Jackson's Mom and Dad Split Over Executors/Joe Threatens Estate

Unless he had documents saying that Michael promise him money, he got nothing. Verbal agreement does not cut it in court.

Michael never gave him money directly anyway. He got it from his wife, from his own admission. So, he should ask his wife for money.
the notice of appeal is about the executors' nominations.

does it mean that they have to wait before being executors ? is it suspensive ?


The right to appeal a decision is limited to those parties to the proceeding who are aggrieved by the decision because it has a direct and adverse effect upon their persons or property. In addition, an actual case or controversy must exist at the time of review. Issues that have become moot while the appeal is pending and cases that have been settled during that time are not reviewable.
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the notice of appeal is about the executors' nominations.

That is just sad. :smilerolleyes:

Not court is going to listen to this guy, so he can cry all he wants. I want to say something else, but I will leave it at that.
I have seen, like you all have, all of the things that Joe has done since his sons death and I am not 'shocked' he is doing this. I am disgusted, but not shocked.
Debbie, had she taken the kids after the divorce would be deemed the worst person in the world. she did what no one thought she'd do and let him have primary custody w/ her having visitation. claims a certian nanny *ahem* made it difficult so she just gaveup.

now he's gone. so the situation is totally different. like us, we never worried about the kids when they were with mike cuz we knew he'd do anything for them. now he's gone and the worry has set in.

in fact, the first thought i had when i got the call was the kids. i knew he'd be at peace and in no more pain. it was them i was so worried about and still am.

if randy had money y was he living at the house? and his kids?

now tito never asked mike to pay for buckley. heloves his sons and would do anythign to support htem. mike is the one who offered.
soso, don't worry abt kids too much. well, Although some Jackson are greedy, Kids will be protected very well. they would not know anything outside. for example they probably would not know what their uncle Randy and grandpa joe are doing.i guess they are fine because they didn't know anything outside and their grandma are taking care of them. Debbie is not a soft woman.if she wants to see her kids, no one can stop her.
Looking at the faces of those kids in recent pictures I'm not worried about them either. They seem very happy and are old enough to voice if something is wrong with them to the judge/counselor/whoever the third party is who's in charge of their welfare.

If it gets to a point where they are NOT happy and healthy then I can definitely see and agree with Debbie or the court moving in to do something. But at this point when they are still licking fresh wounds from their fathers death and surrounded by the only family they know, what would be the point up uprooting them from their comfort zone?

If Deb really wanted to get aggressive to try and "take" the kids when they're more than fine and where their dad wanted them you really have to ask yourself who would she be doing it for?

That's all I'm saying.

For me the "questionable" Jackson's are Joe (duh), Jermain, Randy and Toya (and I don't think she means ill...just a bit of a ditz). Out of a family of over 100. I don't see the big deal.
Debbie, had she taken the kids after the divorce would be deemed the worst person in the world. she did what no one thought she'd do and let him have primary custody w/ her having visitation. claims a certian nanny *ahem* made it difficult so she just gaveup.

now he's gone. so the situation is totally different. like us, we never worried about the kids when they were with mike cuz we knew he'd do anything for them. now he's gone and the worry has set in.

in fact, the first thought i had when i got the call was the kids. i knew he'd be at peace and in no more pain. it was them i was so worried about and still am.

if randy had money y was he living at the house? and his kids?

now tito never asked mike to pay for buckley. heloves his sons and would do anythign to support htem. mike is the one who offered.

But seriously Soso...would you not think she would be looked at funny if she really took those kids she never wanted and never would have had who were ALL Michael ever wanted in his life? The same kids that she said she nagged HIM into allowing her to give him as gifts?

Come on now. It would look VERY bad and nobody would be giving her the friend of the year award for pulling a stunt like that.

And wow, you expect me to believe DEBBIE "don't take no crap" ROWE was ready to give up her right to see her kids because of some nanny? Sorry...I don't buy that one.

