Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

Agree, but it is important news. While we try to spread the love as fans, Michael's FAMILY spreads hate...
Rev Sharpton said nice things.. but he slao said we needed more father like Joseph. As much as I'd like to spread love, I can,t help but react at this and be angry and comment.

With love.

I don't understand those that asked that we give Joe respect. how the hell am I gonna respect someone like Joe? how has he earned it? By running his mouth and spewing nonsense...or by refusing to acknowledge that he is a child abuser and recognize his past mistakes? Giving Joe respect would say more about ME as a person. Joe does not DESERVE MY respect.

Joe is another story.But would he want his fans to discuss his fanacial issues? I do not think so. Have you ever heard him saying something bad about his brothers and sisters? I think this family needs more respect from his fans. It is alreday goes too far.

Well, we are fans not robots...there are many things that MJ did that I disagreed with. But still I respect him for the person that he was...MJ may not have said bad things about his siblings in public (because he is a kind person contrary to his brother who has publicly admonished him)...but i am pretty sure people who were close to him knew how he REALLY felt.

Again, from his will we get a very clear idea. And him staying away from most of them...pretty much emphasize it. His actions speak volumes.

Just because I am a fan does not mean I am obligated to agree with everything Michael says or does, it does not work like that. As I have said before, respect is earned not given. That goes no differently for the Jackson.

Although some fans may go too far, I can understand their frustration and anger. Also, Haters hate for no reason. The fans here who dislike or do not respect the family usually have very good reason for their feelings, just as you have good reasons to support the family.

If more people had help Michael stand up to his family instead of pulling the 'family loyalty' card on him, I think he would had lived a healthier and happy life. That is my stance on the subject.


As much as I despise Klein, he said something about the family (how they used MJ and did nothing to contribute to his life) that one cannot help but agree with.

agreed. Michael had given joe enough money (too much)during his life time, and michael is not his only child. Joe still have 8 children alive!!!!!!!!
Well, we are fans not robots...there are many things that MJ did that I disagreed with. But still I respect him for the person that he was...MJ may not have said bad things about his siblings in public (because he is a kind person contrary to his brother who has publicly admonished him)...but i am pretty sure people who were close to him knew how he REALLY felt.

Again, from his will we get a very clear idea. And him staying away from most of them...pretty much emphasize it. His actions speak volumes.

True ....even tho he publicly said good stuff.....behind closed doors......who knows? But what we DO know is that a few weeks prior to his death, he didn't let Joe in the gates [security, fans and chef's account]

Either way, if mj loved him or not, Joe was not stated in the will. It was good of the judge to defend mj's last living will. Whatever mj wanted, be it an allowance or handouts to his dad, he could've made a small provision for it in his trust. But he didn't. Scars can run quite deep imo.

But however long this is going to take Joe is going to have to ask for MORE.....to cover all his legal fees for Oxman!

But to ask MJ to pay for someone he hadn't even spoken to [JohVonnie's account], I think it's pretty cheeky. & sinking to a whole new level - I remember she described the meeting as very hurtful as he only greeted her daughter.

Can u imagine....someone who u don't like, never spoken to before, but have to pay monthly allowances for?

Anyway, the J4 will be getting money real soon from their reality program, so maybe daddy can ask them for some help too.

Why is it that they treat MJ's money as the local family ATM?

Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

OMG, MJ would be devastated to hear how low his own family would go for his money. It's such a shame.
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

It shameful that Oxman described Katherine's decision as despicable. He is despicable to insult Michael's mother like that.

This makes me so angry.
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

Oxman has the NERVE to call Katherine "despicable"?

Joe Jackson and Brian Oxman are the epitomy of "despicable".

Kudos to Katherine & Adam Streisand. I knew that Katherine would be better off after kicking Londell McMillian off her legal team. Londell was serving Joe & Randy instead of Katherine and the children.
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

Katherine Jackson supports her husband's request for a monthly allowance, Streisand said.

hope this will never happen , else Randy , jermaine and their chidlren can claim mj supported them through katherine and they need an allowance .
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

Joe to MJ: Support Me in the Afterlife!
Posted Nov 11th 2009 9:33AM by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson made a promise to "always support" his dad and if the estate reneges on that promise Joe will take it to court -- this, according to Joe's lawyer.

Attorney Brian Oxman tells TMZ Michael had repeatedly given Joe, Katherine, and other members of the family assurance that he would "always support" them ... even in the afterlife.
Oxman says Jackson -- in effect -- made a contract on which the family relied. He reiterated -- he's considering filing a creditor's claim if Joe is cut off financially.

The estate seems curiously supportive in giving Joe an allowance ... at least for the time being. But the clock is ticking on creditor's claims, so Joe may have to file one soon in order to preserve his right to go after the MJ estate.

