[History concert] From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

Haters always doing to hate. They won't change their minds, no matter what you show them or tell them or prove them. Let them think. You can expect everyone in this world to acknowledge his talent. Thats like to convince an atheist that there is God.
Even the best performance Michael ever did won't change anything.

I don't understand why some fans are so much fixed what critics, none fans and haters think.

If you let go that, you'll feel much better and won't give a f***what others think.
I definitely wouldn't mind a HWT release and if Munich is the only one captured on film, then I say go on with it. IF it's the only one, by all means it should get released. If Michael's vocals are not that good, it can be dealt with roperly (e.g. play back).
Michael's vocals were not that good in some songs on TII and I don't see anyone complaining or saying it shouldn't ever have been released.

It would be a great injustice to michael's legacy to not release the HWT properly. However somehow I still don't see there being only one show shot on film. Come on, it's Michael Jackson, the biggest legend ion the music industry. That's why I still believe that some day we'll be seeing a HD Bad Tour, maybe not this time, maybe it'll take 5, 10 or 20 years to discover the film.
i don't know why it is, that the singing voice, that is, to me, the greatest singing voice of all time, is also, the singing voice i have heard the most complaints about, concerning HIStory. I've never heard him sound bad. And, the one time i heard his voice dip, during a dance move, on the 30th anniversary concert, somehow...it sounded right. I don't know how else to explain it, but, since Michael's voice was, and always will be 'So Michael', and so, unlike anyone else's...it always sounded right to me, when he performed, and sounds right on all his recordings. The most outstandingly bad, anything ever sounded to me, regarding him, wasn't really him sounding bad...it was an attempted Motown recording, where it sounded like his bosses wanted to trap him into singing badly, because the notes written, were too high for any human being..ordinary, or extraordinary...and it sounded as if they thought he was so great, they were immediately envious, and hoped he had a limit. I never felt this way about singers. There was a time that I thought there were a chosen few of singers that couldn't mess up..and it made me wonder if i was ever capable of being as objective as possible for a person with an opinion..but then i heard Stevie Wonder mess up. He was one of the ones i regarded as the chosen few. That's when i realized i was as objective as it is possible to be for a human being, with an opinion. And of course, human beings all have opinions, which limits objectivity to some extent. I've heard opera singers mess up..and, before that, i didn't think they could mess up.
It's people's lost if they didn't find magic in The History World Tour. When many of us watch it for the first time, we were children, blew us away and we didn't give a damn if it was lip syncked or not.
Millions of us didn't have the chance to see him perform, that's why it was meaningful (if it's your case as well) the first concert we watch on TV.

I'm excited about, I'll support it and it'll make come true the dream of millions of crazy girls like moi: to see Michael's gorgeous body wearing THE GOLD PANTS IN 3D! :dribble:

I like the HIStory Tour but i do think it's the weakest of his tours and as a straight male i don't give a crap about the gold pants lol
It's people's lost if they didn't find magic in The History World Tour. When many of us watch it for the first time, we were children, blew us away and we didn't give a damn if it was lip syncked or not.
Millions of us didn't have the chance to see him perform, that's why it was meaningful (if it's your case as well) the first concert we watch on TV.

I'm excited about, I'll support it and it'll make come true the dream of millions of crazy girls like moi: to see Michael's gorgeous body wearing THE GOLD PANTS IN 3D! :dribble:

^^^ I agree 100%. I'm totally for it and will support it! I love the HIStory era. I watch more video of that series of concerts on YouTube than any other tours.
Haters always doing to hate. They won't change their minds, no matter what you show them or tell them or prove them. Let them think. You can expect everyone in this world to acknowledge his talent. Thats like to convince an atheist that there is God.
Even the best performance Michael ever did won't change anything.

I don't understand why some fans are so much fixed what critics, none fans and haters think.

If you let go that, you'll feel much better and won't give a f***what others think.

I don't really care what they think. Because I know MJ was the greatest. I think you've missed the point though. I can't defend that which is indefensible. And it's not that I feel the need to convince or defend, it's just unspoken.

I don't want what is essentially a HUGE advert for Michael Jackson live to be a subpar performance.

It's the ability to think rationally that sometimes seems lost. Fans adore MJ so much that they'll take anything. I too think fondly of the HIStory tour as I was there and it means a lot to me from that aspect. It always will. I also adore his dancing on the HIStory tour, it's more mature more refined, more smooth and reserved in a way. But that doesn't change the fact that from a musical standpoint it's a complete non-event. And damaging to MJs legacy if it were to receive mass exposure through a wide theatrical release.