According to you and many others Deb is no pushover and from the way she screamed at those paps I don't see it either. If she gave them up it had to be a reason from inside HER, no outside force.

She says it herself that NOBODY can make her do/say anything she doesn't want to.

I don't know her but I can just imagine the turmoil she's gone through over the past 12 years based on the decisions she's made. But Deb is a big girl, she made her bed so she needs to lie in it.

The worst thing she could do at this point though is to start throwing her weight around "because she can". Those same kids who she claims to love so much will end up resenting her BIG TIME.

As a product of a parental split at age 11-12 and being forced to live with a parent I didn't want to, I can tell you that definitively.
It's hard not to worry about the kids when everybody and their dog is doing everything they can to get money from the estate. MJ was a grown man and he forever was being taken advantage of. So you just wonder what chance do these young kids have? Especially when it ain't like they're hanging around a rich crowd. Who's not going to be trying to get in with them?
But seriously Soso...would you not think she would be looked at funny if she really took those kids she never wanted and never would have had who were ALL Michael ever wanted in his life? The same kids that she said she nagged HIM into allowing her to give him as gifts?

Come on now. It would look VERY bad and nobody would be giving her the friend of the year award for pulling a stunt like that.

And wow, you expect me to believe DEBBIE "don't take no crap" ROWE was ready to give up her right to see her kids because of some nanny? Sorry...I don't buy that one.

According to you and many others Deb is no pushover and from the way she screamed at those paps I don't see it either. If she gave them up it had to be a reason from inside HER, no outside force.

She says it herself that NOBODY can make her do/say anything she doesn't want to.

I don't know her but I can just imagine the turmoil she's gone through over the past 12 years based on the decisions she's made. But Deb is a big girl, she made her bed so she needs to lie in it.

The worst thing she could do at this point though is to start throwing her weight around "because she can". Those same kids who she claims to love so much will end up resenting her BIG TIME.

As a product of a parental split at age 11-12 and being forced to live with a parent I didn't want to, I can tell you that definitively.

what we can't see WILL hurt us. ever think the whole 'oh i did it for him as a gift" thing was a way to save face? what mother would let her kids go w/ the father? who? mom's almost always get custody. so yea, saving face.

no one gave her friend of the yr award for the stunt she pulled on the stand that pissed everyone off. i seriously thought sneddon was gonna smack the crap out of her. she tanked the case even more. made him look stupid. big risk on her part especially when u think of the sneddon gang going after people like doctor s, dunlap, dianna hall etc....

and it's hard to visit ur kids when the scheduled visit is in el lay and omg theyjust happen to be in new york. oopsie forgot to tell the boss...hmmm how about next month? oopsie, we're in germany...my bad? a nanny that can turn her kids against her b/c she's not there w/ them all the time. u never know and it wouldn't be just a nanny it would b her boss. we've seen time and time again (branca's hella hirings and firings) how someone can lie to mike and make him think somoen is bad.

and they could resent her NOW but one you're out of the bubble, u see clearer. dig? it may suck initiaally but people there that want to hurt them or exploit them may be their fave aunt or uncle. what would thekids know? how would they know? but once removed light will shine on it.

im saying that y piss off someone who could do this? y make her upset and why lie? she agreed to have them there and now she can't see them? that's a violation of the agreed terms. meaning she has a right to go in and contest it again.

if the will is fake, then the kids AUTOMATICALLY GO TO DEBBIE. it's automatic. she is their next of kin. and blanket is p and p'snext of kin. the family gets nothing, the house and the estate go to the kids 100%
yeah from Debbie's words , she stopped visiting those kids because the nanny was always present and MJ was always absent . she did feel he did not want her there , Debbie did not say mj prevented her from visiting those kids , but their was something made her feel she was very unwelcomed there .

