keep a clean nose, I am sure that was the last thing they wanted.
<<<<,You also forget that Debbie was married to Michael and I am sure you know some secrets about that family. She could had influence Mrs. Jackson decision by simply threaten to tell all the crap they put Michael through in open court. Given the Jackson's want to keep a clean nose, I am sure that was the last thing they wanted.>>>> I doubt this very serious. Michael and debbie did not have that kind of marriage to get close to his family to know anything (besides what is not said about Jacksons. At this point, nothing may faze this family. They have been accused of everything in the book just like MJ).
back...actions speak louder than words. her words may have said one thing but her actions did quite another. and never once has she put him at risk for anything. it just LOOKED that way. i wish u could've seen the looks on the face of sneddon and co when she was on that stand. smiling at mike and then at the state....she did them in big time

That trick Debbie pulled, even as a positive for Michael's defense, made her seem very manipulative and shady IMO.

I agree. And Debbie is not staint. I do not care what she did on the stand. Guess what? SHe said something that made her a witness for them and Michael did not speak to her for a reason. As for the family, this happens in MOST family. The Jacksons are no different. I believe Katherine is going to help Joe in someway and I would not be mad (who knows, Maybe Michael knows his mother will be the one to be over joes parts because MJ knows his mother is more responsible with money than his daddy. that is not to say JOe will not get nothing. This happens everyday as well with one parent putting the oldest child over everything and letting this olderst child spread the money). None of us are a in the Jackson family to know what is said behind close doors nor is anyone business.

After a point Michael didn't want him or the kids to have anything to do with Debbie. Does anybody know WHY though?

What went on there for him to be so turned off by this woman that he wouldn't even speak to her and left her out of his pre/postmortem family plans?

Aknowledgement of the obvious: Oxman is a melodramatic azzclown with a "foot in the mouth" diseased character trait.

His "dispicable" insults are to be EXPECTED, because it's a part of his schict.

But, do I detect a little bit of hypocrisy here---a place where such insults are NOT EXPECTED?

For days, certain individuals have had an unchecked field day lambasting Ms. Katherine Jackson. Then poof! When a certain issue pertaining to money appears to suit those same person's fancy, Mother Jackson once again becomes a shining beacon of light.

Well, it is my opinion that some self reflection is necessary for that man or woman staring back in the mirror. If Michael was here, he would be DEVASTATED at both the occurrence and allowance of these SELF-SERVING attempts at character assassination levelled at his Mother, Friend and Confidant. I Am too devastated!

For some who continue to weave a particular storyline set on extracting Michael from any affiliation with his bloodline by categorizing them as leeches concerned with money; Ask yourself, "what is it you've been blathering about when it comes to this Family matter"? Money , am I right?

There also seems to be elevated propaganda in defense of Debra Rowe, thrusting her to damn near Saint status. But I guess some forgot about HiStory? A few self servingly motivated minutes on the witness stand does not remove one from other nefarious actions--against Michael. It seems one of the most obsessed media whore critics against Michael is now one of her boosom buddies. Or was this ALWAYS the case? Lucky for her she played her cards right and didn't "face her own music" from the stack of "Binders" chronicling HerStory. It's fascinating to watch some magnify her importance---because of DNA--then downplay family members of Michael Jackson--because of DNA. And I'm not talking Joseph Jackson.

Do you kind of see the line of hypocrisy? It appears to be trending--
Perhaps a cause to check twitter--but better to check yourself.

Katherine Jackson should never be insulted here. Never! And when it does happen, it should be checked. I'm perplexed as to the level of toleration--ESPECIALLY here. Perhaps today my "cries" will be finally heard!

Keep WATCHIN'.......

Thank you. Very deep post with several excellent points...there are indeed lots of double standards surrounding this whole thing.

oh he was trying to hide by holding the book up to his face. when they all were singing, joe walked over and snatched it out of his hands, causing him to cry even more. so when that happened i got hella pissed and started crying cuz i mean, the child obviously didn't want to be seen. wtf? y cause him that pain? so im glad he like mike and can't stand joe

Oh boy...poor child. Thank goodness he's looking very happy these days.
A lot of fans are asking what Debbie did to influence the proceedings.

She did nothing, the person who brought up her name is just bringing up hot air.

Debbie has no say in the estate just like Joe Jackson, because even worse than Joe Jackson, Michael explicitly excluded her from the will.

The only people who have a say are Katherine and the children as well as some benefactors, e.g. the attorney general 20% for charity and 3T who have some level of say as beneficiaries.

There are those who try to bring up Debbie because she is the mother of the two kids.
They have an agenda, because of their hostility towards the Jacksons as a whole, they want to see the kids with Debbie.

However, they miss the point, the judge already ruled that Katherine is sole custodian. Any effort to change that will be frought with a lot of litigation, it will raise other social issues that now lay silent if you can go back to Steve Harvey Radio show about media attacking Jacksons having those kids because of color.

Also, given that the judge has stated now that Joe is excluded because it was his son's will, any attempt to change custody from Katherine would automatically invoke Diana Ross as the next in charge, because the will says "if Katherine is unable"

So, even if Debbie comes into court and claims Katherine is unable or incompetent to take care of the kids, then Diana Ross steps into court as next in line as guardian.