If I went to any other concert and the artist and band were pretending to play live, I'd be shocked. And extremely disappointed. And any other general concert-goer would feel exactly the same. MJ was a dynamo and the top of the pyramid when it come to live performance - any wide release should echo that.

It's simply out of wanting what's best for MJs legacy. Anyway that's all I'll say on this subject.
It's not just DVD/blu-ray release. It is also cinema release and in 3D. Imagine watching a Michael Jackson concert in 3D in cinema. That will be a whole new experience for all, including us who saw München 10 times. Imagine perfect picture quality on the big screen and Michael's music blasting from the giant speakers. In my opinion it will be better than This Is It because it is full concert, not half documentary and it will be in 3D! Fans should support this.

And I would rather have HWT München on blu-ray or on DVD in perfect quality than BWT Wembley in poor VHS quality.
They should release Munich concert on Blu-Ray but not in theaters. Other HTW concert in theaters would be better because Michael didn't sound very good when he was singing live in Munich:

But Munich shows were the only shows that were shot in HD so there is not much choice.
&...The most outstandingly bad, anything ever sounded to me, regarding him, wasn't really him sounding bad...it was an attempted Motown recording, where it sounded like his bosses wanted to trap him into singing badly, because the notes written, were too high for any human being..ordinary, or extraordinary...and it sounded as if they thought he was so great, they were immediately envious, and hoped he had a limit...

What Motown record are you talking abut??
:bugeyed :bugeyed :bugeyed Blasphemy!

IKR, :shock: No other clothing has caused so much commotion and hysteria but THE GOLD PANTS... :swoon:

as a straight male i don't give a crap about the gold pants lol

I know straight dudes don't give a fuck about the gold pants but us women have the right to express our enthusiasm about it and if you don't like it, you can kiss his gold royal butt! :pth:

Snow White I know straight dudes don't give a fuck about the gold pants but us women have the right to express our enthusiasm about it[/QUOTE said:
When did i say that women have no right to say they like the gold pants? Like them all you want. I just said that i didn't care for them that's all
Maybe u straight guys just don't want to admit it!! ;) ;)

Joking aside, I would love the History tour to be released, although I'd prefer Dangerous or Bad tour because of his voice... but oh well, it would definitely be a great VISUAL experience to say the least :D
you know what? it literally wasn't safe for him to tour the usa at that time. that's how hostile the media was. but like you said, he went to the islands twice so that's a usa tour, considering that there were countries he never was able to visit. but he did more than enough considering what he went through. there were times that i wasn't the only one who felt that if he toured some of the states during that time, there might be snipers nearby.

I don't know about that...I think your idea of snipers is a bit extreme. He became a punchline for comics, not the worlds most hated man.

I remember he didn't want to do it because he felt the U.S. media was too hostile. Meanwhile, Europe wasn't exactly his best friend either.
It would have been awesome even if he did a small N.A. tour. There's no question it would have sold out. ESPECIALLY since he stopped the Dangerous Tour before it ever hit the U.S.

But, whatevs
Were there any concerts from the Dangerous Tour shot on film? Or could they upscale Bucharest into HD? Seeing the Dangerous Tour on the big screen would be alot better than seeing the HIStory Tour. From the toaster intro to the rocket man outtro Dangerous Tour kicks ass
Were there any concerts from the Dangerous Tour shot on film? Or could they upscale Bucharest into HD? Seeing the Dangerous Tour on the big screen would be alot better than seeing the HIStory Tour. From the toaster intro to the rocket man outtro Dangerous Tour kicks ass

If it was the real, non edited Bucharest show I'd love to see it in HQ...
I definitely want another Dangerous Tour show released, that's for sure.
I don't know about that...I think your idea of snipers is a bit extreme. He became a punchline for comics, not the worlds most hated man.

I remember he didn't want to do it because he felt the U.S. media was too hostile. Meanwhile, Europe wasn't exactly his best friend either.
It would have been awesome even if he did a small N.A. tour. There's no question it would have sold out. ESPECIALLY since he stopped the Dangerous Tour before it ever hit the U.S.