maybe it was the "nanny" who wanted to be the "mother" who caused all the mistrust between mj and debbie
what we can't see WILL hurt us. ever think the whole 'oh i did it for him as a gift" thing was a way to save face? what mother would let her kids go w/ the father? who? mom's almost always get custody. so yea, saving face.

no one gave her friend of the yr award for the stunt she pulled on the stand that pissed everyone off. i seriously thought sneddon was gonna smack the crap out of her. she tanked the case even more. made him look stupid. big risk on her part especially when u think of the sneddon gang going after people like doctor s, dunlap, dianna hall etc....

and it's hard to visit ur kids when the scheduled visit is in el lay and omg theyjust happen to be in new york. oopsie forgot to tell the boss...hmmm how about next month? oopsie, we're in germany...my bad? a nanny that can turn her kids against her b/c she's not there w/ them all the time. u never know and it wouldn't be just a nanny it would b her boss. we've seen time and time again (branca's hella hirings and firings) how someone can lie to mike and make him think somoen is bad.

and they could resent her NOW but one you're out of the bubble, u see clearer. dig? it may suck initiaally but people there that want to hurt them or exploit them may be their fave aunt or uncle. what would thekids know? how would they know? but once removed light will shine on it.

im saying that y piss off someone who could do this? y make her upset and why lie? she agreed to have them there and now she can't see them? that's a violation of the agreed terms. meaning she has a right to go in and contest it again.

if the will is fake, then the kids AUTOMATICALLY GO TO DEBBIE. it's automatic. she is their next of kin. and blanket is p and p'snext of kin. the family gets nothing, the house and the estate go to the kids 100%

They don't automatically go anywhere. BY LAW the are deemed to go to a next of kin, but do you actually think the judge who made the kids sign a paper to say they are aware of what is going on and want to go with their grandmother is going to rip these kids away from their dad's side of the family and "give" them to their mother without them (the kids) agreeing to it?

If they were babies of course it would be neither here nor there and I would be the first one to say take them Debbie they're young and will grow to know you. But at almost 13 and 12 these are no babies and DO have a say in what happens to them no matter what any law says. Final action will be taken in what is the best interest of the kids and not an overzealous parent or grandparent.

Also nobody has any clue who blankets mother is, but she knows who he is. You think if this mystery woman heard her child was being "given" to another woman she wouldn't step up too?

This whole thing would just get weird in a whole different direction and the only ones who would really get hurt are the kids.

Opps...forgot to add that yes if the kids are open to seeing their mother and are being prevented then that's VERY bad. The agreement was made so she should get her visitation with them. My thoughts before were as it relates to custody. She should have always maintained her visitations no matter what.

yeah from Debbie's words , she stopped visiting those kids because the nanny was always present and MJ was always absent . she did feel he did not want her there , Debbie did not say mj prevented her from visiting those kids , but their was something made her feel she was very unwelcomed there .

maybe it was the "nanny" who wanted to be the "mother" who caused all the mistrust between mj and debbie

I suppose her feeling bad that MJ was rejecting her trumped her love for her kids then?
It's very clear that something went seriously wrong between Deb and Michael and she ostracized herself from the kids because of it.

Grace is being made a scapegoat here in so many ways. If Michael wasn't at those visits it's because he didn't want to be.
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They don't automatically go anywhere. BY LAW the are deemed to go to a next of kin, but do you actually think the judge who made the kids sign a paper to say they are aware of what is going on and want to go with their grandmother is going to rip these kids away from their dad's side of the family and "give" them to their mother without them (the kids) agreeing to it?

If they were babies of course it would be neither here nor there and I would be the first one to say take them Debbie they're young and will grow to know you. But at almost 13 and 12 these are no babies and DO have a say in what happens to them no matter what any law says. Final action will be taken in what is the best interest of the kids and not an overzealous parent or grandparent.

Also nobody has any clue who blankets mother is, but she knows who he is. You think if this mystery woman heard her child was being "given" to another woman she wouldn't step up too?