Then you tell me how the Judge is going to bypass the precedent he has set with Joe, saying it is not his son's will
and then take the kids from Katherine - and African American
deny Diana Ross custody - an African American

and split the kids so that the two stay with Debbie as he cannot hand Debbie a child that is not hers, unless he implies that Diana Ross is also incompetent.

Those pushing for Debbie to have custody have selfish motives which will create a whole muddy process that is worse than this whole issue about money.

I know this person refers to and tries to use Debbie's then objection a while back to Joe being in proximity or carer to the children. But that is no longer an issue because even as Joe's submissions show, he lives in Las Vegas.

Also, you forget that the Jackson lawyers can open the floodgates on Debbie and bring up evidence of why she wouldn't be a competent mother, not to mention her association with a pornographer maker Marc Schaffel who had a history of stealing from Michael and misusing his position.

So, when Debbie tries to sling mud, there is more than enough to fling back at her and Jackson lawyers can effectively argue that it's not a proper environment for the kids to grow up with Debbie who has close association with a pornographer maker who was terminated from Michael's circles and then sought to harm him with insinuations.

No judge would be able to get past that.
- Take the kids from their cousins
- Take the kids from their grandmother
- house them with a mother they have never known and who is not mother to one of teh kids
- Not named in the will as guardian
- and who is close buddies with a porn maker
- a porn maker terminated from Michael's circles who has slandered Michael in the public and was couuter-sued for missappropriating Michael's money, to then have access to wealthy minors.
You took the words right out of my head. And like I said before, I don't care HOW MANY kids Debbie had with Michael, some things just doesn't look right to me. She's chummy with media people (Linda Bell Blue and Roger Friedman, for example) and she's hanging with Marc Schaffel, whom like you mentioned, is among the people did wrong by Michael and was acting very slick with him.

I've noticed how this Debbie Rowe campaign is becoming a regular theme in here. The Jacksons are nothing but a greedy, dangerous family that those poor children should be 'rescued' from and given to Debbie Rowe--just ignore her shady connections. As you said porn producer and minor children--and good-looking ones at that?--Uh-uh!! And people, got the nerve to look at the Jackson family with a suspicious eye. The arguement that the Jacksons (at least some of them) have done some shady things...same arguement can equally apply to Debbie Rowe--Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
<<<<How would you know? Were you in their room when they talk? Did Michael tell you he didn't have a close marriage?>>>> I know more about this than you think a I know. I will leave it at that (and hell no, it was not from no dam media. If you look at my post, I am one of few on here who will quote a media).
How would you know? Were you in their room when they talk? Did Michael tell you he didn't have a close marriage?

You are making assumption base on what the media said and what you see in pictures. We do not know what they talked about. You also have to remember they were friends since the 80s and we tend to tell our friends stuff about our families.

They maybe accuse of everything understand the sun, but this is not pubic opinion. It is an open court and all your sins can be resurface and used against you. If even half the stories are true about that family and can be proven in open court, those kids can be taken out of that household.

So the Jackson have the be careful on what they do in the future. Debbie is still the mother and can evoke her rights if she feel those kids are in danger.
And I still say I do not believe Michael told her nothing. Heck, Michael did not even hardly want to talk to her himself. that is a fact. I think at this point those kids are big enough to speak for themselves. At the age of 13 or 14, a child can tell a court where he or she wants to live no matter if that parent want them or not. So I will do care what Debbie rights are now, these kids are almost YOUNG ADULTS, not toddlers
<<,That trick Debbie pulled, even as a positive for Michael's defense, made her seem very manipulative and shady IMO.>>>> EXACTLY. There was no need for that. You did not see Liz Taylor or anyone else do that mess.
You took the words right out of my head. And like I said before, I don't care HOW MANY kids Debbie had with Michael, some things just doesn't look right to me. She's chummy with media people (Linda Bell Blue and Roger Friedman, for example) and she's hanging with Marc Schaffel, whom like you mentioned, is among the people did wrong by Michael and was acting very slick with him.

I've noticed how this Debbie Rowe campaign is becoming a regular theme in here. The Jacksons are nothing but a greedy, dangerous family that those poor children should be 'rescued' from and given to Debbie Rowe--just ignore her shady connections. As you said porn producer and minor children--and good-looking ones at that?--Uh-uh!! And people, got the nerve to look at the Jackson family with a suspicious eye. The arguement that the Jacksons (at least some of them) have done some shady things...same arguement can equally apply to Debbie Rowe--Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Exactly. And yes, I use to be a defender of her until I learned better. And do not leave out the Entertainment Tonight mess she was involved in. I do not hate her or nothing but I do not want no one to paint her as some saint to me. She got motives for something (and not all motives are done upfront).
I am going to say this and I will be done with this topic. I think everyone just need to leave the Jackson alone in this issue. Nothing can do done regarless as to how it goes. If money is going to be given to the Jackson, it will be done so regardless to what anyone thinks; and if money is not going to be given, that will be done regardless to what anyone thinks. I always say when it comes to money, NO ONE is off limits from not doing the right thing. When money is involved, you either have to fight to get it; and when you do get money, you have to fight to keep it. Even if Katherine and these kids get all of this money, there will be others from future spouses, future so called friends, naysayers, observers, professionals, investments theives, accounts, etc, trying to get it. That is the world we live in. Sad but true.