[History concert] From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

I'd LOVE that!!! Oh my God!
Still I agree that Munich wouldn't be the best choice! There were much better shows. From the ones I've seen, I'd choose Leipzig. He was at his best there and the crowd was so loud, it was crazy! As they included that little bug scene in the Munich concert, I assume that the whole show is available in good quality.
Re: From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

It answers which National Park I live near by...Yellowstone National Park. The hot springs are just one part of the whole of the Natural beauty of the land.

Thanks for asking!


Grand Prismatic Spring

The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the United States, and the third largest in the world, next to those in New Zealand.

The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria in the microbial mats that grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water. The bacteria produce colors ranging from green to red; the amount of color in the microbial mats depends on the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids. In the summer, the mats tend to be orange and red, whereas in the winter the mats are usually dark green. The center of the pool is sterile due to extreme heat.


thanks :)
Re: From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

This will be highly embarassing if it does.

A great spectacle. But from a purely musical aspect, this will be utterly slated.

I have to agree. Releasing HIStory for theaters would do more harm than good to Michael's reputation as it was 90% lipsynch. People would think he always lipsynched his tours and concerts and that he couldn't sing live. Critics would have a field day with tearing him apart as a live performer.

I hope it doesn't happen. It's not a good idea IMO.

I'd rather have something from Bad, Victory or Dangerous Tour for theatrical release. Definitely not HIStory. That tour doesn't do Michael's talent justice.
I'd LOVE that!!! Oh my God!
Still I agree that Munich wouldn't be the best choice! There were much better shows. From the ones I've seen, I'd choose Leipzig. He was at his best there and the crowd was so loud, it was crazy! As they included that little bug scene in the Munich concert, I assume that the whole show is available in good quality.

that would be awesome :)
Or the birthday show in Copenhagen :)
History is by far my favorite MJ concert.
Re: From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

This is probably something the Estate is planning for masses and not just Michael's hardcore fan base. The constant complaining of certain fans is tiring.

I'm not one of the constant whiners, but if this is true then I'm worried, to be honest. I'd want the masses to see Michael at his best not in a tour where he lipsynched most of the time and surely that won't go unnoticed with the masses. Critics will tear him apart and people will think he could not sing live. They will think if this is what Michael's Estate puts out for theatrical release then certainly this is MJ at his best - when it's actually his weakest tour. I hope it doesn't happen. Or if it does then only as a low-key, fan release, not something targeting the masses.

I'm not criticizing Michael, I know he had problems with his vocal cords and all. But exactly because of that this is not MJ at his best.
I don't really care what they think. Because I know MJ was the greatest. I think you've missed the point though. I can't defend that which is indefensible. And it's not that I feel the need to convince or defend, it's just unspoken.

I don't want what is essentially a HUGE advert for Michael Jackson live to be a subpar performance.

It's the ability to think rationally that sometimes seems lost. Fans adore MJ so much that they'll take anything. I too think fondly of the HIStory tour as I was there and it means a lot to me from that aspect. It always will. I also adore his dancing on the HIStory tour, it's more mature more refined, more smooth and reserved in a way. But that doesn't change the fact that from a musical standpoint it's a complete non-event. And damaging to MJs legacy if it were to receive mass exposure through a wide theatrical release.

If I went to any other concert and the artist and band were pretending to play live, I'd be shocked. And extremely disappointed. And any other general concert-goer would feel exactly the same. MJ was a dynamo and the top of the pyramid when it come to live performance - any wide release should echo that.

It's simply out of wanting what's best for MJs legacy. Anyway that's all I'll say on this subject.

Personally, I LOVE the HWT! I know what people's complaints are…like he lip-synced, or missed a step or two, the video production wasn't the best, or he did not tour certain places… etc…

Well, I say, he was in his late 30's mind you and WHAT other artist has EVER Danced a WHOLE show at that age like Michael and sung for most of it? And lets not forget that he had laryngitis for sometime, and even then he performed for the fans that he loved. I think Michael is the most dedicated and perfectionist human being I've ever seen even though some fans want everything to be perfect (Nobody is perfect).