This whole thing would just get weird in a whole different direction and the only ones who would really get hurt are the kids.

Opps...forgot to add that yes if the kids are open to seeing their mother and are being prevented then that's VERY bad. The agreement was made so she should get her visitation with them. My thoughts before were as it relates to custody. She should have always maintained her visitations no matter what.

I suppose her feeling bad that MJ was rejecting her trumped her love for her kids then?
It's very clear that something went seriously wrong between Deb and Michael and she ostracized herself from the kids because of it.

Grace is being made a scapegoat here in so many ways. If Michael wasn't at those visits it's because he didn't want to be.

ok that paper wasn't forced, it was submitted and right after mike died. the kids were in grief and we don't know if they willingly signed that. that's what a lawyer can and will argue. that is NOT my opinon. i believe they love their grandmother and love staying w/ her.

final action may not be based on the actions of said grandparent but of those around the kids and the enviornment. joe is not allowed to be alone w/ them and will not raise them. that's a stipulation they agreed upon. a similiar one can be made for certain memebrs of the family or entourage if she doesn't feel they're good for the kids.

blanket's mother lost all claim to her 'son' once he turned 2 yrs of age. he has no mother and that is what was filed in court. his 'sole' parent has died.

do u really think she would fight to keep joe away and ask that a psychiatrist meet w/ the kids and introduce their meetings in a way that's beneficial to the children IF she didn't have their best interest in mind? she's not just gonna show up andbe mom and she knows that. she's always known that cuz she's always said that.

she maintiend the right to have visitation. it was the visitations that she had to actually fight for.

and grace a scapegoat? the very woman who admitted once she was fired that she rented a flat near (aka next door) to mike and the kids so she could sit and watch them leave? what constitutes a stalker?
and grace a scapegoat? the very woman who admitted once she was fired that she rented a flat near (aka next door) to mike and the kids so she could sit and watch them leave?

Woah... how did I miss this admission? When did she say this? ['Cause I've been hoping Karen is wrong about her, for the sake of Michael's kids.]
ok that paper wasn't forced, it was submitted and right after mike died. the kids were in grief and we don't know if they willingly signed that. that's what a lawyer can and will argue. that is NOT my opinon. i believe they love their grandmother and love staying w/ her.

final action may not be based on the actions of said grandparent but of those around the kids and the enviornment. joe is not allowed to be alone w/ them and will not raise them. that's a stipulation they agreed upon. a similiar one can be made for certain memebrs of the family or entourage if she doesn't feel they're good for the kids.

blanket's mother lost all claim to her 'son' once he turned 2 yrs of age. he has no mother and that is what was filed in court. his 'sole' parent has died.

do u really think she would fight to keep joe away and ask that a psychiatrist meet w/ the kids and introduce their meetings in a way that's beneficial to the children IF she didn't have their best interest in mind? she's not just gonna show up andbe mom and she knows that. she's always known that cuz she's always said that.

she maintiend the right to have visitation. it was the visitations that she had to actually fight for.

and grace a scapegoat? the very woman who admitted once she was fired that she rented a flat near (aka next door) to mike and the kids so she could sit and watch them leave? what constitutes a stalker?

I did not say the kids were forced to sign the paper, I meant it as they were REQUIRED to sign it. Meaning they have a say in what happens or the judge wouldn't ask them to sign anything.

The final decision will be based on nothing but the best interest of the kids.

Using your same point that Blanket's mother is inconsequential; Paris and Prince are currently minors and thus can't take charge of their younger brother, Debbie is no relation so Blanket would remain with the next of kin of his sole parent...which is Katherine.

Debbie has done a lot of things I personally don't understand and I have no idea who's best interest she's looking out for but I can only pray it's the kids.

And YES when it comes to Michael/The Children and Debbie visiting with each other Grace IS being used a scapegoat. Whatever stalkerish behavior she has has nothing to do with Michael not tagging along when the visits with Debbie happen.

