[History concert] From the MJ2040 Spaceship to 3D Cinemas!

if you think it's so easy, then I ask you to sing at full voice for two hours and to dance Michael's Choreography before you complain.

The general public won't care about the ''try and sing and dance at the same time'' argument. All they'll see is a man lip syncing 90% of a concert and they'll rip him apart for it.

And Michael's reasons for lip syncing most of the HIStory Tour wasn't because he couldn't sing and dance at the same time anymore. His reasons was because he was clearly having problems with his voice at the time. Just listen to how rough and scratchy it sounds when he does sing live on the HIStory Tour. But again the general public isn't going to care that he had health problems and they won't be as understanding as fans
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Why are we already under so many assumptions?? We don't even know exactly what the estate is planning to showcase!
It seems that people are thinking that the estate are a bunch of blockheads working on the Munich tour and spending hours endlessly to convert it into 3D despite knowing the fact that the tour is out there in YT.
It really doesn't make sense!
HIStory was a BIG tour and the recordings that we've got hold of doesn't even show 10% of Michael's performances. The estate has every recording there is, so we can expect some really good never before seen performances.
I have been searching a lot on this tours. For the Indian concert, Michael said that it was the best concert he gave so far (although it was just Nov'96). The quality of the video I've got hold of is pathetic, but he does some really cool moves here.

And WHY are people even comparing Michael Jackson to Britney Spears and Justin Beiber?! :blink: Michael Jackson's performance with lip sync is still at par over them! His dancing is unbeatable! The energy levels he had was amazing! People had still be left with awe! This whole thing reminds me of Cirque De Soleil all over again when a lot of fans had criticized its not going to work, but now its the highest earning tour in the world! We should really give them a chance, am sure they have a really good plan on how to show HIStory (they had know better than to show Michael lipsyncing in 3D!). Lets just wait and watch what its all gonna be about.
I hope the estate reveal more about this to the fans.
And WHY are people even comparing Michael Jackson to Britney Spears and Justin Beiber?! :blink: Michael Jackson's performance with lip sync is still at par over them! His dancing is unbeatable! The energy levels he had was amazing! People had still be left with awe! This whole thing reminds me of Cirque De Soleil all over again when a lot of fans had criticized its not going to work, but now its the highest earning tour in the world! We should really give them a chance, am sure they have a really good plan on how to show HIStory (they had know better than to show Michael lipsyncing in 3D!). Lets just wait and watch what its all gonna be about.
I hope the estate reveal more about this to the fans.

The Estate releases have been a hit or miss so far: for every Cirque du Soleil there is a "Michael" album. So I don't think we can say so far that we can blindly trust their judgement when it comes to Michael's art and that they surely will represent MJ at his best.

People do take major issues with artists who lip-synch these days. So yeah, prepere for MJ to be compared to Bieber and Britney Spears and be torn to pieces as an artist if they release HIStory tour to the cinemas.

That India show is lip-synched just as the rest of them. The general audience won't care about "some cool moves" when he lip-synchs through a whole show. I really don't understand why some insist that these shows, which were his worst, be put in the cinemas to represent him as a "live" performer in front of a wider audience when there are LOT better and lot more impressive shows that the Estate could represent him with. Prepare for a HUGE backlash if it happens. I really hope the Estate come to their senses about it.
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Just because you're a Michael Jackson fan it doesn't mean that you have to accept everything with the name ''Michael Jackson'' on it. If we just accept anything The Estate throws at us then they'll never learn