Fans have two choices… If you do not feel like you will enjoy/like this 3D HIStory Idea, you can choose not to pay attention it until it comes to be OR Judge it after watching it… (if it ever happens)...

We tend to get ahead ourselves sometimes and we need to slow down a bit methinks … And if after this 3D comes out and people start to complain about the quality or w.e., let them, because Michael's Legacy will Never diminish...

Let Michael's genius work its self out because it always does… :heart:

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I don't think that a release of this concert would damage MJ's legacy, that's an exaggerated assumption. And since when do we give a damn about some lame-ass critics? As earthlyme said, let's not get ahead of ourselves, the concert hasn't even been released yet. They released TII which was only a rehearsal. No big singing or dancing there. And yet people loved it (even though back then some fans worried about MJ's legacy, too. They said that it was only a rehearsal and not perfect, that MJ the perfectionist wouldn't have wanted to release this and so on. But in the end, it was a huge success)
Give Michael some credit. This was a very good concert! I know what I'm talking about, I was there in Munich and it was absolutely magical!
Do you really think that people will count all the steps and check if he missed one? Back then I didn't even know that it was lip-synced. We were all enthralled by Michael. He was a perfectionist but he was also only human. None of his concerts were the same. But I can honestly put the hand on my heart and say that I have never been disappointed by ANY of his shows! It has always been an amazing experience to see him live. Absolutely brilliant!
Come on, guys, this is about seeing Michael as the world's greatest entertainer and enjoying his show. It's Michael in HD and 3D in theatres!!! Can you imagine that???? *squeal* :wub:
If They were to release It I would say do the Hawaii shows
The problem with releasing any History tour concert on DVD or in cinemas is the sheer scale of playback. It wasn't just during the fast numbers, but even for songs like You Are Not Alone and Heal The World. I'm sure Mike had his reasons at the time for doing so - and if you hear WBSS when he's singing live he didn't sound good at all. So he obviously had some health issues/serious throat problems.

The problem was he was obliged by the record company to go out and tour to promote the album, so he had to do it even if he wasn't physically/vocally in shape to do so.
I don't think that a release of this concert would damage MJ's legacy, that's an exaggerated assumption. And since when do we give a damn about some lame-ass critics? As earthlyme said, let's not get ahead of ourselves, the concert hasn't even been released yet. They released TII which was only a rehearsal. No big singing or dancing there. And yet people loved it (even though back then some fans worried about MJ's legacy, too. They said that it was only a rehearsal and not perfect, that MJ the perfectionist wouldn't have wanted to release this and so on. But in the end, it was a huge success)

I wouldn't compare this to TII. About TII everybody, including non-fans, knew that was footage of a rehearsal and threated it accordingly. I also think when Michael sang live at TII rehearsals he sounded good. But I do think he had some kind of vocal problem during HIStory.

HIStory is not a rehearsal and so it won't be treated as a rehearsal where everybody knows Michael is not supposed to give his 100%. They will expect 100% of him and if they realize the concert is almost fully lip-synched that could bring a huge backlash to Michael. We, hard core fans know and accept that he had health problems during HIStory, but I don't think we can expect the general public be that tolerant.
Here I have to agree with respect77.

I, personally, wouldn't mind it, but I am a fan and I know this is not his best concert and I don't mind him lip-synching because I've heard him live before and I know how he sounds.

Other people won't know this.

It's not like I am complaining, I just really want what's best for him/his reputation. I don't want the critics tear it apart.. :(
Without a doubt, the worst show that could be ever set to being released. But well, what can you do, it's understandable since it is shot on HD so perfect for the release from technical aspect.
I think people are over stressing the fact that most of HWT Munich was playback! TII was mimed as well, at least in some songs, and I don't recall the general public even noticing that.
I think people are over stressing the fact that most of HWT Munich was playback! TII was mimed as well, at least in some songs, and I don't recall the general public even noticing that.

yes, but TII was a rehearsal and was treated as such.

I remember watching Munich with some friends and ofcourse they noticed the miming, it's pretty obvious, especially during YANA.
I think people are over stressing the fact that most of HWT Munich was playback! TII was mimed as well, at least in some songs, and I don't recall the general public even noticing that.