But, whatevs

Nope..my idea is not extreme. I saw message boards back then, in the late nineties. the hate was such that if you didn't know who they were referring to, you would think it was Hitler. I'm not exaggerating. i was afraid for him. i lived through that period. i used to cry at the responses radio stations gave, when i requested his songs. i was there, experiencing it..and i wasn't Michael. i couldn't imagine being him at that time.

Always, after the fact, people mellow out. Now they think he would have sold out in the usa. but then, it was different. i didn't want him to tour here back then,.but it wasn't because i didn't want to see him. back then, i wanted to see Ghosts..but..nope..USA wasn't having it. it wasn't just a joke to haters here. MJ fans felt alone, here. i certainly did.

I mean...who do you know that has been taken to court, based on a tabloid tv special, besides Michael? To me, that is the sign of utter hate. And it lasted from 93, through HIStory and beyond, to his death. Madonna admitted it on MTV. If anybody wishes i was wildly exaggerating, here...it's me.
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Yall need to stop posting those things. I am a straight guy and i was about to compromise, and post that as my wallpaper.:mat::D
Re: From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

i hear what you're saying. They were tough.

What is that, pictured in your signature?
It answers which National Park I live near by...Yellowstone National Park. The hot springs are just one part of the whole of the Natural beauty of the land.

Thanks for asking!


Grand Prismatic Spring

The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is the largest hot spring in the United States, and the third largest in the world, next to those in New Zealand.

The vivid colors in the spring are the result of pigmented bacteria in the microbial mats that grow around the edges of the mineral-rich water. The bacteria produce colors ranging from green to red; the amount of color in the microbial mats depends on the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoids. In the summer, the mats tend to be orange and red, whereas in the winter the mats are usually dark green. The center of the pool is sterile due to extreme heat.

Fans need to remember that non-fans or casual fans do not see what we see. We've watched his performances thousands of times over, personally ive seen Munich so many times I know every single facial expression he does through the whole show, (and I still love the performance), so we know when he missed a step or a lyric...but casual fans have no idea. All they will see is Michael Jackson doing what he does best, they wouldn't know if he messed up because it is never obvious.

And I feel sorry for the estate having to read through the boards to see what fans want...they'd just have to skip through the whinge whinge whinge shit.
History tour was the first of the times i would start to follow Michael all round Europe. I remember the excitement of hearing the announcements of the start of the History tour to kick off in Prague! I HAD TO GO!
So me along with friends and family took a very long coach tour through six countries to get to Michaels first ever concert for years since Dangerous tour.
I went to see him once in 1 in prague, 1 in France, 3 times in UK. I would of gone more if i could of had more time off work but it was no to be.
It was the first time also i was introduced to his god given talent right in front of me as he rehearsed accapella right in front of a select group of people. I also was very blessed to actually get to meet Michael on 2 occasions, Michael was very kind in the way he looked after his fans and i was very lucky to meet and and share that L.O.V.E. that he had for us all!

Dam i miss it so much
Plus what i meant to say was when outside his hotel in Prague he told us all that he was filming a HIStory tour dvd plus making of! We was going to be all included on it! I mean it definetly was not the first time he had hung a kid out of the window he done the same with Prince when he was in Prague but there was no press to give him crap there and he knew exactly what he was doing. Michael was always the joker!

So in concluding do i want HIStory!!! OF COURSE!!!
Like I said before, I'll fully support The HIStory Tour release. The Munich concert was my first experience watching him in a concert and I'll treasure it no matter if some fans are acting like haters scrutinizing that show even though we know the hell he went through.
Perhaps The Estate could release The Royal concert in Brunei, he could sing more songs live...

Just a suggestion...

Yall need to stop posting those things. I am a straight guy and i was about to compromise, and post that as my wallpaper.:mat::D

Sorry 144,000, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble! ;) But you have to agree it was necessary. :p
Most MJ fans are female and what some straight guys were expecting? To not see excitement and enthusiasm from female fans? HELL NAW! :nono:
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SO when exactly will this be coming out? I mean its anniversary comes around technically every year, but a landmark anniversary is not til a couple more.

PS.. No reason to nit pick > For the most part havent we said for YEARS how we wish every tour was released?? Then we need to start appreciating!! 3 tours released or set to be released.. and some day more to come..

And to tell you the truth, from a stand point of what I have shown to others, several people favor the HIStory tour because the dancing has more rigid, robotic popping, and more of a poppy dance style that people are into today.. People at large are hip hop dance fans, sadly dance styles that are outside of the relm gets under appreciated. But in this case, it favors the tour.