It just makes SO much sense that the woman Michael fired was keeping him away from his kids mother, I guess she was still keeping them apart while she wasn't under his employment too right? Please...

The most important thing here is that the kids remain happy and healthy and well taken care of as they were when Michael was alive.
no u totally missed it! lol ah , love, debbie being prince and paris' next of kin can get them. the kids can then request their next of kin, blanket, also be with them and be in the care of debbie. the state of california will not split kids up if they don't have to and in this case, they wouldn't have to. they would use the next of kin reason to make the explanations and decisions in court.

we don't have to understand her words or actions to see the results. her whining when he took thekids to bahrain was her way of sayng honor ur deal and let me see them. he did.

her lying got her on the stand and she told the state off pretty much and helped his case.

she's not a scapegoat b/c look, in the end mike fired her. he trusted her then, then when she took the kids to see debbie but he didn't trust her last yr when he fired her. last yr when all she would have to do is watch the kids at the house. not take them across the world.

deb said shemade her feel uncomfortable. the visitations were a wast eof time and inconsiderate and mike could be doing other stuff. who wants to go into an enviornment like that? i wouldn't. bad and negative energy. in the end, he fired grace.

and again, blanket's mother has no legal pull to him and cannot get him.
no u totally missed it! lol ah , love, debbie being prince and paris' next of kin can get them. the kids can then request their next of kin, blanket, also be with them and be in the care of debbie. the state of california will not split kids up if they don't have to and in this case, they wouldn't have to. they would use the next of kin reason to make the explanations and decisions in court.

we don't have to understand her words or actions to see the results. her whining when he took thekids to bahrain was her way of sayng honor ur deal and let me see them. he did.

her lying got her on the stand and she told the state off pretty much and helped his case.

she's not a scapegoat b/c look, in the end mike fired her. he trusted her then, then when she took the kids to see debbie but he didn't trust her last yr when he fired her. last yr when all she would have to do is watch the kids at the house. not take them across the world.

deb said shemade her feel uncomfortable. the visitations were a wast eof time and inconsiderate and mike could be doing other stuff. who wants to go into an enviornment like that? i wouldn't. bad and negative energy. in the end, he fired grace.

and again, blanket's mother has no legal pull to him and cannot get him.

Katie you're fun to debate with. :)

It's clear that we both see things from very different points of view. I totally agree with you on one thing and it's that they will not get split up. I guess we'll just have to sit back and see how the cookie crumbles.

Once again, I hope it turns out for what's best for the kids.
me too and i have a very strong feeling that deb does too. so does katherine. that's y im glad she's finally standing up to folks. i hope she cleans house soon. i know the law is on her side and so is dna but that doesn't make u a mother. im glad she's smart enough to know that and wants to do it right. so i pray for all of them daily.

i worry about them just as i worry aboutmy own son. i never did when he was here. so i hope it all works out.

and ur fun too....lol i love it when people can debate and not take it personally. lol
me too and i have a very strong feeling that deb does too. so does katherine. that's y im glad she's finally standing up to folks. i hope she cleans house soon. i know the law is on her side and so is dna but that doesn't make u a mother. im glad she's smart enough to know that and wants to do it right. so i pray for all of them daily.

i worry about them just as i worry aboutmy own son. i never did when he was here. so i hope it all works out.

and ur fun too....lol i love it when people can debate and not take it personally. lol

Chile please....anybody up in here who wants to go taking everything said on this board to heart needs to step back, take a breath and slowly remove the stick they have up their butt. :lol:

Life's too short to work yourself up over stuff, especially when what we think or don't think has absolutely no bearing on the matter. :D
Chile please....anybody up in here who wants to go taking everything said on this board to heart needs to step back, take a breath and slowly remove the stick they have up their butt. :lol:

Life's too short to work yourself up over stuff, especially when what we think or don't think has absolutely no bearing on the matter. :D

:D co-sign
What did Debbie threaten? I can guess, but I'd like to know for certain...