We're not sure if some of This Is It was lip synced or if they overdubbed vocals into the movie because for rehearsals Michael doesn't sing that much in some songs. Just look at Jam from Dangerous Tour Rehearsals he just sort of mumbles the lyrics there. So if Michael was doing the same thing for some songs in This Is It then it makes sense for them to overdub the vocals
He was on fire in Australia for the HWT, I'd like to see one of them ;) I know there's lots of bootlegs of Brisbane around, and Sydney was the one shown all over tv here!
We're not sure if some of This Is It was lip synced or if they overdubbed vocals into the movie because for rehearsals Michael doesn't sing that much in some songs. Just look at Jam from Dangerous Tour Rehearsals he just sort of mumbles the lyrics there. So if Michael was doing the same thing for some songs in This Is It then it makes sense for them to overdub the vocals

Yeah, in TII he even half-jokingly complained to Ortega after he sang IJCSLY live that he wasn't supposed to sing it because he should save his voice. So I don't think it's fair to compare TII (a rehearsal) to HWT (a concert).
Yeah, in TII he even half-jokingly complained to Ortega after he sang IJCSLY live that he wasn't supposed to sing it because he should save his voice. So I don't think it's fair to compare TII (a rehearsal) to HWT (a concert).

And if they did release This Is It as it was with MJ possibly mumbling the lyrics like he did on some songs during the Dangerous Tour rehearsals then that would have done more harm than good. Because people would have been saying ''Look at how unhealthy he was, he can't even manage to sing a full song! all he does his mumble'' or they would hav said ''Wth all the drugs he's taking no wonder he can't sing straight''
if Michael was ever paranoid, i could understand, with all the unnecessary negative imaginings he had to hear. He gave so much that was great. What more could he give? What is the point of audience satisfaction?
if Michael was ever paranoid, i could understand, with all the unnecessary negative imaginings he had to hear. He gave so much that was great. What more could he give? What is the point of audience satisfaction?

We are not criticizing Michael. That is not the point of this discussion and I think all of us made it clear. We know Michael gave his all, we know that he was not healthy during HIStory so to lip-synch his concerts was a compromise. But the thread is about whether the Estate should release exactly HIStory Tour, which was arguably his weakest tour, for theatrical release. IMO they shouldn't as it doesn't do justice to Michael's real talent as a live performer.

If fans want it, release it on DVD, as a low-key fan release, but definitely not as a hugely advertised release, complete with theatrical release, where people are led to believe this is his best, when we all know he could do a lot better.
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if Michael was ever paranoid, i could understand, with all the unnecessary negative imaginings he had to hear. He gave so much that was great. What more could he give? What is the point of audience satisfaction?

You,i and all people in this forum may understand why MJ had to lip synch that much during the History tour and don't care that much about it . Casual fans, critics and people who may see the History concert, if it ever gets released, will not give a damn about MJ's psychology or the taught times that he went through at that point and that most probably made him depend so much on miming. All they will see is a man lip synching like crazy. And we can pretty much imagine what they will all say about MJ. So i don't think releasing History tour is such a good idea. Because it shows MJ at his worst and i don't think it does much justice to his talent and him as an artist.
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We are not criticizing Michael. That is not the point of this discussion and I think all of us made it clear. We know Michael gave his all, we know that he was not healthy during HIStory so to lip-synch his concerts was a compromise. But the thread is about whether the Estate should release exactly HIStory Tour, which was arguably his weakest tour, for theatrical release. IMO they shouldn't as it doesn't do justice to Michael's real talent as a live performer.

If fans want it, release it on DVD, as a low-key fan release, but definitely not as a hugely advertised release, complete with theatrical release, where people are led to believe this is his best, when we all know he could do a lot better.