Stay tuned...
wow can we get back on topic?

ok.....it was one thing to support his family while he was alive. he was also there to care for his three children and see to it that they were schooled, healthy, and happy. he was also there to earn money to support his children, alongside supporting his family.

now in death, he is not. so it makes sense that the support now goes to his mother, who is the one taking care of his children, and his three angels. b/c now he's not here to take care of them, see to it that htey are schooled, healthy, and happy. themoney earned after his death is earmarked for those he left it to. no one else. no more, no less.

if joseph cannot be satisified w/ that, then he can go sit in a corner and cry. perhaps if he had told his son once or twice how much he loved him or how proud of him he was, he would've gotten something.

the man is lower than low. the only thing i can see him doing lower than this is to file for divorce so that he could get half of what katherine has. ah but alas, the esate named her as a short term beneficiary and he cannot count that money. nor can he claim the house in which she lives because again, alas it belongs to her son and his next of kins...the MJ3.

sorry joe, ur sol
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

Attorney Brian Oxman tells TMZ Michael had repeatedly given Joe, Katherine, and other members of the family assurance that he would "always support" them ... even in the afterlife.


Had MJ wanted to support them in his afterlife - he would've said so in the will!!!!

Does Joe Jackson & Oxman think the judge is that stupid?
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

hope this will never happen , else Randy , jermaine and their chidlren can claim mj supported them through katherine and they need an allowance .

Well, if they take it out of her portion - fine. No one can say anything about that.

But you're correct if Joe's granted an allowance. Next thing you know Billie Jean Jackson will be suing for nutcase support.
the man is lower than low. the only thing i can see him doing lower than this is to file for divorce so that he could get half of what katherine has.

I was actually thinking about that yesterday, about what would happen if Katherine or Joe ask for divorce..

huuush don't give him this idea
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

Oxman is a disgusting bastard! How dare he insult Mrs. Jackson in that form.
nothing. her trust is not splitable, i don't think. b/c it's incurred per month. so maybe she would pay him how much she was getting (her stipend) from when it started to the day he files. but if i were here, i'd file now b/c once that estate is solvent, everyone's share will be going dramatically up.
I was actually thinking about that yesterday, about what would happen if Katherine or Joe ask for divorce..

huuush don't give him this idea

Nothing much would happen. Mostly all of Katherine's assets are owned by the estate - and as per California law, willed assets cannots be split in a divorce.

Even Havenhurst is owned by the MJ estate. So either way, Joe is S.O.L.

Joe had the chance to be a better husband & father. And now he reaps the rewards of his actions = NOTHING.
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

All these lazy ass mofo's in the family should go away for good.
Stupid people go and beg Janet for money.
Nothing much would happen. Mostly all of Katherine's assets are owned by the estate - and as per California law, willed assets cannots be split in a divorce.

Even Havenhurst is owned by the MJ estate. So either way, Joe is S.O.L.

Joe had the chance to be a better husband & father. And now he reaps the rewards of his actions = NOTHING.
werd to dat...
wow can we get back on topic?

ok.....it was one thing to support his family while he was alive. he was also there to care for his three children and see to it that they were schooled, healthy, and happy. he was also there to earn money to support his children, alongside supporting his family.

now in death, he is not. so it makes sense that the support now goes to his mother, who is the one taking care of his children, and his three angels. b/c now he's not here to take care of them, see to it that htey are schooled, healthy, and happy. themoney earned after his death is earmarked for those he left it to. no one else. no more, no less.

if joseph cannot be satisified w/ that, then he can go sit in a corner and cry. perhaps if he had told his son once or twice how much he loved him or how proud of him he was, he would've gotten something.

the man is lower than low. the only thing i can see him doing lower than this is to file for divorce so that he could get half of what katherine has. ah but alas, the esate named her as a short term beneficiary and he cannot count that money. nor can he claim the house in which she lives because again, alas it belongs to her son and his next of kins...the MJ3.

sorry joe, ur sol

You know what I'm really worried about the kids safety now. idk why.. at this point I don't trust any family member (no bashing intended, just my opinions) not even Janet.
now, let's not go THAT far. the kids'll be okay. the family will come together at some point. I thought about this last night as I was drifting off to sleep. as angry as I was yesterday evening at the days events, I thought of Katherine and Paris -- two of MJ's favorite gals, two beautiful, soft-spoken yet pretty strong women. I think, together, they'll pull the family through. I have faith in Katherine, and I have a lot of hopes for Paris. I think she's awesome. her love for her daddy knows no bounds, and she'll help her grandma keep it together.

and that's how I'm gonna try to see it from now on.
now, let's not go THAT far. the kids'll be okay. the family will come together at some point. I thought about this last night as I was drifting off to sleep. as angry as I was yesterday evening at the days events, I thought of Katherine and Paris -- two of MJ's favorite gals, two beautiful, soft-spoken yet pretty strong women. I think, together, they'll pull the family through. I have faith in Katherine, and I have a lot of hopes for Paris. I think she's awesome. her love for her daddy knows no bounds, and she'll help her grandma keep it together.

and that's how I'm gonna try to see it from now on.

:agree: Agreed.

with L.O.V.E.:wub:
I think what Brain Oxman said about Katherine is despicable!

"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Oxman told the judge. Joe Jackson's lawyer said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court.

I may not have agreed with everything she has done.... however the woman is 80 years old and was obviously being pulled every which way by her family.