Yup the estate paid her back and paid for the rest that was due to Forest Lawn. They also posted the cost of certain things for the funeral such as $1,975.50 for a wardrobe for the family.

$103K for total funeral expenses I believe.
My eyes can't stop rolling in this thread.

The very reasons or friendships deb has wit pple mike had.hello how u think she met schaffel?

And she has no say in the estate? She does if she makes a bid for her kids.

Let's see she cld get very messy and REAL and lay out the family baggage and when u throw the rwamba crazyness into it it just makes it worse

As for d ross and the kids going to her comparing that to joe is like comparing my foot to the eiffel tower.

Katherine has the kids b cuz debbie didn't pursue custody.if smething god forbid were to happen to miss K then someone in fam can step in but so can deb.

All this shyt talk is getting old and did I just read that randy was loaded and has no kids and the strife jermaine calls life was referred to as 'ups and downs'?

Either my blackberry's gone nuts or...

Joe simply wasn't mentioned in MJ's will. But Debbie was purposefully/intentionally/explicitly left out of the will by Michael Jackson. This must be for a reason, of which we may never know. All I know is that it isn't good. I think both her and Joe are on the same boat, just as Joe has no say, neither does Debbie, this MJ EMPHASIZED to the world. They are simply left at the mercy of Katherine and the executors. Because we all know that even if Debbie pursued custody, Katherine would have still come out with the children. What makes D.Rowe much more qualified? Because just as the Jacksons have baggage, she has her own too, if not more damning against her custody case. She herself said she didn't want to be a mother, what kind of environment would you force these kids into?:(

the above apply to you also ,you gotta accept that facts never supported the family position, because FACTS only exposed them more and more .

as for latoya. I don't believe her at all , I said we had no idea what was going behind doors in that house until latoya came forward . MJ then confirmed the story about abuse they received as children from joe .
was mj a liar? and we all know katherine defended him "that's all lies " . she will do the same now . but thank God in that house there is someone who hates joe more than mj and it is Janet . she will make his life a living hell if he ever did anything wrong to those three kids.
and joe is not the only abusive person there , Randy is a very abusive man also and mind you he had no reputation for being smart .

ofcourse they are like everyone not immune to problems , but have you ever heard of a family who keep their belovedone in a freezer for two and half months to finalize a deal to do a reality tv show ? have you ever heard of someone who had three death ceremonies ? have you ever heard of a dead person being charged for the clothes of his family ? I HAVE NOT

Not everyone has a Michael Jackson in their family. Of course I've never heard of such things. Speaking of facts and speculation, how do you know they kept MJ unburied for a reality show?
BC, IMHO, you don't just bury Michael Jackson anywhere,knowing he has extreme haters and extreme obsessive fans.Everything had to be done carefully and well. Imagine the criticism had they not buried MJ somehwere worthy of his stature or that lacked adequate security.
Also, you dont hear of such things because not every family is held under a radar as closely as the Jacksons are. But I'm pretty sure things of this nature, not of magnitude, happen everytime someone wealthy in a family unexpectedly dies leaving behind a mass of money. Based on your "facts" I'm assuming Janet charged MJ's estate for her attire too. :smilerolleyes:

Branca and co are the executors now, that's ALL we hoped for , there is no point anymore in arguing whether they have the right to control the money, mj did not want them , the judge agreed and we should accept that and move on.