"his weakest" is waaayyy to overstated. sorry. if you have problem with all the lipsynching and the "missed moves", ok, but history tour had his best dancing from all tours. the weakest is Victory. his dancing is to fast and un-precise. followed by Bad tour. Its been said many times we see things that average people don't. And all the releases in the last 10 years are lipsynced and heavy over-tuned plus mixed with pre-recorded vocals. so nothing new, nothing different then the other concert releases by other artists.
Again, you guys are totaly ignoring that era with such comments. if you feel ashamed (when (if) that tour gets cinema release), when sitting in the theatre whille watching what other may think, then wait till the blu-ray is out. He has always getting also negative reviews, no matter how ggod he was.

that did had negative reviews at the time, also positive. its been seen by millions of people on tv all these years. cinema release problably won't even get that much viewers.

fans take everything way to serious.

Average viewer= Michael Jackson is dancing, grabing his crotch, doing cool moves and is singing song i like

Fans= he is lipsynchin, missed here a step, didn't do that move very clear, doesn't look good, missed the finger toe-step, did't say 'aouwww' there, "hey, noo he-he here", his trousers doesn't look that good as in the other concert, "again missed step, whats wrong with him?".............. so on and on and on.

And the funny thinhg is, it was never officially announced its going to be released in 3d. doesn't mean if it really happens, cinema release will be. And you (all) already bitching that tour even more then before.
so basically, only the bad tour is good enough?

I think Dangerous would be good as well. Although he lip-synched a couple of songs there as well but not as many and not as blatantly as on HIStory (which was almost fully lip-synch). Vitcory and Triumph would be good as well.

Most ideal for a theatrical release IMO would be Bad Tour, because IMO that was his peak as a live performer, so I still wish they somehow find those lost U-matics.
"his weakest" is waaayyy to overstated. sorry. if you have problem with all the lipsynching and the "missed moves", ok, but history tour had his best dancing from all tours. the weakest is Victory. his dancing is to fast and un-precise. followed by Bad tour. Its been said many times we see things that average people don't. And all the releases in the last 10 years are lipsynced and heavy over-tuned plus mixed with pre-recorded vocals. so nothing new, nothing different then the other concert releases by other artists.

Again, you guys are totaly ignoring that era with such comments. if you feel ashamed (when (if) that tour gets cinema release), when sitting in the theatre whille watching what other may think, then wait till the blu-ray is out. He has always getting also negative reviews, no matter how ggod he was.

that did had negative reviews at the time, also positive. its been seen by millions of people on tv all these years. cinema release problably won't even get that much viewers.

fans take everything way to serious.

Average viewer= Michael Jackson is dancing, grabing his crotch, doing cool moves and is singing song i like

Fans= he is lipsynchin, missed here a step, didn't do that move very clear, doesn't look good, missed the finger toe-step, did't say 'aouwww' there, "hey, noo he-he here", his trousers doesn't look that good as in the other concert, "again missed step, whats wrong with him?".............. so on and on and on.

And the funny thinhg is, it was never officially announced its going to be released in 3d. doesn't mean if it really happens, cinema release will be. And you (all) already bitching that tour even more then before.

Calm down, please. We are not "bitching". Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion even if it's not the same as yours and even if we don't say everything MJ did was always perfect.

Where I live lip-synching is seen as a VERY serious downer in the rating of concerts. I can only hope if they release this then it will be done so that non-fans/critics won't realize, because if they do, I know that would be a serious blow to Michael's reputation. I'd prefer to avoid that, that's all.

And I know that for haters Michael is never good enough, I don't worry about such people. But you have to admit that critics would be right in criticizing Michael for lip-synching here, because indeed he did lip-synch. It's not "bitching" to call things by their name.

I know that most fans don't care that he lip-synched on HIStory. We also know why he did. But if the goal is to showcase what a brilliant live performer he was (because HE WAS!) - and that's what a theatrical release suggests - then I don't think this is the best choice. Any other tour would be better IMO.
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I think Dangerous would be good as well. Although he lip-synched a couple of songs there as well but not as many and not as blatantly as on HIStory (which was almost fully lip-synch). Vitcory and Triumph would be good as well.

Most ideal for a theatrical release IMO would be Bad Tour, because IMO that was his peak as a live performer, so I still wish they somehow find those lost U-matics.

They need to find the film reels if they want to release it in theaters.