It is THEIR job at this point to take care of their elderly parents, not the other way around. Michael had the decency to care for Katherine and possibly Joe. He probably even gave money to his brothers. But when does it end? These brothers (with the exception of one) are OLDER than Michael. Why does he have to take care of grown men?? Why does Katherine, a 80 year old woman have to take care of GROWN MEN?? They should be busting their asses and caring for Katherine!!!! She shouldn't have to financially care for Joe, or any one of those adults.

What Brian Oxman said about this elderly woman who JUST LOST HER SON and now have to care for MJ's children... it's just horrible and wrong. She is grieving and having to adjust. Not only that, she's supporting the children and grandchildren who live at Hayvenhurst. How much more can she take?

God bless this woman. In my opinion, her children and "husband" doesn't deserve a dime.

Katherine is an amazing person. She has been through alot. I was just looking at pictures of how she was so supportive of Michael during the trial and really helped him get through it


Bless her heart
I think what Brain Oxman said about Katherine is despicable!

I may not have agreed with everything she has done.... however the woman is 80 years old and was obviously being pulled every which way by her family.

It is THEIR job at this point to take care of their elderly parents, not the other way around. Michael had the decency to care for Katherine and possibly Joe. He probably even gave money to his brothers. But when does it end? These brothers (with the exception of one) are OLDER than Michael. Why does he have to take care of grown men?? Why does Katherine, a 80 year old woman have to take care of GROWN MEN?? They should be busting their asses and caring for Katherine!!!! She shouldn't have to financially care for Joe, or any one of those adults.

What Brian Oxman said about this elderly woman who JUST LOST HER SON and now have to care for MJ's children... it's just horrible and wrong. She is grieving and having to adjust. Not only that, she's supporting the children and grandchildren who live at Hayvenhurst. How much more can she take?

God bless this woman. In my opinion, her children and "husband" doesn't deserve a dime.

:clapping::clapping:u can see where mj got his strength from. after everything shes been through
Very few times I've felt as utterly disgusted as I feel right now.
What Oxman said was so out of line and disrespectful, that lady is 79 years old and is dealing with tremendous pressure from her family, how dare he say such things about her.
What's worse, he is being employed by HER HUSBAND!! WTF??
Joe is a blood sucking leach and has always been one, but for him to allow this scumbag to publicly badmouth his wife is just too damn much.

I feel for Michael, Katherine and the kids. Mike had to deal with this shit from his own father all this years, and now Katherine *sigh*, I pray the children are being kept away from all this mess.
Re: Judge: Joe Jackson can't challenge will executors

"She has now reneged on her obligation to her family," Oxman told the judge. Joe Jackson's lawyer said Katherine Jackson's reversal was "one of the most despicable displays" he's ever seen in court.

Oxman accused Katherine Jackson of reaching a secret deal -- behind Joe Jackson's back -- with the men who control their son's estate.

:doh: Oxman is a disgrace. Her obligation to the family? If anybody is thinking about the entire family and not about themselves along its Katherine.

hope this will never happen , else Randy , jermaine and their chidlren can claim mj supported them through katherine and they need an allowance .

God, please NO. It'll be a free-for-all.

I think what Brain Oxman said about Katherine is despicable!

I may not have agreed with everything she has done.... however the woman is 80 years old and was obviously being pulled every which way by her family.

It is THEIR job at this point to take care of their elderly parents, not the other way around. Michael had the decency to care for Katherine and possibly Joe. He probably even gave money to his brothers. But when does it end? These brothers (with the exception of one) are OLDER than Michael. Why does he have to take care of grown men?? Why does Katherine, a 80 year old woman have to take care of GROWN MEN?? They should be busting their asses and caring for Katherine!!!! She shouldn't have to financially care for Joe, or any one of those adults.

What Brian Oxman said about this elderly woman who JUST LOST HER SON and now have to care for MJ's children... it's just horrible and wrong. She is grieving and having to adjust. Not only that, she's supporting the children and grandchildren who live at Hayvenhurst. How much more can she take?

God bless this woman. In my opinion, her children and "husband" doesn't deserve a dime.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Bottom line is this:

Despite all the torture & drama he put Katherine through, Katherine's faith in her religion made her not divorce him.

And if Joe Jackson doesn't get an allowance - despite the tens of millions of dollars Joe's made off of his son Michael - Joe Jackson will probably divorce Katherine and sue her for alimony.

Yes, he is that low to go there.
i dont think her religion really had enough to do with it. she had enough grounds to divorce him. her religion wasnt stopping her
I'm most likely gonna get my ass kicked by mods for saying this but :

When Michael died, one of the first few things I thought was "Why does a man as beautiful as Michael have to die and that low life Joe is still alive?'

I'm glad I thought it.

However - Katherine will win this.
Katherine doesn't owe Joe anything or have to put up with his crap anymore either. She is going to do right by Michael's kids and make sure his wishes are kept. She doesn't owe her grown kids anything either. Why does Michael have to support all these people? His brothers and father? Is that how it always was for him? They are adults.