Its great that you have accepted that we should not argue against the executors appointments, regardless of their history with MJ. On the same token, The Judge also agreed that Katherine is the permanent guardian for Prince,Paris and Blanket,Likewise "Move On".:angel:
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well, he agreed Branca and co were fit after a fight with katherine who knew "she lost " and had to do some damage control by distancing herself from joe, and balme him for everything .

on the other hand katherine only got those kids because Debbie did not object , you wanna bet that once Debbie ask for those kids , the chances of katherine losing them are above 90% . all Debbie gotta say , this is a family who used to send their 5,7.... years old sons to perfom in sex clubs to pay the rent and buy food, and at the end of the day instead of thanking those kids, they were beaten and called names .
well, he agreed Branca and co were fit after a fight with katherine who knew "she lost " and had to do some damage control by distancing herself from joe, and balme him for everything .

on the other hand katherine only got those kids because Debbie did not object , you wanna bet that once Debbie ask for those kids , the chances of katherine losing them are above 90% . all Debbie gotta say , this is a family who used to send their 5,7.... years old sons to perfom in sex clubs to pay the rent and buy food, and at the end of the day instead of thanking those kids, they were beaten and called names .
Ok, so when the will agrees with you, there is no contest. But when it doesn't suit you, it is disputable?
Ok, I expected that.
Debbie has nothing to say, MJ's intention in his will explicitly does not want to hear it. Nothing will ever change that. I am not putting anyone over anyone. I believe that Debbie has as much baggage as the Jackson family. So, I don't know how you're determining who deserves what.But it is in the children's best interest to be with their family right now, not someone who gave up her parental rights for 8 million dollars a year.I've been relcutant to quickly conclude that this whole anti-Jackson attitude is deeply rooted in race issues as some previous posters have pointed out, but now it becomes clearer and clearer to me...
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Woah, wait! If you are willing to accept what Latoya said in that book as fact, then I guess you're on the same page for her allegations of MJ being a child molestor. Maybe you will pick and choose what caters to your preference, as I assume.

That last comment about 3T was so uncalled for. I don't know what your deal is, seriously.

I absolutely agree. Totally over the line, but then there are so many it boggles my mind. The fact is they all seem pretty talented to me. I absolutely love 3T. Their songs are amazing. I love "Anything" & "I need You" are some of my favorites. Their videos are good too. I think Auggie is wonderful & hope he comes out with an album.
Chile please....anybody up in here who wants to go taking everything said on this board to heart needs to step back, take a breath and slowly remove the stick they have up their butt. :lol:

Life's too short to work yourself up over stuff, especially when what we think or don't think has absolutely no bearing on the matter. :D
lol man this should be like a sticky or something!

auggie is amazing. he's working on it. was gonna release one on midas but ended up re-recording a new cd and is on interscope now, i heard his tracks from the old label. yashi brought them to dinner....it was amazing but i love his new vibe. much more polished. 4 yrs makes a big difference.

and i think 3t are kinda focusing on themj3 at teh moment

and deb would be part of the estate if she got thekids cuz they're beneficiaries of it.
lol man this should be like a sticky or something!

auggie is amazing. he's working on it. was gonna release one on midas but ended up re-recording a new cd and is on interscope now, i heard his tracks from the old label. yashi brought them to dinner....it was amazing but i love his new vibe. much more polished. 4 yrs makes a big difference.

and i think 3t are kinda focusing on themj3 at teh moment

and deb would be part of the estate if she got thekids cuz they're beneficiaries of it.
what is 3t doing now? i loved their songs. i don't know whether they still in music industry now? Taj and tj seem very close to Mike,don't they?
Here is what worries me about the kids......and the estate, etc.

I am glad the judge is being 'fair' and not shutting people completely out and hearing all sides. I am sure there are many issues.

I don't think Michael ever planned on not being here for his children and did what he thought was best. He loved his mother, no matter what she did to her children, it was still his mother. There are hundreds and hundreds of books out there on dysfunctional families and attachments to 'mother' if anyone is interested in reading them. Most of us 'love' our mothers no matter what and in an abusive family things get pretty sticky.

I think Katherine has a loyalty to all of her family and its hard for her to leave them all out and not help out the other grandchildren too. However, this is where the judge and the lawyers for the children come in. The law says that the money that goes to the children needs to be accounted for. She can't just spend it on whatever she wants. She can choose to support Joe if thats what she wants to do with her inheritance. I am thinking Joe is all worried that if something happens to Katherine he is screwed.

I also find it really hard to believe he gets nothing from Motown or any of that. He has pissed away more money than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes. I don't feel sorry for him. He is trying to play the sympathy card and for me its not working.

The custody thing would be hard to even begin to go over my thoughts, but the biggest thing in Debbies favor is that everything had changed when Michael died. Yes, she gave up her kids to Michael Jackson. She didn't know he woud not be the parent later on and that would weight out deeply in court. Circumstances changed.

I do think these children have a long road ahead of them. They are being sheltered from the rest of the world right now which is good and bad. Good because they won't have to read the bad press about their father and bad because they also aren't getting the proper tools to deal with the bad press later on in life. We learn a lot of things from trial and error. They also are living in a 'bubble' in many ways and this is going to burst one day and its going to be rude for them to realize that not all the world loved their father and there were people out there who did bad things to him. What is it going to be like when they find that their own aunt was not always kind to him? Will they become angry that no one told them?

Its going to be tough for them. I DO hope they have a counselor and they keep on going to a counselor for help throughout their lives. They will need this.
Here is what worries me about the kids......and the estate, etc.

I am glad the judge is being 'fair' and not shutting people completely out and hearing all sides. I am sure there are many issues.

I don't think Michael ever planned on not being here for his children and did what he thought was best. He loved his mother, no matter what she did to her children, it was still his mother. There are hundreds and hundreds of books out there on dysfunctional families and attachments to 'mother' if anyone is interested in reading them. Most of us 'love' our mothers no matter what and in an abusive family things get pretty sticky.

I think Katherine has a loyalty to all of her family and its hard for her to leave them all out and not help out the other grandchildren too. However, this is where the judge and the lawyers for the children come in. The law says that the money that goes to the children needs to be accounted for. She can't just spend it on whatever she wants. She can choose to support Joe if thats what she wants to do with her inheritance. I am thinking Joe is all worried that if something happens to Katherine he is screwed.

I also find it really hard to believe he gets nothing from Motown or any of that. He has pissed away more money than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes. I don't feel sorry for him. He is trying to play the sympathy card and for me its not working.

The custody thing would be hard to even begin to go over my thoughts, but the biggest thing in Debbies favor is that everything had changed when Michael died. Yes, she gave up her kids to Michael Jackson. She didn't know he woud not be the parent later on and that would weight out deeply in court. Circumstances changed.

I do think these children have a long road ahead of them. They are being sheltered from the rest of the world right now which is good and bad. Good because they won't have to read the bad press about their father and bad because they also aren't getting the proper tools to deal with the bad press later on in life. We learn a lot of things from trial and error. They also are living in a 'bubble' in many ways and this is going to burst one day and its going to be rude for them to realize that not all the world loved their father and there were people out there who did bad things to him. What is it going to be like when they find that their own aunt was not always kind to him? Will they become angry that no one told them?

Its going to be tough for them. I DO hope they have a counselor and they keep on going to a counselor for help throughout their lives. They will need this.

You are making too many assumption about the kids. People said the exact same thing about Michael keeping his kids in the bubble. However, those kids are smart and seem to know exactly what has been going on. When Paris address the world for the first time, it seems like a conscious slap in the face to all those people who said Michael was not a good parent. Their dad was the most famous man in the world, there is so much that cannot be sheather from.

We do not know how they are living, so we should not make an assumption that are living inside a bubble just because they are not watching the news or reading the paper. It seems to me they know exactly what to do to defend their dad in the future, so I am not worry about that.

I do not thing they will need a consoler from the rest of their lives either. Children loss their parents young all the time and even though they feel a great lost, they usually recover. I think those kids will be the same way.
Ramon what about Blanket ? that kid will suffer the most so yeah a counselor is a must now and for many years to come .